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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings




1. Gave them Bronze-aged beliefs to follow in a self-contradictory book?

2. Sent you only Son among them for them to kill?

3. Told them it was wrong to eat from one plant, but didn't give them the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and furthermore, made that same plant able to give them that ability?



Either that or he changes into animals to have sex with their women.



No mostly I kill them with impunity when they crawl from their nooks so they try to appease me with offerings of dead flies and other insects

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


He's easily surprised. =)


Case in point


Abraham & Abraham Lincoln; one was a nation builder, the other rebuilt a nation. Coincidence?



Not to me.


John Wilkes booth & John of Patmos; one was an assassin, one authored an apocolypse.




Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary jabs moth

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Wouldn't that be like Zeus looking down on humanity and claiming they are trying to appease him with the dumped remains of slaughterhouse animals? :nonp:


Which is more or less what happened.

At the First Sacrifice, Zeus was given a choice of meat covered in entails (or "hidden in the beast's stomach") or a pile of bones covered in "glistening fat."

He chose the latter, and because this was the First Sacrifice it determined the division between Gods and Men ever after - thus the Greeks sacrificed by burning the bones with the fat.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that Gods seem to like the smell of burning fat.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Either that or he changes into animals to have sex with their women.


But don't some spider species have it so that the female kills and eats the male after the act? :shock:


Which is why a race of intelligent and spiritaully inclined spiders would worship a Male God rather than a Female Goddess - He who bestows both sustenance and fertility, preserving the life of both the individual and the species.


See' date=' religion is pretty complicated.[/quote']


But fascinating.


Lucius Alexander


Hecatomb of palindromedaries

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I dreamed that I was about to call someone and realized that I had picked up someone else's cell phone by mistake.


Then I dreamed that I was pulling my pants on and they didn't fit - I had someone else's pants.


Not all that hard to make sense of. I've known for years that I'm living someone else's life.


I just hope that if he ever shows up and wants his life back, he's got mine ready for me.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is mine. No question.

That sounds like a reason for therapy, not other types of worry, to me.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You snooze' date=' you loose![/quote']


You snooze, you lose your booze!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that some people play fast and lose with spelling, but advises Lucius not to loose his cool over it. They're just loosers!

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