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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I've messed around with both of these utilities, and I actually prefer Hero Machine to Hero-O-Matic. It seems that the latter has more options available, and I don't even mind the fact that it's in Portuguese; but I like the Hero Machine interface better. I like being able to see roughly what an item is going to look like before I select it.


Having said that, here are two different versions of the same character, created with these two utilities. I'm proud to introduce Magnetite, mistress of magnetism and one-time member of the StarGuard Corps.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I'm a little surprised I haven't seen this guy on here yet...




(I just wish I could've found a decent ping-pong ball gun.)


He has been posted in this thread...but I'm too lazy right now to search for the page.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Sorry, could get no sleep before answering this Foxbat-question:


page 6, post #83 by Theron

page 6, post #90 by Logan D


So I see now. Hmm, I could have sworn I'd looked at the whole thread.


Sorry about any sleep deprivation I may have caused.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


One of our group's GMs (Lord Mhoram, if you must know) has tentatively suggested that we might one day run a crossover campaign - that is, all characters would have ties to one or more published characters from any reputable, ongoing superhero title. I've had two ideas for who I might play in such a campaign. Here they are:


First, an amalgam of Mary Marvel and the young Jean Grey. I call her...Marvelette!


Second, the teenage son of long-time X-Men Piotr Rasputin and Kitty Pryde, Young Colossus!

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


They are visible to me. I have edited the the relevant post to provide links to the character images.


You can click here to see if it worked.


Nope. Still no joy, Sergeant.


Did you upload them to the boards, or link them from some other site? If the latter, the site may require a login or cookie that the rest of us don't have.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Nope. Still no joy, Sergeant.


Did you upload them to the boards, or link them from some other site? If the latter, the site may require a login or cookie that the rest of us don't have.


I'm seeing a 'invalid attachment' message.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Deleted from above, reformatted, and now the pics are online instead of attachments. maybe that will help?




What can I say? I just like playing around with the darn thing.


The Dependable Superhero League

a.k.a. The Dislikeables

The team's initials "DSL" originally stood for "Dependable Superhero League", but after a few disastrous outings the citizenry and media alike began referring to them as the "Dislikeables".




Atom Ant

Leader of the Dislikeables, Atom Ant's armored exoskeleton gives him the proportional strength of a human-sized ant, as well as providing flight and a variety of sensory abilities. Atom Ant has engaged a press agent to help offset the negative publicity their first efforts garnered.


Quote: "It was an accident! It happened years ago! I can't believe people are still bringing that up!"




Star Sapphire

Star Sapphire has mystical powers that seem to involve the making and directing of blue mystical energy. She practices her craft daily, and promises never again to repeat the spell that led to the "Nude Bomb" incident.


Quote: "You might want to back up. I'm not sure how this is going to work."




Ed the Jungle-Boy

When his parents went on safari in Africa, they had no idea they'd become lost until they stumbled upon a pack of very hungry hyenas. How the infant Ed survived is a mystery, but he claims he was raised by hyenas. Ed the JB seems to be an olympic-class fighter skilled in survival techniques of all sorts. He seems to be able to communicate fairly complex ideas to animals, and seems puzzled that other people can't be taught this skill. He is always accompanied by his faithful hyena companion, "Stuffy". Ed the Jungle-Boy is the only member of DSL whose association with the group hasn't tarnished his reputation. Despite this, most restaurateurs still refuse to serve Ed until he puts on a shirt and some shoes.


Quote: "Stuffy good doggie!"





Since childhood, James "Bluto" Blutarsky was a fan of the Popeye cartoons. From an early age, he began studying nutrition in the hope that some day he could become as strong as Popeye. Eventually, he hit upon a specialized diet that filled him with tremendous vitality and strength. He began adventuring as "Bluto" because even he could tell that he resembled that character more than his hero.


Quote: "Hey! When they weren't fighting, Popeye and Bluto were best friends!"




Ms. Grey

Ms. Grey is an alien, stranded on Earth when her landing party was set upon by government-backed superheroes sent to capture the aliens' technology. While her companions managed to escape in their spacecraft, Ms. Grey had to adjust to living on a planet full of primitive ape-like beings. Ms. Grey has a hard time dealing gracefully with these "human beings" and is hoping that if she doesn't cause too much disruption of Earth's cultures her people will take her away from this cultural backwater when they return in a hundred years or so.


Quote: "What makes you think that I could even think of procreative activity with a barbarian ape-creature such as yourself without becoming violently ill?"

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


I actually liked the first one better. Not sure about the jet packs' date=' though.:)[/quote']

The jet packs were an attempt to represent an over-the-shoulder rocket launcher. They failed pretty badly and are the major reason i chose to redesign. The hair is cheesy, I know, but the mask on the other wasn't working for me either.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Deleted from above' date=' reformatted, and now the pics are online instead of attachments. maybe that will help?[/size']





What can I say? I just like playing around with the darn thing.


The Dependable Superhero League

a.k.a. The Dislikeables

The team's initials "DSL" originally stood for "Dependable Superhero League", but after a few disastrous outings the citizenry and media alike began referring to them as the "Dislikeables".




Atom Ant

Leader of the Dislikeables, Atom Ant's armored exoskeleton gives him the proportional strength of a human-sized ant, as well as providing flight and a variety of sensory abilities. Atom Ant has engaged a press agent to help offset the negative publicity their first efforts garnered.


Quote: "It was an accident! It happened years ago! I can't believe people are still bringing that up!"


up and at 'em ATOM ANT
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