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Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


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Dr Pym

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15/75 STR 5 12- / 24- Lift 200.0kg/819.2tons; 3d6/15d6 [1/7]

17 DEX 21 12- OCV: 6/DCV: 6

15/35 CON 10 12- / 16-

12/24 BODY 4 11- / 14-

30 INT 20 15- PER Roll 15-/19-

12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4

15/35 PRE 5 12- / 16- PRE Attack: 3d6/7d6

14 COM 2 12-


6/32 PD 3 Total: 6/32 PD (6/26 rPD)

6/32 ED 3 Total: 6/32 ED (6/26 rED)

4 SPD 13 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

8/12 REC 4

30/70 END 0

30/52 STUN 2 Total Characteristic Cost: 96



Running: 30"/60"

Flight: 0"/18"/0"/36"

Leaping: 3"/6"

Swimming: 2"/4"



Cost Powers END

75 Alter Size: Multipower, 75-point reserve

15m 1) Giant Size: Growth (+60 STR, +12 BODY, +12 STUN, -12" KB, 344,064 kg, -8 DCV, +8 PER Rolls to perceive character, 29.1 m tall, 14.6 m wide), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 6

15m 2) Insect Size: Shrinking (0.0284 m tall, 0.0003 kg mass, -12 PER Rolls to perceive character, +12 DCV, takes +18" KB), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (75 Active Points) 6


33 Entomopathic Microcircuitry in Cowl: Multipower, 50-point reserve, (50 Active Points); all slots OIF (-1/2)

2u 1) Call Giant Insect: Summon 200-point one Giant Insect built on up to 200 points (see The HERO System Bestiary, pages 89-92), Expanded Class of Beings Very Limited Group (giant insects; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 5

1u 2) Call Insect Swarm: Summon 67-point one 67-point Stinging Insect Swarm (The HERO System Bestiary, page 183), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (26 Active Points); Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2), OIF (-1/2) 3

2u 3) Insect Command: Mind Control 10d6 (Animal class of minds) (50 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds Ants Only (-1), OIF (-1/2) 5

2u 4) Insect Communication: Telepathy 10d6 (Animal class of minds) (50 Active Points); Limited Class Of Minds Ants Only (-1), OIF (-1/2) 5


125 Micronized Arsenal: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 100 base + 25 control cost, (150 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1)

0 1) Adhesive Grenades: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Explosion (lose 1d6 and 1 DEF per 1"; +1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Real Cost: 18 [4]

0 2) Crime Scene Analyzer: Criminology 18- (21 Active Points); OAF (-1) Real Cost: 10

0 3) Homing Tracer: Radio Group Images Increased Size (32" radius; +1 1/4), +4 to PER Rolls, Image Only Perceivable On Special Radio Frequencies (+0), Range Based On STR (+1/4), Usable As Attack (allows character to "stick" the Image to a target; +1), 1 Recoverable Continuing Charge lasting 1 Week (stops functioning if it gets wet or experiences severe radio interference; +1) (76 Active Points); Set Effect (detectable signal; -1), IAF (-1/2) Real Cost: 30 [1 rc]

0 4) Signal Flare Gun: Sight Group Images Increased Size (8" radius; +3/4), +4 to PER Rolls (38 Active Points); OAF (-1), Set Effect (signal flare of defined appearance; -1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1) Real Cost: 9 [1 cc]

0 5) Sound Mimicry System: Hearing Group Images Increased Size (16" radius; +1), -3 to PER Rolls (28 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) Real Cost: 19 3


Costume Basics

12 1) Reinforced Unstable Molecule Costume: Armor (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


Costume Communications Suite

17 1) Broadcast Tracking: Detect Source Of Radio Transmissions A Large Class Of Things 15-/19- (Radio Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (25 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

6 2) Communications: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Sight and Hearing Groups As Well As Radio Group (-1/2)

4 3) Onboard Computer: Computer (see Advanced Radio Communicator.hdc file; Total Computer Cost: 30/5 = 6) (6 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


