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WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


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After a mission in space lasting several weeks, You (and your team) return to good ol Earth. When you getback, you pick up nothing on the radio about superheroes or supervillians. NOTHING. When you return to your base, it has been mothballed for about a week. About an hour after you arrive there, your government liaison drives up.


She(he) looks very surprised to see you. She asks you "Do you know when all the other superbeings will be returning?"


Upon noticing your confused looks, She says "You don't know what happened do you? All of the world's superbeings vanished 3 weeks ago."


This places it about 2 days after you left the planet. None of earth's remaining top scientists have been able to determine how they disappeared or where they went. The number of scientists and millionaires that turned out to be superbeings is mind-boggling The economy of the world was severely damaged. it is just now starting to recover. The governments of the world are starting to caught up on repairing the damage super-fights have caused because no more are going on. Even the super agencies have lost there best trained and altered members. Viper has not raised its head the whole time the superbeings have been gone.


What would You do?

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Kaja: First thing, dispatch some insects to contact the others in his organization. Since they all share the same powers, or at least draw from a common pool, he needs to find out if they're gone. He'll also realize that they might have survived, but be in hiding, in which case he won't necessarily hear from them anyway. That said, he'll prepare to rebuild them from scratch. (Well, not from scratch, literally, but he's well-versed enough in the lore that he should be able to recruit and train new members.)

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Soulbarb is a street level heroine, so most scenarios involving off-world travel seem rather unlikely. Assuming she was somehow elsewhere or otherwise unavailable anyhow, and has now returned, she smells a rat. How could all those people vanish simultaneously, when they don't have any common interests or even knowledge of one another? Scratching her head, she'd have no choice but to hit the books -- her occult texts, that is -- and hope she can figure out what's going on. She might also need to resort to calling upon the demon that's bound to her soul to see if he can provide any insight.


As far as whether she'd do anything about it if/when she figured out the cause, that's another question. How's the world doing without metas, compared to how it was doing before?

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Ghost Archer: Celebrate? I know my job isn't finished but the lack of other superpowered beings makes it easier. I guess I'd hang around for a while to see if they might return but once I was satisfied they weren't coming back I wander off to find another world or dimension that needed me. If I happened to locate the missing supers that would be okay with me.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Cyrande would sigh, turn to the rest of the team, and go "I'm sorry, Father must have been a little more interested then I thought. I'll go see what he did." (Hey, when you're the Crown Princess of Malva, you expect your father to pull stunts like this.) If it wasn't him... then it would get interesting.



Nox would be... stunned(By the way, Nox is set a year after Detriot got destroyed) First thing she'd think is a supervillian or master mage got carried away with a plan. She'd try and use her Postcognition to "see" what happened. Then she and her team would go from there.(Surprisingly, her team would scale up well to higher levels, if needed.)

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Leatherback: Rejoice, for now he can focus on his studies to enter into the priesthood. But he would mourn the loss of one of his few friends, Bulldozer. (Yes, him.):(


The Spector: Would just keep on doing what he's always done, help out where he can. More than a century as a masked-man gives him an interesting perspective.:confused:


Whisper: *thought* Waaah! All the yummiest food is gone. Now the only food left is stuff people will tell him off for eating.:weep:

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


OK, here's Assault's master plan (based on the assumptions in my previous post):


1. Find the Inter-Dimensional Imp.

2. Take him to the pub and get him drunk.

3. Talk him into entering a Karaoke contest.

4. Get him to sing a rousing chorus of "K - L - T - P - Z - Y - X - M!"


Thus the world is saved once again.


Plan B would involve cupcakes.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Badger "So who am I gonna fight now?" Goes into deep depression now that he has no purpose. Or futilely look for the supers with no clue on how to do it unless they left some energy signature of some such.


Frosty Bob- Well he'd party, of course.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Tao would investigate as best she could and formulate several contingency tactical and stragetic for various alien invasions, sudden reappearance of supervillians, master villians, etc that such an incident just HAS to be a lead up too.



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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Humm, seems that being off planet the characters missed being picked up for the latest Secret Wars.


