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"Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


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Inspired by the well done Hindu-themed heroes thread, I was just wondering: has anyone here ever done anything with specifically Christian-inspired or themed characters in a Champions game? I.e., incarnate angels, characters who channel their superpowers from Christian saints instead of pagan deities, or whatever?


Myself, I've always wanted to do something with someone who channels/gets his power from Saint Christopher Cynocephalus*, if only because he's such a bizarre figure, and I like both wolves and bricks. But what other saints would make good choices for a superheroic patron?


* -- Christopher Cynocephalus basically looks like a Crinos-form werewolf, is or can become a giant (in some versions of the legend), and has near-infinite strength. He also is, or rather was, the patron saint of travelers, though it's anyone's guess what that would amount to (Movement powers? Aid to Movement Powers, any one at a time?). He's also been removed from the saint list by the Roman Catholics, though I think the Eastern Rite churches still accept him as legit.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Well, that sort of counts. Besides, from a Christian POV, no matter *how* you get superpowers, it can be justified as a act of God (since he can do anything, and all that).


PS -- In case I have to say it, let's please stay off theological debates (Not saying anythign against you Bob). Keep that on the NGD.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Cross posted from that thread.


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

40/70 STR 0 17- / 23- Lift 6400.0kg/409.6tons; 8d6/14d6 [4/7]

24 DEX 12 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

28 CON 6 15-

20 BODY 0 13-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

13 EGO 6 12- ECV: 4

30 PRE 5 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 COM 0 11-


8/29 PD 0 Total: 8/29 PD (0/15 rPD)

6/27 ED 0 Total: 6/27 ED (0/15 rED)

4 SPD 6 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

14 REC 0

56 END 0

55 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 35


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 12"/24"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

14 Psychokinetic Force Field "The Armor Of God": Elemental Control, 36-point powers, (18 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

15 1) Blessing of Saint Erasmus: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1

14 2) Blessing of Saint Christina: Flight 12", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Used for 1/2 END cost or Megascale; +1/2) (36 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4

15 3) Blessing of Saint Reinold: Density Increase (8,800 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6" KB), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1

Blessings of the Saints, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

24 1) Blessing of Saint Michael: +30 STR (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3

24 2) Blessing of Saint Sebastian: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

24 3) Blessing of Saint Sabas: +15 CON (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

16 4) Blessing of Saint Barbara: +10 BODY (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

12 5) Blessing of Saint Vitus: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

12 6) Blessing of Sain Clare: Mental Defense (18 points total) (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

10 7) Blessing of Saint Ita: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

2 8) Blessing of Saint Gertrude: Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)

26 9) Blessing of Saint Roch: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (33 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)



2 KS: Catholic Theology 11-

2 KS: Lives of the Saints 11-

0 Language: Spanish (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

1 Language: Latin (basic conversation)

2 Language: English (fluent conversation)


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 215

Total Cost: 250


200+ Disadvantages

25 Psychological Limitation: Absolute Faith in God and the Catholic Church (Very Common, Total)

15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to living a Catholic Life, and being an example to others (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Must Spread The Word (Common, Moderate)

5 Physical Limitation: Heroic Form is seven feet tall and weighs 300 pounds, causes some problems (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect PRE attacks from Women and Clergy (Common)

20 Hunted: Supervillain Group 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

25 Hunted: Watched by the Catholic Church 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

15 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders from the Church (Frequently, Major)

15 Distinctive Features: Inhumanly Handsome and Over-Muscled in Heroic Form (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


Total Disadvantage Points: 250


Background/History: A deeply devout young Catholic newsboy from Santander, Spain, at the age of 13 Eduardo saved his older sister Julia from a brutal attempted rape, driving off her teen attacker with fists and threats. While helping her from the filthy alley where she had been assaulted, Eduardo saw the attacker returning with a group of friends. In terror, Eduardo and Julia fled through back streets, the gang that pursued them gaining with every passing moment. Finally they were cornered, Julia weeping, the gang sneering, and Eduardo knew that he would die, and worse, that Julia would die. Eduardo cried out to God and all the saints, and was answered.

