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Why don't you play online?


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Re: Why don't you play online?


Well, I see I posted on this back in June of 03. Wow. Nothing's changed really, other than I have been playing online for about ten years now. Oh, and I am using Klooge Werks since WebRPG finally died. I gamed 16 years face to face, and for a lot of years it was intensive face to face, 72 hours at a time, most cases. All in all, I like online better. Even though its rare I physically meet any of my players, I feel the character interaction is a whole heck of a lot better. Some how its easier to picture the steel-skin girl being played by the guy over in England then if I'm sitting across the table from him.

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Re: Why don't you play online?


All I ever tried to do was PBEM. It went for three posts and that was that. The ref, who is a contributor to this board, just got busy, waited to tell us for two weeks, and then never returned to the game as far as I know. I really like the character I built for the game but he's been trapped in limbo on top of a moving vehicle for 6 months now.


I probably would be willing to try something else but haven't come across anything yet.

he should jump for his life at this point

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Re: Why don't you play online?


some plusses:

*Superheroes can have bunches of dice or complex roles.. macros and scripts (OpenRPG or mIRC) can calculate them easily and quickly..

*no travel time required: you don't have to drive anywhere.. (important when you're out of college and remaining gamers you know are spread to the 4 winds)

*If you're bad at imitating a required accent, no problem..


some minuses:

*people tend to be less reliable online..

*no face to face socializing..

*mild typing/computer skills required..


I LIKE rolling my own dice, and counting them up adds a negligible amount of time to the session. And since the second Con is the primary reason that I play RPGs...

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Re: Why don't you play online?


While I prefer face-to-face play, the sad fact of the matter is, the gamers we know in the area don't want to play what I play (and are unwilling to compromise...no "We'll play 4Ed D&D/White Wolf for 4 months and then switch to 7th Sea/HERO/Feng Shui/Toon for 4 months, ok?"). So it's off to the online forums I go.

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Re: Why don't you play online?


About the only upside (other than the logistical advantages like being able to game with people in other time zones) is that it's a lot easier to believe that your character is chatting with a hottie nekomimi ninja when you're doing it online...


Unless your gaming group is a lot more interesting than mine. (pics or it didn't happen)

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Re: Why don't you play online?


When I was in the states for 3 months, I kept my game going via skype - all the players gathered at our place, and I "phoned in" my performance. It went really well and we'll do it again if a play date falls when I am out travelling, if time allows.


I can see a game working fine even with players in seperate locations, since you talk rather than type, and have visual contact so I can show the players sketches when needed and you get the body language thing. I doubt I'd want to exchange frequent physical contact with friends for an online game, but it's a more than acceptable addition to the GM' arsenal.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Why don't you play online?


Holy thread necromancy!


Played an online campaign that lasted around six months (iirc; could have been a bit less). Had an overall good experience (great players), but it took that long to cover what would have been 1-2 game sessions face to face. Unless I used skype or similar, I don't see trying it again.

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Re: Why don't you play online?


the comedy movie or the masked adventure genre


Sorta both. Back in 4e, they wanted a 200 pt starting charcter. They wanted street level, with non-gagdget powers rare and mysterious.


As I said, I wanted JLA which is pretty much antithetical to all of the above.

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Re: Why don't you play online?


We had three players playing via video from far off. It worked only to a lesser degree.


The minuses included their relatives interrupting them (because they were at home), the remote players having trouble getting our attention, lots of equipment to haul, and lots of time spent trying to arrange the camera to properly capture the scene.


The pluses were simply having them at all. Now that the novelty has worn off for them, none of the three bother any longer :(

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Re: Why don't you play online?


Have never done "real time" online gaming, and don't think I would like it at all, as my face-to-face gaming sessions tend to be full of jokes, off-topic rambling, and other bits of amusing weirdness. Harder to get people playing off each other for humor online. That being said, I'm a big fan of Hero Central. The big advantage there is time--I do FtF gaming every other week or so, and that can be a challenge to find time for at this point. With HC, I can try to squeeze in my posts when I can (and even that can be hard to find time for at this point), so it's more convenient. Also, it forces me to do some creative writing, which is something I've been lacking for the last few years.


Different kinds of gaming, both with advantages.

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Re: Why don't you play online?


I played an on-line vampire game for awhile but honestly it was the hours that got to me. Our players were mostly on the west coast so they'd not get off of work until I was about ready to wind down for the night. Important scenes where groups would get into combat would often stretch long into the night when I'd want to be sleeping. There was no 'set' schedule and when we'd try to make one up no one would be able to keep to it.


I think it'd be easier with a smaller group and a more structured approach to the game, but I'm not interested in trying it again.

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