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WWYYCD: The Rally


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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Tao would assist in keeping order if her team was called in but would probably be left off the assignment for a couple of reasons. First, she looks black and second has military/soldier mindset that would be bad for police work. CAK in her case comes down to "He''ll live."


Ivy is an african american and would find the hate speech intolerable. She is also a mutate and no longer appears totally human, but she also beleives freedom of of speech is one of the most important rights in the US so she'd swallow the bile and deal with it...


Eve would probably be kept away... impressionable mind and all. :)


Shidoku would hang around at the edge of the rally, itching for someone to start something so she could bust some heads, but wouldn't provoke anything.. overtly.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Expanding on this C's responce.


Bear Cat: Nope. He'd be on the other side protesting the jerks. He is a former Marine, a mutant, an experiment, immortal, sane-wolverine. He'd be very vocal vs these freaks. He was in WWII and had to fight these kinds of idots so he'd so hope that they start something, he'd love to beat up some Ratzi-clones.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Terminus would reply, "I'm a soldier, not a securator (his universe's term for police). Using me for crowd control is like using a using a bulldozer to clean cobwebs - tricky, and all too likely to result in bad consequences."


Mind you, he'd probably be present anyway - as his girlfriend the reporter's photographer.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


In Canada, a KKK or equivalent rally would be illegal under the "hate speech" provisions of the Criminal Code, so the speakers are criminals automatically. Faye would take great pleasure in picking up the stage, speakers, and sound system and flying them to the parking lot of the nearest police station.


Most of of my other current characters aren't in a position to be called on for crowd control, but the one who is would do so, but very reluctantly. In the time and place Henutsen is from (Egypt, about 4,600 years ago), encouraging large-scale uprisings would probably be considered treason. Not mention the KKK would hate her for her origins, her gender, and the sin of having both power and education.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Mask of Justice: Will be on hand in his secret identity, Nick Philips, ace reporter. Since he'd be doing this in the Golden Age, a spy for "a dictatorial foreign power" will be revealed as misguiding the Klan members.


Calculus: Doesn't do public appearances. Will use his super-intelligence to predict the most likely spot for trouble to break out and hide nearby, ready to deal with any violence.


Rock Bottom: "I know we have a contract with the City of Baltimore, but I'm black (well, technically grey), gay and intellectual. Do you really want me in arm's reach of the Klan?"


Kira Midori: Is a cop, so will be working crowd control. If her precog or telepathy just so happen to reveal that a Klan member will be committing a crime, she'll have no compunctions about arresting them at the appropriate moment. (And yes, she's smart enough to make sure the charges will stick.)


Talion: "Wait, Mr. Mayor. You want me, Talion, to work crowd control in an emotionally-charged situation that could explode into racial violence. I have just one question, Mr. Mayor. Why do you hate Minneapolis?"

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Talion: "Wait' date=' Mr. Mayor. You want me, Talion, to work crowd control in an emotionally-charged situation that could explode into racial violence. I have just one question, Mr. Mayor. Why do you hate Minneapolis?"[/quote']

Okay, I'm curious - what in particular about Talion leads to that reaction? ^^

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Okay' date=' I'm curious - what in particular about Talion leads to that reaction? ^^[/quote']



Talion's insane amount of Unluck. If he's working crowd control at a KKK rally, the city will be in flames by the end of the day.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


The following apply to pretty much any character I could be bothered playing:

1. Join the protests against them.

2. Protect their opponents and any innocent bystanders from violence.


If the Klan get their butts kicked, too bad.


My character might possibly even protect the Klan from certain forms of lethal attacks, although rather begrudgingly, and making little or no attempt to apprehend the culprits.


Note that this is assuming that the Klan are a relatively weak and marginalised force in the campaign world. In cases where this is not the case, my character might have to take them more seriously. Historically, they were strong during the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, when it was rare for this kind of issue to be addressed.


Hmm... what if Campaign City was somewhere in the south of the US during the Civil Rights campaign? Well, my character would protect the Civil Rights Movement and the Black community, and not lift a finger to stop the latter from organising themselves for collective self-defence. A superhero can't be everywhere, you know...

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


And, about a week-ish later... Stage 2 of the scenario!


At the rally (whether or not your character is interfering/watching/ participating somehow themselves), there is an attack by supers. They're not ones your character has fought before, or dealt with directly in any way. However, those with KS: Superworld will know that they are from other major cities, and renowned for their left-wing political views and opposition to the Klan (though some of them are heroes), and many of them are members of minorities from what can be seen of their skin color/faces. Costumes, stated names, and power builds all match what is known about them.


Thanks to the extra protection that has been set up for the rally, whether your heroes are a part of it or not, the attack is stopped without any serious injuries to civilians on either side, though a few of the Klan's supporting supers have been roughed up significantly (and more than one shot was 'accidentally' fired into the counter-rally by them). The attackers escape with minimal evidence left behind (though not none, just not enough for most folks to track them down).


