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Fantasy Hero


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Hello All,


My group and I are extremely new to the Hero System after many years of DND and the MURPG systems. I have purchased the Hero System main bood (5th edition revised), Sidekick, and Fantasy Hero.


While we are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of content and rules... we are very excited by the apparent improved gameplay, character freedom, and game format. We have decided that the best way to get a grasp on the system is to simply create characters manually and play a simple adventure.


As we prepare to begin creating our characters, I am wondering if any of you know of any available basic adventures for Fantasy Hero that would enable us to 'test drive' the system? I am sure I will have questions once we start playing... but for right now I am just trying to find an adventure that is simple enough to allow us to get through as we learn the basics.





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Re: Fantasy Hero


Try to find a copy of Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds. That book has a good handful of adventures, most of the entry level or thereabouts, that can get a group started quite well.


The Turakian Age would be helpful, but not at all truly necessary, in understanding the adventures in FHB (they stand quite well enough on their own, but can be greatly enhanced by having TTA).


You might also consider the two Fantasy Hero Grimoires, which set forth magic spells in easy form.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


I agree with the recommendation of Fantasy HERO Battlegrounds. It's available from the Hero Games online store in both hardcopy and (much cheaper) PDF. The store also has a PDF adventure for Hero's "Valdorian Age" setting, Chasing A Golden Buck, but that's perhaps a bit too sophisticated to start out with.


I also recommend "The Tomb of Rakoss the Undying," a free FH adventure, which you can download from this webpage. It's a nice little "dungeon crawl" adventure, and comes with maps and game stats.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Welcome, Tomasina.


The above advice is excellent, and I'd like to reiterate the advice to buy the Turakian Age. The Turakian Age setting is a solid, comfortable setting. It's not brilliant (no offense), but it is a very, very good "port" of the standard Dungeons and Dragons / Forgotten Realms style campaign world into the HERO System. It's well done, and should be incredibly familiar to anyone who ever played D&D as a pimply middle schooler.


Eventually, you will find that the need to customize characters that seems to be a hallmark of all HERO players will eventually spread to your campaign world, as I've found most HERO players like to either do their own conversions, or design their own campaigns. Just look around on the boards. But as you're learning the HERO system, I think having a setting that is rather familiar (elves gooood, orcs baaad) will allow you and your players to focus on learning the rules and will speed up your transition to HEROness.

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Re: Fantasy Hero




other guys already adviced what i was about to saying.


my two cents are: if you are totally new, study the book. make some example char/npc. don't use all the optional rules. and don't try to learn all and to make all working fine since first session


there will be something you'll miss: so you and the players too need to be honest and be prepared to correct some mistakes.


and, of course, ask here if you need something :)

those guys are really helpful (they don't ban me and, how strange, they reply too!!!! wow!!! :P )

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Re: Fantasy Hero


[Compilation] "to Fantasy HERO Conversions & Adaptations"



Killer Shrike is the D20 to Hero Guru, but everyone will offer to help you out.


Steve answers questions daily here @ HERO System 5th Edition Rules Questions



Lord Liaden and I will provide Links to Conversions, Adpatations, and Resources.



Welsome aboard




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Re: Fantasy Hero


Ah GREAT question. go here: http://www.kestrelarts.com/gamedls.html


he has some downloads for pre written adventures. REALLY good stuff.


I am currently running a modified version of his "BENEATH KARAK AZGAL"


He also has a book for making up characters to pass out to your players. It has templates etc. Also theres a random treasure book that is really great, and one of the best herbal supplements ive ever seen.


if you are into dnd prestige classes, he wrote some of his own in hero:






Also if you do a search on arcanepress, look for cloak fighter, its amazing.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Wasn't there a fantasy hero senario or two published in digital hero?


As per JmOz's list of DH Adventures, yes there are:


YOUR HOROSCOPE FOR: VIRGO: Your Fantasy Hero party must save a maiden from the belly of a terrible wyrm! At least, that might be the quest…. DH 14, PAGE 23


THE TREASURE OF THENIN: The journal of Thenin Bookwright holds the secret of a buried treasure, one that is guarded by a most unusual demon… DH 43, PAGE 48

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Get HERO Designer!


When I first started I was doing all my maths and stuff on paper with a calculator. Once I finally got HD (HERO Designer) and I input all the characters, there were almost ALWAYS discrepancies in the final point tallies, and I was triple checking my maths XD. It also helps you figure out how powers fit together since it generally won't let you do something you're not supposed to do.


Anyhoop, go to Killer Shrike's site, it is teh ub3r of the DnD conversions, especially if you want to use the dnd magic systems.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Don't underestimate the value of taking an interesting scene or setting from a past game you have played, and just use that, so the focus is on the characters and system, rather than the setting.


It can really help to emphasize that HERO is flexible, combat can be really lethal (seriously reduce the number of any NPC enemy groups for early encounters, e.g. "a lone orc scout" first.), and yes you can make the bad guys flee.


It's a flexible system, allow your imagination to take you where you want to be - including taking you back to the settings you were using, if you want to, just with far deeper and more interesting characters. :)

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Thanks everyone... I really appreciate the warm welcome and great support.


