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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore




One afternoon in Ulaan Baatar, Otgoo invited my husband and me to a traditional Mongolian feast. Otgoo, a friend of our host family, had given us tours of little-known temples; she'd helped us bargain for belt buckles in Naran Tuul, an enormous outdoor market. Young and fashionable, she'd even brought us to her favorite nightclub—a slick bar where, at the stroke of midnight, a pair of teenagers emerged in 1950s costumes and performed a choreographed swing dance to "I've Had the Time of My Life." She was, in short, an excellent guide. So naturally we said yes.


"Good," Otgoo said, as we nodded from the back seat. "We will get a sheep."

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore



Interesting story (and repped for being an interesting read), but I can't see the connection with "Foods for those that just don't care anymore". Not so very long ago, most people butchered their own meat. Livestock was the only means of keeping meat fresh when the only refrigeration you had was snow in winter (not very reliable unless you get "real" winters).


This site has a lot of interesting examples. The entry for collard greens (a food from my own childhood) is spot-on, except I could never bring myself to actually eat the source of that "aroma".


Collard Greens (US South)

Collard greens - soul food at its best! Popular in the rural south and pretty much wherever there are black folks with Southern roots. Similar to turnip greens, but much stronger taste and aroma. If prepared correctly, have oodles of bacon fat and "white meat" (pork belly). I personally love them, but don't like to be in the kitchen while they're cooking... smells like the whole family has gas & everyone went to the kitchen to relieve the pressure.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Interesting story (and repped for being an interesting read)' date=' but I can't see the connection with "Foods for those that just don't care anymore". Not so very long ago, most people butchered their own meat. Livestock was the only means of keeping meat fresh when the only refrigeration you had was snow in winter (not very reliable unless you get "real" winters).[/quote']


Not so long ago? Heck, just last night I finished butchering two wild hogs I got last weekend. I put about 70 pounds of organic, free-range lean meat in my freezer, and will take most of it to relatives when I visit them next. Have also butchered sheep, rabbits, and deer in the past year, and goat in the past. I live on a farm - it's just a part of life out here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Dim & Dem Sum


I know I've mentioned these guys before, but now I've finally got to try their food. And I indulged in the LBLT: lobster salad, smoked jowl, arugula, tomato. They were a little heavy-handed with the siracha aioli, but overall, I liked it. Also, their sister truck Hodge Podge will be a competitor in this coming season of "The Great Food Truck Race" on Food Network starting this Sunday. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Interesting story (and repped for being an interesting read), but I can't see the connection with "Foods for those that just don't care anymore". Not so very long ago, most people butchered their own meat. Livestock was the only means of keeping meat fresh when the only refrigeration you had was snow in winter (not very reliable unless you get "real" winters).


This site has a lot of interesting examples. The entry for collard greens (a food from my own childhood) is spot-on, except I could never bring myself to actually eat the source of that "aroma".


Dude, if greens cooking gets to you, I can't imagine how you respond when someone is cooking chitterlings (or chitlins if you aren't being all seditty). Greens I'll eat by the bushel, especially if my grandma made them. You can't get me anywhere near chitterlings, which smell just like what was once inside them when cooking. For the uninitiated, they are pig's intestines. Here, read the prominent food safety warning in this article if you really want to put off them forever.



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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


I must agree with LapsedGamer. Greens I can eat all day. I tried chitlins...once, that's all it took I don't believe they were cleaned well enough...I found a peice of corn in mine....overactive imagination kicked into over drive, and I was losing my dinner in about 5 minutes.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


This is first I've ever heard of chitterlings - I thought chitlins was the correct name all these years. Never tried them myself. I might, if I didn't have to do the cooking, but I'd never go to the trouble of cleaning and fixing chitlins (or tripe, for that matter).


Greens....that's the stuff you cut off the bottom of the turnip, right? I heard it can be used for mulch around the remaining veggies, but doesn't have much other use.:idjit: Fresh spinach and chard is edible in some salads, but as soon as they are heated, they become inedible to me. It's the texture, not the taste, that I can't abide.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Sauteed or fried spinach can actually be pretty good if done right, though I think it's still best raw. But that canned cooked stuff is awful.


I've never been hungry enough for chitlins to seem like food. That's the stuff you have to throw away to turn an animal into food.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


This is first I've ever heard of chitterlings -...


From a thirty-year-old memory:

Chitterlings, chitterlings, chitterlings

Chitterlings is all I crave

Fill me up with chitterlings

Think of all the cash you'll save

You can do

Cordon Bleu

Irish stew

Stuff 'em where you stuff your fancy soups

You can buy 'em soft or 'ard

By the pound or by the yard,

Chitterlings the stuff they feed the troops.


There'll always be an England,

And England will be free,

If England means that much to you

It's what chitterlings means to me.


There were a few other verses I don't remember, too.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


This is first I've ever heard of chitterlings - I thought chitlins was the correct name all these years. Never tried them myself. I might, if I didn't have to do the cooking, but I'd never go to the trouble of cleaning and fixing chitlins (or tripe, for that matter).


Greens....that's the stuff you cut off the bottom of the turnip, right? I heard it can be used for mulch around the remaining veggies, but doesn't have much other use.:idjit: Fresh spinach and chard is edible in some salads, but as soon as they are heated, they become inedible to me. It's the texture, not the taste, that I can't abide.


Turnip and collard greens are great when made just right. That usually means that there's part of a pig in the pot when they are cooking. I've seen some healthy recipes that seem like they might be good, but I'm a traditionalist with it comes to soul food.


Spinach is great raw. I've only had chard once, and it was OK. I had this great Caesar salad the other day that was made with kale instead of lettuce. It was awesome. Come to think of it, I really like kale.

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