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WWYCD: Dead before your time...


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WWYCD: You wake in a ruin of a building. You are dressed in your super-suit. It has seen better days. It is ripped, cut, burned, punctured, dirty and smelly. You have no memory of how you got here. When you go to leave, you find out your powers barely work and they exhaust you. (if you have power armor of some kind, it is out of juice and the recharger is trashed beyond repair). And your communicator is miscellaneous parts. If male, you have a small beard. both sexes your hair is a tangled mess.


As you walk down the street, you realize you are in a bad section of town. The people you encounter on the street avoid you or throw things at you while calling you names. The worst are the ones who get upset at you for making fun of the dead. Huh? What are they talking about?


While passing a bench at the bus stop, you spot a newspaper. The date is 4 months after the last thing you remember. Which is relaxing with your teammates in your base. The lead story is about how (insert big evil being here) is threatening the world. The article gone on about how are they going to stop it this time. The Hero who stopped it last time died doing it. The picture? You, laying on the ground, dead. The damage to your outfit in the picture is identical to what you are wearing right down to the last burned hole. It was only your great sacrifice that allowed the great evil to be stopped. The article is very unclear as to exactly what you did to stop other than die. And you have no memory of that battle.


You eventually make it back to your base only to find statues of your entire team, with In Memory of (insert your teammates names). They saved the world alot. You will be missed. inscribed on the base. The date of their death is 3 months ago.:eek:




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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Let's see:


Query: Query's hero form is a time manipulating sphinx who speaks and thinks only in questions lest making a statement cause a temporal rift. Her first thought would be, Was it something I said? Then she would, if possible, switch back to her human, Private Investigator self, and start the process of unraveling the mystery, starting by researching her "death."


Thunder: Covers up distress with dark religious banter. "This can't be happening. I'm Jewish, even our bread doesn't rise." "So this is what it feels like to be converted." While she gets on frantically trying to figure out what happened.


Curse: "Oh no, not again!

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Wonder if this means he won the tontine, on a technicality.


Catch up on what's happened, in detail, and quickly.


And try to get his powers back, confirm he's himself, not a clone or robot, by some means, oh, and hide.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Iron Maiden and Hell's Angel (who are essentially the same secret identity persona with different powersets in two different games react the same way: they shrug it off with the certainty that, obviously, they aren't really dead. And never were. There's a mystery to be solved here--but nothing more.


The Black Knight considers the situation "business as usual" since he's essentially a cross betewen Monty Python's Black Knight and the Kurgan from Highlander. He gets "killed" a lot, and escapes "nobody could have survived that!" situations even more frequently.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Nova has Resurrection (you can only kill him if you destroy his mind and spirit before the killing blow), so this is standard (if distressing) business for him. Any lingering power weakness will in all likelihood temporary effect of sun energy deprivation or psychic shock. Will assume it was a truly tough battle to have downed the one-man-army likes of him into temporary death, so he will be eager to get info about the course and outcome of the fight. Be sad and hold a raucous "Wait me in Valhalla my friends" party wake for fallen comrades who didn't have a garanteed return ticket from the land of the dead. Try to make sure the baddie was gone for good in the battle, if not start a massive hunt for revenge.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Special Agent Trent assumes that he was only mostly dead, and that his psychokinetic regenerative abilities have somehow started working when he's not consciously directing them and put him back together. He further assumes that the physical trauma is responsible for his memory gap.


He'll mourn the loss of his team-mates, and try to catch up on events after his last memory. The loss of his powers won't bother him much, IF (and this is a big if!) the side effects of those powers are also gone. He'd prefer to go back to being a normal human. (whether he'd ultimately be happy with going back is another question)

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Revenant will assume for now that whatever killed him THIS time took a long time to recover from. He would mourn his fallen comrades, investigate the events that killed them, and continue his eternal war on crime.


Amethyst would slip into an alley, change her appearance to that of a bystander, and investigate the event as Captain Adventure; an oaf-ish "brick" persona she invented for herself. Now one would think that Amethyst and Captain Adventure are the same person; everyone "knows" that when Amethyst changes forms, they are always purple with yellow eyes. (The fact that she can change into any color she wants is not general knowledge).


An important question is whether there is a statue of Captain Adventure. If there is, something hinky is going on...

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


The Wizard of Oz Incorporated: Calls his lawyer. Obviously he's going to have to get the courts to acknowledge his identity before his estate finishes probate.