Costume Sensor Suite

3 1) Enhanced Light Vision: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

5 2) Hearing-Augmentation: +4 PER with Hearing Group (8 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

7 3) Hi-Res Thermal Sensors: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

10 4) MicroSensors: Microscopic (x1,000) ( x1,000) with Sight Group (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

8 5) Telescopic Sensors: +8 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


Giant Size

29 1) Gigantic Defense: (Total: 36 Active Cost, 29 Real Cost) +20 PD (20 Active Points); Linked to Growth (5 points per 15 points of growth) (-1/4) (Real Cost: 16) plus +16 ED (16 Active Points); Linked to Growth (5 points per 15 points of growth) (-1/4) (Real Cost: 13)

60 2) Gigantic Fists: Area Of Effect (up to One Hex; +1/2) for up to 100 Active Points of STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Linked (to Growth; only applies at 60 points' worth of Growth or more; -1/4)

48 3) Gigantic Legs: Running +24" (30" total), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Linked (to Growth; -1/4) 2

32 4) Gigantic Physique: +20 CON (40 Active Points); Linked to Growth (5 points per 15 points of Growth) (-1/4)

16 5) Gigantic Resilience: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED) (20 Active Points); Linked (5 points per 15 points of Growth) (-1/4)

8 6) Gigantic Swing: +4 OCV with Sweep

24 7) Gigantic Toughness: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 24 Real Cost) Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Linked to 30 points or more of Growth (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12) plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% (15 Active Points); Linked to 30 or more points of Growth (-1/4) (Real Cost: 12)

16 8) Impressiveness: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Linked (to Growth, gains +5 PRE per 15 points of Growth; -1/4)

21 9) Stentorian Voice: Hearing Group Images Increased Size (1,024" radius; +2 1/2), +/-4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (68 Active Points); Set Effect (only to make character's voice really loud; -1), Instant (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Limited Effect (Normal Hearing only; -1/4)


Insect Size

50 1) BioEnergy Sting: Energy Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); IIF (Costume; -1/4), Linked (Insect Size; 2d6 EB per Level of Shrinking; Lesser Instant Power can be used in any Phase in which greater Constant Power is in use; -1/4) 3

20 2) Yellowjacket Wings: Flight 18" (36 Active Points); OIF (Costume; -1/2), Linked to Shrinking (3" per 10 points of Shrinking) (-1/4) 4



5 Avengers Assemble: Fringe Benefit: Membership: The Avengers (Active Membership)

5 Avengers Gear: Vehicles & Bases: Quinjets, Avengers Mansion, other offices - Individual Contribution

5 Avengers ID Card: Access: Avengers Mansion

8 Avengers ID Card: Computer Link: AVENGERS Database

1 Avengers Stipend: Money: Well Off

2 Oh my God! The Avengers!: Reputation: Member of the Avengers (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +2/+2d6

50 Rover: Vehicle/Follower

3 Well-Connected

1 1) Contact: Reed Richards (2 Active Points) 11-

5 2) Contact: Scientific Community, Organization Contact (x3) (6 Active Points) 11-

3 3) Contact: Stature (Cassie Lang) (Good relationship with Contact) (4 Active Points) 12-



12 +2 with HTH and Ranged Combat

6 +2 with Punch/Grab/Haymaker

3 Computer Programming 15-

3 Cryptography 15-

3 Deduction 15-

3 Electronics 15-

3 Instructor 15-

7 Inventor 17-

3 Mechanics 15-

3 Paramedics 15-

3 Research 15-

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Artificial Intelligence (3 Active Points) 15-

2 2) KS: Avengers Bylaws (3 Active Points) 15-

2 3) KS: Avengers Foes and History (3 Active Points) 15-

2 4) KS: The Scientific World (3 Active Points) 15-

2 5) KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 15-

3 Scientist

3 1) SS: Biochemistry 16- (4 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Biology 15- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Biophysics 15- (3 Active Points)

2 4) SS: Chemistry 15- (3 Active Points)

2 5) SS: Entemology 15- (3 Active Points)

2 6) SS: Genetics 15- (3 Active Points)

