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Here it is....rip it to shreds....


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Ok guys, here is my character for the game my buddy is going to run. Its the first character I have ever attempted to make for an actual running game. I still have about 13 xp left, I'm probably going to be spending that on end. And yes, I did borrow the Inertial Barrier, but it makes so much sense for a speedster to have something like this. And this is only a 350 point character with , 75 points disad cap.




ValChar Roll BasCosMaxPts.

15 STR 12 - 10 1 20 5

20 DEX 13 - 10 3 20 30

20 CON 13 - 10 2 20 20

10 BODY 11 - 10 2 20 0

10 INT 11 - 10 1 20 0

10 EGO 11 - 10 2 20 0

15 PRE 12 - 10 1 20 5

12 COM 11 - 10 0.520 1

6 PD 3 1 8 3

5 ED 4 1 8 1

8 SPD 3 4 90

12 REC 7 2 10 14

40 END 40 0.550 0

28 STUN 1 45 0


Movement Description

Run 6 Race Human

Swim: 2 Height6'2 Gender M

Jump(L): 3 Weight160 Age 28



Secret ID 15

Code vs Killing - Moderate 10


50 Multi-Power (Speed Tricks)

4 Wind Blast vs Physica6D6 2

> End 1/2 cost (+1/4)

> Gestures (-1/4) limitation

> Explosion (+1/2)

7 Vibrating Strike vs P3D6 4

> Armor Piercing (+1/2)

4 Flurry of Blows 8D6 2

> Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2)

> End 1/2 cost (+1/4)

4 Move through Objects 2

> Desolidifacation

> End 1/2 cost (+1/4)

> Must be able to run (-1/4)


63 Super Speed Running 2

> Flight 22''

> x8 Non Combat Movement

> Useable as running (+1/4)

> End 1/2 cost (+1/4)

> Must touch surface (-1/4)


10 Inertial Barrier - FF 10 PD/0 ED

> 0 End (+1/2)

> Only Versus Move-by /Move-Through Damage Inflicted On Self (-1/2)


3 Lightning Calculator

6 Lightning Reflexes +4

4 Speed Reading

5 Computer Programming +1

5 Cramming

3 Electronics

5 Oratory +1

2 PS: Teaching

2 SS: Computers

5 Money : Well Off $500,000

2 KS: Computer Tricks

2 KS: Video Games

2 KS: Movies

2 KS: Colleges



He is going to be a Teacher at a college. Computer sciences. Haven't worked out how he got his powers yet, but, I have a feeling it will involve a field trip to a facility that has something to do with radiation and computers running the containment and then a leak. Thats how far I am. Advice?, Criticsm? Anything I did blatanly wrong?



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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


He needs more Dexterity. Your defenses are very low, and your DCV is very low for a speedster.


I'ld suggest dropping a point of speed, the lightning reflexes, and investing it all in Dex.


Even for a sppedster, your defenses coudl stand to come up a bit. Perhaps make the inertial Barrier a full time force field to protect you.


To get the points needed, well, a normal college teacher doesnt normally rake in 500k per year. Drop the money, cramming, maybe shave off the +1 levels on your skills to make your intertial barrier a full time force field.


I notice you bought your recovery up high--if you want to simulate a super healing ability, maybe using those points to buy Aid (Healing) only on self, concentration. If you just worried about end..well, take the recovery points, and instead just put most of them into CON and you should be ok.


Though teachers dont have to have a high INT, it might not hurt to drop 5 points in there.


I dont quite grok the 'usable as running' advantage on your flight only on surfaces. What does that advantage do for you?


It may be possibel to talk your GM into an Elemental Control of Superspeed powers, fitting ion your running, a force field, and maybe the and attack..allowing you to use the multipower to put in some slots of special powers and effects not quite damage related, but useful. He should be agreeable, as you aren't a Heri ID only or focus using type, and are paying for your powers the old fashioned way--point for point. Some skill levels with your hand to hand attack, move by's or move through might help.


Consider Scholar for all your KS.


