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i feel humiliated


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Re: i feel humiliated


In our campaign we only make a "natural" 3 a critical hit, and that only if the attacking character could hit the target normally. It doesn't make sense for agents or low-CV characters who can only hit a character on a roll of 3 anyway to always get a critical hit whenever they do connect. So if they only hit because they rolled "3" but normally they'd need a "-6" roll to hit then it's not critical. Just a regular hit.


Rather than doing double damage, we have it do either max damage or have some other combat-impairing effect (like dropping their Focus or releasing their hostage) or whatever else seems to add drama to the story. No hard and fast rules, we just use what feels right.

Yeah, to be clear it's a natural 3 as well here. Same with a natural 18 as to the opposite issue. Adjusted 3s/18s don't matter.


If somebody rolled crappy damage, btw, I'd certainly add something beyond just doubling it or just something entirely else.

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Re: i feel humiliated


thanks guys you have been a ton of help


i think i am going to end up going with option # 1

they just destroyed a robot copy of him.


the PCs however have just been teleported to the far side of the universe, with an entire city. once they finally get back to earth they will find Dr. Destroyer waiting for them. *evil laughter* :eg:


You could even work Dr. D into the current plotline.

Whatever powerful force teleported an entire city, could have gotten the good Dr. a bit earlier.

He could even show up as an "ally" in the final assault, if needed.

The explanation?

When he disappeared from Earth a week or so ago, one of his robot doubles was automatically activated.

They could get a chance to see what the real thing was capable of, when he was blasting the enemy forces, without paying the ultimate price for the knowledge. ;)

And the insult of teleporting his person without his permission would make him much more interested in smiting those responsible than crushing a few insignificant superheroes.


After things are restored to normal, they can be told in no uncertain terms that all bets are off and that they have not made a new "friend".


(A massive explosive device left behind in their headquarters could be a good way of getting this across. Not that you would let them die, just let them know that the Dr. is not to be trifled with.)



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Re: i feel humiliated


For what little it's worth, I've actually seen a 250 point character take down Dr. D. It was 4th Edition, the High-End Dr. Destroyer, and a *single* 250 point character. Of course, this was, by far, the munchkiniest build I have ever seen ... the attack (singular!) that took out Destroyer was something like a triple-Penetrating Autofire-30 Area Effect Energy Blast. Enough STUN trickled through to KO the bad Doctor on Segment 12.

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Re: i feel humiliated


The best way I can think of, without rules-rape, for 5 250 points supers to take Dr. Destroyer out is to keep him on the ground. He doesn't have Knockback Resistance so the GM had best anchor him with his flight or something or the heroes can try to "drain" many of his 1/2 actions away with Knockback.


Of course, he's got pretty good combat values even if he is firing prone...

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Re: i feel humiliated


The unconscious Dr. Destoryer dies while waiting for the authorities to arrive. The autopsy shows that he died from ...poison? No wonder he couldn't put up much of a fight -- he was running a 105 degree temperature and could barely see past the blood in his eyes!


The question now becomes: who killed him, and how and way?

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Re: i feel humiliated


The unconscious Dr. Destoryer dies while waiting for the authorities to arrive. The autopsy shows that he died from ...poison? No wonder he couldn't put up much of a fight -- he was running a 105 degree temperature and could barely see past the blood in his eyes!


The question now becomes: who killed him, and how and way?

OooHHHH! consider this idea borrowed.

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Re: i feel humiliated



The question now becomes: who killed him, and how and why?


Particularly when the poison is found in the possession of one of the heroes. Picking the one that talked the most smack about beating Dr. Destroyer is entirely up to you.


Dr. Destroyer, of course, faked his own death (with a clone and his third-best battlesuit) to get some breathing room for his next plan. Setting up a hero to go to prison for the murder of Dr. Destroyer might appeal to his sense of humour.

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Re: i feel humiliated


thanks alot guys!


i plan on having him show up in space and "help" the PC beat the bad guys. however then he will then knock the PCs into next week as a thank you.


also if anyone has write ups of advanced assult troops, Mechs, and fighter craft. that would be great, as i need write ups and i am not very good at amkeing characters.


thanks all for helping a GM get started

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Re: i feel humiliated


While I'm all for Dr. Destroyer being killed off, I suggest that, if you're going to do it, keep it legitimate.