3 7) SS: Medicine 16- (4 Active Points)

2 8) SS: Physics 15- (3 Active Points)

2 9) SS: Robotics 15- (3 Active Points)

3 10) SS: Subatomic Physics 16- (4 Active Points)

3 Security Systems 15-

3 Stealth 12-

3 Systems Operation 15-

1 TF: Quinjet

3 Teamwork 12-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 855

Total Cost: 951


500+ Disadvantages

15 Hunted: Avengers Liason 11- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

15 Hunted: Dr Pym's Rogues Gallery 8- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

20 Hunted: Foes of the Avengers 11- (As Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: In Love with Janet Van Dyne (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Younger Heroes (Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Scientific Curiosity (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Self Loathing (Uncommon, Strong)

5 Reputation: Flawed Hero, 11- (Known Only To A Small Group)

10 Social Limitation: Must honor Avengers Bylaws & Charter or face expulsion (Occasionally, Major)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Frequently, Major)

5 Unluck: 1d6

301 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 951




Background/History: From: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Yellowjacket_(Henry_Pym)


Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym was a brilliant scientist who spent much of his time in his lab. At one point, he met and married the beautiful Maria Trovaya. Unfortunately, when travelling in her home country of Bratislavia, she was captured by revolutionaries, and, despite Pym's efforts, she was killed.


One day he discovered a process in which he would manipulate a newly discovered group of subatomic particles through magnetic fields. Pym tested the serums on himself, and had accidentally shrunk himself to the size of an ant and was trapped inside an anthill. Once normal sized, Pym destroyed the serums, thinking that they were too dangerous . He rethought his decision, and recreated the serums, dubbing them "Pym Particles" and developing a formula that would enable himself to shrink and return to normal size. He also worked on a cybernetic helmet to enable him to communicate and study ants. Pym was also working on behalf of the government to find to work on a formula to help provide immunity to low-level radiation. It was then that several Soviet KGB Agents broke in, attempting to kill Pym and destroy his work. Pym donned the cybernetic helmet and newly designed protective suit, shrank himself, and escaped outside, to the anthill. There, he gained control of the ants, and attacked the agents and freed his assistants.


Pym began to adventure as the hero Ant-Man, often running up against the villain Egghead. About the same time, he created the robot Ultron-1,who brainwashed Pym into forgetting this achievement and only revealed itself many months later, becoming his archenemy. In the meantime, he was contacted by the father of Janet Van Dyne to help him in his scientific experiments. Pym soon fell in love with Janet, who reminded him of a young Maria. When her father was captured by the aliens he was trying to contact, Pym as Ant-Man came to rescue him. Ant-Man revealed his identity to Janet, and Pym convinced her to join him as his partner, engineering her body to become his sidekick, the Wasp.


Ant-Man and the Wasp were mistakenly called to battle the Hulk with heroes Thor and Iron Man. When the heroes discovered that the Hulk was innocent and it was all a trick formulated by Loki, Pym and the Wasp suggested they form a team, combining their different powers to fight evil, and the Wasp named the team the Avengers. Pym continued to fight alongside the Avengers, but soon felt outclassed by the powerhouses of the team and created the identity of Giant-Man. Later still, Pym proposed to Janet, and the two briefly left the team for their marriage. Pym found himself back in the Avengers, creating another identity of Goliath. Although he usually preferred abstain from adventuring to stay in his lab, he continued to fight off-and-on alongside the Avengers because the Wasp always wanted to.


Years later, Pym, who was undergoing severe mental stress, had an accident in his laboratory, breathing in chemical fumes. His sanity warped, and created a fourth identity: Yellowjacket. He returned to the Avengers, kidnapping Janet and forcing her to marry him. When he was confronted by the Avengers and brought back to his right mind, Pym and Janet decided to let the marriage stand. They adventured with the Avengers, and later, they enjoyed a brief tenure alongside the heroes of the Defenders.


