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What the heck is the "Secret Crisis?"


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In order to explain away the differences between 4th and 5th, retcon out ten years of odd, dangling, and confusing plotlines, and rewrite everyone's character after many years away from the game, I introduced the Millenium Bug. An incarnation of the Demon they fought in episode 3 or 4, MB was summoned at the dawn of the Millenium, and lived backwards through time for 1000 years. Every hero in the previous millenium fought it, and the battles changed the last 1000 years in ways both subtle and extreme. The most signifigant change (to the players) is that the members of our team, Good Guys, Inc., don't meet until the current millenium.


The name of the new game: GGI REBOOT

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Originally posted by Hermit

Darren, I'm curious. What was the Beyonder/Anti-Monitor/Whatever that you used for that one? Was a particular force/being behind it all? And if so, can it be found in the books? :)

It was probably the "Trickster." The same entity which is now plaguing everyone in the HERO/SAS Showdown. :)

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Well, looking back at my notes, the cosmic being involved was called Entropy. However, the time screwups were not his direct fault, since it was all part of a plan by the Master (of Dr. Who fame) to steal both his powers and those of the Gallifreyan Time Lords (especially from the Tomb of Rassilon.) Like I said, far too many copyright infractions to carry over into an official Hero product. Maybe someday I'll rewrite it. dw

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Originally posted by Darren Watts

Well, looking back at my notes, the cosmic being involved was called Entropy. However, the time screwups were not his direct fault, since it was all part of a plan by the Master (of Dr. Who fame) to steal both his powers and those of the Gallifreyan Time Lords (especially from the Tomb of Rassilon.) Like I said, far too many copyright infractions to carry over into an official Hero product. Maybe someday I'll rewrite it. dw

Perhaps it can eventually become the ultimate multi-universe crossover (Hero, Gestalt, San Angelo, M&M, V&V, Traveller, Forgotten Realms, World of Darkness, et al... or at least for all the companies interested in participating). ;)
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Originally posted by Monolith Well first off, there are no copyright issues at all. Copyright involves using someone else's material as is, not a variance of someone else's material. That is why Astro City can have Samaritan just like Metropolis can have a Superman. It is the same reason Millennium City can have Kinetik just as Central City has the Flash.

Oh, sure. You can say that now. Didn't help Fawcett Comics in the whole "Captain Marvel is obviously a Superman clone" lawsuit. :-)

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Originally posted by SuperPheemy



Heroman! save us!!!!


Gods below, the friction between the WoD and FR fans alone would cause enough flames to ignite the atmosphere itself!


I imagine that the Traveller fans might have some involvement in this too. The Traveller Mailing List is one of the biggest collections of Mad Scientists I have ever seen. I can just _imagine_ how well they would get on with the WoD crowd.


I haven't read the FRED version of Star Hero yet, but it would be scary to see what they would do to its economics...



(still chuckling)

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Originally posted by Darren Watts

Well, looking back at my notes, the cosmic being involved was called Entropy. However, the time screwups were not his direct fault, since it was all part of a plan by the Master (of Dr. Who fame) to steal both his powers and those of the Gallifreyan Time Lords (especially from the Tomb of Rassilon.) Like I said, far too many copyright infractions to carry over into an official Hero product. Maybe someday I'll rewrite it. dw

Thanks for the info.



Mmm perhaps I'll have the universe threatened by a villain named Fuzion. Seems appropriate somehow :)

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I realize I'm a few days behind on this thread, but...


I have only a vague idea of what the Secret Wars were, and never heard of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. If they came out in the early to mid-80's, it was during a comics down-time for me. I quit reading comics in the late 70's and didn't get started up again until the late 80's (after I started playing Champions, as a matter of fact:D ) Actually, except for some comics I bought as stocking stuffers last Christmas, I haven't read any since, oh, about the mid-90's...


So, yeah, I'm not too hip with current comics canon. I just know supers when I see them....

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Originally posted by Captain Obvious

I have only a vague idea of what the Secret Wars were, and never heard of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. If they came out in the early to mid-80's, it was during a comics down-time for me. I quit reading comics in the late 70's and didn't get started up again until the late 80's (after I started playing Champions, as a matter of fact:D )


Where you reading any DC titles in the late 80's? If so, you may have noticed considerable changes in many of the characters from the late 70's. These were all pretty much consequences of the Crisis.


Basically, DC killed off a lot of their minor characters, and a couple of major ones like Supergirl and the Flash (Barry Allen). They reworked the backgrounds of a lot of other characters, so Superman, for example, was never Superboy, his parents were still alive, and his power levels were reduced (although they began creeping up again almost immediately).


Some of the changes were good. Some sucked. There ya go.


The series itself was pretty uninteresting.


As for the Champions Universe: I was considering using the 4th Ed universe as a parallel universe - "Earth-4", with Strike Force as "Earth-3", and the current universe as "Earth-5". Of course, that raises the question as to who gets to designate themselves "Earth-1"! Wouldn't the inhabitants of any particular world designate themselves "Earth-1"? That is, of course, unless there is some kind of agreed reference point for naming universes... (Technically, it should be "Universe-1", "Universe-2", and so on, anyway, but clearly this terminology is somewhat humancentric. Too bad.)


The alternative is to use the "Secret Crisis" as a way of saying that the 4th Ed universe was what existed "before" the crisis, and the 5th Ed one is what exists "afterwards". Of course, this is change that occurred throughout the whole of space and time, so "before" and "after" doesn't really make sense.


My brain hurts.


Still, it might be fun to play a set of scenarios where Seeker and the "old" Champions sacrifice themselves to save the universe, with only Defender surviving into the new, changed universe.


I like the idea of Fuzion being the villain. :)



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Originally posted by Monolith

Secret Wars involved the Beyonder pulling heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe to fight in a massive battle for a specific prize.


Crisis on Infinite Earths was DC's way of combining all of their Earth universes into one entity. This involed a massive battle between good and evil (the Monitor and Anti-Monitor) which eventually led to the destruction and rewriting of all of DC's continuity (up to that point).


Both of these things were HUGE comic events in the 80s. The fact that you know nothing about either of them makes you the exception, not the norm here. Most comic book fans have some basic knowledge of those events. It is sort of like a car fan not knowing what a '57 Chevy is. :)




Don't you meabn Kavey?

I must assume that my extensive car knowledge skill thingy is right and that you are stupid and wrong and stupid and a stupid ass faced moron.



hee hee ass face.

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