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Steve Long

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Howdy, folx! Just wanted to let you know that the online supplement ("web enhancement," if you like) to The UNTIL Superpowers Database is now up and running at:




Ben will be adding a link from the homepage soon.


The Online USPD page has more powers that couldn't fit in the book (or that I thought of too late). Even better, you can add to it! The "Contribute" part of the page tells you how you can submit a power for the Online USPD and share your cleverness and insight with Herodom Assembled.



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What about powers that do similar things in different ways?


Example, IIRC correctly from the playtest the EMP power was dispell based, when I designed the same power (Years earlier) I used an RKA base (a foci destroyer)


That depends on how reasonable it would be to present different versions, and how many are sent. If someone sends me alternate versions of one or two powers, that's probably OK, provided the differences are worth noting IMO. If you (or anyone else) sends me dozens of them, I guarantee you I will simply start ignoring you. I don't have the time to mess with that sorta nonsense. ;)

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Of the abilities mentioned in the Miscellaneous Powers section

of the USPD webpage -- Linguistic Savant, True Universal Translator,

and Universal Translator -- which comes closest to duplicating the ability

of the Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior? You know,

the scene where he's sitting at the fire with the Vikings and listening

to them speak in their language for a few minutes before talking to

them in the same language.


Space Cadet :confused:

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Originally posted by Space Cadet

Of the abilities mentioned in the Miscellaneous Powers section

of the USPD webpage -- Linguistic Savant, True Universal Translator,

and Universal Translator -- which comes closest to duplicating the ability

of the Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior? You know,

the scene where he's sitting at the fire with the Vikings and listening

to them speak in their language for a few minutes before talking to

them in the same language.


Space Cadet :confused:


That character was good, but not that good. That scene compiled many evenings of sitting around the fire. He'd been travelling with the Vikings for at least several weeks by that point, if not months - you have to remember what travel times were like during the Dark Ages. ;)


He'd probably have the Linguist Skill Enhancer, though.

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Originally posted by Space Cadet

Of the abilities mentioned in the Miscellaneous Powers section

of the USPD webpage -- Linguistic Savant, True Universal Translator,

and Universal Translator -- which comes closest to duplicating the ability

of the Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior? You know,

the scene where he's sitting at the fire with the Vikings and listening

to them speak in their language for a few minutes before talking to

them in the same language.


Space Cadet :confused:


The way I did it for a character who is a ligusitic savant (modeled on that) was:


Universal translator, extra time (1 minute, -1 1/2), Limited power (verbal only, -1), Concentration, must concentrate thru out (1/2 DCV, -1/2)





And yes, I'll probably submit it if it hasn't already been done.

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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

That character was good, but not that good. That scene compiled many evenings of sitting around the fire. He'd been travelling with the Vikings for at least several weeks by that point, if not months - you have to remember what travel times were like during the Dark Ages. ;)


He'd probably have the Linguist Skill Enhancer, though.


Right. Pay attention to the scenes. It is raining in one, dry in another, and they are doing slightly different things. And as he says "he listened."

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Of the abilities mentioned in the Miscellaneous Powers section

of the USPD webpage -- Linguistic Savant, True Universal Translator,

and Universal Translator -- which comes closest to duplicating the ability

of the Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior? You know,

the scene where he's sitting at the fire with the Vikings and listening

to them speak in their language for a few minutes before talking to

them in the same language.


None of 'em. That's just an example of a character spending a point or two on a Language, with the expenditure justified by the in-game experience of listening closely to people as they talk.


Sort of a Fantasy equivalent of the classic, "I have now learned your language from watching many hours of your televised programs." :)

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This is JUST SO COOL! I will spread the word about the database, and spread the love. I have no made it to pick up the book yet, but this gives a really good idea about its potential. (And, btw, it had an excellent "unofficial" review by a Mutants & Masterminds player as a great resource.)


I second the idea of building an import bridge into Hero Designer!

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Originally posted by Space Cadet

Of the abilities mentioned in the Miscellaneous Powers section

of the USPD webpage -- Linguistic Savant, True Universal Translator,

and Universal Translator -- which comes closest to duplicating the ability

of the Antonio Banderas character in The 13th Warrior? You know,

the scene where he's sitting at the fire with the Vikings and listening

to them speak in their language for a few minutes before talking to

them in the same language.


Space Cadet :confused:


Heh. Weeks are passing in that scene. He's just learning thier language as they travel from somewhere in the Ukraine up to the frozen north.

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Okay, Steve, I have a question about this.


If I have some additional options for a power already in the USPD, how would I format it? For example, I have a few ideas for expanding Psionic Invisibility (page 151); would I just omit everything between the power name and the Options, and list the options starting with #7?

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