Don't deprive the heroes of their victory by suddenly saying Dr. D. was ill. The 'robot' Destroyer can work, he pulled a similar scheme in "Day of the Destroyer" adventure. I strongly urge against springing upon the PCs that it was a dream sequence (these need to be resolved the session of) or alternate dimension/reality (these need to be explained and worked out ahead of time) and especially battle room (the PCs would have known it going in).


The concept of having the real Dr. D. with the PCs when they were teleported is good, though you'd have to explain why Destroyer was teleported first and then the PCs (were there two places teleported, or was it just the Dr. & the team? If the place Destroyer was at was teleported, did the teleporter know Dr. D. was there, or was it a coincidence? If Destroyer & his location were teleported, what were they replaced by? Is this a new type of alien invasion?).

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Re: i feel humiliated


thanks alot guys!


i plan on having him show up in space and "help" the PC beat the bad guys. however then he will then knock the PCs into next week as a thank you.




thanks all for helping a GM get started

Great, after I post I see this. :think:

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Re: i feel humiliated


Another classic comic-book bit is having Dr. D "work with" the PCs to determine how to get back, only to turn on them at the end of it and try to leave them stranded on the other side of the universe. If you're going this route, make sure to either use a "transportation mechanism" that isnt one-shot (leaving you open to revisit the scene in a later adventure) or (if it's got to be one-shot) make it gate-style, so that it stays open just long enough for the PCs to "hitchhike" back home.


And then come back and tell us how it went. 'Cause I always like to hear how other people did something!

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Re: i feel humiliated


I disagree with 1 session dream sequences. I ran a 6 month (real time) dream sequence that was a hit with all involved. Especially when they looked back to all that had happened and suddenly realized all the clues I had left that they were in a dreamscape (e.g. perfect weather, celebrity status, perfect opportunities, and so on). It was a lot of fun, but I did it very carefully with the intention that if they broke some fundamental rules I laid down or somehow figured out they were in a dreamscape they could certainly try to escape.

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Re: i feel humiliated


thanks every one

i relly apreaiate (sp) your help. i will be sure to tell you all how it went. my next game is this friday, january 7, 2005, at 6:00 EST.


Till then this is Dr.D singing off


*sigh* i wish :rolleyes:


Till next time this is your average nerd signing off


... it sounded so much better with the first one :)

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Re: i feel humiliated


His genetics make it alost impossible to viably clone him.


If you don't mind a clone that looks good for a few days, then dissolves to goo or ages and dies in seconds, there isn't a problem.


Which could explain the easy victory, while the real Dr. was away. ;)



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Re: i feel humiliated


hey guys my game went great!

the players went up agianst the nid hoard and started kicking ass. then the mentalist got possesd (sp) and the brick got taken out by a bunch of warriors


all in all a good game


oh if people want i will post the write ups of space marines and of the nids

Um, they succeeded, though, right, or are they at least in their next steps to success?

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Re: i feel humiliated


ya i ended the game right as the where charging into the hive minds chamber. also the reason the brick got wasted was he is only SPD 3 and got swarmed by some warriors, well that and he stayed behind to guard the mentallist all alone. the warriors rending claws are 3 1/2d6 (5 1/2d6 after STR). so he went down real quick. but ya the players should have no trouble with the hive mind beacuse they have a libriaian and a force cmder with them. also if things start going bad i will have some terminators show up.


well its late and i need to get some sleep tonight.


good night all

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Re: i feel humiliated


Good night/hope it was a good rest!


When you're back, did the Brick actually die? If you guys are okay with mortality and supers, that's cool. He was very heroic, it sounds like. It's a "good death" as those go, then, and if everyone (particularly he) was good with that, great! But I could imagine it might be nice if the Brick came back/was discovered to be imprisoned among the bad guys.

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Re: i feel humiliated


But I could imagine it might be nice if the Brick came back/was discovered to be imprisoned among the bad guys.

It sounds like he's got Space Marines in his game on the side of the players. If the brick did get "killed," there's a built-in way to bring him back. The Space Marines will take extremely tough and valiant Marines back to base and "entomb" them in Dreadnought armor, basically an armored life-support system. They're pretty tough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: i feel humiliated


Hey obviously the P C's only THINK that they have defeated "Dr Destroyer" ! In reality it was a robot/clone/fake or whatever rationalization you need. Now, of course, the REAL "Dr D" is aware of the P C's abilities and has a MUCH more devious plan of attack devised to get rid of these petty annoyances !

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