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"Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!"


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(Apologies for the minimal detail in this post but it's a quickie as I head off

to work...)


So.....I'm thinking about building a clan of Ninja who are, as the title of

this post implies, monkeys. (And yes, I do owe an inspirational debt to

the animated series "Kim Possible" :D ).


Obviously, they would be built using the Monkey template from the Hero

System Beastiary (pages 171 and 172) and a combo of Monkey style

Kung Fu and Ninjitsu (potentially Takagi Yoshin Ryu school) from The

Ultimate Martial Artist.


From there I'm a bit stuck on potential skills, etc. Suggestions anyone ?





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Re: "Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!"


There's an issue of Digital Hero which writes up the martial-artist monkey warriors that John Wa the Monkey King (from Ninja HERO) can Summon. That might be a good place to start.


I'll see if I can find them, assuming Susano doesn't pop in first with the data.


EDIT: Ah, here we go, from DH #30. And whaddaya know, their writeup is a Free Sample:


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Re: "Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!"


You and me Frisbee,


I digress, a story


back in 1985 in our first champions game (ran a decade and still survives)


my character A DEMI BRICK help the rest of the team come back from a pocket dimension. I got an after action report.


so what was it like,


it was the wizard of OZ,


you mean like gold roads. . .


no the wizard of Oz really


no kidding, what happen to Empath.


she went all dark on us, we had to leave her there.


Man should we not try to recuse her?


Nope not going back.


(I never got the full story of that run that I missed.)


well our game master never leaving a good plot thread lie had been running a side bar with the quote"Dark Empath" player. Our team found out about this when one night.


Gm: there is a loud explosion in the Hall.

Me: I wake up and enter the hall to see what is going on.


Gm there is a portal on the wall and Flying monkey are coming out . . .


You mean like Oz

Gm yes except these have machine pistols and helmets with SS on them.

I abort and dive for cover into my room,

gm: good thing as the Monkey open up bad thing a couple of grenades follow you in. and you here the roar of a flame thrower down the hall.


so you tell me our base has been invaded by machine pistol packen, strormtroopen train flying monkeys from OZ


Gm looks that way.


me looking at the rest of the group: I told you all that we should have gone back for Empath.


Group: Dark Empath- she was scary.


Gm: one more thing well two actually.


me : what


Gm Boom, Boom


it was a great fight.

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Re: "Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!"


There's an issue of Digital Hero which writes up the martial-artist monkey warriors that John Wa the Monkey King (from Ninja HERO) can Summon. That might be a good place to start.


I'll see if I can find them, assuming Susano doesn't pop in first with the data.


EDIT: Ah, here we go, from DH #30. And whaddaya know, their writeup is a Free Sample:



I also submitted a UMA-style write up of Mad Monkey Kung Fu to DH.

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