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Favorite Champions Moment


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OK peoples, I've got pretty good responses to my last few posts, so here's another one. What's your favorite moment while playeing champions?


Mine happended when I had one of the players introduce a new character. The "hero" was actually a plant placed there by one of palyers major foes to gain info on them.


We worked out everything in advance, and I had the guy betray them in the misdst of a major battle with the villain. Worked out better than I expected. No one thought about checking the "heros" creds before excepting him into the group.

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Guest Keneton

Two super heroes from Justice Arsenal, Shade and Weapon, went to a private citizens home to gather information during a mystery adventure. A little girl answered the door and in school house rock tones sang. . . .


"Mommy mommy mommy Shade and Weapons Here!"


If you dont get it you are probably too young or did not watch cartoons. (Hint-Adverbs)


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Originally posted by Keneton

Two super heroes from Justice Arsenal, Shade and Weapon, went to a private citizens home to gather information during a mystery adventure. A little girl answered the door and in school house rock tones sang. . . .


"Mommy mommy mommy Shade and Weapons Here!"


If you dont get it you are probably too young or did not watch cartoons. (Hint-Adverbs)



Hmm, I think I understand, but I wouldn't without the hint. Being able to hear the tune always helps. But shouldn't it be "Get your weapons, here!"?


Anyway, can't think of the Greats at the moment, but I have a fondnesss for this scene:


Monolith, discoverer of the ancient secrets that built the Pyramids (no, not "lots of guys and decent planning", the powers of the Mind!), tracks the Necromancer to his hidden hideout, ironically inside one of those same pyramids. After lifting it (that is, the pyramid) off the villains base, he looked down, smiled, and said, "Ah, the sun in your face, the wind in your hair!"


Needless to say, he got some bonus dice for the subsequent Presence Attack.

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My favorite moment was when I was playing Gladiator, a 15 year old kid that could turn into a 12 foot robot. He was my 3rd character for Champs back in the 80s and was quite strong, durable and had an undefined energy blast.

Well, the group ended up in a Vampire Den and were attacked by waves of the bloodsuckers. While in the midst of battle, I let loose with my 12d6 e-blast and the following discussion occured:

GM: "Okay ... what type of energy is your e-blast?"

Me: "Uhh ....<the sound of scribbling can be heard as I start writing on my character sheet> ... Refined Solar Energy ... yeah."

GM: "What?! No it isn't!"

Me: <holding up the sheet with the words "Solar Energy" scribbled next to the e-blast> "It is now!"

With a grimace, he allowed it, as he should've had everyone define their characters before hand. But from that day forth, we all made sure that characters had defined abilities so we could avoid the "Gladiator" fiasco ;)

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Mine's a role playing moment. We have a longstanding fairly small group of players. In my campaign, we had Stonewall, a brick with the traditional Code vs Killing at a high level/Supereman Boy Scout personality.


For several sessions, they had an NPC, Justice, who was (shall we say) less scrupulous about the well-being of criminals. Not a murderous vigalante (despite an undeserved reputation), but not up to Stonewall's high standards. He had been working with the group for a few sessions by this time. He was even dating another of the player characters.


Stonewall had recently had a rather ugly experience striking a seemingly powerful opponent when his defenses were down and hospitalizing him (the scenario pretty much was a setup for this). The player was role playing Stonewall's guilt extremely well.


After several days of this, Stonewall was taken aside by Justice for a discussion about the situation (handled by blue booking). Justice was telling him the usual "you could not have known" story. Stonewall's player later noted he was pretty much about to come around anyway, but the rest of the players just saw him open the book, and watched his jaw drop.


Justice had resumed his normal human form, that of Stonewall's low-value DNPC brother (He knew who Stonewall was, but the sharing of secrets was not mutual). He didn't spill the beans, but the rest of the group (other than Justice's GF) were surprised with how supportive of Justice Stonewall suddenly became!


hmmm...either that or the blue booking with the GF, which went along the lines of:


Describe romantic date with Justice...


Describe Justice talking about revealing some secrets...


Return book with "Turning around, you see Doctor Apocalypse" at the bottom of a page


And "You wake up screaming, covered in a cold sweat" at the top of the next one. :D


Ganibg SHOULD be fun!

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Thanks to the virtue of an old friend's critical hit charts ...


Kicking Dr. Destroyer square in the crotch and, in the process, stunning him. Sure, once he recovered my character was a bloody smear on the wall, but dang it, how many people's tombstones get to read: "Here lies the man who kicked Dr. Destroyer in the jimmy"? :)

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My best bit from champions was something I GMed. It is rather long and convoluted, so bear with me.


I ran a modified combination of the Time master adventure from Champs presents (1 or 2) and the Horror world from Champs in 3-D.