Hellfire: Hellfire actually had a secret identity, so she returns to it. Depressed and demoralised, she won't fly back into action until she loses her temper. Seeing the bad guy who killed the man she loves will however cause her to lose her temper.


Riptide: Riptide pretends to be dead while he waits to see if his powers return to normal. If it doesn't happen pretty soon, he'll swim down to his father's city and let their sages have a look at him and see what can be done.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Shooting Star: Either try to limp back to 'her' apartment (mostly paid for by her roommate), or borrow someone's phone - which might unlikely given the unfriendly reactions. Then she'd call her mom, and her doctor. If both of those approaches fail, then she'll call 911. She's very much stunned and confused by the whole affair. Especially since with her normal low grade superspeed working poorly, she'll see everything as happening unnaturally quickly around her.


Eventually, she'd try to get in touch with the patrons of her team since they could probably explain alot, but she doesn't know their phone numbers and her comm gear was trashed.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


WWYCD: You wake in a ruin of a building. You are dressed in your super-suit. It has seen better days. It is ripped, cut, burned, punctured, dirty and smelly. You have no memory of how you got here. When you go to leave, you find out your powers barely work and they exhaust you. And your communicator is miscellaneous parts.


As you walk down the street, you realize you are in a bad section of town. The people you encounter on the street avoid you or throw things at you while calling you names.


Time to break the kneecaps of whoever threw those rocks, then.


You eventually make it back to your base only to find statues of your entire team' date=' with In Memory of (insert your teammates names). They saved the world alot. You will be missed. inscribed on the base. The date of their death is 3 months ago.[/quote']


Vitus : This is... annoying. Altho the symptoms of power-loss suggest a few highly unpleasant possibilities.


With the Skeleton Crew dead, I'ld have to fall back on a few less local contacts. Problematic if my Universal Translator is up the spout as well.


But once I've done that, try and contact PRIMUS, or UNITY, to determine more about this incident. Approaching the world's less hamstrung-by-moral-imperitives mystics would be unwise, in my current state.


Is my presence here a side effect of Void's paradoxial male-pregnancy with

Iok-Sokot, The Key And The Gate? The staus of Kingdom City as a quasi-stable Gate nexus? Or a more ordinary "oh, another parallel continuum"?


Is the power-loss a result of something sucking up all available mana? Or was the Big Bad Thing an experience-drainer?


Basically, is this the same world I've spent the last 12 months on? Or a parallel one? If the original, put aside the problem of my resurrection for the time being (it's not as if I haven't been mysteriously revived before) chalk up the battle as yet another "Vitus Sole Survivor Again" and settle down to recovering my abilities as quickly as I possibly can. This may include various ethically highly dubious schemes to exercise renewed magical muscle.


If it's a parallel, prioritise getting back to the real one, with as much information on the Big Bad just in case there's further temporal uncertianty.


After all, I had free accomodation back there.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Black Cat - "Not again" with an exasperated sigh. She has died and come back once already. She'd find a bunch of supers and find a way to defeat the evil beasty. As a side note, the team she was on took out Dr Destroyer in less than a turn - so whoever this is, he is really scary to have killed her team. :)


Smokeater, who is involved in an extra-dimensional invasion already would look for his teammate - he has no powers to bring him back from the dead, so if he came back, he would assume the same mechanism brought them back. And likely find.... Bobby Dare, who regenerates anyway, already alive.


Sift would call in all the mystic help she could, call on her boyfriend (the sorcerer surpreme) and form a new mystic group and take out the bad guy.


Meeb would just keep on keeping on, and find another group to do the good guy thing with. He'd miss playing Xbox with Timestrike.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Well what if our male heroes already have beards?



Badger- "I died? You mean I finally got to die and got a chance to see my mother and sister in the afterlife and I got sent back, what kind of cruel curse is that?" After that, probably stay low till his powers get back up to speed and start fighting again (all he really knows to do). As for his teammates well that weak Code vs Killing crap probably finally caught up to them. Probably fight a supers version of hit&run guerilla style war.



Frosty Bob- Well he cant die. Death probably sent him back to bring in more "customers" (he made a deal with Death long story). Never really liked any of his teammates anyway (except for that hot chick one but she ignored him, whatcha gonna do?). Now he gets to do it his way. Dude has already survived WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War I.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Avatar: Would probably need to spend a week above the earths atmosphere to recover his powers, then will start looking for the rest of the group (We are supers, we don't die. We just do that for a vacation and then come back right, anyone?)


Orca: Will probably do what he can by himself. Will morne the loss of the group and then find a way to stop big nasty thing.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


For Dolphin and Millennium, this is called "Tuesday."


