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What would your character do? #4


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Someone had posted a series of these but stopped. Reading the Seeds to Plotlines posts I wanted to see some more of them and how we would react with our characters.


SCENARIO: In your career you've heard of or faced Impulse, a very high powered telekinetic with an intention to conquer and no hesitation in staking out heroes (and non-heroes) who oppose him. (as in sharp pieces of metal or wood through body parts) Other villains are treated the same way if they stand in his way.


You learn he has been captured, kept sedated, and is being held on an army base (Picture Fort Hood). You also know that his girlfriend, a high powered mentalist and her assorted lackeys are sure to break him out. The base sirens go off as a 50 foot robot destroys the base perimeter defenses and begins laying waste to everything in his path. If Impulse is freed he WILL kill again.


What does your character(s) do?:

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Lone Star- First of all, he'd call the South West Champions for back up, then fly into the danger zone. He'd grow to full size to tackle that robot, and in between punches, be using his X Ray vision to look about for that mentalist lady. She's the mastermind behind the rescue attempt after all, and if he can take her out (Perhaps by dropping a 50ft robot on her), that might nip this in the bud.


Slammer- Welcome to the wonderful world that is the slammaster. He'd likely feel forced to take on where the most immediate threat is (In this case, sounds like the robot). He would shout for the soldiers to get the prisoner out of here, warning them of the mentalist (They might not listen, but he'd try) and her croonies, and let HIM keep the bot busy. Overconfidence is a wonderful Psych lim :)


Surge- Check the robot for radio waves, to see if it's piloted by remote. IF so, cut that off at the source. If not, He'd likely 'soften' it up for the Soldier guys, long enough for them to get the big weapons out. He'd fight the mentalist and their croonies as best he could, cutting loose with his AE attacks on them then focusing on her. If worst came to worse, he would grab Impulse.. and fly away with him taking the villain to the better protected Purgatory (Kind of Stronghold like) and probably cheesing the lady off.


Wildcard- Find out if said Mentalist is a known Telepath. If it's rumored not to be her forte', then Wildcard would exchange costumes with Impulse, and have her 'rescue' him. Weee, free trip to the villains lair, time for acting rolls of a life time :)

If she is... hmmm, a renowned escape artist himself, Wildcard would simply rig Impulse's restraints to gas whoever was trying to free the bad guy, then attack from ambush.

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He has killed once before? Then Catacomb does his job as Vangard's 'Wolverine'. He hunts him down and ends his existence...we aren't Batman here so if this guy has established a pattern then it's time to ice him. The justice system has ran its course so now it's time for justice to occur. Period.

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Hmm, interesting.


Cougar (Sworn to Defend Mankind, Protective of innocents)

solo: We'll, he's a fast pocket brick damage spunge. He'd go out to engage the robot, the make top priority to hunt down, and if necessary cripple, Impulse and his girlfriend.


with team: He'd use his heightened senses to hunt down the people sneaking in to free Impulse, trying to intercept them before they can free the guy. That'd let his teammates stop the big robot, which honestly, they're better suited for anyways.


Spectre of Death: Ha. This is easy. Weedsit in the room invisible and intangible and then splatter the "rescue" party from surprise. Being very much an eye for an eye kind of guy, should Impulse get up, he'd probably get a intangible stick poked in his head and let go.


Anthem, the patriotic fast brick. Well, rule of law and all that, he'd have to go attack the robot. He's my only character with a Code vs Killing.



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Cosmic Man: Simple, transform him into something useful and/or join him to the table, wall, or some-such (Maybe turn him into a 2nd restraint table). Shapechange into his appearance, and blast the rescue party when the come in to "save" me.


Leyosh: Fry the robot, fry the invading troops, possibly even fry the villain. He's a small dragon with a flaming breath weapon, so he tends to fry things.

