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What Would Your Character See?


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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Jonah MacDonald would see a tiny duct, or something, just barely large enough to squeeze into. On a dare, he would confidently wriggle into it, go about 5 yards, and then collapse into a tightly packed pile of terrified goo; he's incredibly claustrophobic, you see, but in complete denial about it. He usually depends on his teammates to pull him out of such places once he's there.


Jordan Stormwrought fears very little. In this place, he would encounter himself, having fallen from grace and chosen to use his powers for evil. The two titans would have it out in that dreamscape in a battle between two ideas of power: the stern guardian, and the tyrannical juggernaut. This would end with the both of them locked in a stalemate, in some ridiculous grapple on a rocky outcropping over a canyon. Knowing that there can be only one, both would use their last ounce of STUN to break the grapple and execute their armor-piercing strike, and whichever of the two survived the 300 meter drop that ensued afterwards would be the one to emerge from the dream.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Whisper would find himself in a frilly, pink world wearing a bonet while sitting at a table being served tea. The nighmare would be that no matter how much he wanted to stop inside, he would give the appearances of enjoying it. Trapped within his own non-body, he would scream soundlessly. As for overcomming it, the binding magic means that he cannot harm Bethany, and she does so like to play dress-up with Mr. Whisper. (i.e. "Been There, Played That.")


The Specter finds himself strapped to a cold, metalic table, with small tubes sticking into him all around his body. He is unable to move. Then he sees a young lady in a lab coat noting the reading ov one of the various machines that surrounds him and she says, "Don't worry my many-times great Grand-Papa. Soon we will all be a family again." He would probably try to talk to this obviously deranged woman, but other than that, the poor sod is pretty easily caught in pulp-era traps. (As for overcomming his fear, his default power makes him "fearless".)

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Anthem would see the city in flames, all the innocent people dead in the streets alongside the heroes who tried to save them.


Uncle Slam would find himself in another war, having to do unspeakably nasty things in order to keep American soldiers alive as they blindly ignored him and rushed headlong at the enemy.


Audra Blue would be back in Honduras, in the isolated facility where she was granted her cybernetics, and the nazi doctor who is responsible would be there, grinning maniacally as he always had.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Sarah - would be trapped in an extremely large crowd of faceless people, unable to use her powers and turn invisible. No matter where she ran to, or how many people she pushed aside there would be more and more waiting, seemingly simutaneously closing in on her, moving past her without a notic and mulling about in her way as she ran. Eventually it would get to her and she'd snap, collapse to the ground and curl up into a fetal ball crying.


Overcoming it would be letting her alternate personality, ghost, not just come to the front but take over completely. While Sarah is emotionally cold, ghost is simply violent. She'd end up using her Savate to attack, and possibly kill, people in the crowd. Some of them would take on faces from her past as she lashed out in a methodical controlled violence. Both of them hate and fear crowds and crowded places, they just have different reactions to being in them.


Assuming she wakes from this she'd be a in cold sweat and probably wouldn't sleep for days afterwards. Depending on the intensity she may even cast a small spell to prevent her need to sleep for weeks on end.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


I thought we already had a WWYCD thread about this, but couldn't find it.


Soulbarb's greatest fear would be:

(a) finding a process to break her connection with her Soulstone, which would seem to allow her to retain her powers while also recovering sole posession of her own soul,

(B) exercising that option, shattering her Soulstone into thousands of fragments,

© subsequently discovering that she did not in fact retain her powers, and

(d) moreover that those Soulstone fragments have gone on to allow Camuranima to infest the souls of countless innocent people, dooming them to become his playthings in Hell in her stead.


Soulbarb has no particular mental powers or ability to defend herself against mental/dream-based attacks. If it's a magical attack, she may be able to clue into certain things based on inadvertant cues left scattered about the dream scenario, and her substantial occult knowledge might allow her to problem-solve her way out of the dream. Otherwise she'll have to rely on good old-fashioned willpower to wake herself from the dream; depending on the robustness of the dreamscape, this could be a difficult exercise.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Millennium: A very Iron Age campagin, villians overrun the campagine city. Worse, the "heroes" who battle them are casual killers who smoke, drink, cuss, and lie. He can see all of this, but he is invisible, inaudible, intangeable, and cannot affect anything.


Cheeta: Is normal. No powers, no longer able to play pro ball, no adoring fans in either idenity. A zero, a face in the crowd, an average Joe.


Iron Will: In waking life he's a quadroplegic with Myasthenia Gravis so severe he probably can't live 10 minutes outside of his self-designed iron lung. His worst nightmare? Pretty much the same.