Millennium hits the media circuit. Is inspirational and reassuring as he tells people that everything is all right, the other heros will return soon (or their replacements will activate), and the government has contengency plans for anything that would normally require superheros in the meantime; all while rescuing kittens from trees.


Cheeta and Dolphin take a vacation while waiting for the other shoe to drop / it to hit the fan. World without supervillians too good to last.


Snow Leopard would continue patroling.


Iron Will switches pool into retrocog, finds out wat happened to the rest of the Supers.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Here's an interesting twist: It's happened in a "Maho-Shoujo/Magical-Girl" style universe, where all supers are mystically bestowed representatives of various gods/ideals/elemental forces, and if are unable to perform these duties, the next in line gets empowered. The question expands to "...and why haven't the next in line been tapped?"


Note to self: I really shouldn't read Sailor Moon fanfic for 3 hours before comming here...:P

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Then to keep it "in genre", one of the PC's has to petulantly cry, "Why wasn't I invited? Waaah!":D


Er-hem... back to topic.


I once had a powersuited character called Bastion. He was also a powersuited villain called Warpath, who secretly had a robot stand-in for him self. His response would be to immediately detonate the micro-nukes on all the gear he had supplied the fellow PC's, and declare himself supreme overlord of the world. But you get that from time-to-time.:smoke:

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


Jake would groan, as obviously he had hit some sort of mirror dimension when stepping back out of the spirit world and into Midgard. The last time this happened, he missed a week of school and got grounded. Then, he'd suspect that messing around in the spirit world had protected him from whatever occured. However, as he's only 16 years old (albiet fairly bright), he simply doesn't have the resources to do anything about it, except maybe try to get to Valhalla and ask around. Unfortuatnely, he doesn't know the WAY to Valhalla, so he'd probably just wind up giant Snake food, or something.


Oh - he could shift into his Jotun (stone giant) form, and then look for signs and portents - he's got the Wisdom of the Gods in that form, so he could basically ask the universe for a hint as to what to do.


Shinji Miromoto would shrug. He also would have been in an alternate dimension, albiet one filled with dark psychic energy. In coming back to this realm, he'd suspect that he had finally succumed to Dark Taint, and was in the process of going insane. Assuming that he could confirm that this wasn't some sort of psychotic episode, he'd try to use a Dark Pool to scry and determine what happened. Based on that, he'd try to inform the local authorities what he found. However, as he's really just a homeless foreign national living illegally in Seattle, this would be kinda hard.


Oh - he'd also briefly entertain thought of going back to Japan and taking over the country, before he realized that doing so would be playing straight into the stereotypical Dark General cliche, which is something he is trying streneously to avoid. That, and he doesn't really WANT to take over Japan...

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!




For those of you that have abilities that let you look back in time:


The Superbeings disappeared like they were holograms being broadcast and they were disrupted and flickered and disappeared in a static flash.


Like the Hologram in Ultraviolet after they shot the car and cell phone.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!


In character:

-Suspect something temporal or mystical went on. But, being little more than an energy blaster (I don't care if he did help take down the Crowns of Krim, he just shoots stuff!), have precious little to do, save for waiting for one of the more mystically attuned characters to figure out what to do next. Spend remaining time with DNPC Girlfriend, who'd be really steamed that I'd been AWOL for about 3 weeks.


Out of character

-Mentally cuss out GM for pulling a 'Marvel Comics' on reality.

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Re: WWYCD: The Vanishing!!!??!!!




For those of you that have abilities that let you look back in time:


The Superbeings disappeared like they were holograms being broadcast and they were disrupted and flickered and disappeared in a static flash.


Like the Hologram in Ultraviolet after they shot the car and cell phone.

Saw the movie, don't really remember that effect.


Iron Will has a pool. Will replay the retrocog as many times as necessary. Are they being killed, or is this some sort of transporter effect, or is it actually an image being discontinued. If an image, will pick out a hero with Public ID and backtrack, seeing if he can pinpoint when the hero was replaced by an image.

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