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What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


but since the topic is Looks....


It wasn't a derail, honest: the point was that it is not just COM that influences how people look in many campaigns. Unless there is something like superpowers, someone of high STR will have a big build and substantial musculature, although MegaPlayBoy's first example was Bruce Lee who doesn't really fit that archetype - although he is certainly ripped.


Equally someone with a 20 DEX is not, in a game where realism matters, (and the whole thing about 20 COM is that it implies a level of realism in the game because it relates to NCM) going to be this big lumbering lummox. For that matter, someone with a 4 SPD and 10" of running is not going to weigh 220lbs (although sprinters are often quite heavy).


COM, you see, doesn't cover all aspects of appearance. COM covers overall proportion, facial beauty and an element of style - maybe. Other characteristics govern, or at least heavily influence, other aspects of appearance.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


So, I'm asking. Here are the guidelines for responses:

1. Pick someone in the public eye, and who most people may have heard of, who you find VERY physically attractive. (this pretty much means no girlfriends, wives, etc.)--multiple examples preferred.

2. Explain why, what you feel their appealing features are, and whether you like these kinds of features in general. Do not mention their personality or their politics or their charity work--this is strictly about the "look" you find appealing. If it helps, think of it this way--all else being equal(personality, intelligence, etc.), which look do you tend to find the most appealing?

3. pics optional, but appreciated--links probably work best, given the various strictures in place here.


I will post my preferences a little later today.


1. June Wilkinson.

2. She has a very nice, full figure, is all natural, has a very nice face with a great smile. She's a nice height at 5' 6". And she has that wonderful British accent along with a nice voice.

3. See below. ;)

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


In either case' date=' I'm pretty sure it means 20 STR is not the maximum for human lifting.[/quote']


Its not. Maximum human strength would be in the 21-23 range. And pushing for 5 points could handle most impressive feats beyond that.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I've gone with this formula:


10 STR = 220 lbs to about your ankles. That's 110 lbs to the waist, and 55 lbs over your head. It's not exact, but works well enough for most characters.


I dunnoh man...I had to lift a 100Lbs over my head when I joined the army, it was easy for me...but everyone else there did it too...


It was a machine, with the weights on rails though...(Likely for safty, less broken feet that way...)


So I'd figure a healthy young male should be able to lift 100 over their head...


Maybe your example is an 8 STR? (normal in other words..)

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I dunnoh man...I had to lift a 100Lbs over my head when I joined the army, it was easy for me...but everyone else there did it too...


It was a machine, with the weights on rails though...(Likely for safty, less broken feet that way...)


So I'd figure a healthy young male should be able to lift 100 over their head...


Maybe your example is an 8 STR? (normal in other words..)


I'm not sure I've ever been able to lift 100 lbs over my head -- and I'm talking pick up a 100 pound weight and lift up over my head (while standing) to the full extent of my arms. No machines or any other devices, just raw strength. That said, it sounds like you and the rest of the guys had a 13 STR or so, which sounds about right for guys in the army after a lot of physical training.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I can get 100lbs over my head. I won't say I can do it a lot of times (no 2 sets of 12 like I do with weights), but I can get it up there once without too much of a problem. I don't think I'm anywhere near 13STR. I'll give myself somewhere from 8-10. I don't know what my actual maximum is though...

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I can get 100lbs over my head. I won't say I can do it a lot of times (no 2 sets of 12 like I do with weights)' date=' but I can get it up there once without too much of a problem. I don't think I'm anywhere near 13STR. I'll give myself somewhere from 8-10. I don't know what my actual maximum is though...[/quote']


I never said my formula was all that realistic or exact....


I just said it was useful. ^_^

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I'm not sure I've ever been able to lift 100 lbs over my head -- and I'm talking pick up a 100 pound weight and lift up over my head (while standing) to the full extent of my arms. No machines or any other devices' date=' just raw strength. That said, it sounds like you and the rest of the guys had a 13 STR or so, which sounds about right for guys in the army after a lot of physical training.[/quote']


Well could well be, I had never lifted a weight before...I had no idea how much a 100Lbs was...then I remembered a bag of cement is 98Lbs, and I relaxed a bit.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


The only problem with weights is they're balanced (usually, at least if done right) and have a nice easy hand sized grip.


The rest of the world? Not so much. It's probably safer to low ball it to compensate for the unwieldiness of just about anything you want to lift. A lighter large item is harder to move than a heavy small item.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I dunnoh man...I had to lift a 100Lbs over my head when I joined the army, it was easy for me...but everyone else there did it too...


It was a machine, with the weights on rails though...(Likely for safty, less broken feet that way...)


So I'd figure a healthy young male should be able to lift 100 over their head...


Maybe your example is an 8 STR? (normal in other words..)

You can lift a lot more than normal without pushing when you use a machine as the other muscle fibers that normally would be recruited for balance and control can now contribute to lift instead as the machine prevents the weight from swaying slightly as you lift. This is why free weights give you an overall better workout at lower weights than the machine systems.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


Wow' date=' that's not even what [i']I[/i] was about.


In fact, its not at all what I said.


I was talking about suspension of disbelief.


I was talking about making a character who is right for the genre.


I was talking about the fact that some genres don't have Conans or Tarzans in them.