Pym's mental problems continued to worsen. He returned to the Avengers, determined to prove himself alongside the heavyweights of the team, which only added to his stress. At one point, he struck Janet, and later, during battle with the misguided Elfqueen, Pym lashed out at her just as she was about to surrender. The Avengers began a court-martial process for Pym, who, losing his sanity, created a robot to destroy the Avengers-- but built with a failsafe that Pym would activate to "save" his friends and regain his status. The ploy failed, and the Wasp, who discovered Pym's treachery, saved the team. Pym promptly quit, and the Wasp filed for divorce. Pym was further oppressed as his old enemy Egghead framed Pym for stealing nuclear devices, leading to Pym's arrest. Egghead led the Masters of Evil in freeing Pym from his trial, further implicating him in villainy. Pym soon defeated the Masters single-handedly, redeeming himself, but he decided against rejoining the Avengers. Pym later would ally with them when his expertise was needed. Over time, his relationship with the Wasp was reconciled.


Later still, Pym found his body could not handle the stress of constant size-changing, and he retired from costumed crime-fighting. He still joined the Avengers, however, when they opened their West Coast branch, in order to oversee the facilities and the scientific research. Growing more despondent, however, he soon decided to commit suicide but was stopped by their associate Firebird (then Espirita,) who helped him to reconcile the two areas of his life-- costumed crime-fighting and scientific research. As Hank Pym, Scientific Adventurer, he would use the aura of Pym Particles his body produced in order to shrink and grow objects around him, and he rejoined the Avengers full-time, often acting as field leader.


Although he stayed with the West Coast branch for some time, Pym soon found himself actively adventuring from the New York mansion. Later still, Pym and other size-changing heroes and villains were caught up in an invasion attempt from the natives of the dimension Kosmos, the place where Pym particles stem from. The outcome left Pym able to grow again but not to shrink, and he resumed his old Giant-Man identity.


Continuing to adventure alongside the Avengers, his relationship with the Wasp steadily improved, becoming very platonic romantically. Their relationship hit a rough spot during the battle with the time-traveling villain Kang (in actuality, Kang's rival Immortus posing as Kang) when, in order to save the Wasp's life, Pym performed radical life-saving experiments which transformed her into a bug/woman hybrid.


Pym was on hand with the other Avengers who seemingly sacrificed their lives to absorb the energies of the being known as Onslaught. In reality, he was shunted to another dimension. When he and the other heroes were restored to Earth, Pym found that he was capable of his full range of size-changing abilities, although he could not shrink and grow other objects unless he specifically treated them in his laboratory. He and the Wasp also returned to their previous romantic relationship.


Pym helped reorganize the Avengers with the Wasp and their teammates, stopping the menace of the sorceress Morgan Le Fay. He then agreed to stay on as a reserve member, returning to his laboratory work full-time. Pym and the Wasp would join with the Avengers on an as-needed basis, such as helping them thwart the villainous Grim Reaper. During this time, Pym switched to his Goliath identity once again.


Pym's research was monitored by Ultron, who later kidnapped Pym and other of its so-called "family." Ultron revealed that Pym had used his own brain patterns as a template for Ultron's intelligence, and Ultron intended to do the same with all members of its "family" when building a new robot army with Pym's latest research. Ultron was confronted by the Avengers, who freed Pym and allowed him to deliver the blow that defeated Ultron. Soon after, Goliath and the Wasp rejoined the Avengers full-time.


At one point, when investigating the machinations of the barbarian sorcerer Kulan Gath, who had transformed a South American village into a version resembling his native time period, Pym was transformed into a giant version of his Yellowjacket identity. Although he was quickly restored to normal, the reversion had unconsciously allowed the Yellowjacket identity to form for itself a body out of the extradimensional mass Pym used to grow. Pym had long sought to suppress the impulsive, egotistical Yellowjacket and instead rely on rationality and prudence, and now the two sides of his personality shared the same mass in the form of two separate bodies. "Yellowjacket" surreptitiously helped "Goliath" and the Avengers escape Kulan Gath, and he secretly followed them back to their Mansion headquarters. Soon, Yellowjacket kidnapped Goliath, imprisoning him and taking his place as Goliath among the Avengers.


