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Name this PC - please?


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Crusading lawyer and aspiring politician (yes, this is fantasy) gets framed and disgraced. He does volunteer work, and ends up assisting a senile former professor. A friendship develops, and he eventually learns that the prof had been an Indiana Jones type, but adventuring interdimensionally, with the use of a magical cloak. Over the years, the prof had collected various magical items and high tech devices. Our hero trains in the use of some of them, and gets to work.


His schtick is that he's got this collection of unrelated foci. The most visible ones are:

- a high-tech suit with CHARs and LS

- the magical cloak, which has force field along with teleport and x-dim travel

- a big ol' blaster rifle with many different settings

- a charm bracelet with magical spells on charges


Visually, he's a guy in a high-tech suit, a lattice-face magic helmet, high tech boots, and the cloak, carrying a big blaster. He's definitely a hodge-podge, but not completely ridiculous looking.


By personality, he's somewhat bitter, but not dark and obsessed. He ranges from fairly playful (he's living a dream, to some degree) to judgmental and vengeful when things really get serious, like when others are in danger.


By style, he's mostly scout/sniper - recon and plan before acting.


I have a name in use, but I'm not really happy with it. I won't say it now so that I don't corrupt the creative process. I have no problem adding a background element or two to fit the name (e.g., he's got ethnic background X, or he's really into academic subject Y). Thanks for any ideas!

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Re: Name this PC - please?



(motto - have gun, will travel)



Rifle Ronin



Space Knight (if the suit has that much life support)



Rifle Ranger



Knight Errant



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary rider

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Re: Name this PC - please?


Savoir Faire ("sav-WAH fair")

This French term means literally "to know to do". It's usually applied to someone with a good grasp of the social graces, but it could equally well apply to someone who's just all-around competent, resourceful or never at a loss...and given this character's wide range of powers, skills and equipment, the name seemed like a good one for him.


Pro Bono

Well, he was a lawyer AND a volunteer, yes? The Latin phrase means, "For the good," and usually refers to the legal work in the public interest that attorneys do for free...only now his public interest work is a little more hands on.

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Re: Name this PC - please?



Judge Hoard(-er)


Hoard/Treasure Hunter

Cloaked Hoard(-er)

Professor Hoard/Treasure

Cloaked Traveller


Professor Justice


Justice of the Dimensions

Cloaked Justiciar/Judicator/Justice



Cloaked Crusader

Professor Crusade


Jack of all Trades

Crusader/Justiciar/Judicator/Professor of all Trades

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Re: Name this PC - please?


Thanks for all the ideas, based on what has been suggested and ideas springing from that, I'm down to the following, grouped by style, sort of:


Knight Errant






Horizon Walker

Ghost Mechanic


Mechanimistas – the one I've been using - made up Greek word – “device user”


The "Hardware" suggestion is funny – that’s the name of the other character I’m playing right now.


I'm leaning toward Ranger. Can't decide...

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