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Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


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All right you guys:


Who designed Invictus' new costume in Villany Amok ??? :sick: Liberace on LSD ???!!! Invictus is NOT wearing THAT in our campaign. Unless his students had very deep respect for their leader, they'd laugh hysterically at the sight of him in that. His old costume was fine. Why not reinstate it ?

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


Wait - there's a Mrs. Oddhat? :nonp: Do we have any proof? Something that will deny rumors that Oddhat is just posting under a new alias so he can agree with himself?



But yeah, the new costume is out of place. Besides, VOICE already has a villain wearing a similar outfit.

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


Wait - there's a Mrs. Oddhat? :nonp: Do we have any proof? Something that will deny rumors that Oddhat is just posting under a new alias so he can agree with himself?



But yeah, the new costume is out of place. Besides, VOICE already has a villain wearing a similar outfit.


Well, Steve Long met Mrs. Oddhat at last years GenCon, which has to count for something.


If you're at GenCon this year, you can say hello to both of us as well. :)

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


I'd say his 'Hates Christianity' disad would be a bigger barrier to his gaining success as a politician then his costume. After all the Republicans have had remarkable success by playing to the Bible Belt set and that disad could cause a massive backlash against Invictus. If I used him in a campaign I'd remove that disad.

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


All right you guys:


Who designed Invictus' new costume in Villany Amok ??? :sick: Liberace on LSD ???!!! Invictus is NOT wearing THAT in our campaign. Unless his students had very deep respect for their leader, they'd laugh hysterically at the sight of him in that. His old costume was fine. Why not reinstate it ?


Well...when you can toss around the kind of energy blasts this guy can....you're probably not too worried about what people think of your fashion sense...



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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


I'd say his 'Hates Christianity' disad would be a bigger barrier to his gaining success as a politician then his costume. After all the Republicans have had remarkable success by playing to the Bible Belt set and that disad could cause a massive backlash against Invictus. If I used him in a campaign I'd remove that disad.

Yeah, but he can conceal that.

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


True' date=' but for how long. Much better for him in the long run if he just gets over it.[/quote']


The way his background is set up, it doesn't sound like he can 'get over it'. The spirit possessing and empowering him savagely hated Christians in life, and that's one personality trait he carried along past death.


I see several ways to go with it.


(1) He hides it by publically endorsing Christianity but privately organizing a cult dedicated to Sol Invictus (which would probably have to remain private, from what I've read of the worship conducted by Heliogabalus/Elagabalus), intending to one day bring it out into the open. Maybe he endorses totoal religious freedom -- with only a very few people reallizing just what 'total' means.


(2) He has someone a few steps removed create a new church dedicated to Sol Invictus. For a brief while it expands -- there are nasty tumors of human sacrifice and depraved orgies, but no evidence. He then sets up a situation where 'right wing Xian fanatics' attack the cult and commit mass murder. Invictus denounces the attack, harps on 'the wonders of religious tolerance', and gets his cult publically accepted until he wins the Oval Office, at which point all other religions can go hang. Literally.


And why does everyone assume Invictus must be a Republican? He could be a Democrat, or better yet, an Independent. I seriously doubt someone with his level of egomania wants to deal with old party hacks and the rest of the nonsense involved with the Big Two. Let him make his own party: 'The Light of Tomorrow party -- using a Classical past to lead America into a golden future!'

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


The way his background is set up, it doesn't sound like he can 'get over it'. The spirit possessing and empowering him savagely hated Christians in life, and that's one personality trait he carried along past death.


I see several ways to go with it.


(1) He hides it by publically endorsing Christianity but privately organizing a cult dedicated to Sol Invictus (which would probably have to remain private, from what I've read of the worship conducted by Heliogabalus/Elagabalus), intending to one day bring it out into the open. Maybe he endorses totoal religious freedom -- with only a very few people reallizing just what 'total' means.