Although many of his teammates recognized "Goliath's" strange behavior, no one suspected the truth. Yellowjacket would occasionally succumb to debilitating pain, a stress of drawing upon the same mass. The strain eventually became too much, and Yellowjacket began to fade away. Unaware of what was happening, the Avengers found only one source of help, their former enemy, Jonathan Tremont of the Triune Understanding. Tremont helped Pym confront the two sides of personality, and he merged together to restore himself to normal. Pym rejoined the Avengers and assumed his Yellowjacket identity once more, claiming that it would be as Yellowjacket, the identity that gave him the most problems, that he would face his problems and find out if he was truly cured.


Pym and the Wasp renewed their romantic relationship, often taking time off together like a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas. Pym again proposed to Janet van Dyne, but she declined, fearing that he might one day lose control under stress. The Wasp then began to explore different avenues of her life. She started to use her size-changing powers to grow in size similar to Giant-Man. She also had a dallying affair with her teammate Hawkeye, which Pym walked in on. The Wasp, Hawkeye, and Pym avoiding come to terms with this uncomfortable new love triangle, as the Avengers were suffered a series of sudden and devastating attacks from friends and enemies alike, part of which resulted in She-Hulk starting a rampage. The Wasp was summarily swatted aside and remanded into a coma.


When she recovered, she and Pym renewed their relationship once more. The couple chose not to resume membership when the Avengers disbanded, and Pym took an offer as a research scientist at Oxford University.


Chad's MU Notes: Much like Spider-Man, Pym's been Marvel's whipping boy. Unlike Peter, Hank isn't as strong willed. Hank's been given multiple personalities, multiple lives, nervous breakdowns, horrible guilt, obessive/compulsive, abusive towards his wife, and constantly at war with himself. Sure he gets fixed now and then, only to break again when the tensions mount.


At this point, I'm giving him a pass. The Civil War fiasco didn't occur in my MU and the current "Irredeamible Ant-Man" has been....dealt with by the identity's progenitor. Hank and Janet have since reconciled and he's dedicated himself to being a positive influence on Stature, the daughter or Scott Lang(Ant Man II). He's gone back to his "Dr Pym" name but the identity is more of what I'd consider the evolution of the man.


Personality/Motivation: Hank Pym has been through a lot in his long tenure as an adventuring crimefighter. His emotoional and mental state has constantly been under assault by tragedy, triumph, loss, and perhaps even the stress of his powers and responsibilities; at times he has been unreliable. Through it all he has shown that he wants to do the right thing and that he loves his wife Janet.


Hank has proven to be self loathing, constantly wondering what he was doing as a member of the Avengers, feeling like a second rate scientist compared to his contemporaries such as Tony Stark and Reed Richards. In truth, his poor self image has had a lot to do with his problems. He also tends to obsess over Jan and his place in the superheroic community.


Since he's finally putting his life together, he's drawing further away from superheroics and closer to family dynamics. He and Jan are together in the UK and he's doing his best to take an active role in Cassie Lang's life. He's trying very hard to stop living his life through his failures and build on his successes.


Quote: Don't make me get all Big Brother on you.


Powers/Tactics: This version of Hank Pym is one who has the entire arsenal of his multiple identities at his disposal. He wears a gold, black, and bronze costume that has much of his Yellowjacket and Ant-Man technology built in, carries numerous devices in specially designed pouches (mostly restraints and universal tools) and once again uses Rover extensively.


Campaign Use: Pym is something of a tarnished hero in the publics eye. Even moreso in the eyes of some of his fellow heroes. That aside, he's a good hearted man who is stepping into the role of mentor and contact. He hasn't completely retired from action, but he's more low key. An original Avenger and a genius in multiple sciences he can be a font of information.


Appearance: Hank Pym is a fit man in his mid to late thirties. He's got blond hair and blue eys and a trim build of someone who works out regularly. His current costume resembles his Yellowjacket costume but without the yellowjacket symbol, cowl, or shoulder extensions. It's a body suit, gold in color with a black field, a black mask with a bronze faceplate, black gloves with bronze colored bracers, a bronze belt and black boots. The boots and belt have several compartments. The mask/faceplate are stored in a specail pocket around his neck so he can wear the costume under his regular clothes with ease, ditto his bracers and belt.