No harsh criticism here. In terms of needs to fix I'ld rate your order as Dex first, then defenses second.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Yeah, what incredibil said. Although I'd go for defenses first, he's wide open. +6 rPD +6 rED Combat Luck at minimum. You could go for more, +10 or + 12 resistant defenses each, and just call it "moves that fast." +12 rPD would be cool, makes him immune to most firearms--he just dodges the bullets!


Flight "Useable as running" is good, let's you dive for cover a loooong ways. :) But it's only going to take one punk with a saved action to hurt him bad (I don't think you can dive for cover twice on the same phase), so buy some combat luck or other resistant defenses, just in case.


Buying some of these powers in an EC is an excellent idea.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Though teachers dont have to have a high INT' date=' it might not hurt to drop 5 points in there.[/quote']

Did you notice his INT is 10? Dropping it to a 5, he would not qualify/pass to be a teacher, much less one at a college. :straight: Sorry, but that comment hits home; you'd be surprised at how detailed some teachers' knowledge goes, as well as what they know outside their field.


Now onto the character. :)


Okay, first off, whoever did your math for you, smack them once; you'll feel better, even if it's on their wrists. As your character is shown here, you're on 302 points, not 337 (more explanations to follow).



For a speedster, your DEX is way too low. You'll want this to be at least 27, if not higher (and with your character name, a 29 or 39 DEX might be cute).


Your PD & ED are too low, since these are really your only defenses. Though keeping them low isn't bad (low defenses compensate for rarely -or less often- being hit), you may want to look into Combat Luck. It provides hardened, resistant defenses. As your character "stands" any 10d6 or higher attack will take him out in one hit, on average. With your current DCV of 7, prepare to be hit often.


While an 8 SPD is good for a speedster (though I'd consider raising him to a 9 to match his name), with a 20 DEX (which brings you to a 3 SPD by default), you should only pay 50 points for your SPD, not 90! (Even if you sold your DEX to 0 for some strange reason, an 8 DEX would cost 80 points.)


Saved 40 points!



I'm guessing your not through here, but you only have 25 points of Disads listed, you need another 125. If in the CU, a friendly rivalry with Kinetik might not be bad.



To begin with, you'll need to raise the MP to 52 to meet your first power's requirements. The 6d6 EB is 30 points, +1/4 for 1/2 END is +7 points, and the +1/2 for Explosion is +15 points. 30+7+15=52.


Cost 2 points :o


I'm not understanding your Vibrating Strike. If it's an EB, it would only cost 2 points, though it would be pretty much useless except on normals. If it's a HtH, it will only cost 1 point; if it's a 3d6 HKA, then the cost is 67 points which is outside the realm/limit of the MP. If it is a 2d6+1 HKA (3d6 w/STR), then the active cost is 52, for 5 in the slot, and another reason to raise your MP to 52. Regardless of what it is, the slot cost will not exceed 5, so that 7 is 2 wasted points.


Saved 2 points, at least


Double check with your GM on the Desolid being in a MP. My personal preference would be to make the limitation -1/2 "must be standing still" but that's just my taste.


Super Speed Running: The +1/4 "Useable as Running" is not necessary (and would bring the cost to 81, not 63). The -1/4 limitation "Only in contact with the surface" makes it understood that the character isn't actually flying (otherwise your belly would be going across the ground - funny concept, but not required). This would drop the cost to 54 points (67 Active).


Saved 9 points


Inertial Barrier: I would sell this and instead buy PD (you don't need the resistance for move-throughs & move-bys, unless you hit someone with a Killing Attack Damage shield, and that's what Combat Luck could be used for). From Champions p. 87, you can buy it as "Impact Resistance" with a -1 Limitation "Only to protect against damage sustained when performing Move Throughs/Bys." Since you wouldn't be using any MP attack at the time you'd be performing said MT/B, you can put this in your MP slot. Champions suggests 26 points, which in your slot would be 3 points, though you might up it to 30, since the cost is the same.


Saved 7 points



$500k for a professor? Are you sure? I know they can make 6 figures, but usually it's in the 100k+ (though I don't know for all, just local).