Dolphin has regenerated back from the dead before, and Millennium believes he eternally reincarnates. Millennium would use his instant change to repair his costume, then both would meditate, take some extra REC's, then start looking for (insert big evil being here).


Iron Will If his life support module is trashed, his resurection is going to be very brief.


Cheeta Nothing like this has ever happened before, but it certainly feels like his super vitamin pill has worn off. Head for closest place where he has some stashed. If his Secret ID has been missing for four months, he has some 'splainin to do.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Void: First priority - re-arm. Head back home, give his guards a minor coronary when he turns up alive, but he has a number of genetic markers that let him prove his ID easily. Call his lawyer, let him know to get the board together and tell them he's back unless he heard about Void dying again in about a week. Fortunately, he's made arrangements for things like Dominic DuBey disappearing for a year or two - bitter experience has taught him that It's Not Fun to reclaim control of your corporation after an extended inter-dimensional jaunt.


Second priority - figure out what the blazes killed his teammates and go for payback. After all, he's still out there. He relies on few enough powers that his skills should make up for it, particularly after he replaces his gizmos (unless, of course, they were sold off somehow....)


Huntress: Probably died while comatose from withdrawal. :help:

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Olorin would try to find out what happened. The way his powers are, they'll probably be back soon. The big problem is, he lives on the base and it is probably shut down. Untill he gets his powers back, he could not get in - or go somewhere else. He'd go to another group that knows him initally for a base. (By the way, he already has a beard, but it would be longer, and he'd notice that.) He'd also wonder why his contingency spell went oopsie. If it had not, he would have woken up in the base infirmary (or other safe spot). Since he really likes his teamates, he might fiddle with the timeline to prevent their dying. He would not do this lightly.


Volt why try to find out what happened and grieve for his companions. He'd either join another group and continue, or start yet another group (He started the one he is in now.) assuming his powers come back. If not, he'd grieve and become a normal.


Black Tiger. If there is anyone left to do vengence on, he will, even if he dies for real this time - even if his powers never come back. Would do it alone, unless he could work with a hero that would help him kill. Not a pretty sight.


Futurian would investigate. If his powers went flooey permanantly, that means his genes were messed with. As it is, if there were not machines nearby, he's pretty helpless anyway and that might be why he seems week. If he had his powers, on to the internet to find out what gives - even without a computer if in a hot spot. Would find another group to work with; would not start his own. He'd miss his teammates, but to him they've been dead a long time anyway, in a way. (he's from the future - or an alternate one. He's not sure.)

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Version one tries to figure out if it's the magic, his cybernetics or his genetically engineered abilities that are turned off or down. That might help him figure out who created the new him, since clearly the old him is dead. He knows that his old self had artificially implanted memories so it makes sense that his memories of being his old self are false. If they weren't he'd have been woken up/healed by someone before several months had gone by.


So who made him and why? Is he a "manchurian candidate" designed to infiltrate a supergroup and then respond to some hypnotic command at the critical time? Was the person who made the second him the same one that made him the first time? If not that would explain why they couldn't intergrate all his abilities as well (they never worked perfectly in the first place). Was the first him killed to cover up the fact that he found something important? That way when he turned up alive people would assume he didn't find out anything important. Does he still have most of Vibroman's memories? Have any of these been altered? Is he going to have to discuss with Vibroman the fact that he has his memories, including the wedding night ones? Will Vibroman punch him out? So many questions.


He will definitely inform superheroes and the authorities that he's not the old him and that he can't be trusted due to possible mental influences. He will submit to whatever mental examination people he trusts feel neccesary.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Your powers do come back eventually. You just used up all of your Endurance in reviving. It is all LTE. You have to spend a few day? weeks? months? getting your powers back.


On the cybernetics point: they are very damaged and need serious repair.


An important question is whether there is a statue of Captain Adventure. If there is' date=' something hinky is going on...[/quote']


Yes. There is a statue of him. However, when you research the battle his body was never found. His was the only one missing...

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Jake the Troll - steps into the spirit world/afterlife enough that it ain't THAT big a deal; he'd probably suspect that he wasn't really dead, but just asleep. Someone didn't get the memo.


Icon - sounds her full regeneration power (Regeneration/1, regenerates everything +2) has finally manifested the Ressurrection adder. She has suspected that she's immortal for a couple of years: she stopped aging, stopped eating, stopped breathing. Although this is a mite shocking, she's kind of been preparing for it for a while now.


