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I want to play Hero,

VR Dragon

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..............., But no one even remotly near me loves me enough to play it. :weep::cry: .


I find one guy who knows the systems, gives me my own Hero Designer and everything so we can play. But that falls though. :weep:


The only things everyone I know wants to play is DnD and Rifts. I am tired of killing bad guys and dungeon crawls. I want beings with the power o' the gods and mindsets of spoiled children, massive egos and even more massive brawls and jokes, puns and one liners. I want Comic Book Adventures.


I want a good time not a body count.




I also want a good space oprea!

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Re: I want to play Hero,


I have felt your pain before.

During my "moving around a lot" period, I had constant problems finding players willing to give HERO a chance. Wound up playing D&D 3rd ed. which I disliked but didn't suck as bad as I had expected, and had finally convinced my fellow gamers to let me run them a FH game when I had to suddenly uproot again. Then I wound up playing Palladium, which is now my all time least favorite RPG. I still have the softcover Mechanoid Invasion books that I picked up at a con way back in prehistory, and I can't beleive that such a huge collection of books has grown out of such and incredibly cumbersome fanboy D&D system ripoff.


Keep the faith, and your best bet for helping them see the light is to cheat... build a really COOL campaign that you're only willing to run in Hero, then talk with your friends while developing it and including them as sounding boards while brainstorming ideas. Next thing you know, they'll be asking you when you're planning your game.

From the kind of stuff you currently play, I'd say a good space opera Star Hero game wiould be an easier sell than Superheros. I could be wrong tho.


Good luck :thumbup:

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Re: I want to play Hero,


While it is no substitute for a face to face game, why don't you give http://www.webrpg.com a try. I am on there nearly every night. Look for the Wild Hunt room and forgive me if I don't respond immediately as sometimes I have it running in the background while I work on other things. If you can't get a hold of me there, my Yahoo ID is ghost_archer. Ping me even if you don't see me online, I'll get the message. Currently my group is sort of in a lull but somethings a new face sparks my GM fire back into life.

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Re: I want to play Hero,


AmadanNaBriona is right. Create a campaign and talk it up. If it sounds thrilling and exciting, your friends will be dying to give it a try. You don't even have to talk about the system; just tell them that they'll be playing mighty superheroes in the tradition of Justice League Unlimited (or heroic space explorers like the crew of Firefly, or whatever). :thumbup:



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Re: I want to play Hero,


Ya just need to move 200 miles south. :D


I know how ya feel, VR D. I actually have two other guys, here in Boise, who have played HERO and want to get a game going. Only problem is real life. Our work and family schedules don't mesh. We've gotten together only twice in the 10 months I've been here, and that was just to discuss character creation. :(

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Re: I want to play Hero,


I live in a small rural area so I go through some of the same problems. Few players and then they want to play D20. So I understand and have a few suggestions.


1) I have driven an hour one way (2 hours driving time) to play. If possible you might want to look into what big town or college is near you.


2) Do you GM? If not, then you will only play HERO if you are VERY lucky. If you are wait till the group is between campaigns and then suggest that you play something. Make it a very different then normal campaign and use HERO.

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Re: I want to play Hero,


First, become a good player. Be the kind of player that GMs love to run and that players love to have along. Be funny. Be helpful. Build your RPG cred. Once you have the respect of your group, they should be happy to try whatever you want to run.


When you run it, start simple. Keep points low. If possible, pre-generate characters for your players. Build villains who put up a good fight, but go down quickly. Rehearse the game to make sure you can run it quickly. Too many players have a conception of Hero as a game in which it is difficult to build characters and in which combat is slow. Show them that this is not the case.


When I moved to Portland, the group I found played only GURPS. I learned GURPS, and I played it for a year or so. After the group was comfortable with my presence, I suggested we try Hero. I asked them what kinds of characters they wanted to play, then pre-built characters for them. I started with characters built on a 50+50 template with no powers. Once these were done, I made a second set of sheets that included the characters with an extra 50 points of powers. At the first session I handed out the non-powered version of the characters. They spent the next several session discovering their powers, and eventually gaining possession of their full sheets. I plotted adventures carefully making sure to feature plenty of investigation along with combat. I got them completely hooked, and after a few sessions, Hero became the only system we played.