The Klan, of course, is using this as a springboard for more publicity and to demonstrate how put-upon they are for their political views. Those against them are labeling it as a publicity stunt, though they're hard-pressed to find proof or explain why apparent enemies of the Klan would be helping them with a publicity stunt like this one. Another rally has been proposed, and tensions throughout Campaign City are at an all-time high.


Edit: If tracked down in their home-cities, the attackers all deny having anything to do with it. Some of them turn themselves in willingly (particularly those who are heroes), others go on the run (particularly those who are villains). They don't have alibis for their Secret ID's, but they are adamant that they were nowhere near the rally, and side with the protestors that this is merely a publicity stunt/hoax, and that the Klan must have either hired super-mercs or made some sort of duplicate. They do, however, exhibits signs of their injuries from the fight, though they claim to have received them training/on patrol/in other fights.



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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


*chokes laughing*


the KKK? and Vitus a 7ft tall spellcasting hyena from another universe?


oh, this is going to be sweet.


Firstly, Vitus wouldn't give a stuff about the politics. Earth culture is insane by his standards. In fact he'ld probably find the situation of walking the edge of the crowd profoundly boring, right up until one of them decides to insult him, on the grounds that he's not Aryan (being a 7ft tall spellcasting hyena from another universe, and all)


And Vitus would take a good long look at the culprit, up and down, say something along the lines of "So.. you're a deformed neotenous monkey... you're bald, ugly, and chronically stupid.. your government is all mob rule and appeasement of the lowest common denominator... you worship a loser with a stupid moustache and wear pyjamas in broad daylight..

and you're a superior race how?" Should they, hopefully, take a swing at him, Vitus would then happily and efficiently knee them in the testicles and drag them off to the paddywagon.



Truman Golightly would freak - he's paranoically afraid of being found out as a superhero anyway (his late mother told him it wasn't dignified) and he'ld avoid the entire event

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Lab Rat would probably have sided with the guys who were against the Klan. When the attack is over, he will look for any indication that the attack was staged by the Klan itself as a publicity stunt. He might even inspect the ones who attacked for any microchips that the Klan may have planted for Mind Control


Sonic Eagle will not have been involved in the attack. He will have mostly tried to defend the bystanders, but maybe bring aid to a Klansman: but only because a hero cannot be partial to one side or the other.


Reinard the Fox will have been with the police and working to minimize the damage overall. However, he will be perfectly willing to call it a publicity stunt.


Kitsune: "The Racist @$$holes brought it on themselves." She will have had no part in the actual violence, but will do nothing for the Klan.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Shadowfist: He wasn't involved in the first place so there wouldn't have been much he could've done at the time.


Spectrum: If he was there, he was there in his civilian ID and would be looking after the people there to make sure no one was hurt and then he'd probably wonder what the Hell was going on.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Well, let's see ...


War Wolf would have definitely been kicking some butt during the attack. He does have the appropriate Knowledge Skills to ID most of them, and with a nice Technomorphic VPP, can probably rate some Vulnerability Abuse in the fight. ;) Post-fight, when he gets in contact with anybody he can, he'll suspect Mind Control since they have no memories of the events *and* show signs of appropriate injuries from the fight. Since he's recently made contact with The Champions, it'd be time to see if Witchcraft can do any divining (even though he's not big-fond of magic) as to what happened to them.


Quantum Kitsune would leap wholeheartedly into the fray, and promptly get her tails kicked since she's a Teen Heroine. :P Since she doesn't have the KS: Superhuman World or anything similar, she wouldn't likely know enough about these guys without having someone do some research (she doesn't have the attention span to do it herself). Again, the Mind Control thing would come up as being likely, and she might be able to use her light powers to do a hypnotic kind of thing to unlock their memories (but not likely).

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Being half white and half Mexican, The Mirage would not be the Klan's epitome of racial purity, but since he can use his mental illusions to mask his appearance that can be overcome. Ultimately he believes in the 1st Amendment, so he would be willing to make sure the peace is kept.


The biggest drawback to going to a public rally would be his several Hunteds, which means he would have to stay in the background if he was going to attend at all.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Khronos would defintly be in the fray. He hates the idea of supporting the KKK, but he's there to keep casualties to a minimum. Given that he can keep at least one in his grip (as a Growth brick at 6 levels,) it would be reasonable that he might have one of the weaker ones in custody.


Of course, in keeping with the theme, they'd have run off. But tracking at least one down is not hard--if one left something of themselves, a quick, cheap Detect based on a "synedoche" divination spell would be possible. (I haven't done it yet, but when you have a copy of the Grimore on hand, I can look-see if it's possible.) He'll bring "Ed" along, his newly-formed team's little Chinese mentalist and together they'd try and see if it was personal or some form of mass-control.


After that? Who knows?