Where the teen Eduardo had stood was now an adult mountain of muscle, glowing with divine light. Eduardo struck one of the attackers, and his fist smashed the boy's head to a pulp. The gang fled, and Eduardo looked down in horror at the body, and in exultation. Eduardo found himself changing back into his human form.


Two days later at confession Eduardo told all. The priest, having heard of the killing of a known local brute, absolved Eduardo of his sins. Thinking Eduardo to be insane with guilt, the priest then asked Eduardo to call on God and the saints again. Eduardo did so, and again transformed.


Since that day, Eduardo has served his faith. Most of the time he is simply a student who hopes one day to be a priest. However, when the need is there, Eduardo calls upon the saints to become a Knight of the Church.


Personality/Motivation: Eduardo has a deep faith in his God and Church, and a temper he struggles to keep in check. He devotes himself to the service of God, and to trying to live by the highest standards of his faith, but mockery brings out his dark side. A lifetime of conditioning (and a lack of real world experience) has left him very vulnerable to manipulation by women and clergy.


Quote: "In the name of God, stop or know pain!"


Powers/Tactics: A classic flying brick.


Campaign Use: The Catholic Captain Marvel.


Appearance: As Eduardo: A moderately tall, athletic, and handsome 15 year old spanish boy with brown eyes and hair.


As The Knight: A huge, impossibly muscular and inhumanly handsome Spaniard.


Copyright Robert Dorf, 2005


I know that Kristopher has put together at least one extremely well done Earth bound Angel.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Are we as players or GMs mature enough for this?

Is it done merely to mock?

If its done to "teach" that can be bad enough.


In my campaigns there's always an angel living somewhere in town.

honest-to-goodness sent-from heaven to live-among-mortals person.

not usually flamboyant like Zauriel.


here's the old 3rd ed. write up. Serra Angel

(the spells listed refer to FH equivalent powers)



Elsewhere I have a heroine called Bambolea.


how she works and what it all means is up to you as a GM.


Does the afterlife mean anything in your campaign ?

What does faith mean in your game world ?

What is the most powerful thing truly, in your campaign ?

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


As to "maturity" issues, meh. Religious themed Supers are part of the Comic Book Supers genre, and Religion is likely going to be part of a Supers life as per the demographics of the population. I wouldn't run or play in a Bible studies course disguised as a Supers campaign, but I'd be slightly annoyed if there weren't a fair number of religious supers out there, some of them devout.


As to "Is there a G_d in your campaign", the answer is yes, and his nature and true face remain a mystery. My real world beliefs have little to do with that choice; it's how I decided I wanted my campaign world to work, based on my prefered source material.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Steadfast of the MC-8 true source of power was left open for the GM to decide, but he believes his powers came from God, and gained them saving a group of kids at church.


In another thread I made the Virtues, a team in service to the Pope, but their powers are from various sources (one even a Pagan god it seems) so no, can't say I've done any direct angels etc.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Well' date=' that sort of counts. Besides, from a Christian POV, no matter *how* you get superpowers, it can be justified as a act of God (since he can do anything, and all that).[/quote']That pretty much was Mustardseed's take on it -- it was a genetic mutation, but it was a gift from God and it fell to him to use the gift responsibly... especially since he was living in Israel at the time, and needed to create a positive public image for Christians (which, as you can well imagine, is even more difficult over there than it is here).


Sadly, the change in cost structure for TK in 4th Edition pretty much eliminated him from my roster. :(

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


As to "maturity" issues' date=' meh. [/quote']


YMMV in your group. I run into a fair number of atheists

and others who get uncomfortable with such ideas.


And often they channel their nervousness into mockery.


At the other end of the spectrum is like what if you had a sensual

powered being like Mandrill or Starfox?

There'd be players who couldnt run the game right.


Maturity seems quite germane to the question.


I'm all for heroes of any origin, but you ought to ask

why are we bringing it into the game?

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


As to "maturity" issues' date=' meh. Religious themed Supers are part of the Comic Book Supers genre, and Religion is likely going to be part of a Supers life as per the demographics of the population. I wouldn't run or play in a Bible studies course disguised as a Supers campaign, but I'd be slightly annoyed if there weren't a fair number of religious supers out there, some of them devout.[/quote']


First of all, yes, I agree that using such a character (or a character representing any other POV) to "preach' is a rotten idea. DOUBLY so for a Christian, considering the (at times deservedly so) bad rep we have in the RPGing community.


