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What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


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Many of you maybe familar with the superman story line "The man who has everything" be it in comic form, or the later remake of it in the Justice League Cartoon. In this, a supervillain has put the man of steel into an coma using a plant that causes him to live in a dreamworld of wish fullfilment... Krypton never exploded, and so on, with enough realistic touches to make it plausible. Eventually, the dream goes a bit darker, and our hero must face a rude reality..

And pound the villain, natch.


But suppose something similar happens to YOUR Character. What dream come true life would your character imagine him or herself in?

How, assuming it starts to go wrong, would it do so?

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


For Soulbarb, I use the same answer as posted for this similar WWYCD:


Soulbarb's experience:

(a) finding a process to break her connection with her Soulstone, which would seem to allow her to retain her powers while also recovering sole posession of her own soul,

(B) exercising that option, shattering her Soulstone into thousands of fragments,

© subsequently discovering that she did not in fact retain her powers, and

(d) moreover that those Soulstone fragments have gone on to allow Camuranima to infest the souls of countless innocent people, dooming them to become his playthings in Hell in her stead.


In Sylph's dream, she is a well-known, respected, and capable member of the New Pantheon. Her identity is public, but the people love her, and while she has many opportunities to heal people, there are not so many of them as to overtax her abilities and time. She shares a loving relationship with both Alaric and Magnesia -- the three are all good friends as well as lovers, and Alaric is more open with her about himself than ever. Things start to go wrong when Dionysius demands something of her that seems to go against the best interests of the residents of New Conn, and not just in an inconvenient way -- something glorious for the god, but truly callous to the mortals' fates. When she protests, Dionysius merely invokes the Maenad within her, who is more than happy to perform her master's will, regardless of consequences. Magnesia goes along even more eagerly than herself, while Alaric sides with the mortals and opposes them. In the end, the residents of New Con come to despise her for her betrayal, many people are killed, including Alaric and Magnesia, and Sylph wakes to the aftermath, not knowing what happened, only that her world has been destroyed and the people she most cared about in it are gone.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Blackcat would have two possibilities...


In the first, her first love, who died in her arms, didn't. They got married, and she was a successful superhero with him as a constant support. Going bad - either he grows away from her, or he get threatened/kidnapped/brainwashed by bad guys.


The second is similar - only in the case her first love died, but she ended up with her second. Same kind of going bad.


'Cat hasn't had a great track record for relationships.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Ivy: She and her husband patch things up and remarry to raise their kids happily. She resumes her work primarely as a researcher and finds a away to make her appearance somewhat more normal while retaining her connection to the green (which she does find fascinating and enjoys more than she wants to admit). It would go dark when her enemies find her and disrupt her life or her powers result in her husband or children becoming infect with the same alien parasite that gave her her abilities but die from it since they lack the genetic factor that allowed her to bond with it.


Eve Her dream world would be much like her real one except with a brighter, happier outlook. She would have all her friends and family around her and they would go on fun adventures and fight bad guys that weren't really all that bad and no would really get hurt sort of like a Saturday morning cartoon Superhero setting. It would get darker when one of the adventures went wrong and suddenly things got much more adult, possibly someone being seriously hurt or killed...


Tao: Its really hard to say since her mindset is so inhuman There might not be change at all except there would be more combat and less annoying confusing interaction with humans whom she finds irrittating in their incnnsistency but certain ones are interesting to be around when she is off duty (a concept she has trouble with). I suppose humans would behave in ways she finds more acceptable and she'd have time to spend with the ones she's actually somewhat bonded with while having more time to fufill her function as a soldier. It would turn dark when those two aspect collided and one of her "friends" was killed, probably Abe, an retired soldier she talks with a part of her duty to "provide morale support to the civilian populace" as a superhero.


I'll have to think a bit more on the rest.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


A hero isn't tempted by the lure of life without struggle, while there is suffering.


So my heroes would have to dream about being tunnel-visioned ignorant self-absorbed inattentive dimwits, unaware of the pain of others.