Begin with the PCs having to fight problems from outside time, each appearing with a very extravagently described energy field around them (and the sound effect "shhhvvvvrrt"). One of the fights, they fight Thor, who chooses one member of the team, the team supermage, and goes after him, calling him a coward, a traitor to his race and other things. Everyone is perplexed.

They find the time thing, go back in time, stop the bad guy and come home. To horror world. So they are fighting to find out what happened and why this is the way it is, while trying to stay sane (ego drain things from the Lovecrafting beasties). They find that they have to go back to the pulp era to stop a ritual summoning. This somehow was stopped in thier normal timeline, but not now, so they had to go fix it.

They wander through the astral looking for the gate to where they want to go. All the characters are hurt, and most are pretty close to insane- and the players are playing it to the hilt. The supermage has been fighting like a madman, first one in on most fights (an approach to madness I subtly encourage and/or even suggested).

So they get to the gate, and the mage (as normal) scans through the gate to sense what is there... lo and behold a major extradimensional power. He jumps through and blasts it. It's Thor. He hits him in the back. Thor turns around, and angrily asks (as he prepares an attack) why he was attacked as Thor was saving the humans, then Thor dissapears with a "shhhvvvvrrt".


The PCs then realized what happened (given the original Thor fight was months ago real time), stopped the summoning and saved the day. And the players were amazed that I knew it would be the mage that attacked Thor months ago.


It was just one of those moments where every little thing just fell into place.

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One of my favorite gaming moments came a long, LONG time ago...1982 to be exact. It was during my very first Champions campaign. My friends and I had been playing literally, since before the game even came out...our GM had picked up a copy of the rules at a convention before it was available in stores. We had started playing in the Spring and had played pretty much non-stop all Summer long.


We were Omega Force: Captain Alloy, Tasmanian Devil, Aviator and, my character, The Darkling (a character who "drew on the power of a blackhole" for his abilities). And we were having a blast.


Then in the Fall, my family decided to move across country. :(


So, about a week before the move, my group got together for what would be my last session with them. It turned out to be the climax of a storyline the GM had been running for about 3 months. As we faced down the supervillain (a Dr. Doom-clone) at his lair we learned that while we had stopped his plan to take over the world, he had a "fail-safe" device that would destroy the world. The villain told us:


"If the world will not bow to me...I will destroy it! Even as we speak, my [suitably nefarious sounding device] has begun opening a gateway to a blackhole and when it is fully open...the Earth shall be devoured!!! And there's nothing you pitiful fools can do to stop it. [Mocking] Unless you happen to have a spare blackhole, that is. Bwaaaaahahaha!!"


And as he said this, the GM looked right at me and smiled.


After trying to destroy the gateway with my powers and failing, I realized (with a little hinting by the GM) that only one thing could close it...a supreme sacrifice had to be made.


"Remember me...and keep fighting the good fight", I told my friends. And then...


The Darkling lept directly into the growing maw of the blackhole gateway. The two blackholes, one the heart of a hero, the other the tool of a villain, counteracted each other in a spectacular explosion, sealing the gateway and saving the Earth.


RIP - Darkling.


I found out later that the GM had been planning this pretty much since he found out I was moving. I always thought it was very cool to have him create that situation as a kind of "last hurrah" for that character.



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Originally posted by dei1c3

I found out later that the GM had been planning this pretty much since he found out I was moving. I always thought it was very cool to have him create that situation as a kind of "last hurrah" for that character.




That is so cool. And the reason we do this hobby- moments like that.

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Mine was when playing a version of Sabre from the Blood and Dr. McQuark in a long running game. We had highs and lows, the character matured and grew and married. He continued the good fight along with his group, and they eventually were even UNTIL sanctioned. They had become the pinnacle of superheroes on our world....


So the GM ran Wrath of the 7 horsemen...


We were attacked in our own base by 4 of them, and Sabre, who had recently bounced a light anti-tank weapon off his bare chest, threw down with War. We had a house rule for crits (Nat 3) and sure enough, he got one on me. My right arm was broken. You could have heard a pin drop when that happened. The fight continued, with Sabre digging deep for that extra something that allowed him to beat off War, even with a broken arm. But his victory was short-lived as a blast from Fear's wand knocked him into a catatonic state.


"You have won this battle heroes, but in the end, you will fall and serve me."


Fast forward 2 weeks. The team mentalist gets attacked by Fear and Destruction and folds. The rest of the team manages to locate him and runs to the base. The horsemen attack en masse.


Just as things started to look their bleakest, the GM called me aside for 5 or so minutes of intense chatter. We came back to the table, and just as War was about to strike down Sabre's wife, he rose and blocked the bow, sending War flying.


Now standing in head to toe plate and carrying a massive Zweihander, he looked at the Horsemen and their leader in particular and said....


"Fear, you just made the biggest mistake of your whole misbegotten existance. You can call me Courage."


Thus was born Courage, the one incarnation on the side of light. Most of his memories were replaced with an over-riding goal to stop the horsemen. It made for an excellent and tense RP filled few weeks as his new bride tried to get him to even remember her.