And I agree that there should be some religiously devout supers in a world that's anything like our own. Heck, I remember asking for ideas about a devout Muslim woman who wears powered armor sometime back


As to "Is there a G_d in your campaign"' date=' the answer is yes, and his nature and true face remain a mystery. My real world beliefs have little to do with that choice; it's how I decided I wanted my campaign world to work, based on my prefered source material.[/quote']


Myself, I would prefer to use the 'God' and Heaven/Elysium as presented in The Mystic World, mostly to avoid headaches. I.e., there is a real God, but he's far beyond the comprehension of even the wisest mortals. There is also the human idea of God in various incarnations that you get in Elysium, which could make for some bizarre roleplaying and interaction if the Christian (or Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) character reaches Elysium and starts finding out about all these other Heavens he never thought existed. But none of them are the real Heaven, and the God you meet there isn't 'the' God.



Oh, and BTW, I liked the 'Lawyer Heaven' in the book.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I'm all for heroes of any origin, but you ought to ask

why are we bringing it into the game?


That's true of any character that you bring into a game, of any origin.


However, I will agree that you need to ask yourself about the cosmology and physics of your world before you bring in a character who derives powers from a given source. If you allow Thor, you need to keep questions about the nature of Asgard and Asgardians in your setting in the back of your mind. If you allow an Angel, you need to consider the same questions.


You always need to consider how your players will react to virtually everything potentially controversial, but that's a given.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I'm all for heroes of any origin, but you ought to ask

why are we bringing it into the game?


To me, the only reason to bring any character into any game is because you'd like to play them.


PS -- Oddhat beat me to the punch, and said it much better than I did. Oops.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Armageddon is an overlooked but fascinating superhero RPG universe where, apart from the human magic users and psychics (who are generallyat the lower end of the power scale) most of the super characters are angels (both the kind who were directly created by the Creator and the less powerful former humans endowed with angelic powers and sent back to fight evil) "gods" (referred to in the text as "titans" both to avoid offending sensitive players and also because the largest faction of angels violently object to anyone except the Creator being referred to as a god and the titans already fought and lost that war.), and their half human offspring and avatars.


The ingame explanation for the titans is that the Creator didn't like to get It's hand dirty dealing with base matter so he created the titans as "subcontractors" who first constructed the world, and used their powers to keep it running until it was geologically and ecologically stable enough that direct intervention was no longer required.

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One of the players in my game wanted an angelic PC, but decided that Christian angels were too overplayed... so he went with a Zoroastrian angel:


Fire Angel


This necessitated some quick reading up on Zoroastrianism on both our parts. I think Fire Angel would be referred to as a yazad actually.


So far, I've taken the Vertigo approach of having a vague Higher Power that is supreme, but which allows for lesser powers and gods and such. Fortunately, Fire Angel's fall left him unable to appreciate the full extent of what he once knew (since he's stuck down among the mortals now), so I don't have to nail down all the sticky metaphysics.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


One of the players in my game wanted an angelic PC' date=' but decided that Christian angels were too overplayed... so he went with a [i']Zoroastrian[/i] angel:


Fire Angel


This necessitated some quick reading up on Zoroastrianism on both our parts. I think Fire Angel would be referred to as a yazad actually.



Playing a Zoroastrian angel, a yazata? Now that's something new.


But aside from angels, what about characters 'empowered' by a saint of one sort or another?

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I tend to discourage real life religious refferences in game, of all kinds. At best I use ancient and outdated religions, such as Greek mythology, if I want something of a religious nature. I do use the multiverse presented in the Mystic World, but the realms there do not universally support a single religion, and tend not to support any religion at all (they don't really care). Characters familiar with these realms tend to scoff religion since, having seen the other worlds, have no need for such faith.