So, they dream of being their teammates. ;)

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Well what would Badger have dreamed for his life to make it perfect.



Most likely that villain never eliminated his wife and sister. He would have been able to live with them on small farm in a rural area.



though his frame of reference now that he has grown up an orphan, developed his superpowers, and gone to avenge their deaths. Probably dream of a never-ending supply of people to fight. He simply has gone to far to imagine a life of peace for himself. Like a soldier who has spent too long at war, he cant go back.



It would be interesting to see which he would dream. As much as he cared for his family, I imagine he would dream that, though.



Frosty Bob- his lives his dream. Guns, Whiskey & Women. :thumbup:




Edit: oops never did do the what went wrong did I?


Badger- that his mother and sister were still killed but later and because he hadnt had the motivation to train himself into the fighter he has become, now he would be years behind in all that he has learned and will never be able to achieve revenge (which is still iffy in his real world to begin with)


Frosty Bob- Prohibition returns? No wait. Bootleg whiskey. Strict gun control? No wait, he has some contacts with the military as it is (and some of his weaponry probably isnt allowed outside of the military to begin with). You know I cant really see much happening bad except maybe his "immortality" is retracted somehow.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Ultimatum's got his powers from the recorded psychic remains of a planet killed by essentially three Kryptonians. So, his dreamworld would be very similar in that this Utopian paradise was never destroyed.


Where the dream would go wrong is he would start to regain his superpowers over time (he's essentially an Ultraboy ripoff) and he would slowly remember (against his will) that how he acquired them was due to the destruction of the planet.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Inktoma - At this point, Jon would certainly dream that Miranda wasn't taken by Locust. But, if that wasn't an issue, he might have dreams of success with the multiple women that have caught his eye since coming to New Conn. Then, things would go bad as they asked more and more of him, eventually decrying him as more interested in someone else. Kitsune would attack Miranda, etc.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Hellfire would dream of being married to the Canadian Shield. However this would fall apart as she'd find herself inexplicably attracted to her real husband.


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated would dream of being world-famous as the inventor who catapulted the whole world into a future of flying cars, robots and space colonisation. But then the robots rebel...


Riptide would dream of a world in which his mother was still alive and he had never become a superhero, instead pursuing his pop music career.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Revenant would dream of a world with no crime. No poverty. No injustice. It would unravel when the contradiction of that kind of society being inhabited by Humans required him to find out HOW it all worked. A uptopian society would (most likely) involve -something- intolerable, like the drugs people were kept on in THX-1138, or some kind of proto-Matrix, or something. In the end, the perfection of the society would require that he tear it down, as Humans are all imperfect, and in order for them to have free will (something he considers necessary for Humans to be free), then a Utopia is impossible.


Feline Fury would dream of a world where she had no powers, and thus no responsibility, and was an internationally-famous, rich, admired celebrity. The scenario would fall apart as soon as something happened around her that she felt was unjust or wrong, and she would instinctively want to put boot to head.


Wild Lilly would dream of being back home, somewhere in Georgia, before the Civil War, with the family she always felt the loss of, but could never remember, because of her amnesia. She would be elegant and happy and gracious, and hardly ever kill anyone....It falls apart when she realizes that she cannot tolerate the way some people are kept as property. Her experiences during and after the war -radically- changed her views on race relations, and she would feel the need to take up the cause of universal equality.

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Re: What would your character Dream: The Hero who has everything


Cougar (I) - Dreams of a Swashbuckling Romantic World of Heroes and Villains. He is one of many Champions in this brighter world.


Cougar (II) - Dreams of being human and living with his loving family, friends, and lovers. ;)


Guardian (II) - Dreams of a final victory of Good over Evil and enjoying the life of a mundane in a world without great evils.


Yggdrassil - Dreams of awakening fromt he nightmare Post Apocayptic world he and the heroes have found themselves in adn enjoying life to the fullest.


Riot - Dreams achieving all his dreams and goals, but one.







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