In the end, he helped the rest of the group lay the Horsemen to rest and avert the coming of the nasty old folk. ;) It was an excellent ride, and when he came back to being "just" Sabre again, it gave me an even more intruiging take on a character that had gotten pretty darned cool all on his own.

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One of my favorite moments...


I had built the Hall of Justice (the one from the Superfriends). It's purpose was to prevent supervillians from attacking the nearby university (where the Public Id Scientist used to work) and instead attack the Hall of Justice.


Well. It didn't work. The supervillians trashed the university and then started trashing the Hall of Justice. The heroes collected outside to determine what to do now since the villians were clearly more powerful.


I pantimimed pulling out a remote control and extending the antenna.

"Foolish villians! Did you not think I wouldn't have a self-destruct device for MY OWN BASE!" With an evil grin, I mimiked pressing the button.


The GM looked at me with huge eyes. "Are you serious?" The other players roared with laughter. I had clearly stated that the walls were made out of reinforced concrete, tough and easy to repair.


"Sadly, no." But the expression on everyone's face made spending the points for the Hall worth it.

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Mine is a tad chilling, but it was cool just the same.


I played a Captain Marvel (Shazam) archtype named Triumph. He was a teenager transformed (permenantly) into a powerhouse. He died in the second adventure.

The GM took me aside and told me he had changed a few things. My character was rewritten slightly and it turned out that the patron deity had not been who I thought, it had been Anhur the Egyptian God of War. Anhur had petitioned Osiris to bring Triumph back to life. And he did...sort of. although he had returned and everything seemed fine, he wasn't really "alive" anymore. He (and I) were unaware of this.


The group had fought Dr. Destroyer before, the low end version, and we were pretty High Powered ourselves, so he usually had backup when he faced us. Triunph could almost go toe to toe with him and usually kept him busy until the backup had been taken care of.


Destroyer reviled him because he was a creature of Magic. When Big D gained the Cosmic Crown he went to the High End version of Dr. Destroyer. This version used his Gadget pool to create an Assault version of his armor and when the Battalion ( our team ) attacked, Triumph charged in as usual.


Drestroyer ripped his heart out, litteraly. Discarding Triumph's limp body, he turned to the rest of the Battalion

"Behold, fools, the still beating heart of your mighty Triumph. Your deaths will be equally fast."


while we (the players) were staring in awe. The GM told me to follow him.


After we returned and the game started again the gm told the others this.

"As Destroyer gloats you see the shadow of caped figure slowly rise behind him and hear...then he motioned to me.



"A-hem. I do beleive that belongs to me."

Destroyer whirls around and Triumph is hovering off the ground, the wound in his chest is quickly healing..


It was the only time Dr Destroyer ever so much as lost a phase to a presence attack.

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Setting: 3rd to last night of a two-year long campaign. The heroes were climbing up from secret caves below to face the Dark Lord just before he replaces our plane with his, snuffing out our reality forever.


Characters: Orignally built on 250, they had earned massive experience in two years of weekly gaming (ah! college) and were pretty powerful, well belanced, and fought well as a team.


Essential Background: we usually started combat at end of segment twelve, assuming people turned on power, drew weapons, shifted levels, etc. on 12. For two years, every fight started with the same ritual, the GM (me) announcing: "Segment one, nobody goes. Segment two, Speed sixes...(etc.)"


Scene: The heroes, after defeating several Namless Horros Who Must Remain Nameless, come to an entryway, clearly the back entrance to the Dark Lord's castle they had been told about. It is guarded only by two goblins.


Dialogue: Karazor: "Ummm. Only two goblins? I spend segment twelve looking around for other enemies." (rolls, makes Per by 8 or so, sees nothing)


Gemthalis: "This feels like a trap. The Dark Lord must be behind the door."


GM: "Well, you'd probably hear him or sense him. Want to try?"


Logran: "I'll detect magic on twelve." (rolls, no magic in the room, or 'just on the other side of the door. There is a general sigh of relief.).


Sbron: "I bet we have to talk to them. They'll have a riddle or something."

(general agreement)


GM: On their segment 12, the goblins draw weapons and make threatening moves toward you. They don't seem to be in the mood to talk.


Karazor: "Ok then. Let's take out these goblin punks, and move on to the big guy."

(everyone shifts levels, those who still can draw weapons.


GM: "Ok. Segment one. The goblins go."


All: "No way!"


Explanation: You see, aside from being Dex 30, Speed 12, these were fairly normal goblins. The two of them very nearly managed to take out an entire party. The look on the player's faces when the goblins attacked them on Segment One was classic. They all had to review the goblin character sheets to see what else I had changed (very little) because the buggers were so scary.


Since then, if they heroes get a tad overconfident, I'll say, "Ok, you come in to a room. There are two goblins there..."

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