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Re: I want to play Hero,


Another possibility that could be used would be to make several threads asking for possible players. One would be in the player finder section and one in each of the type of game that you wish to either play in or run. Doing this admitably will only reach people who are already in these boards, but nothing is stopping you from doing the same in other boards that deal with gaming.Doing that it can be surprising just how many people will show up wanting to play with you. :cheers:

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: I want to play Hero,


I was in your situation once. After realizing no one locally wanted to play Champions I decided to go ahead and start a PBEM. That was... what... seven years ago?

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Re: I want to play Hero,


..............., But no one even remotly near me loves me enough to play it. :weep::cry: .


I find one guy who knows the systems, gives me my own Hero Designer and everything so we can play. But that falls though. :weep:


The only things everyone I know wants to play is DnD and Rifts. I am tired of killing bad guys and dungeon crawls. I want beings with the power o' the gods and mindsets of spoiled children, massive egos and even more massive brawls and jokes, puns and one liners. I want Comic Book Adventures.


I want a good time not a body count.




I also want a good space oprea!

I feel your pain VR Dragon! I too have gone through those "hard times", and I know what it's like. I was a long time GM, and now...I haven't had an opportunity to play for a (very) long time. :cry:


I can tell you, it will get better. All you have to do is...KEEP THE FAITH!!! :thumbup:

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Re: I want to play Hero,


..............., But no one even remotly near me loves me enough to play it. :weep::cry: .


I find one guy who knows the systems, gives me my own Hero Designer and everything so we can play. But that falls though. :weep:


The only things everyone I know wants to play is DnD and Rifts. I am tired of killing bad guys and dungeon crawls. I want beings with the power o' the gods and mindsets of spoiled children, massive egos and even more massive brawls and jokes, puns and one liners. I want Comic Book Adventures.


I want a good time not a body count.


I also want a good space oprea!


When I first got the Champions book (1st edition) so many years ago, I learned the system first and learned it well. Why? In preparation to explaining it to a bunch of D&D'ers who'd never heard of a superhero RPG before. Those players are now still playing Champions and D&D was dumped so long ago I can't remember in favor of permanently playing the Hero System. Learn the system so when it comes time for you to pitch your suggestion to try the Hero System that you can explain it well to them. With you sounding excited about the hero system, it helps build a case for them to try it.


I'd let them know first that you'd like to try something else for a change. That's when you give them the excited hero system speech. Let them see that there's more to life than DnD and Rifts. The concept of a superstrong hero punching their foe through a building might help your case to try something different.


Also, try looking on this website in the Player Finder section for people near you. Put out a request for players in your area.

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Re: I want to play Hero,


Another "trick" I've seen mentioned a few times on the boards is what I've started thinking of as "The Low-Ball" approach. If your potential players balk at trying to learn a system that comes to the party dressed as a fearsome black monolith, pick up a copy or two of Sidekick and tell 'em it's "the Player's Guide" for Hero. It gives them the root system in a less imposing package, and you've stuck a familiar (i.e. comforting) label on it.


And, KNOW THE SYSTEM! Can't stress this enough. After you COAX them into the game, you have to KEEP THEM INTERESTED, and the first thing that'll kill it for them is the perception that it's hard to play. You don't need to memorize the book, but being able to run a game (for the most part) without it is the level of competence you're looking for.


Best of Luck! :)


John T

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Re: I want to play Hero,


Yeah' date=' not much interest in my area, got one friend who "might" try it. But my schedule is 2nd shift and his is "chaotic" to say the least.[/quote']Well, yeah, what the heck do you expect when you spend all your time on Endor hunting Ewoks? You're out in the sticks, spending all your spare time kiiling varmints. :P


John T

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