(2) He has someone a few steps removed create a new church dedicated to Sol Invictus. For a brief while it expands -- there are nasty tumors of human sacrifice and depraved orgies, but no evidence. He then sets up a situation where 'right wing Xian fanatics' attack the cult and commit mass murder. Invictus denounces the attack, harps on 'the wonders of religious tolerance', and gets his cult publically accepted until he wins the Oval Office, at which point all other religions can go hang. Literally.


And why does everyone assume Invictus must be a Republican? He could be a Democrat, or better yet, an Independent. I seriously doubt someone with his level of egomania wants to deal with old party hacks and the rest of the nonsense involved with the Big Two. Let him make his own party: 'The Light of Tomorrow party -- using a Classical past to lead America into a golden future!'


It's defined on his character sheet as a Psychological Limitation so as I understand the rules, he could indeed get over it if he was sufficiently motivated. Your ideas for him would indeed work but in any campaign I'd use him in, his first ten experience points would go towards buying off that particular disadvantage.


Oh and for the record I didn't say he was Republican, I just said that in recent years the Republicans played up to the Christian Community to thier great advantage in recent years. Bush is still President and the Republicans have most of the seats in the senate if I'm not mistaken. For them it was a great tool to solidify thier power, so logically it could be used as a great tool against Invictus should his views on Christianity become public.

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


As I mentioned elsewhere, if you don't like Invictus's Villainy Amok get-up, consider it his formal suit, worn only for special occasions.


I really don't see the Liberace on LSD part. That implies lots of glitter, which the Roman banded mail motif lacks.


Yes he has a problem with Christianity and its practitioners. He tries to hide it, given the political climate, but due to the strength of his psych limitation he's not always successful. Good thing he knows how to spin doctor... :-)


And I play Sutherland as a southern Democrat/Dixiecrat, but that's not official and your mileage may vary.

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(1) He hides it by publically endorsing Christianity but privately organizing a cult dedicated to Sol Invictus (which would probably have to remain private' date=' from what I've read of the worship conducted by Heliogabalus/Elagabalus), intending to one day bring it out into the open. Maybe he endorses totoal religious freedom -- with only a very few people reallizing just what 'total' means.[/quote']

Good gravy, if that's the Sol Invictus in his writeup, the Liberace costume makes perfect sense.


He'll probably want to turn America into a penocracy, or make his horse a US Senator or something. Can't see that it would have much of an effect on the campaign world, though...


And, to conclude with a pointless Heliogabolus + comic book aside: if you ever see a copy of Neil Gaiman's Being An Account Of The Life And Death Of The Emperor Heliogabolus, pick it up. It's a 24 hour comic, that he wrote and illustrated in one sleep-deprived day and night. It's also pretty cool, even without the horse. Or zombie.

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


I'd say his 'Hates Christianity' disad would be a bigger barrier to his gaining success as a politician then his costume. After all the Republicans have had remarkable success by playing to the Bible Belt set and that disad could cause a massive backlash against Invictus. If I used him in a campaign I'd remove that disad.


Ah but you forget he's a 'politician'. He therefore uses the tried and tested tactic: 'lie to constituents".

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


And why does everyone assume Invictus must be a Republican? He could be a Democrat, or better yet, an Independent. I seriously doubt someone with his level of egomania wants to deal with old party hacks and the rest of the nonsense involved with the Big Two.


Invictus is a meglomaniac. He wants to be the leader of the (free) world, the only way that's going to happen is with the support of one of the Big Two. You name the last Independent President of the United States.


(O.k. you probably can, but I bet he weren't recent)

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Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!


Invictus is a meglomaniac. He wants to be the leader of the (free) world, the only way that's going to happen is with the support of one of the Big Two. You name the last Independent President of the United States.


(O.k. you probably can, but I bet he weren't recent)

Abraham Lincoln, but I guess that technically was third party rather than independent.


A rift between the Northern and Southern Democrats resulted in Stephen Douglas and John Breckinridge spliting the Democrat vote, John C Bell ran for the Whigs (rechristened the Constitutional Union party), and Lincoln wasn't even on the ballot in 9 states. Lincoln got 39.8% of the popular vote, but 180 out of 303 electorial votes.

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