Shinji Miromoto - members of the Dark Congress gain a full briefing on how to come back from the dead; it's part of the supervillian eqivalent of basic training. After internally gibbering for a while (his instructors recommended 2-3 hours, minimum), he'd try to pull himself together and get his life back in order.


Widower - would attribute this to the fact that he's living the life of a comic book character, and thus can't actually die unless he becomes unpopular.

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


First thing Icestar would do would be to tell her parents and friends she's alive, because they must be FREAKING...


Next thing, if SHE was assumed dead and here she is 4 months later....and the rest of the team was declared dead a month after her; she'll assume they're gonna rock up in a month's time as well. Of course she won't WAIT a month....she'll do what limited research she can on her own to try and figure out what happened to them all, then if (or more likely when) that fails, she'll hook up with another hero team and wait for her dead teammates to pop up so they can all work on it together. If she has no actual memory of the fight she'd be more annoyed at having missed 4 months than anything else....

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Yes. There is a statue of [Captain Adventure]. However, when you research the battle his body was never found. His was the only one missing...


All right, then the statue was a result of "missing, presumed dead". Time to fade into the background and do some research on the Big Bad ;)

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Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time...


Daedalus: Former supervillain cyborg gadgeteer who happens to be very rich. He also not only has self-repair nano-bots, but a mind upload implant that would transfer his conciousness to computer storage until a Body Repair/Assembly Module created a new body to download it into.


Since he did not awake in a ressurection pod he probably did not really die and something strange is going on. After getting back to base and repairing his systems he'd set out to do research to figure out exactly what happened, both in the supposed "history" of the four months and what actually is going on. He'd investigate all possibilities, including perhaps this being a virtual simulation or having been projected into an parallel universe.


What he does next would depend on what he found out. If it turned out it was all some sort of Matrix simulation he'd do his best to hack it and escape. If he was in an alternate future he'd work to invent a way back.


And if it turned out to be real he'd wait to be contacted by his team mate Striker-1, who happens to be absolutely immortal. Since the world thinks he's dead he obviously has a good reason to let the world think that. In a similar vein just to be safe Daedalus would try to keep the world at large from finding out he's alive as well until he knows fully what happened and what's going on, just to get the element of surprise in case who or whatever killed the others is still out there.


If they're actually dead, that is. After all, if he didn't die there's a chance they didn't as well. He'd also look for them, but quietly, in case someone has laid traps expecting any survivors to do just that.


Quetzalcoatl: Would use Retrocognition to learn what really happened. If it turned out his comrades are not really dead but scattered like him will try to find them. Regardless, he goes back to Thera and briefs those who need to know about what he knows about the situation.


Warp: Would first teleport back to his place to rest and recover, then start researching what happened. Will also contact his lawyer uncle to check on whether his secret identity has also been reported dead or if he kept the Life Model Decoy of him active the past four months.


A dimensional manipulator, he knows that theoretically temporal effects could be within his capability even though he's never done anything conciously regarding Time. He'd seriously consider the possibility he outlived his "death" by somehow teleporting into the future.


If that's the case, he'd try to learn as much as he could about the Big Bad and the fight that killed his friends, and then try to return back to his rightful time and use the knowledge to try to avert that future.


If, on the other hand, his investigation reveals something else is going on, he'd try and see if his team mates are actually dead or if they too miracurously survived their "deaths" like he did.


Either way, he'd try to keep the survival of his Heroic Identity secret until he knows what's going on.


Spectrum: Astronaut whose metabolism was changed into a quasi-energy state and gained impressive manipulation powers over the entire electo-magenetic spectrum thanks to an encounter with a Progenitor Probe, his first thought would be his transformation had enabled him to somehow recover from whatever had "killed" him.


Of course, he'd also consider other possibilities, but the above would be the hypothesis he'd think most likely until he had further information.


As an Air Force officer it would be his duty to report to his superiors and inform them about his survival. The energy signature readings they have with him coupled with the classified information only he would know should be enough to convince them of his bonifides.


What he does from their depends a lot on his superiors. He was the Government Liason to his super team. If they assign him to other duties he'd only be able to look into what happened during his spare time. If he got leave (probably very likely considering the circumstances) he'd be able to devote all his time into investigating the matter.


And as far as the villain is concerned, he'd be calling in favors and doing whatever it takes to organize a response to neutralize the threat he posed permanently. The guy managed to kill his entire team, which would be quite a feat. He's a clear and present danger that needs to dealt with permanently.

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