For starters, I'd buy the Scholar Skill Enhancer (3 pts), which reduces your skill cost by 1 point. So, for 1 point, you get 11-, for 2 points you get it on your INT roll. Not bad. As is: Saved 1 points


However, you mention this is supposed to be a college professor. I would buy up his INT to reflect this as well as give him KS's regarding Computer Sciences, such as a KS of computers themselves, software, KS of college professors, etc.


Since he's supposed to be fast, you might look into CSL for called shots, and maybe DCV levels as well. You don't need to be super tough; your damage classes are fine for now, barring GM's approval (Flurry of Blows would actually be 11d6, though). Your SPD+DC should probably equal 16 when starting out, 20 for campaign max, but that's just a suggested guideline.


Trebuchet is great at making well-rounded speedsters. His character Z'lf is around here somewhere, I believe for you to look at. His is like a 9 SPD 45 DEX character, but does have limitations to counter this.


My personal suggestion would be to possibly drop the Red END cost. If you dropped all of them (not counting Inertia Barrier), you'd save 12 points, 19 if you drop your MP to the new 45 Active Point Cap. You could spend 10 of that on CON, which would bring you to 50 END, and spend 8 to buy 4 more REC.


I hope this helps.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


I don't think incrdbil meant reduce the characters INT. He meant drop more points into it (ie increase it to a 15).


Also, he's using the Useable as running advantage so that he can take less knockback, have No Turn Mode and get a slight speed boost when he's not doing speedster tricks like running up walls or over water. It's not a bad choice really and gives him a little extra versatility.


Personally, I would probably jack up the inertial barrier a bit and put it and the Flight into a Super Speed EC.


I'll post something in a minute or two here...

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Ok, so here's a quick redo with a few tricks added in for good effdct. Tried to keep the character mostly the same... sorry if the formating sucks.


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

29 DEX 57

19 CON 18

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

15 PRE 5

12 COM 1


6/26 PD 3

4/14 ED 0

8 SPD 41

29 REC 4

38 END 0

28 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3" LEAP 0


Characteristics Cost: 137


Cost Power END


37 Super Speed: Elemental Control, 74-point powers


30 1) Hyper Running: Flight 22", x16 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (74 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4) 3


30 2) Inertial Barrier: FF (20 PD/10 ED/10 Flash Defense: Sight Group) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Only While Moving (Must make at least a half move each Phase; -1/4) 0


55 Speedster Tricks: Multipower, 55-point reserve


2u 5) Dizzying Spin: Drain DEX 2d6 (20 Active Points) 2


2u 6) Just Need to Catch My Breath: +20 REC (40 Active Points); Only When Character Takes a Full Recovery Phase (-1)


3u 1) Flurry of Blows: HA +7d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (52 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 0


3u 2) Wind Blast: EB 7d6, Explosion (Cone; -1 DC/2"; +1/2) (52 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2) 5


4u 3) Vibrating My Molecules: Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Only While Moving (Must make at least a half move each Phase; -1/4) 2


5u 4) Vibrating Slicing: HKA 2d6+1 (3d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points) 5


5u 7) Hyper Running Tricks: Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) for up to 74 Active Points of Flight, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (55 Active Points) [Notes: Variable Advantages: Combat acceleration/deceleration, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing or Radio Group), No Turn mode, Rapid Noncombat movement, Reduced Endurance (0 End), Useable as Running] 0


Powers Cost: 176


Cost Skill

5 Computer Programming 13-

5 Cramming

3 Electronics 12-

5 Oratory 13-

2 PS: Teaching 11-

2 SS: Computers 11-

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: Colleges (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) KS: Computer Tricks (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) KS: Movies (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) KS: Video Games (2 Active Points) 11-

Skills Cost: 29


Cost Perk

5 Money: Well Off


Perks Cost: 5


Cost Talent

3 Lightning Calculator


Talents Cost: 3


Total Character Cost: 350


Couple of things to note:


- I reduced your overall REC, but gave you an MP slot dedicated to quickly catching your breath and clearing your head. This honestly might not fly with your GM, so make sure to OK it first. If he doesn't like it, I would probably recomend droping your SPD down to about 7 and bumping your base REC back up a bit higher. As is, your going to have to take a REC probably about once a turn due to end expenditures, especially if you use some of your more expensive tricks like the Vibro Slicing.


