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Is this sick or what?


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Sometimes, I have to give Brian credit. He's got a really perverse mind. In our last session we finally found out the reason behind a spree of mass kiddnapping by our local mad mutant inventor, "Junkyard" Jenny. Many babies had been taken from various maternity wards across the Los Angeles over the past few days and we couldn't figure out why. There was no connection to them, racially, finacially or genetically. No ransom demands. Nothing.


She was using them for WETWARE! They've been non lethally wired into her latest series of combat robots that use their brains as organic processors!. The child is visible behind of a armored alloy bubble in the robot's chest and quite alive. Gearhead (our tech) thinks he could easily get them free if he could get one, but these bots are really tough and of course, we hold back because..well, there's babies inside those things!


Just wanted to share a really clever idea, IMO.

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Re: Is this sick or what?


Wait until he brings out the baby canon.


I wouldn't put it past him. He has this thing for evil children. Our biggest mastermind, Generation, is still in the womb! She's an incredibly powerful mentalist and basically using her mother as mobile suit (She's given her superpowers by mind controlling her to install cybernetics and genetic upgrades Generation developed. We can only hope she telepathically dulled the pain...) and has a small army of pro mutant zealot followers. They think Generation is the mother, not the child she is carrying.

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Re: Is this sick or what?


I wouldn't put it past him. He has this thing for evil children. Our biggest mastermind' date=' Generation, is still in the womb! She's an incredibly powerful mentalist and basically using her mother as mobile suit (She's given her superpowers by mind controlling her to install cybernetics and genetic upgrades Generation developed. We can only hope she telepathically dulled the pain...) and has a small army of pro mutant zealot followers. They think Generation is the mother, not the child she is carrying.[/quote']

Heh... that rocks! Making notes...

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Re: Is this sick or what?


She was using them for WETWARE! They've been non lethally wired into her latest series of combat robots that use their brains as organic processors!.


Reminds me of an old Shadowrun plot hook. Dr Halberstam is using children's brains as Uber-Hackers. The children are raised "jacked in", so they don't realize that there is any reality other than the Matrix.


And for the record, the sourcebook was published in 1996, some years before Neo and his Merry Men became a cultural icon.

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Re: Is this sick or what?


Reminds me of an old Shadowrun plot hook. Dr Halberstam is using children's brains as Uber-Hackers. The children are raised "jacked in", so they don't realize that there is any reality other than the Matrix.


And for the record, the sourcebook was published in 1996, some years before Neo and his Merry Men became a cultural icon.


White Wolf has used a similar idea as a Technocracy project.

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Re: Is this sick or what?


considering the W. Bros (I'm not even going to try and spell that name and don't want to look it up) credit Ghost In The Shell for some ideas seeds the whole "Jacked In, Matrix" idea is not theirs or new - but they did take it and smash it into the face of pop-culture, credit should be given for that feat.


As for the mentalist in the womb .. what happens when mommy gives birth? ... squishing time.


Twisted twisted ideas ... I like 'em.

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Re: Is this sick or what?


My villain team of female battlesuit operators has had several pregnencies and births.


Several of them carry their babies around with them in their modified mechs.


Most evil baby plot I think I ever ran was the immortal leader of the Evil Space Empire who gave birth to a baby boy. While teaching the baby how to teleport (like her), the baby vanishes and is never seen again.


8,000 years later, she discovers that he teleported himslef to Earth, grew up to be Gilgamesh, and a large number of Earth's heroes are descended from him.


She of course, treates them all as lost babies...

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Re: Is this sick or what?


My villain team of female battlesuit operators has had several pregnencies and births.


Several of them carry their babies around with them in their modified mechs.


Most evil baby plot I think I ever ran was the immortal leader of the Evil Space Empire who gave birth to a baby boy. While teaching the baby how to teleport (like her), the baby vanishes and is never seen again.


8,000 years later, she discovers that he teleported himslef to Earth, grew up to be Gilgamesh, and a large number of Earth's heroes are descended from him.


She of course, treates them all as lost babies...


"Dude, the archvillainess just gave you a Time Out.."


"Could've been worse, she sent Captain Godlike to his room without dinner."

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Re: Is this sick or what?


That's messed up Katherine' date=' but I've heard worse- over on RPG.Net there was one guy talking about a villain in his game that the gm decked out in [b']Baby Armor[/b]- as in, live babies strapped all over his body as a defensive measure- now THAT'S sick!:sick:




Oh lord, that made me tear up.


Baby armor. Jesus. I hope they were playing HoL or something along those lines, and it wasn't suppossed to be taken seriously. Because in most games, I'd just be like "No really, what's he got on. It's really babies? You're dumb, I'm going home."

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Is this sick or what?


I wouldn't put it past him. He has this thing for evil children. Our biggest mastermind' date=' Generation, is still in the womb! She's an incredibly powerful mentalist and basically using her mother as mobile suit (She's given her superpowers by mind controlling her to install cybernetics and genetic upgrades Generation developed. We can only hope she telepathically dulled the pain...) and has a small army of pro mutant zealot followers. They think Generation is the mother, not the child she is carrying.[/quote']


Just a note on Generation:

I had a thought for a heroic equivalent to that. (Essentially, some nonhuman races mature slower than humans do... there's this poor woman who's had a half-titan inside her since 1971. Whose brain has matured somewhat, and thus can use their innate magics on Mommy...)


But the battlesuit approach, is nasty....

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Re: Is this sick or what?


How about the player in one of my old games who created a character who had an underdeveloped conjoined twin. Sort of a cyst-er.


The cyst had massive mental powers, including Illusions and Force Field projection. The body was a brain-damaged, wheelchair bound invalid.


All the villains they fought had to be horribly evil, cuz who would beat up on someone in a wheelchair?

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Re: Is this sick or what?


I wouldn't put it past him. He has this thing for evil children. Our biggest mastermind' date=' Generation, is still in the womb! She's an incredibly powerful mentalist and basically using her mother as mobile suit (She's given her superpowers by mind controlling her to install cybernetics and genetic upgrades Generation developed. We can only hope she telepathically dulled the pain...) and has a small army of pro mutant zealot followers. They think Generation is the mother, not the child she is carrying.[/quote']

Really? Run into that idea before.. sort of. It was in a comic book wherein two writers were given the same panels of a comic book with no script. They then had to write out the dialogue and figure out the plot from the pics. One version had two pregnant mothers fighting it out with blades... but in reality their unborn children were controlling them. In the end, the "good" baby won out by causing the birth of the other baby... robbing him of all his / her abilities.


But it just made me think... "this is so wrong... on so many levels".

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Re: Is this sick or what?


Warpath one of our villainous teams did something nasty.


They kidnapped babies from hospitals. They eventually turned up as PSIKO

The Psi Killing Organism basically a whole mass of brains in a tank used as a mentalist. The pic is still in the Superhero Art Thread.


That was nasty. how's about this for sick ?


What's the difference between a truck full of marbles and a truck full of babies ?


You can't unload a truck full of marbles with a pitch fork.

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