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Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.

Snake Gandhi

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Back In The Day comics were printed from plates' date=' which had a mirror-image on them. Looking at the plate, if you saw a dot you couln't be sure if it was a period, a comma, or a mistake without talking the time to puzzle out the reversed writing for context. So more distinctive exclaimation points and dashes took the place of periods and commas. Question marks were distinctive enough, even reversed, to be left alone.[/quote']

Wow, cool trivia!

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


In Batman's case, I would never unmask him. It just means that within five pages, you will be killed by your former comrades, go insane, get amnesia, have a fatal accident, or be killed by the Joker.


Keith "I blame Bat-Mite" Curtis


Even worse, he might put you in the little green Speedo.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


They still have Genocide (or whatever it's calling itself these days) so it still has anti-mutant hate-groups.

The thing about Mutants and mutant hating is that it allowed Marvel to deal with the problems social problems while using the screen of 'mutation' to claim they weren't ("No we're not dealing with racial hate groups or gay bashings, their mutants, their not real. Any similarities to the actual crimes being comitted against minorities is purely coincidental). And while you might be getting tired of it after 40 years, the issues are still around only now Mutant= Moslem or person of Middle Eastern Appearance instead of 'African American' or 'Gay person'.

Also many teenagers still feel like 'mutants' for one reason or another and so idenify with the mutant characters.


The thing is, Marvel and other publishers have done several comics in the 90s and 00s (is that even right?) that deal with racism, gay-bashing, and other hate crimes in the direct fashion. Heck, I have an old issue of Spider-Man where they introduced Skinhead, the White Redeemer as a villain (with Rocket Racer as the obvious high-profile target for the episode).


I can see where having smaller 'hate groups' for mutants works, but I think it's become overkill that, for 50 years, the bulk of the world has hated all mutants regardless of their personal morality and deeds (especially since, as stated, most other Superheroes don't have that kind of prejudice).


Strong Guy: "Stuff like this happens to the Fantastic Four and the Avengers all the time, but they're not 'cosmic-powered vermin' or 'superhuman freaks'! We deserve respect! We DEMAND respect! And we're not going to get it with the pejorative term 'mutant' in popular use!"

Reporter: "So ... you don't want to be called mutants?"

Strong Guy: "That's right. We prefer the term 'genetically challenged' ... or 'Geecee' for short."


(Slightly paraphrased, but still one of my favorite lines in a comic book EVER.)

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


...Heck' date=' I have an old issue of Spider-Man where they introduced Skinhead, the White Redeemer as a villain (with Rocket Racer as the obvious high-profile target for the episode)...[/quote']

When was the Rocket Racer a high-profile anything? :confused:




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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Getting back to the topic, I like how heroes can always find some crime as it's taking place. How hard would it be to spot a mugger in a crowd while swinging along at 60mph while you're four stories up? Especially if you're Batman and don't have any super senses to tell you that someone is in trouble.


I love how heroes constantly use tracking devices to follow villains, but only the Green Goblin thought to use one on a hero.


I love how heroes never apply their superscience in benign ways. C'mon Tony Stark, you invented a miniaturized powerplant for your armour but never thought that it might have some other applications in the world? Like maybe a CAR?


Or when obvious solutions get ignored because they lead to bad implications. Honestly, how many phone calls would it take for Barbara Gordon to find someone in the DC universe who could heal her spinal damage? It doesn't bother me because I really don't want to see Zatanna show up every time someone gets a hangnail :)

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


The ridiculous thing I don't mind?...


The "Chainmail Bikini" Effect. Yes, I'm superpowerfu; Yes one of my powers is having enough str to support my chest; yes, a team of engineers had to design these two straps special so that I don't come tumbling out.


It's the juvenile in me. And boy is he ever present.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Or when obvious solutions get ignored because they lead to bad implications. Honestly' date=' how many phone calls would it take for Barbara Gordon to find someone in the DC universe who could heal her spinal damage? It doesn't bother me because I really don't want to see Zatanna show up every time someone gets a hangnail :)[/quote']


Errr, actually, the Barbara Gordon point has been addressed, by several writers...


* "Why not just use the same chip that Ravan got put in his spine in SUICIDE SQUAD to let him walk again?" Answer: she looked into that, her spinal damage was more extensive than his. (Ostrander's SUICIDE SQUAD run)


* "Why not get more advanced or more extensive cybernetics?" Answer: she's afraid of the humanity loss in becoming part robot. (JLA #19.)


* "Why not get a Mother Box?" Answer: New Genesis won't give her (or anybody else) one unless the fate of a whole lot more than just herself is on the line, and the one time that condition applied in her personal storyline, too much else was going on to concentrate on making the cure stick. (JLA: "World War III")


* "Why not get Zatanna/Dr. Fate/et. al to fix it?" Answer: healing magic requires the recipient to not be doubting it, and Babs is a strict rationalist. (BATMAN: THE CHALICE, guest-starring the Holy Grail itself.)