- Another thing that need a stamp of approval from the GM is the last MP slot. It lets you do some great stunts, like out run Radar or but you GM may not approve of putting a Naked Advantage in a power framework.


- Finally, because I increased your DEX, your DCV went up a bit. The combination of DCV and higher DEF from the Force Field may be a problem, depending on campaign limits

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Did you notice his INT is 10? Dropping it to a 5' date=' he would not qualify/pass to be a teacher, much less one at a college. :straight: Sorry, but that comment hits home; you'd be surprised at how detailed some teachers' knowledge goes, as well as what they know outside their field.[/quote']


Sorry about my poor phrasing..,myuse of drop was meant to add in, or take from somewhere else 5 more points. (Not the fahionable 3, but an old fashioned 5)


If he was a 10 INT teacher and making 500k per year, he should buy a contacrt "Supervisor who I have heavily blackmailed", or Dark Secret : Skims money teacher's union fund :)

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....



Okay, first off, whoever did your math for you, smack them once; you'll feel better, even if it's on their wrists.


Ok, I smacked myself. :D I did most of the math, power calculations using the power calculator spreadsheet located elsewhere on this site. I also used one of the character sheet spreadsheets on hee that total up your points spent, figure your dcv, things like that. Abything messed up, yeah, I take full blame for not being able to add - lol - Lots of great information here, and no, V9 isn't finished, still a work, its gonna be a bit before the actual campaing starts. My GM is in the process of getting a 5E book to replace the BBB. These ideas are all very, very good. Much closer to what a speedster should be without all the clunkiness I have built into V9 atm. Keep the ideas rollin, gonna be a day or so while I go through all this and try to understand why you guys made some of the choices you made on powers and stuff. Thanks for the help guys.



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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Bloodstone - Some nice changes. Nice additions to the speedster.


With respect to the following

5u 7) Hyper Running Tricks: Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) for up to 74 Active Points of Flight, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (55 Active Points) [Notes: Variable Advantages: Combat acceleration/deceleration, Invisible Power Effects (Hearing or Radio Group), No Turn mode, Rapid Noncombat movement, Reduced Endurance (0 End), Useable as Running] 0


I think there are two problems :

1. You need GM permission to put a naked advantage into a MP;

2. You cannot have a power from one framework (here an MP) modify a power in another framework (the running EC).


It might be worth just putting a +1/4 variable adv on the basic flight in the EC that would allow switching between megascale, no turn mode, 1/2 end, etc.


It looks like V-9 will be a good character.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


A little OT' date=' but will the multipower slot "+20 REC, only to recover" thing work? Isn't it a power since it's in the MP, and if you activate a power, aren't you losing the Recovery?[/quote']


thats why in my version, I made that power AID, to all Physical Characteristics below starting value, self only, only to starting values. (Helps drained physical characteristics, replaces lost stun, body, and endurance)


The only way the recovery slot would work would be for the post 12 recovery by a strict interpretation of the rules.


I think Aid is a good way to go--recovery in a multipower slot just doesn't feel right to me.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


I think there are two problems :

1. You need GM permission to put a naked advantage into a MP;

2. You cannot have a power from one framework (here an MP) modify a power in another framework (the running EC).


It might be worth just putting a +1/4 variable adv on the basic flight in the EC that would allow switching between megascale, no turn mode, 1/2 end, etc.


That part of the construct is a strict GM permission type thing.


If he nixes it, just kill the MP slot and reduce the MP reserve to 52. This gets you back 8 pts.


Then replace the Hyper Running power with:


32 1) Hyper Running: Flight 22", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) (77 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4) 3


You still have 6 pts to spend. Sine you lose the increased NCM, but can now use Megascale as one of your Variable Advantages. The down side of which is, per 5ER, you need to pick up Megascale for your sight, which will cost at least 4 pts:


4 Super Speed Sight: MegaScale for Normal Sight (1" = 1 km; +1/4); Only to Percieve The Path Ahead While Running At Megaspeeds (-1/2)


Still leaves you with 2 more pts to play around with though, so if you don't mind megascale it's not a bad way to go.