Snow Leopard:Trapped at the family reunion. With Sabertooth, Wolverine, Callisto, Marrow, others.


Dolphin: Trapped in a world where everything, including people, is made out of soap bubbles. Where is lightest touch can destroy buildings and kill people. Were nothing can hurt him, but he can cause uncalculated damage unless he sits very, very still.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Prodigy was once a Templar knight and captain of crusading knights who since renounced killing.


His greatest fear would be a reenactment of the sack of Jerusalem, with his own bloody hands wielding the sword that hacked through the bodies of all infidels and unidentified prsons with no regard to age, sex, or combatant status. While Prodigy did participate in the campaign, he was busy during the actual sack and did not kill noncombatants. As commander of those who did, however, the innocent blood still cries out to him in his nightmares.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Tao: I am honestly stumped. She doesn't have much a personality developed. I'll have to pass on that one.


Eve: Classic childhood fears that represent fears of abandonment and loss, particularly of her "parents" and family. She would have to face up to them and realize that they would never leave her and the monsters will go away if she's brave.


Shidoku would see herself, but as rotten and corrupted as she inwardly fears she may be, completely given over to her own dark natures and hungers. Basically becoming what she claims to fight. Given her typical mindset she'd have to defeat her doppleganger in combat but NOT kill her.


For Ivy would be the loss of her children, the single most important things to her, probably due to her power somehow. Not sure how she would overcome it...

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


For Blackcat this one was covered in the Flipside WWYCD thread. She was once possesed by her powers and went evil. She is very much a "control you body, control your mind" kind of mystic martial artist. Her greatest fear would be losing control and having her considerable powers and abilities hurt people instead of helping them.


Ballstic - would be to lose all of the people close to him... which happened during the great invasion of the Earth - he lost his fiance (after swearing off women for years after a messy divorce) and his entire super-agency he built.


Meeb - I have no idea. He hasn't had any fears come up in play.


Terminal Velocity- being useless, or powerless to help.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Bunny's greatest fear... is to lose her sentience, and become some sort of non-intelligent animal. Variations to make it worse might involve being trapped, limbless, in the traditional fluid-filled transparent life-support tube; having her body toyed with and altered by incomprehensible beings; being repeatedly impregnated by and birthing monstrosities; or retaining her mind while a non-sentient version of herself gains control of her body.


How would she overcome her fear? I'm honestly not really sure. If her mind is reduced to the level of a horse, there wouldn't be much of her left /to/ go about overcoming things. And in the latter option, lacking any physical control of herself, all she can do is think - and, not being a mentalist, that doesn't really accomplish much. (Which, of course, is part of the reason that this /is/ her greatest fear...)


Any suggestions?

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Re: What Would Your Character See?




Gallant: He stands in front of a mirror, on the other side is what looks like his evil twin brother, Lance. Yeah, his brother is nuts, a borderline sociopath, with a hair trigger temper & growing increasingly megalomaniacal & paranoid. In it he sees his friends, family and teammates, past & present, all lying broken and bloodsplattered. It looks like most of them died with looks of suprise and confusion on their faces. Like some lost sorcerer's crystal ball, the mirror shows him as each of them fell, his enhanced hearing allowing him no choice but to hear every blow and fading heartbeat.

Finally, Lance walks to the mirror and rests an immaculately clean hand upon the surface. Snarling, Gallant lifts his bloodstained hand and smashes the mirror, shattering it and the wall behind it. Turning, he looks at the corpses behind him.

"It's better this way. Fewer weaknesses."


How would he get loose? I'm not sure he would. Gallant's pretty well grounded in what his senses show. Only thing that might help is his Mental Awareness. Unless he sees a seam in the illusion, he'll buy into it and woe betide those who approach him now that he thinks he's fallen. He's been worried about turning into his brother for years now.


Kid Dynamo: Young Robinson Armitage stands on the rooftop, his heart pounding and stomach churning with anger and fear. "Yahh!!" he screams at the clouds above him, raindrops beginning to soak him. Once again he fails to shed this horrible filthy human body. "Give it back!' he shouts. Dropping to his knees, he slams his fist into the roof as hard as possible. Fresh pain from his previously bruised knuckles only causes him to punch harder. "**** you, you stupid magical freak! Give me back myself!" Tears mix with the raindrops as the heavens choose not to answer his demands to be restored to his robotic form. " I know you're watching me! You know I didn't want to be this stupid sack of meat!"

