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need a villain organization name


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Re: need a villain organization name


For the now-defunct "Reimagined" game I ran, Hermit came up with:


The Universal Liberation of Technologists and Researchers Oversight Network (U.L.T.R.O.N.)


"An organization dedicated to the rule of scientists not overly encumbered by ethical constraints."



Maybe something like "Oracle" to indicate they view themselves as forward-looking.

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Re: need a villain organization name


I've used a company I call Aegis Global Research Corp to fill in for high tech science-type bad guys.


AGRC sells to anyone who has good money, has a pack of lawyers on retainer and has some real crooked corporate officers in their ranks as well as investors in the goverment, military, and police sectors. :eek:


The heroes always know they are behind the waves of high tech crime, but can't seem to pin them down. :eg:

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Re: need a villain organization name


In my campaign, I use a group called FATE. ( Final Act of Terran Evolution )


They are a bioengineering organziation that works through numerous corporate fronts and is heavily involved in researching, developing, and storing metahuman genes. They honestly believe they are creating a better tomorrow by taking humanity to the next stage of evolution.


I suppose a technological varient could use 'Free Agency for Technological Empowerment'. Building Tomorrow through super-science today!

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Re: need a villain organization name


In my campaign, I use a group called FATE. ( Final Act of Terran Evolution )


They are a bioengineering organziation that works through numerous corporate fronts and is heavily involved in researching, developing, and storing metahuman genes. They honestly believe they are creating a better tomorrow by taking humanity to the next stage of evolution.


I suppose a technological varient could use 'Free Agency for Technological Empowerment'. Building Tomorrow through super-science today!


This reminds me of a supervillain heavy metal rock band I use in my campaign. They call themselves NeXt Evolution and are all mutants. They spread a word of intolerance and arrogance because they believe they are homo sapiens superior and are the next step in human evolution. They have been banned from almost every major campaign city due to their penchant for starting riots against the "norms". :help:

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Re: need a villain organization name


My scientific super baddies all work for Integrated Technologies or IT. I always liked the playing the scene where the the good guys stumbled on thier dying informant, blood everywhere of course.

"Who did this?"

"IT did it! Beware... of... IT!"

"Ummm, yeah, okay! Good safety point there..."


The informant expires and the good guys were left wondering what person or shambling hulk of retched life they were chasing. It took them 7 weeks to figure out that the Integrated Technologies that some of them did consultant work for and IT were the same.


Technologic Human Engineering Matrix - THEM

Another outfit that specialised in cyborging criminals, mostly with biologic implants.

"So larry, who did this?"

"It was THEM!"

"Okay... Them? Which them Larry? Larry? Larry? No good, he's dead!"


Afterall, a GM has to have some fun.

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