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HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Resurrecting from the crypt of older threads...


I've recently finished re-reading my copy of Delta Green, and it's given me a new slant on things to consider.


The 13th District once existed with an official mandate, but it was destroyed/mothballed years or even decades ago due to enemies in the supernatural underworld or maybe other groups working within City Hall.


It still exists, but now it's a sort of deeply-hidden conspiracy within the Hudson City Police Department, with no official recognition.


Anyone ever run a Delta Green campaign?

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Yeah, that is a very cool idea, Steve!


I am just starting a Dark Champions campaign with players used to "horror" or "weird" settings and I explicitly stressed that this was no such setting but a modern action-adventure/techno-thriller mix.

So I might just drop in "Precinct 13" as a way to surprise them if the campaign goes stale. That is the nice thing about it--D13 was there all the time but the player characters really didn't notice...


In any case: did you envision D13 to be a real, actual location - like a secret police station somewhere? Or was it more a "virtual" district with D13 officers working "undercover" in the normal, mundane police precincts until that "special call" comes in? I would opt for the second variation.


Since you've read Delta Green (what a GREAT sourcebook!) you might be familiar with that Jean Qualls character? Now, wouldn't that be a cool idea for an "unusual" D13 character?

If you're into that DG background I would strongly recommend the Delta Green novels (from the same authors) since they develop the characters much deeper and have some really weird and horrifying storylines.


Edit: forgot to mention the tv-series of MILLENIUM which also featured the notion of a rising tide of darkness (approaching the biblical apocalypse around the year 2000). Starting out as a "hell-ride into the evilness of the human psyche", in later episodes the supernatural content of the show rises significantly. Although a bit too brooding and "non-weird" for the proposed D13-campaign it is IMHO nonetheless well worth watching, if only for that great Frank Black character portrayed by Lance Henriksen. This is a really in-depth hero character with a sorta "supernatural gift" (clairvoyance/retrocognition) that urges him to constantly walk that fine line between salvation and the lurking abyss that threatens to consume him. LOVED it.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Wow since this seems to have been resurected, anything happen with this Steve? Did you ever get a game like this going?


Personally, if I were making a campaign like this, I wouldn't go the Elite route. I'd have everyone think they were a bunch of nut jobs, and put their undesierables in there. It doesn't have to be wash-outs either. I mean maybe the SWAT guy saw something, he keeps talking about it, so his team thinks he's crazy and ships him to D13.


That's how I'd do it anyway.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I had a campaign like this years ago (and published the basics of it in Haymaker), called Demon Hunter: FBI.


Dave Mattingly also published a different, more light hearted spin on it as well in a later edition of Haymaker.


It may or may not be worthwhile for you to dig up a copy of it for source material / ideas.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Wow since this seems to have been resurected, anything happen with this Steve? Did you ever get a game like this going?


Personally, if I were making a campaign like this, I wouldn't go the Elite route. I'd have everyone think they were a bunch of nut jobs, and put their undesierables in there. It doesn't have to be wash-outs either. I mean maybe the SWAT guy saw something, he keeps talking about it, so his team thinks he's crazy and ships him to D13.


That's how I'd do it anyway.


Unfortunately, the game never got going. I wrote up notes and some NPCs in preparation for pitching it, but I got enthused for doing a Traveller Hero campaign in the meantime. That's what I'm running now that my Xcrawl campaign has concluded.


I agree on not going the elite route, especially after my re-reading Delta Green. I feel it's better and more in keeping with the X-Files/Delta Green feel I'd like to have for it be a conspiracy of sorts amidst the HCPD.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


The World of Dark Champions could be a good source for flavor, although our characters were anywhere from 200-400 points. Our characters were criminals or fringe-types that were blackmailed or coerced by the MIB to work in their interests.


We used a combination of tech and magic to deal with our foes, and it has been said that technology that is sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic.


I think D13 could have a mix of different types. Maybe there is a squad that is outfitted with powered armor and another squad of wizards, shaman, and mages. Yet another squad could be a group that concentrates on counteracting supernatural events using advance technology.


One other aspect, which is Lovecraftian, is not to have D13 always defeat their supernatural enemies, but maybe just to stave off doomsday for one more day after barely surviving an encounter with Things That Man Was Not Meant To Know.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Sounds like "Special Unit 2" On tues eves on the Sci-Fi channel. About a special precinct of the Chicago police who handle all the supernatural weirdness in the Chicago area. Check it out.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Here are HTML versions of the old campaign logs. I don't believe that this is a full account of our adventures' date=' but it is useful to see campaign flavor.[/quote']Wow. Some of those names bring back memories. Even better, many of them are still around. Thanks for posting.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I'm not sure how this type of behavior is looked on, and because of that I hope I get some leeway, but:


Could I possibly steal this campaign idea?


Steal it? If you mean run it for your home campaign, sure.


I'm thinking of writing up more and pitching it as a Digital Hero article. :)

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  • 4 months later...

Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


Resurrecting from the crypt of older threads...


I've recently finished re-reading my copy of Delta Green, and it's given me a new slant on things to consider.


The 13th District once existed with an official mandate, but it was destroyed/mothballed years or even decades ago due to enemies in the supernatural underworld or maybe other groups working within City Hall.


It still exists, but now it's a sort of deeply-hidden conspiracy within the Hudson City Police Department, with no official recognition.


Anyone ever run a Delta Green campaign?


Make it a foundation. Retired cops help out, but the leader; now a professor-picks rookies of the right mindset to deal with the supernatural. Retired cops whom are well respected quietly lend a hand in training and in influence. Since City Hall has long since scoffed at the idea of funding such a branch, a non-profit organization has taken over. The FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) simply help out in raising money...though most of the work is done by 'volunteers'.