A little OT, but will the multipower slot "+20 REC, only to recover" thing work? Isn't it a power since it's in the MP, and if you activate a power, aren't you losing the Recovery?


It just needs a litle planning. You don't activate it on the Phase you need it. You activate it the Phase before. It's Persistant so it shouldn't stop you from taking a recovery.


So, for example, if you are running low on END or STUN on phase 6, you activate the power. Then you take a recovery on 8. Then you fight normally again on 9, 11, and 12.


Aid or Healing is another option, though I think the AP costs might get high very quickly depending on the advantages used. I'd have to write it up to see how well it would fit in... unless somone else wants to do it first ;)

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


here is a stab at it--pretty basic, but serviceable. Needs a SPD increase.





Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

30 DEX 60

23 CON 26

10 BODY 0

15 INT 5

13 EGO 6

15 PRE 5

12 COM 1


5/20 PD 2

5/20 ED 0

7 SPD 30

8 REC 0

46 END 0

30 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

3" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 140


Cost Power

30 Elemental Control, 60-point powers

43 1) Flight 23", x8 Noncombat, No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (84 Active Points); Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4)

30 2) FF (15 PD/15 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points)

50 Multipower, 50-point reserve

1u 1) Quick Healing: Aid 2d6, Body or any Drained Physical characteristic or Power (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Only Restores to Starting Values (-1/2)

2u 2) Getting my Second Wind: Aid 3d6+1, [two powers] simultaneously (Stun and Endurance; +1/2) (49 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2), Only Restores to Starting Values (-1/2)

1u 3) Turbo speed: Flight 1", No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (5 Active Points)

3u 4) Fast Punch: HA +8d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)

4u 5) Wind Blast: EB 6d6, Explosion (+1/2) (45 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4)

4u 6) Vibrating Punch: HKA 2d6 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (45 Active Points)

3u 7) Move Through Objects: Desolidification (40 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2)

2u 8) Run You Over Like a Freight Train: (Total: 40 Active Cost, 25 Real Cost) HA +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 20) plus +10 PD (10 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only vs Move Through/Move By Damage; -1) (Real Cost: 5)

Powers Cost: 173



Cost Skill

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Computer Hacking (3 Active Points) 12-

1 2) KS: Education and Colleges (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) KS: Movies (2 Active Points) 11-

2 4) KS: Video Games (3 Active Points) 12-

3 Computer Programming 12-

2 PS: Teacher 11-

3 Oratory 12-

3 Electronics 12-

5 +1 with HTH Combat

5 +1 with DCV

Skills Cost: 30



Cost Talent

3 Lightning Calculator

4 Speed Reading (x10)

Talents Cost: 7


Total Character Cost: 350


Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 150

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


I don't think incrdbil meant reduce the characters INT. He meant drop more points into it (ie increase it to a 15).

Oh. Well, when you read it that way. :o Er, sorrry 'bout that.

Also' date=' he's using the Useable as running advantage so that he can take less knockback, have No Turn Mode and get a slight speed boost when he's not doing speedster tricks like running up walls or over water. It's not a bad choice really and gives him a little extra versatility.[/quote']

For the less KB, I would think that since he's not in the air, he wouldn't have to worry about that. (When GMing, I would treat it just as running myself.) But the NTM is an interesting approach.

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Sorry about my poor phrasing..' date='myuse of drop was meant to add in, or take from somewhere else 5 more points. (Not the fahionable 3, but an old fashioned 5)[/quote']

Yeah, I can see that now. Sorry about that. :o

If he was a 10 INT teacher and making 500k per year' date=' he should buy a contacrt "Supervisor who I have heavily blackmailed", or Dark Secret : Skims money teacher's union fund :)[/quote']

Heh. :lol:

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Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....


Still going through all this, comparing how you guys see it with how I did it. :) I'm going to be reworking slightly as I saw end as a conecern after talking with MitchellS and some of you guys in the last thread. Probably going to be incorporating some of your ideas in this. Course, some of the things you guys see I wouldn't have noticed since I have never played, ilke, I would have though a 7 dc would be decent. Thats ok, you learn as you go along. :)



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