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Quantum Kitsune would leap wholeheartedly into the fray' date=' and promptly get her tails kicked since she's a Teen Heroine. :P Since she doesn't have the KS: Superhuman World or anything similar, she wouldn't likely know enough about these guys without having someone do some research (she doesn't have the attention span to do it herself). Again, the Mind Control thing would come up as being likely, and she might be able to use her light powers to do a hypnotic kind of thing to unlock their memories (but not likely).[/quote']


I still want to Rep you for Quantum Kitsune the first time, but the system won't let me. Phooey!:P

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Sylph would do her best to protect bystanders from the fighting, and heal the injured as she can. She wouldn't know about who the other supers were and would certainly not to get involved in the fighting, other than to try to stop it (at which goal she would likely fail.) After the rally ended, she wouldn't be able to get ahold of the other supers to find out their stories, except for what wound up appearing in the news. She isn't a detective and probably wouldn't clue into the possibility of mind control or the like without a bit of prompting, and would probably be at a bit of a loss as to what to do about it anyway.


Soulbarb would also be primarily occupied with getting civilians out of harm's way while remaining in her normal ID, though unlike Sylph she would have an idea of who the other heroes/villains were. After the rally she'd start to nose around and investigate for clues. Certainly the behaviour of the anti-KKK heroes seems to run against what would normally be expected of them, which argues for the possibility of something like mind control. How far she'd get in her investigation depends largely on whether this is a local plot or something bigger; she's primarily a street-level heroine of her own city, and evidence pertaining to larger scale threats usually gets redirected to PRIMUS or UNTIL. If she does find evidence of a conspiracy or large scale mind control device or some sort, she'd thank God that criminals are stupid. Was staging a fake attack at a rally for a terminally hated organization really the best use they could come up with for it? She'd be more concerned that it was merely the field test for some grander scheme -- in which case they've tipped their hand too soon.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Wormhole: Bradley hates d-bags like the Khan and the Neo-Nazis with a passion so he would probably be one of the supers that assaults them later. Otherwise, he'll take great pleasure in using the Gatemaster's powers to screw with those goose-stepping morons during the rally.


Air Raider: Also hates racists, but wouldn't intervene unless things got violent....then he'd waste 'em. :bmk:

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


The Klan, of course, is using this as a springboard for more publicity and to demonstrate how put-upon they are for their political views. Those against them are labeling it as a publicity stunt, though they're hard-pressed to find proof or explain why apparent enemies of the Klan would be helping them with a publicity stunt like this one. Another rally has been proposed, and tensions throughout Campaign City are at an all-time high.


Assault wouldn't have waded into the fray until the Klan's supporting supers started endangering people, so he would be claiming to have only been protecting the innocent...


He wouldn't be at all sympathetic to the Klan: "Nazis get what Nazis deserve", etc.


On the other hand, he wouldn't be keen to fan the flames of the next rally though. It mightn't be possible to prevent casualties next time.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Scenario Part 2:


Firedrake: Would be severely irritated that any hostiles on either side were concious. However, criminal investigation is for humans- he was just there to burn someone. Well, someone who endangered the weak, anyway.

Quantum Cat: Forget admissable in court- he's just damned nosy. Would have one of his ghosts do a skinride, and pull the information out of their head. If they really have no memory of doing it, he would suspect M.Control or imposters. If they did it, blackmail them into confessing.

The Player: Whatever. The rest of the group can argue over ethics, and then decide what we'll do. I'm just here for the XP. << Yeah, a little borderline bipolar >>

Ion: Positive: Hunt down the ones who don't turn themselves in, and bring them in to the PD for questioning.

Ion: Negative: Hunt down the ones who don't turn themselves in, and egg them into fighting the WHITEPOWERed again.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Faye would just groan, "Do you people not learn? Why am I even asking?" and haul the whole lot off to one of the uninhabited islands off the coast (there are a few of them around), then call the cops.


Henutsen would make a show of protecting the Klansmen, but her heart wouldn't be in it, so she'd be less than effective. If men who preach treason and sedition in general, and her murder or enslavement in particular, are pummeled into oblivion, well, somehow, she just can't really get upset over this.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Being an illusion expert of sorts, The Mirage, would investigate into mass hypnosis and mental illusion angles, especially if he were named as one of the assailants. He is already hunted by the local PD, FBI, Men in Black and PSI (from Conquerors, Killers & Crooks). The MIB or PSI would have the capability to perform a mass illusion, and both parties have reason implicate him in order to capture and lobotomize him and steal back their secret tech.


Using his high-tech gadgets and engineering skills, he would dissect any footage of the attack frame by frame in an effort to confirm who actually committed the attack. If he could visit the site, he would do a sweep for hidden electronics and any forensics that his uber-tech devices would pick up that could have been missed by standard equipment. After analyzing all of this he would report any condemning or exonerating info to his back-channel police contacts.

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Re: WWYYCD: The Rally


Ok, Nadia does not have the power to do it now, but when she grows up perhaps: Fill the streats around the rally with the walking dead of slaves and other blacks killed by hate crimes. She gets to make a statement, and noone can get to the clanners, so she has 'protected' them. Now the clanners may mistake her message and think it is some sort of 'trophyies on the wall' sort of thing. But I would like her to eventualy get a Ghostrider like power, where the spirits of the target's victoms attack the target. Kind of a 'the chains you have forged' kind of thing.

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