Still, every once in a while someone brings something to the table that has a decided religious bent to it. Things like wanted to playing a repentant demon or a fallen angel, stuff like that. However, in my current game someone has asked (and I allowed them) to play the wandering Jew from Jewish mythology. I allowed the concept only on the condition they player realized the major forces in the campaign had no care or need for religion and that the campaign was never going to have a religious overtone, and that the fact his character is the wandering Jew is just his origin story. He was cool with that, and so was I.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


In a game with other supernatural and mythological elements' date=' not having stuff relating to mainstream religions is just as big of a potential issue, I'd think.[/quote']


Mainstream religions are primarily involving some kind of "overgod" that transcends all other so-called deities and supernatural forces. Even those religions still practiced that originally didn't see their god or gods like that have more or less risen their deities to that status in the modern day.


In keeping in ancient mythologies and religious references to gods that walk the earth and interact with each other and humans on a more or less human level, the fact that some religions appear in the stories and others do not would be perfectly natural.

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


Er "St Barbara" is NAMED after a christian saint; is that good enough ? I also had a character once who got his powers from an angel (basic power was "Images") but, apart from the vague memory that the angel's name started with "Z" (as did the character) and he was described as "An angel with jurisdiction over light and colour" I can't remember what he was called. I also can't find the reference book that I got him out of !

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


As my screen name might suggest I played an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, who was blessed with powers directly from G-d. I also did a takeoff of "Etrigan" (the Demon) as a preist who turned into an angel by saying a certain prayer.

Then there was the woman who found out she was a direct descendant of John Bunyan (Pilgrims Progress), she gained "Christian" powers; Healing,

speaking in toungues, prophecy, etc AND wore the "Armor of God":

(Shield of Faith, etc)

Outside that I did a man brought back from the dead by the "Light" (New Age), also a man who had been a PC's grandfather reincarnated (Bodhisattva).

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I've had characters that though their powers weren't "officially" divine in origin, were still religious, just like (gasp) some real people. ;) With Omega in particular it was a significant part of his character, he had a local priest as a DNPC he confided in, was particularly engaged vs fighting supernatural baddies like Dark Seraph and DEMON, things like that.


Only character I can think of I've had with direct mainstream-religious powers was Archangel, an archaeologist who found holy/magical armor and flaming sword.


Another player in a different game played Bishop, who was in fact a superpowered Catholic bishop. Funny story about him. We were fighting Lord Voodoo, big bad icky necromancer master villain. At the cliffhanger end of one session, we all (Bishop included) get sucked through a magic mirror trap thing. Next session, we pop out and are in what's essentially Hell. Bishop's player was running late, so his character wasn't there. We manage to make our way out, and Bishop's waiting for us (player arrived just as we got out). This impressed my character (Frogman) verrrry much, and he became much more devout after that! "Don't you guys get it? We *all* got pulled into that mirror. And we *all* went to Hell. Except *him*. I think he knows what he's talking about." :D

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I've got a 1000-point Archangel. Combine Thor and Zauriel and you've got it. I've also got the Disciple, who basically works miracles. At first it was limited to stuff that happened in the Bible, but later on he got creative. :) Both work for God. I've created a team of Catholic heroes (although these are the only two who actually have divine-inspiration as their origins).


What can I say? I like positive outlooks. :)

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Re: "Look, up in the sky! It's Super Saint!" Christian-themed heroes


I've had a couple, of a sort.


One I play off and on now - Angelfire - who was a test tube baby who had genetic material (and magical rituals that kept the mystic connections) from and Angel and a Demon grafted on to her. And they are "pop culture" Christian Angels and Demons. That is one of things that come up in play.


The other was sort of off to the side - He was a martial artists who had "super-chi" because he would remember old lifes from re-incarnation. It became part of the cosmology that a group of people at the time of the splitting spirits and war in heaven chose neither side. They were to be born, die and re-incarnated to find thier own way to heaven, instead of getting the helping hand of Jesus. The cosmology of the world then was very Christian, with the only way of getting to heaven was through Jesus, except for those stubborn few that had to go it thier own way.... and there being a benevolent God, allowed a way for them to get to heaven on thier onw. But that didn't come up much in group play, just in solo stuff with the character.


I generally have an assumed Christian worldview in my games, but it doesn't often come up when I GM.

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