Climbing up to the edge of the rood, Rob balanced in the rain and stared down at the street so many stories below. " I don't want your gift, woman! Take it back or I'll throw it at your feet!" With a final scream, Rob leapt from the rooftop.


Deep down, he may be a robot but his mind is patterned after human thought processes. He knows he's indestructible or at least rebuildable. He's gonna force this dream to let go.


Thunderbolt: Tom looked at the empty vodka bottle and snarled. His third in as many hours and he was still sober. Dragging on his cigarette, he threw the bottle at the far wall to join it's fellows in a shattered heap.

Despite himself, he found his mind swinging back to the previous day's funeral, his great great grandson's. He'd stood there watching from the fringes as his descendants gathered to mourn their beloved grandfather, who he could still recall bouncing on his knee when his great grandson had brought the kids over to visit the "old man."

He could recall the whispers and stares as the family looked at him like some intruder. "Like I was some stranger! Me! Hell, young Thomas was named after me!" He shook his head. "Young Thomas? He was seventy four when he died."

Rising to his feet, he strode to the window and watched the storms gather in response to his dark mood. His reflection seemed to mock him with it's youthfulness, his age still frozen at twenty five. No wrinkles, no crow's feet, no grey hair, just a man trapped in immortality with a string of failed marriages and children long dead in their graves.

Turning, he went back to his chair. Reaching down beside him he raised up another bottle from the case. "Happy birthday, Tommy. May you live another two hundred and fifty years." Thomas saluted the wall covered in photos, image screens and holographs of his now rather extended family and chugged down another bottle in the hopes that this one could ease some of the years weighing him down.

"Feh. Like drinking tap water."


T-bolt's tired at times. He was born in 1930 and some of his kids look twice his physical age. Given some time to reflect, though, he'll push himself up out of his chair and gird his loins for battle (and dating) again. He's got plenty of willpower but a suckerpunch to the emotions is hard to shake off.

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Void: Very Skywalker-ish, actually. He's been on the losing end of a fight with the Purity League (his campaign's IHA) for a very long time, and while he's never pulled a Magneto and turned back against the normal folks, it's one of the things that scares him. In the dream-world, he'd find himself chasing after the White Knight, who'd be slaughtering innocents (human and mutant alike) in the process of escaping. Void would finally catch up with him and break through his power-armor - only to find himself wearing it.


That would probably snap him out of it too, really. While he's terrified of becoming the sort of monster his enemies are, he also logically realizes that he can't be in two places at once.


A variant that would leave him far more trapped would be a nightmare regarding his mental split being completed. To be conscious as Dominic DuBey, trapped in his body as Void controlled it and unleashing his anger on the rest of the human world, against the people who killed his family and the people he privately believes (but would never admit to believing) condoned the act.


How he'd get out of that one, without spotting a loop in the illusion, I'm not sure. Dominic's personality is increasingly the submissive one.


Huntress: Her worst nightmare would be to be caught, stripped of her suit, and forced to watch as her work was stolen and put to evil uses, all while going through methamphetamine withdrawal. The good news is that she'd probably snap out of it when her body decided it needed its next fix, but she would be painfully paranoid in the following days.


Darkchild: Her worst nightmare, in many ways, resembles Bewitched. Only rather than being married to a person who doesn't understand or accept magic, forcing her to conceal it, she'd be married to her cousin, from the more decadent side of the Spellborne family. Stripped of her powers and forced to support him in his insane world-takeover schemes, to say nothing of carrying even more children just as inbred and insane as their father, would be something she'd rail against to the last.


Unfortunately, as it's also something that's come *very* close to happening in the past, unless she was able to notice the magical/psychic effect and break out of it (Mental Awareness), she'd probably have to be rescued by somebody, probably her boyfriend, who would force her to snap out of it as soon as he showed up (no way she'd accept the dream-world unless it somehow showed her his death.)

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Re: What Would Your Character See?


Timberwolf (AKA The Dave) would be the proverbial 98 pound weakling, unable to move much less help his friends who would be being horribly tortured and murdured before him by a demonic form of his father.


Overcoming his fears would be difficult at best. He would focus on facts he knows, his father is dead and he has the ability to fight his own demons. Because Dave's personal reality is based on the "now" of his situation it might boil down to his will power to break the illusion.


Mr. American would find himself the villian. Regardless of what he did he would find himself killing and destroying the very things he holds dear, friends, loved ones and country alike.


Because Mr. American belives that he could not possibly do the evil things he was performing, he would focus on what he knows he is and not what his sees

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