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Cybernaut (my official GM avatar) would quickly make scrap out of the robot with a volley of missiles and, after equiping his armor with anti-psi countermeasures, find the mentalist and her flunkies. Once the mooks are all in body bags and Impulse's lady friend has joined him in stasis, Cybernaut will collect his pay for the mission and return to HQ.

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STARFLASH: Use quantum speed created tornadoe to topple the robot then intercept the bad guys.....in the blink of an eye!


Dark Avenger (My quasi wolverine/batman/punisher type): let the bad guys rescue Impulse so that he can follow them back their hidey hole using an implanted tracking device. Then he can snipe the baddy's without pesky army interference to reduce the body count.



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Deathrider: While Deathrider would have no qualms about killing Impulse, there's a more urgent problem at hand. He would start by attacking the robot (using his AI-equipped superjet) while performing aerial recon to make sure this wasn't a feint or distraction. If he could spot the controller or any other enemy forces, he would take them down.


Since he's more of an outdoor hero (being little more than an agent outside of his plane), he'd lead the attack on the robot, and try to encourage some of his teammates to go make sure Impulse was still under wraps. Once the conflict was over, he'd have a few words to say about making sure Impulse remained out of circulation...by whatever means possible.


Talon: Talon would attack the robot, most likely fighting defensively to keep it from harming others. He'd be on the lookout for other attackers and/or any escape attempts, but his first concern would be the safety of those on the base.

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ShadowBlade: "Impulse is a telekinetic. His girlfriend has mental powers." [roll KS: supervillains] "Their lackeys would have to study to qualify as half-wits. Since none of them know the first thing about robots, this jolly green giant is here for something else."


He'd then proceed to slice up the robot, unless any armed Apache helicopters were in the air (Fort Hood is the Army's Apache training center, IIRC). ShadowBlade is an overconfident martial artist, but he's sane enough to realize it's not a good idea to be next to the giant robot while missiles and gatling guns are being fired at it.

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Group I


Bishop (adjuster) will try to locate the Telepath through his mental awareness, targeting, 360°, N-Ray (concentration 0 DCV on all that) waiting for a use of mental power.


Meanwhile, 3-Clops (three-eyed telekinetic) and the Phantom Arrow (weaponmaster w/bow) will probably use their range attacks (armor-piercing EB and armor-piercing HKAs) to attack the giant robot.


Sword (martial artist w/guesswhatweapon?) is hiding, waiting for a signal from Bishop, once done, he will start his invisibility and move to attack the mentalist (directly using HKAs)


about leaving Impulse alive, i know them well enough that they will threaten to kill him to force his girlfriend to show up.


Group II

Mirage (Cyberpath w/gadgets) will build a Mental Defense headband (KS:Psychic engineering) while Grendel (imagine Wolverine with a strength of 40 and Dam red.) will catch the attention of the robot. Then, Mirage will reprogram the robot with his powers.

Once done, Grendel (helped with the robot) will deal with the henchmen (Slicing time!)

Meanwhile Troubles (mentalist) will try to locate/(eventually oppose) the mentalist through Mental awareness or Mind scan, giving informations to Zatsu Sei Ni ("Spirit of Mystery", sentient gaseous cloud) and Copycat (shapeshifting martial artist)


Once done, the team will attack the mentalist as follow: first Zatsu Sei Ni, invisible and desolid use its toxic attack (NND EB , affects real world) to choke the mentalist, Troubles blats her mentally and Copycat (probably taking the shape of Impulse) will attack her physically.

They would never kill any of them except if there is a bounty on that (they're merc heroes).

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Our new group has never actually gamed together as of yet...so it's impossible to know for certain how we would handle this situation, but I think I know how my character, a speedster named "The Tornado" would handle it.


