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Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


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Champions Christmas Scenarios

Here, in the spirit of might plot seeds and Villainy Amok, are some Christmas scenario hooks for Champions games. Feel free to add or modify!



1. Oh No Christmas Tree!: Saturnalius, the dark spirit of Yule, plans to "take back" the spirit of the season from modern religions *and* commerce by filling it with fear and dread. To this end, working his vile-magicks, he's enchanted random Christmas trees at various tree farms to come to life and eat people. Can you find a way to detect which trees have been contaminated and purge them of their evil taint?


2. No Christmas For You: Billionaire (and self-proclaimed Christmas-hater), Milo Sarner, has bought an orphanage and plans to show his contempt for the season by shutting it down on Christmas eve. He boasts the only thing that will change his mind is if he were visited by three spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future – and they managed to do a better job on him than they did on that wimp, Scrooge.

Use your powers to imitate A Christmas Carol and give it to this modern day uber-Ebenezer.


3. New Messiah For Old: A demon prince villain informs the heroes that he intends to recast Christmas in his image by having a virgin give birth to *his* son in a backdrop of war and misery and claw his way to the throne of the world –and he's inviting you to a "dark manger" to pay tribute to his newborn son.

Why would the demon prince invite you, of all people, to visit his son? Is this son irredeemably evil? Will he need to be destroyed? Or can (with the assistance of the heroes) the spirit of Christmas redeem even a mocking demon's spawn?


4. Island of Misfit Toymakers: On an island in the east Pacific, a magic spell allows a dark toy factory to operate full time –by enslaving child laborers and forcing them to work around the clock without eating or sleeping or any sort of a break. More and more children are being pressed into service, to produce Hex Box 360s and other "hot" toys for the world's toy markets.

Santa Claus comes to you with a letter from one of the workers, cursing Christmas. Santa says he's forbidden to take direct action against any toy manufacturer, but he wants you to go to the island, break the spell, free the children, and redeem the name of Christmas. Can you?


5. Learning Curve: Chim Chimiri, the life-sized champanzee doll, includes a learning algorithm to help it modify its behavior, Unfortunately, it's learning too well, and its teachers are cranky, spoiled, argumentative kids on the days following Christmas, who are inadvertently teaching it bad manners and destructive habits. After awhile, Chim-Chimiri dolls have picked up so many nasty habits that they begin attacking their owners (and generally wreaking havoc). A supervillain toymaker (use one who's appropriate to your world) offers to use his skills to help you stop the rampage, but can he be trusted?


6. The Christmas Gift: An orphan child's magical Christmas wish is that the dead should live again on Christmas, and they do! Unfortunately, it's not just his dead parents –it's everyone who ever died in the campaign city since its founding, which includes criminals, maniacs, and deceased supervillains. Worse, the dead realize they're only back for one day, so they know they've only got 24 hours to cause trouble, and they're going to make the worst of them. Fortunately, you've got the city's deceased superheroes on your side.


7. A Slaying Song Tonight: What do you get when you've got a serial killer who dresses like Santa, drives a sleigh of reindeer, and kills people by running them over with razor sharp sled blades? A Christmas foe for Dark Champions, of course.


8. Merry Christmas, My Enemy!: One of the more honorable of your enemies, believing you're going to be alone this Christmas, invites you to a neutral country (i.e. where he can't be deported) to spend time together for Christmas. He promises a good Christmas dinner and the exchange of (non-lethal) gifts. Dare you trust him? Can even a supervillain celebrate the holy day in the spirit of the season?


9. Not Walking In A Winter Wonderland: A week before Christmas, a weather-controlling supervillain has managed to create a killer blizzard over much of the region, bringing the area to an effective standstill. He promises to leave the storm in place until New Years, and wants a billion dollars in exchange for allowing Christmas to happen. Can he be stopped before he stops Christmas?


10. The Kid Who Collected... Your Secrets?!!: On Christmas, a dying kid's wish is to meet his favorite superhero and find out what he's really like. However when the PCs reveal their secrets to the dying tyke, they discover too late that it was really a plot by the kid's greedy parents to exploit their son's illness and coerce the PCs to confess their secret identities on tape (which they intend to sell for millions to the tabloids!) Is there any lower form of life on the planet… and how do you protect your identity?


