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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Death tribble made the fjords of Norway. He peed on the great Scandinavian Ice Sheet. The extra mass of new "yellow ice" compressed the existing ice and forced it to extrude through the mountains there, carving new channels. The corrosive powers in the urine increased the cutting, too.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


"L. Marcus, eh? No odds, no hairdresser in sight, sells chrome to people who think it's silver (or the other way round - no matter which he makes a killing), stays under your mind and his age added together equals 4.

Yup, I know this hoodlum, officer ..."



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Re: Complicate the Person Above


You promised to never tell anybody!!!


Ahm ... I mean: Salami. No! Bologne. Hogwash. Pure imagination.


L. Marcus makes things up and anyway ... how is he supposed to know my middle name?

It is not that L. Marcus and me, Der Rote Baron, lived together in a flat in Sheffield during the 80s when Thatcher was still the Iron Lady of Albion.

It is also not true that we had to move out because his UNBELIEVABLE CURLY AND UNKEMPT HAIR CLOGGED ALL THE DRAINS so that I had to pay these OUTRAGEOUS SUMS to the landlord to have them unclogged, repaired and the flat renovated.

And so it is also untrue that, to call it quits and to get on with live, I asked him to NOT TELL ANYBODY ABOUT MY MIDDLE NAME - which isn't something as stupid as "Silly Billy" by the way - as the only thing he had to do.

I paid all the bills. All. Bills. I.

And it is not my middle name. It is a nickname.

And L. Marcus did not even invent it.

Was that drinking buddy of his from Worcester Street.


No. The smelly one.


So you see - L. Marcus is a liar.


And still owes me 7,800 squid.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Enforcer has a police record in Alabama for pushing in lines. He killed an old lady doing it in 1963 and served 9 years in a chain-gang.


But now he can sing "Old man river" and the "Go down, Moses" perfectly.


But he still gets into people's way when they are innocently trying to complicate somebody .. like L. Marcus.

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