I just ordered:


Turakian Age

Fantasy Hero Beastiary

Asian Beastiary

Ultimate Martial Artist

Minions, monsters and Mauraders (or something like that)


Later this week I will be purchasing:


Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds

Hero Designer v3.0


Due to this initial investment... there is a lot more pressure to learn and make the system work :). In all actuality, we have been reading the core book, sidekick, and Fantasy Hero sourcebook for the last couple of weeks and we are amazed at the flexibility and common sense of the system. I am looking forward to reading the Turakian Age and having a base world to start with... then once we are comfortable with that we can begin to tweak as desired.


Thanks again for all the help and advice!



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Re: Fantasy Hero


Fantasy HERO Grimoires are good, but if you're just going to be using KS's spells then you probably don't need them immediately.


Now, a recomendation for a future purchase once you're more comfortable with the system: The Ultimate Skill. It expands greatly on skills, and I fully intend to use alot of it when I run a game. Ghost-Angel has a review about it somewhere. Anyways, like i said, just think about it in the future, you've got enough on your plate without worrying about a thick book o' skills!


Other than that, Ultimate Vehicle (and it's companion, which the name escapes me currently but it's a bunch of predone vehicles using TUV) would be useful if you have either alot of carriages, alot of boats, or both, as it contains advanced rules for vehicle creation and use.


If you want to give energy and magic types a little extra flavor, the Ultimate Energy Projector is good, though definitley not necessary.


Oh, for actually running the games, the Combat Handbook would be very nice, maybe even a few. That way when you have a combat related question several people can look it up, or several people can just have a book with sections pertinent to their characters bookmarked for ease of use. Character Creation Handbook could be useful, but not as big a deal in my oppinion since you're getting HERO designer (still need to look stuff up sometimes, tho, but only a big deal if you're doing multiple characters at once).


The Equipment guide is handy, but not a big deal.


Enchanted Items is rather neat, lots of cool goodies in there, and it is definitely good for getting ideas for magic items. Especially when you're starting out, lots of examples are very useful, gives you a better understanding of the toolkit nature of this system.


Anyways, i think i just ran through my library of HERO stuff that is pertinent to fantasy somehow that you're not already getting.


Oh, Ninja HERO's neat too XD

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Re: Fantasy Hero


Fantasy HERO Grimoires are good, but if you're just going to be using KS's spells then you probably don't need them immediately.


Now, a recomendation for a future purchase once you're more comfortable with the system: The Ultimate Skill. It expands greatly on skills, and I fully intend to use alot of it when I run a game. Ghost-Angel has a review about it somewhere. Anyways, like i said, just think about it in the future, you've got enough on your plate without worrying about a thick book o' skills!


Other than that, Ultimate Vehicle (and it's companion, which the name escapes me currently but it's a bunch of predone vehicles using TUV) would be useful if you have either alot of carriages, alot of boats, or both, as it contains advanced rules for vehicle creation and use.


If you want to give energy and magic types a little extra flavor, the Ultimate Energy Projector is good, though definitley not necessary.


Oh, for actually running the games, the Combat Handbook would be very nice, maybe even a few. That way when you have a combat related question several people can look it up, or several people can just have a book with sections pertinent to their characters bookmarked for ease of use. Character Creation Handbook could be useful, but not as big a deal in my oppinion since you're getting HERO designer (still need to look stuff up sometimes, tho, but only a big deal if you're doing multiple characters at once).


The Equipment guide is handy, but not a big deal.


Enchanted Items is rather neat, lots of cool goodies in there, and it is definitely good for getting ideas for magic items. Especially when you're starting out, lots of examples are very useful, gives you a better understanding of the toolkit nature of this system.


Anyways, i think i just ran through my library of HERO stuff that is pertinent to fantasy somehow that you're not already getting.


Oh, Ninja HERO's neat too XD


Really, just the whole Ultimate series is frickin' ridiculous in how amazing it is.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


That's a good list' date=' tomasina... though I still highly recommend the Fantasy Hero Grimoires. :)[/quote']


I forgot to mention that I already own both of the Grimoire books. I bought them about a year ago (along with Sidekick and the main book) when I first started looking into the system. It took a year to decide to finally get down and learn the system... which is where we are now. Luckilly we spent the year inbetween playing the MURPG system which at least introduced us to the idea of buying powers with advantages and disadvantages and whatnot. So it kinda worked out for the better.


I should be getting my books next week, and we are hoping to get our first adventure up and running (altough I am sure it will be rough at first) within about a week or so... I am sure I will have more questions for you all then.



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Re: Fantasy Hero


It can really help to emphasize that HERO is flexible, combat can be really lethal (seriously reduce the number of any NPC enemy groups for early encounters, e.g. "a lone orc scout" first.), and yes you can make the bad guys flee.



A really good point. Unlike some systems where a single PC can stand in the middle of a swarm of goblins (etc) and fight at 100% regardless of the amount of damage they take. FH can get real lethal real fast. While it is true that in Hero knock outs happen in addition to kills, having the PC get knocked out is pretty lethal if they are being swarmed.


Keep the initial ecounters small, even if the PC's are way tougher and win with ease, that is better than the party dying on the first day out. You can always toughen up things later.

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Re: Fantasy Hero


I forgot to mention that I already own both of the Grimoire books.
Then I'd say you'll be good to go for a good FH game as soon as your package arrives. Someone already mentioned Enchanted Items as a good addition to your collection, and I tend to agree, but you'll have basically everything you really need.
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