Also (for a blast from the past):



And Merry Christmas! :-)

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


11. Christmas in Stronghold : Black Harlequin has somehow managed to smuggle in presents to various Stronghold prisoners - presents that allow them to escape from their cells! Now a full-scale breakout is in progress. Can you stop the villains, and manage to explain your absence to your family?


(GM's note - BH managed to incorporate his gifts and secret programming into several Stronghold robots being made at an off-site robotics firm - these robots will flip out Black Harlequin masks and attack guards and heroes as well)

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Groovy, and repped. :)


12 - A reliable mystic brings you absurd news. A "real" Santa Claus is coming this year, delivering toys to all the world's good children. Unfortunately, he plans to stuff all of the bad children into his sack. They will then be kicked and punched by his large assistants and sold as slaves. Can your characters stop Christmas?

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


7. A Slaying Song Tonight: What do you get when you've got a serial killer who dresses like Santa, drives a sleigh of reindeer, and kills people by running them over with razor sharp sled blades?

A bad movie starring Bill Goldberg?


8. Merry Christmas, My Enemy!: One of the more honorable of your enemies, believing you're going to be alone this Christmas, invites you to a neutral country (i.e. where he can't be deported) to spend time together for Christmas. He promises a good Christmas dinner and the exchange of (non-lethal) gifts. Dare you trust him? Can even a supervillain celebrate the holy day in the spirit of the season?

The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine

And forced him to land behind the enemy lines

Snoopy was certain that this was the end

When the Baron cried out, "Merry Christmas, my friend"


The Baron then offered a holiday toast

And Snoopy, our hero, saluted his host

And then with a roar they were both on their way

Each knowing they'd meet on some other day.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!




Using highly sophisticated (and obviously purchased or stolen) robots that amount to lawn gnomes dressed in Santa suits, he goes on a one-loony crime spree, stealing presents, trees, and Millenium City's holiday decorations!



Okay, lame, but if ANYBODY'S gonna try it ... ;)

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!




Using highly sophisticated (and obviously purchased or stolen) robots that amount to lawn gnomes dressed in Santa suits, he goes on a one-loony crime spree, stealing presents, trees, and Millenium City's holiday decorations!



Okay, lame, but if ANYBODY'S gonna try it ... ;)


I might have to do that someday as a followup to my other Foxbat/Suess adventure...



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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


A Supervillain (Either Foxbat or Black Harlequin, depinding on how you want this to go down) has become obsessed with the hot toy item of the season.


Minions are dispatched to any store rumored to have a shipment of the toy, with combat usually ensuing with any parents who don't back down. The factory in asia is sabotaged, and giant robots attack UPS trucks their sensors tell them contain the toy.


The villain wants *All* the hot toys of the year.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Your character meets a drunk, sad, shockingly beautiful woman at a bar on the 23rd. Her career is stuck, she has no one, and she doesn't want to spend another Christmas alone.


He takes her home.


The next morning, they make plans to spend Christmas together.


One problem: Turns out the girl is Gravitar.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Letter Man's Revenge:


Letter Man has grown steadily more bitter in the years since The Electric Company's cancellation. The advent of the Internet and online chat has eroded young people's spelling skills to appalling levels, and the once-stalwart hero is losing his faith in humanity.


This year, at Christmas, he finally snaps. Spelling "Christ Mass" as Christmas and "Holy Days" as holidays was bad enough. Now, he's seen one-too-many signs with "Xmas" on them, and he goes completely nuts.


Deciding that people have become irredeemably corrupt, he lies in wait until Santa begins his Christmas Eve journey, then rips the letter "N" from Santa's name, and slaps it onto the end...


Can your heroes stop the horror that is... Satan Claus?!?!?




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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


2. No Christmas For You: Billionaire (and self-proclaimed Christmas-hater), Milo Sarner, has bought an orphanage and plans to show his contempt for the season by shutting it down on Christmas eve. He boasts the only thing that will change his mind is if he were visited by three spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future – and they managed to do a better job on him than they did on that wimp, Scrooge.

Use your powers to imitate A Christmas Carol and give it to this modern day uber-Ebenezer.