Let's take one of your examples: Conan Doyle. I have no doubt Sherlock has a 28-30 INT and super-skills. That's great. DX, CN, BY, IN, EG, PR, and CM are all abstract. I can scale "human maxima" however I want. But Holmes doesn't run across too many people who can bench a VW Bug. Now lets take one of my examples: The Hard Boiled Detectives. Let's say I'm going to run a character based on Sam Spade. I've read the Maltese Falcon a gazillion times. There is nothing even remotely "legendary" about Sam Spade or anyone he interacts with. Sam is very smart, probably in the 17-20 range, but his other stats probably don't exceed 15. Its the story that counts.


And that was the only point I was trying to make.


You can still run a good, fun, fiction based game and have the current strength charts "normal human maxima" be totally inappropriate for the source materials you are working from. That includes Conan Doyle and Dashielle Hammett, for instance. Character's don't always have to be F***ing Tarzan to have a good time. The source material doesn't always have to be romantic adventure - even if that's what you personally prefer and keep insisting what Hero is about.


I'm not overly concerned with record books or measuring tapes. I never said people should be. I don't check them. At the same time, like most people, I have experienced the world and know where genre and reality depart. That's not the same for all genres, and different genres do it in different ways. If I'm running a game with mythic characters that's not a problem. If Conan, Tarzan or Kevin Sorbo are apropos so be it. If a Holmsian investigator is called for, great. If Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee's film personas need to step onto the stage, fine. If Arnie walks out and starts tearing the doors off of womanish sport cars while eying Rae Dong Chong's short skirts... boo-yah!




But that's not always what I'm running. AND THAT'S MY POINT.


Part of my experience includes an understanding of the source materials for the genres I plan to run - just like you said it should. And while I'm sure the authors [other than some of the hard science fiction writers] weren't checking record books and science manuals, not all of them were writing romantic adventure that bent reality in the way you keep plugging, either. Not all of us read and run the same things you like to read and run.


If I'm running a game based on the classic hard-boiled detectives* you can bet your bottom dollar no one is going to rate 21+ for their characteristics. That's not what those characters were about. That's not what those writers were writing. That's not how that genre worked. That's not what you want in your game. Their lone man on the mean streets wasn't supposed to be romantic - just tough and smart. They weren't shooting for ultra-realism, but they were shooting for versimilitude. The plots and veneer got out of hand, not the characters. Unless Back-chat is a stat. Then you start seeing 30's all over the place.


There's a world of difference between checking record books and science manuals, which I never proposed people do, and throwing your experience three sheets and a fifth of vodka to the wind. You and I both know there isn't a green beret in the world who can bench a VW. If I'm running Commando with movie Arnie that's not a problem. Give him the damned 30 strength. Its totally correct. You can carry entire tree trunks, tear car doors off, hold guys over cliff-edges and whatever else you can think of all day long. Like I said: boo-yah!


But what if I'm running a game based on The Unit? Is there anything there that suggests blowing the reality meter is the right approach for the genre? Has anyone in that show even come close? Should I not run that game because it doesn't hit the romantic adventure scale? Is a game that flows from "down-to-earth" source materials that don't stretch disbelief with the exception of plot points and style somehow verboten? Or even "boring?"


I'm pretty sure the answer is no.


EDIT: except for the women. The hard-boiled genre was full of women with presence and comeliness that blew the meter. You could interpret those as 21+. I wouldn't personally. I'd probably have femme fatale and vixen talents and super-skills. But you could.


Quoted For Truth.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


The only problem with weights is they're balanced (usually, at least if done right) and have a nice easy hand sized grip.


The rest of the world? Not so much. It's probably safer to low ball it to compensate for the unwieldiness of just about anything you want to lift. A lighter large item is harder to move than a heavy small item.


Word. Mass and Bulkiness make a huge difference.

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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


First of all, its very hard to answer part two of this question. I don't necessarily see Comeliness as defining what makes you an ideal mate for someone. My brother is very heterosexual, to the point that thinking about considering sex with another man squicks him out as much as furries apparently squick some people out. Yet he still admits that even he would marry Brad Pitt or Colin Firth, so...yeah. That probably makes Brad Pitt a 20 Com.


Personally, I'm celibate, straight male. But I were married, my 'five' would probably include Christian Bale. Yeah, I'm straight, but it's Christian Bale. So he's a 20.


I'll go ahead and pick five real, five cartoon/comic, for each gender that I call 20 Comeliness in no order.

On the real women's front, we have:

Christina Ricci

Linda Hamilton

Summer Glau

Gillian Anderson

Uma Thurman

On the Comic/Cartoon women's front:

She-Hulk (not Jenny Walters)

Barbara Gordon

Pamela Isley



On the real men's front:

Brad Pitt

Christian Bale

Antonio Banderas

Pierce Brosnan

Colin Firth

On the Comic/Cartoon men's front

Bruce Wayne

Tony Stark

Steve Rogers



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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


I'll go ahead and pick five real, five cartoon/comic, for each gender that I call 20 Comeliness in no order.




On the Comic/Cartoon women's front:

She-Hulk (not Jenny Walters)

Barbara Gordon

Pamela Isley







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Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU?


Personally, I'm celibate, straight male. But I were married, my 'five' would probably include Christian Bale. Yeah, I'm straight, but it's Christian Bale. So he's a 20.

It's a great disappointment to me that Bale didn't put this effect to good use at the Batman Begins premiere when Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise were hogging the limelight. If anyone would have been able to blast the hinges off the ironclad Closet That Scientology Built, it's him...


Of course, it makes sense to me that he passed on the opportunity, as succeeding would then leave him stuck actually having to follow through. :sick:

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