First, tackle the most obvious threat, the giant robot. He'd run all over the thing removing key screws and bolts ("Disassemble" - 3d6 Major Transform - mechanical object into disassembled mechanical object) until it fell apart. I'm guessing that would take him about 14-15 seconds (SPD 7, assuming no power defenses could transform average of 10 body per active phase, assuming a 50-60 Body robot, allowing for a couple of dodges and/or recoveries) After that, Would drop any agent/flunkie types with Sonic Boom attack (3d6 NND; Area of Effect: line) or a multiple move-by. Leaving the mentalist girlie and Impulse to deal with. Start by getting Impulse SUPER dizzy using the "Superspin" (6d6 Dex drain: SFX is that Tornado just spins the target around and around really fast) to keep him from blasting away, then he'd KO the mentalist w/ a few "Machine Gun Punches": (5d6 HA +STR: 8d6 total; 3 shot AF) once she is down, make sure she and Impulse aren't a threat by keeping them pinned against the ceiling using "F-5" (bought as TK, STR 45 - SFX: Tornado runs circles creating a massive vortex of air capable of lifting or slowing the fall of very heavy objects) until the authorities arrive to transport them both to a more secure holding area.



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The Robot's an obvious diversion. Still, it needs to be stopped.


Defender, Radar Rider, Eternia: Stop the robot and deal with any immediate hazards its rampage may have created (overturned fuel truck, fire spreading towards munitions, injured soldiers etc.).


Heartseeker, Marchwarden: Infiltrate the base and prepare a counterambush. Heartseeker's ninja mind-clouding techniques make her an excellent mentalist-hunter. Also, very few mentalists of the race of Men can affect Marchwarden's class of mind. She goes for the boss-lady, he shoots the weapons out of the lackeys' hands (don't want to hurt them; they might be innocent mind-puppets).


Of course, she might be more subtle; perhaps instead of going right for the target she'll seize several high-ranking hostages and threaten to kill them if we don't release impulse and let them both go. In that case, Marchwarden keeps her talking (he's very good at that, and again, his thoughts are probably indecipherable to her, so she won't twig to what's up) until Heartseeker can pop out of the air ducts and take her out fast.

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Originally posted by TaxiMan

Ho! All of you assume the robot is real, thus completely and willingly falling into the mental illusion that has siezed all the defenders. Give it up, by the time you realize what happened, Impulse is gone!


If she can simultaneously MI a basefull of soldiers plus a superteam, we're doomed anyway.

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TaxiMan, that was just funny. :-)


None are wrong answers and many are great answers, I always like to see the variety in how players create and how they use what they built in a game session.


Anyone else got a scenario to throw out?

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  • 7 months later...

Husky will beat down the robot and if necessary block the villain's cell with rubble until the attackers are repelled. Then he'll go home and change into Kenneth and develop a serum that will deaden a psychic's abilities and deaden the psychic powers of any other psychics who attempt to contact the first psychic's mind.

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This depends on a few factors, but assuming that he couldn't call for help, my character would probably kidnap Impulse himself and have him imprisoned and sedated someplace more secret. If he has trouble making the arrangements, all he has to tell his fellow faction members is that this guy could kill their creator if he's allowed to run loose. That'd get the help of at least some of his "family". -- Pteryx

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  • 8 months later...

Re: What would your character do? #4


Warp: If the robot is here to rescue Impulse, that means Impuse would be good bait. Warp grabs the sedated body of Impulse and uses it to lure the robot away from the base and into a trap set by his fellow Sentinels, keeping just out of reach thanks to his teleporation.


And if turns out to just be a mental illusion, Warp's psi-blocker combined with mental protection from Warmaster Fielan will keep it from fooling him.


Oh, and just to be sure a subcantaneous tracker has been put into Impulse's body in case his girlfriend does manage to rescue him. Track them via satellite and then teleport-ambush them when they least suspect it.


Spectrum: EMP's the robot while using radar to scan the area for other would be rescuers. Impulse has been marked with a radioactive dye that will allow Spectrum to track him in case his girlfriend does manage to liberate him.


Mystic: Sends Impulse into a pocket dimension and then summons gremlins to confound the robot. Since he knew Impulse's girlfriend is a mentalist he would have augmented his mental defenses mystically.

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