Granted, that last one is a bit of a stretch, but it's not *too* much of a stretch to make computer-savvy, ultra-logical, whiz kid control freak Oracle into a strict rationalist, yes? (Also note, Babs has never been a direct teammate of any magic people.)


(add) Besides, as of BIRDS OF PREY #85, Babs has gotten enough nerve function back to be able to wiggle her toes, with the possibility of being able to walk w/ crutches after some months, if she does her physical therapy. This is probably related to a temporary possession by Brainiac nanites she had in immediately prior BoP issues. :)

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


I love how heroes never apply their superscience in benign ways. C'mon Tony Stark, you invented a miniaturized powerplant for your armour but never thought that it might have some other applications in the world? Like maybe a CAR?



That's just because Tony owns controlling stock in several major oil companies. ;)


But more seriously, that bugs me too, and I'm glad it was at least addressed in the Champs Universe.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


That is neat--Thank you! I'd like to check this out. Was it online' date=' or in a book somewhere...?[/quote']

IIRC it was an interview, about the time Miracle Monday was first published. Want to say Comics Buyer's Guide, but could be wrong.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


(add) Besides' date=' as of BIRDS OF PREY #85, Babs has gotten enough nerve function back to be able to wiggle her toes, with the possibility of being able to walk w/ crutches after some months, if she does her physical therapy. This is probably related to a temporary possession by Brainiac nanites she had in immediately prior BoP issues. :)[/quote']

[sarcastically annoyed grumbling]Because as we all know, [TECH] handwavium is oh-so-superior to mystic mumbo-jumbo handwavium.[/sarcastically annoyed grumbling]


Sorry, I do understand the reasoning, both in-story and out, but this kind of thing is nearly as bad as transporter tricks on Star Trek.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Costumes that should fall off the moment the heroine takes a deep breath but soomehow stay on.


Almost heros are physically impressive specimens, even if they were formerly mild mannered scientists that rarely left the lab and only knew the word "gym" a name.




Secret IDs,I think they are possible but would require MUCH more effort to maintain than you see in most comics.


Normal people can be slammed threw brick walls, encased in blocks of ice and other horrible trauma but will usasually be just fine.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


Normal people can be slammed threw brick walls, encased in blocks of ice and other horrible trauma but will usasually be just fine.


This is actually one of the items that made me switch from GURPS back to Hero. I was tired of having to house rule GURPS in a dozen ways to keep every Super battle from ending in a massive body count.

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


[sarcastically annoyed grumbling]Because as we all know' date=' [TECH'] handwavium is oh-so-superior to mystic mumbo-jumbo handwavium.[/sarcastically annoyed grumbling]


Sorry, I do understand the reasoning, both in-story and out, but this kind of thing is nearly as bad as transporter tricks on Star Trek.


Well, actually, nanites that restored just enough nerve function that she can wiggle her toes, and *might* someday walk on crutches again with enough physical therapy, actually /does/ come across as more realistic than Zatanna just going "teG tuo fo taht riach dna ecnad!" :)

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


[sarcastically annoyed grumbling]Because as we all know' date=' [TECH'] handwavium is oh-so-superior to mystic mumbo-jumbo handwavium.[/sarcastically annoyed grumbling]


Sorry, I do understand the reasoning, both in-story and out, but this kind of thing is nearly as bad as transporter tricks on Star Trek.

That is exactly why I never use nanotechnology in my campaigns. There's no effect that can't be justified by enough nanotechnology. It equates to magic.

Even if you restricted it to reasonable uses, it puts a huge burden on the GM to list all of the things it can and cannot do. bleh.

On a side note (to continue this de-rail). I hate the term "nanite". It's treknobabble that has somehow come to be accepted terminology. "Nanorobot" is proper.


Keith "On-Topic: No one ever gets arrested or sued for property damage or endangerment unless it's a major plot point" Curtis

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Re: Ridiculous things in comics that you don't mind.


That is exactly why I never use nanotechnology in my campaigns. There's no effect that can't be justified by enough nanotechnology. It equates to magic.


Actually, there's several effects that can't be justified by nanotechnology(1):


* Transmutation of elements

* FTL travel

* Teleportation

* etc, etc.


If you have a player who tries to snowball you with the possibilities of nanotech, throw chapter 10 of _Engines of Creation_ at him. :)


(Entire book available online for free.)








(1) All of these effects are known to comic book science, of course... but they've been done with NON-nanotech machinery, decades before the concept even made it *into* SF. i.e. -- if the DM rules that such effects aren't possible with tech of any kind, that also includes tech of the nanite kind.

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