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


1d6 Unluck? Doesn't he need more like 25d6 Unluck?


That, or Social Limitation: Usually Completely Hosed By Writers.


I was thinking "Accidental Change: All previous storylines where Hank redeems himself are erased abruptly in his own eyes and eyes of fellow heroes when in contact with crappy writer, 11-"

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


I think he should have some Commando training (all of the avengers IMO should...thanks Cap)

I thought of that, but of all the Avengers, Hank's the least combat oriented. I've considered an "Avengers Combat Training" Martial Arts package that is mysteriously similar to the Generic Martial Arts package, but at the moment no. Hank is most comfortable in the lab.


I was a little concerned that his "Standard Growth" powerset made him unplayable without martial arts...so I might readdress that.

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


By the way, Marvel readers, has Hank done any sort of bonding with Cassie? I know he stepped in when the new *spit* Ant-Man sucker punched her in the Initiative (read it on wikipedia) but I've not heard anything else. That relationship seems to me to be a natural.



BTW anyone else concerned that Cassie is a teenager and Franklin Richards is still a toddler? Is Kristof still around? *Sigh*

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


By the way, Marvel readers, has Hank done any sort of bonding with Cassie? I know he stepped in when the new *spit* Ant-Man sucker punched her in the Initiative (read it on wikipedia) but I've not heard anything else. That relationship seems to me to be a natural.



BTW anyone else concerned that Cassie is a teenager and Franklin Richards is still a toddler? Is Kristof still around? *Sigh*


He's not a toddler. When last seen in Mark Waid's Fantastic Four he was about seven years old or thereabouts.

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


He's not a toddler. When last seen in Mark Waid's Fantastic Four he was about seven years old or thereabouts.


I would peg Franklin older than that, probably entering his preteen years, maybe 11 or so, which would put the older members of the Pack as adults, which IIRC we actualy saw Julie as a 18 or so in Runaways...

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


Franklin is a reality manipulating mutant right?


I figure he's actually approaching the big 4-0, but since he never wanted to grow-up, he's kept his age anywhere between 4 and 11 for the past three decades. Similarly, his Mom is perpetually 22 and his dad is perpetually 40.



And what Mary Jane whispered was "I know you're really Franklin Richards."

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


Hm. I suppose I have to confess that I didn't wholly know all of what Pym could do functionally simultaneously. I'd've MultiFormed him' date=' I think. Giant Man, Ant Man, etc.[/quote']

a valid decision, but I went with the easier (to me) method :)

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


I would peg Franklin older than that' date=' probably entering his preteen years, maybe 11 or so, which would put the older members of the Pack as adults, which IIRC we actually saw Julie as a 18 or so in Runaways...[/quote']

For a real mind-frack, consider this: Franklin Richards should be older than Hulkling. Franklin was born before Earth entered the Kree-Skrull War (16 years ago, according to something someone said in an ish of Runaways, I believe*), but Hulkling was conceived while Earth was involved in the war.


Franklin Richards first appeared in Fantastic Four Annual #6 (November 1968). If we go by the rough "4 years real time = 1 year comic time," he would be about nine and a half years old.


* And to really muddy the waters, the "Battle Damage Report" published after the end of the Civil War mini-series puts the FF first flight at 13 years ago....

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Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel)


For a real mind-frack' date=' consider this: Franklin Richards should be older than Hulkling. Franklin was born before Earth entered the Kree-Skrull War (16 years ago, according to something someone said in an ish of [i']Runaways[/i], I believe*), but Hulkling was conceived while Earth was involved in the war.


Franklin Richards first appeared in Fantastic Four Annual #6 (November 1968). If we go by the rough "4 years real time = 1 year comic time," he would be about nine and a half years old.


* And to really muddy the waters, the "Battle Damage Report" published after the end of the Civil War mini-series puts the FF first flight at 13 years ago....

I know they said Hulkling was artificially aged (like Genis Vell)

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