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Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


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I've been involved with a thread in the Pulp Hero section regarding who strange the real world is compared to the worlds of science fiction, fantasy, comic books and other fictional wierdness. in the interests of promoting really cool, esoteric gameplay, and just sparking the imagination of players everywhere, I thought it might be a good idea to begin a thread here regarding bizzare people, places and things which either exist in real life, or did, or might have.


Posters are encouraged to relate strange stories, myths, tales and news reports that describe odd bits that go to make up the real world, and with luck, our games will all be the richer for it.


To start the thread, I thought I might find a good topic as an example of what might work, but found that one single idea might be too specfic, so I'll toss out a few:


Take the platypus, for instance. Originally thought to be a hoax, this ridiculous little animal might actually make a formidable foe as a "comic book" villain. Although most people are not aware of this, the platypus is venomous and it's rear claws contain a poison which causes excruicating pain for months, and it locates prey by detecting it's bio-electric field, actually called electrolocation.


Or, for strange places, try Cap d'Adge, on the South coast of France. This town of 60,000 people is unique in the world because everyone walks around nude. It does have a post office, a gas station, resturants, a bank and stores, and yep, not to many clothes there either. How you work this into a game I have no idea, but it's plenty odd anyway.


One case of strange people might be Ramzia Tukmatullina, a 14 year old girl found by police in Karzan, Russia last year, who they suspect has been raised by wolves (I'm not making this up, I swear) since the age of two.


Let the strangeness begin.....



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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Nor is she the first person confirmed to have been raised by wolves. What are called "feral children" have turned up from time to time throughout recorded history - children raised by wolves, or other beasts, or just plain "we found him in the woods, we don't know WHERE he's been growing up all this time."


Lucius Alexander


Raised by a palindromedary

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Interesting bit of "super science" I ran across several years ago (and have lost the link to). A group in the UK uses old ink jet printers to "print out" skin grafts. Apparently the nozels in those old ink jets (they were using HP Deskjets I want to say) are perfect for spraying skin cells onto a specialized strip for the purpose.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


As for a city of nudists' date=' how does one keep a secret identity in a nudist colony? Sure, you can wear a mask, but you may have "other distinguishing characteristics" that would make secrecy difficult.[/quote']


Retractable body parts? :)

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


as it was put so well in Men in Black, supermarket tabloids make great adventure source material...


Art Bell and his Coast to Coast late night radio show make for some great ideas too, and some really scary callers at times



hes also had guests like George Takei and Dean Koontz, so its not all out in left field.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


As for a city of nudists' date=' how does one keep a secret identity in a nudist colony? Sure, you can wear a mask, but you may have "other distinguishing characteristics" that would make secrecy difficult.[/quote']



Squid, I was actually worried about that snipit, that it was too out there, even for us open minded gamers.


But, you know how you conceal your secret ID? It's easy, wear bikini bottoms. No one is looking at your face.



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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Links stolen from other threads:








Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary opines that flies were not meant to man.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Hmmm... real world strangeness that makes excellent gaming fodder? Heck, I've been getting it in monthly doses for more than a decade, from Fortean Times magazine. This month's offerings:


Flying Saucers from Hell! Are Aliens Coming to Steal Your Soul?


Death Worm - Men and Monsters in Mongolia


Penis Thefts - Privates Go Missing in African Panic


Animal Patrol - Family Pets that Came to the Rescue


Ogopogo - Canada's Biggest Lake Monster Hunt


And that's just from the cover.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


as it was put so well in Men in Black, supermarket tabloids make great adventure source material...


Art Bell and his Coast to Coast late night radio show make for some great ideas too, and some really scary callers at times



hes also had guests like George Takei and Dean Koontz, so its not all out in left field.

the people who call Art Bell (George Norry now adays hosts the show through)

realy realy realy scare me.....

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


OK, here's a good one for anyone in need of a truly strange mystical tome - the Voynich Manuscript. It's a book of mysterious origin, written in an unknown and so-far indeciperable script, with loads of bizarre illos, including unidentifiable plants in what appears to be an herbal section, astrological charts that don't correspond to any known system, and really weird pictures of tiny women floating through systems of tubes and pools. Plus, it's been known to drive at least one major-league cryptographer off the deep end into crazy, conspiracy-laden theorizing.


It's always pleasant to see the looks on your players faces when you drop something like this into a campaign and then tell them that all the background you just gave them on it is true.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


A few months ago, our local paper printed a weird news item that I just had to clip, save, and use in a campaign some how:


"Recently opened archives in Moscow show that in the 1920's Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered his top animal breeding scientist to create interspecies "super warriors." Stalin's half-men, half-apes would be "invincible", "insensitive to pain" and "indifferent about the quality of food they eat".


I think I also read somewhere that he was also trying to create dog-men too.


"Holy Commie Canines, Batman!":D

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


Now Magneto just has to explain how his force field can stop lasers...

Ah heck, that one's easy! A sufficiently powerful magnetic field can actually 'contain' a laser or other energy source, forget about deflecting it. Same way it can levitate a frog or train.

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Re: Real World Stuff That Only Sounds Like A Comic Book


David Icke. A former British professional footballer and television personality who became a spokesperson for the British Green Party.


David Icke. Self proclaimed "son of god" and "channel for the Christ spirit" who claims that the world is ruled by a secret group called the Global Elite.


David Icke. Who claims that this secret 'Illuminati' in fact consists of a race of shape-changing reptillian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood with member including George W Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, and Kris Kristofferson(!)


He has been accused of being anti-Semetic because he attacks and accuses the Rothschilds but maintains that he isn't because the Rothschilds aren't Jews, they are shape-changing baby-eating reptiles who secretly rule this planet.


Check him out on wikipedia or his website http://www.davidicke.com.


He's almost too weird, isn't he?

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