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Length of Background/Origin


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Re: Length of Background/Origin


I will say it all depends on a few things, 1. the player, 2. the complexity of the C, 3. just how the Player wants to have the C seen.


1. I have one player that I don't worry about a background, the player will always give me the info I need when I ask, then they write that down.


2. If the C is suppost to have a complex powerset, or the C itself is to have a complex set of disad's I'll ask for a longer one.


3. If the player has a view of how they want to C to be seen or interacted with I will ask for a longer one.


Now what do I like......as much info I can have so as to make the C alive in my mind and then......use that both for and agaist the C.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


As long as it needs to be. Long, detailed histories are cool and all, but I personally get bored reading some of the really long ones I come across sometimes. Sometimes short and sweet is best.


It might be a stylistic thing, though. Maybe some of the boring ones just didn't draw me in early enough to hold me, and done differently, might have me clamoring for more. :shrug:

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


I have to go with the "as long as it needs to be" answer, although the player has to be accounted for, here, as well. I have - oops, had, forgot I moved (wah!) - one player who would usually give me a sentence and no more. He rarely started out with a firm grasp of the character in his own head, much less able to give me one, but always developed a unique and compelling personality as the game progressed - just his style.


The opposite end of that is the guy who gives me ten to twenty page full on fiction pieces (well, written, too), that don't TELL me his background so much as SHOW it to me, complete with supporting cast members that I can use in game. Very nifty.


My other players tend(ed) to give me about a page, give or take half a page in either direction.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Length of Background/Origin


When I finally got back into a Champions campaign after about ten years, I

took my time with my character's background/origin, and eventually wound up

with about 4-5 pages of text (out of a total of 12 pages).


On the other hand, if you're giving your GM ideas for bad guys (like I'm doing

for our GM right now), you can go into a little more detail, especially if you're

describing the villain's powers, but not actually writing them up. In this case,

having about 8-10 pages of background/origin isn't too much to have.



Major Tom :dyn

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


My current character (Icon) has a background of 20+ pages; however, the 'traditional' background writeup is only a couple of pages long. The rest of that is me outlining the first year (24 issues) of her crime-fighting career. Each issue is described as a paragraph outlining the plot, the subplot, and any important events that occured.


The reason I went this route is that the GM (Ben) wanted us to have been superheroes for up to a year, in order to establish ourselves as a team before the game started; we're in a PbeM, and he didn't want to deal with the inevitable "everyone introduces themselves" part of the game. So, I took it upon myself to write up all of our background continuity.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


By preference, a few paragraphs, max. Unfortunately, it seems that the current trend is for much longer writeups. This is a real pain.


One of these days I am going to draw my character's origin using Microheroes. (http://www.geocities.com/wicket_harley/ ). One or two pages should do... I can't see any GM complaining. ;)

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


I'm in the As Long As It Needs To Be camp.


I try and write at least some of the brackground as a story which always takes up more space than a simply descriptive background by itself.


The story part allows me to convey personality more clearly as well. and I like to write. a lot.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


I find myself in the as long as it needs to be camp, but recently I've had 2-3 page backgrounds, simply because in most cases the characters are relatively complex or, as was one case, they are rather old (170 years for the Specter). That being said, usually I'm the only one who sees it. I mostly write them up as a way of cementing the character firmly in my mind.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


It depends on how much I need to work on the character to make it real. Often I'll run it through this questionare: http://www.the-chaos-crew.com/swrpg/gm/resource/20questions.htm - 55 questions designed to flesh out a background and help you come up with cool ideas for that character. The one at the end of the link is Star Wars specific, with mentions of the Force and all, but easily adapted to views on religion and a "higher power" or how your characters super power.


One of the other things I do is flesh out each of the disadvantages. Sure "Hunted by: Dr Destructo (-11, more powerful) = 10 points" is all that's required, but it's nice to get behind the disads and flesh them out a bit. So each disad gets a paragraph where possible detailing the how and why.


So all in all - perhaps 3 pages, and mostly for my own benifit and not meant for public consumption.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


Multiple pages (more than two, not as many as ten) for me. However, in approximately all our campaigns, the GMs dish out extra character construction points to those who fill out starting questionnaires before the opening session, and the response to those usually occupies a full page at least.

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Re: Length of Background/Origin


For a beginning character:


1 page: good (or very good if it's concise).


2-4 pages: the player is motivated.


10+ pages: the player is insane and thinks his character is a real person.


I once wrote 113,000 words (300 plus pages) on an FH character. (I was writing a novel and part way in I decided to write the character up in HERO as a good way of defining his personality).

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