Love it! :thumbup:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GestaltBennie again :(

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Say, does anyone here remember a special one-shot comic based on the Dini & Timm Batman that was all Christmas stories? Some of them later showed up as a Batman episode (the ones with Harley and Ivy kidnapping Bruce Wayne, and the Joker trying to kill everyone on New Year's). The one I regret them never making into an episode was the one where the Scarecrow avenges a young girl's rape and assault by trying to frighten her attacker to death. There was a sense of tragedy to that one that was usually missing with the Scarecrow.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


An idea from a Ghostbuster's episode and similar to number 2:


1. Somehow the PC's get sent back in time briefly and run into an old man being attacked by three ghosts. Naturally the PC's leap to the rescue and after victory are sent back to their present on Christmas Eve... only everyone is grim and saying Bah, Humbug from the famous story of "A Christmas, Humbug!"


The heroes have to go back to the past and renact a Christmas Carol or Christmas will never be the same!


2. Another time travel story: a time traveler goes back to the past to witness the birth of Christ to "prove" one way or another if the Christmas tale is true. Time storms start to develop the Captain Chronus shows up to send the heroes back to fix the problem. What's going on... and is it possible to prove something that needs to be believed based on faith?


2A.: A more controversial take: a time traveler decides that religion has caused so much death over the years (I'm not arguing one way or another, just remember the old saw about religion has killed more people, yadda, yadda) that it HAS to be stopped. First stop is the birth of Christ. Can the heroes manage to stop this horrible mission? Perhaps can they even convince the traveler that religion can also convey hope and love, what the true spirit of Christmas is supposed to embody?


3: The holidays are an especially sad time for the imprisoned, especially those with no family who will visit them. The warden of Stronghold asks some of the PC's (either as heroes or in civilain iD's if they are known charity workers, singers, whatever), to come and spend a few hours with the super criminals to cheer them up and help with their rehabilitation.


4. It's a wonderful life... with capes! One super hero feels that he or she has been useless as a hero. Perhaps their powers have isolated them from family and friends. Either way, they wish that they had never been given their powers. It's up to some friendly spirits (perhaps played by other PC's who died because their friend wasn't a hero) to show the PC the enormous impact that they have made in other's lives.


5. This one is kinda grim: recently a young child has been orphaned as a result of criminals killing her parents. This human nature story is shown live on TV when the girl blurts out that for Christmas she wants the killers dead! A dark vigilante decides to give her the heads of her parent's killers for Christmas. Can the PC's stop this dark justice from happening and show the vigilante the power of hope and forgiveness during this holiday season? Can they also help this poor child cope with her grief so that one day she can learn to love Christmas again?


6. I was going to suggest that the PC's are involved in a battle at the Jewish Temple that was the basis for Hanukkah but I can't seem to find anything of the sort. Guess I have my Jewish religion mixed up. Does anyone have any ideas for something along these lines? Thanks.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


A couple I have run...


Foxbat (or insert your favorite nutball villain) is on a seemingly chaotic crime spree. On Dec. 13, he kidnaps Danny Bonaduce and breaks into the local arboretum and steals a Pyrus communis. On Dec. 14, he breaks into an ice cream shipment and steals exactly 2 Dove bars, of the turtle variety. On the 15th, he kidnaps three middle aged women visiting from Paris. On the 16th, four female telephone operators go missing. Its the 17th, and an original manuscript of the Book of Five Rings is on display at the museum...


Can you stop the fiend and end his twelve days of Xmas larceny?


One half of the city is gripped in near arctic conditions, the other, in record warmth. Your favorite robot building mad genius has created life sized, fully powered replicas of his favorite holiday TV special characters...Heat Miser and Cold Miser from A Year Without A Santa Claus.


Can the heroes defeat the claymation automatons before the city is ripped apart by the opposing climate extremes?

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


The one I regret them never making into an episode was the one where the Scarecrow avenges a young girl's rape and assault by trying to frighten her attacker to death. There was a sense of tragedy to that one that was usually missing with the Scarecrow.


Sounds intriguing-- and way, WAY too dark for S&P to allow.

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Re: Champions Christmas Adventure Seeds!


Sounds intriguing-- and way' date=' WAY too dark for S&P to allow.[/quote']


Well, the story didn't come right out and say she was raped, but it was easy to get the idea. I just liked it as an attempt at humanizing Professor Crane that worked very well. [Note: Very OT] Hmm, I wonder how the average supervillain would react to learning that one of their loved ones had been raped or assaulted?

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