Old contacts within the Media and new contacts with the Academic world ensure that the Foundation gets good press and good recruits.


Further, various religious leaders were quietly recruited to the cause many years ago and have agreed to help out. It's become one of the ways the different faiths have worked together and done it well. The Foundation and FOP help out with their charities in return for use of 'holy ground'. The retired cop has a brother, a practicing Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, so this also enables the organization.


Hmmm....after all that writing one might suspect that I've done something similar, but of course; I can't talk about it...;)

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  • 5 months later...

Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


And Aroooo just re-linked me to this thread as well -- amazing to see my old work, and it's still funny. Always gratifying. I wonder what this would look like in 2572... after the HALO wars and mankind is piecing itself back together... and THEN this crap shows up. :eg:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I saw this and went, 'Dresden Files!!' Thinking about it, I'm not sure if I'd prefer a real precinct house location where they all operate from, or a virtual one; I sort of like the 'virtual' idea, just so that they can have their fingers in all the other 'real' stuff, be able to heads-up things if/when the superweird shows its face.


Kudos on the ideer.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I'm looking for any ideas for filling out the staff that makes up the 13th District' date=' from patrol officers and detectives to the support staff, or any suggestions for plotlines.[/quote']


I skimmed over the thread and I haven't seen much for staff suggestions. How about a necromancer (or voodoo priest or priestess) who's an ME (medical examiner). I think a mage archtype who's usually evil serving justice is pretty distinctive. I can also imagine some kind of seers being a part of CSI. You'd have to take steps to be sure these people don't spoil any mysteries though.


If anyone has Unluck it can take the form of the wee folk causing trouble. And as per folklore no one else ever sees them. The janitor can be an immortal troll or other nonhuman.


If HCPD 13D is to keep the supernatural secret that should take care of some of the problems. A ghost can't testify in court and a seer would be laughed out of it. Sure the PCs may KNOW how the crime happened, but being able to prove it using mundane means is the problem.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I'm looking for any ideas for filling out the staff that makes up the 13th District' date=' from patrol officers and detectives to the support staff, or any suggestions for plotlines.[/quote']


Cops. Ordinary cops that have a less-than-ordinary acceptance for the supernatural. Most cop work is tedious and boring; paperwork, interviewing dozens of people, following up on tips that go nowhere. But if they need someone or something with extraordinary abilities, they call in a specialist -- whether it's the only guy in the phone book under 'Wizards', or the troll who lives under the 9th St. Bridge and who'll do you favors for pizza, the holy warrior with the blessed sword, whatever. Also, give them access to 'specialty gear' -- bullets made of cold iron, silver, or whatever, holy water, etc. etc.


Have all the players create a) an ordinary cop, B) a P13 cop, and c) a specialist. Rotate who's playing what at any particular point, but the game should always have a P13 cop involved, and the GM's awareness of someone else's specialist that'll get called in.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


I ran something like this concept some years ago. I lifted the name of the group from Sly Stallone's popcorn thriller "Cobra". His crew (which in the movie appeared to be just two or three guys) was called the Zombie Squad.


The loose cannon thing works along as you have a superior officer who can make them rein it in withoout them feeling like the GM is just squashing their fun. And if someone goes completely off the reservation they should expect to feel the full effect of departmental punitary procedures. You know you're in dutch when you can't get your PBA Lawyer to return your calls.

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


The current structure of the campaign is something akin to "X-Files" meets "The Dresden Files" mixed with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."


"The 13th District" refers to "File Room 13" in one of the sub-basement levels of HCPD's downtown HQ, where the unexplained crime files go to be forgotten about. One of the PC's found it and began investigating some of the cases. The current PC roster includes:

  • A Fox Mulder-esque HCPD Detective
  • A second Detective with limited Telepathy, like the character from Heroes
  • A "wizard" consultant for the HCPD, modeled after Harry Dresden
  • A "karate cop" detective, knowledgable about Chinatown in Hudson City
  • A psychic investigator (not sure if HCPD or a consultant at this time)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


The current structure of the campaign is something akin to "X-Files" meets "The Dresden Files" mixed with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."



"The 13th District" refers to "File Room 13" in one of the sub-basement levels of HCPD's downtown HQ, where the unexplained crime files go to be forgotten about. One of the PC's found it and began investigating some of the cases. The current PC roster includes:

  • A Fox Mulder-esque HCPD Detective
  • A second Detective with limited Telepathy, like the character from Heroes
  • A "wizard" consultant for the HCPD, modeled after Harry Dresden
  • A "karate cop" detective, knowledgable about Chinatown in Hudson City
  • A psychic investigator (not sure if HCPD or a consultant at this time)

i think a medium would be more of a police CONSULTANTthan a policeOFFICER[ sorry aboy the caps i don't know how to use italics for emphasis]

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Re: HCPD - The 13th District (Campaign Idea)


The psychic investigator character did turn out to be a consultant in concept, with TK powers that are very controllable at pretty low levels (10 STR) but can be dangerous to those around him when fully unleashed (45 STR). Plus, it has Affect Desolid, so he can slap ghosts around in anime fashion. :)


On thing I am thinking of adding to the campaign, and that Mr. Long might want to seriously consider adding to Urban Fantasy Hero, is a perk like the Equipment Availability one from Dark Champions or the Higher Technology one from Star Hero, only it refers to magic items: Limited Magic, Street-Level Magic, Military-Level magic, oh my...

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