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Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers

Steve Long

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


Say under Barrier rules you can make an 12pd' date=' 12ed 6 Body wall for 60 points: to make it continuous/constant will require a +1 advantage[/quote']


Not so. To quote:


Barrier is an Instant Power that creates objects which function like actual physical walls.


No Advantage needed. Think of it as functioning like Entangle in that respect.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


No Advantage needed. Think of it as functioning like Entangle in that respect.


In fact, if it's an Instant Power in the same sense as Entangle (Instant Power that creates a continuing effect), it would logically take a Limitation to work like the current Force Wall.


The weather up here is quite stormy, actually.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


Hot and Humid. Typical Florida summer.



And Hyper-Man now knows why I moved North. (I use to live in the swamp known as western Hillsbrough County at one point.)


On Topic:

It looks interresting and I think it is good to get some previews of concepts to provide a vibe of interest. Steve will not and cannot make everyone happy with what he does (or does not) do with the Hero Rules. I think he is doing well with the property and is heading in the right direction.

Also, A Barrier like force wall in fact was a 'desire' for some on this board for some time to make their house rules in to RAW.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


I normally wouldn't answer a question like this' date=' but the cat's not just out of the bag but is actively stalking its prey, so: yes, it will be quite simple. It will be only slightly more difficult to make Force Wall than it was, and it will be significantly easier to make a Force Wall from Barrier than it is currently to make a wall from Force Wall.[/quote']


Awesome! :)

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


I'm not really interested in being friendly with or eating sharks. :)



actually sharks are tasty.... of course i think you shouldn't eat animals and blah blah blah required vegetarian stuff here. but yea. since you are down with divesting life forms of their flesh (and i mean that is a snarky humorous way, really :D) you really should try it. besides, they would do the same to you, i'm sure :D



and and to risk sounding dumb.... whats a SETAC?? i thought it was a group from the Champions Universe until this thread.... lol :D


oh and as someone (probably wise) once said "you can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time"

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


Again more good changes!


Combining defensive powers is a great idea and giving walls BODY makes you wonder why they didn't have them before. The page sample looks good. As for the sense powers, I'll have to take a closer look at them later ;)


I really appreciate these sample teasers, sure they don't tell the whole story but they are enough to whet the appetite and make me hungry to get the full meal served up - Thanks!

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


Not so. To quote:




No Advantage needed. Think of it as functioning like Entangle in that respect.



I was being unclear: I'm talking about a 'personal force wall' or a force wall centred on the character that moves with them. You might simply be able to 'do' that with 'Barrier': you creates it as a shell around you that moves with you - but that would be quite a departure from how instant powers work - the entangle example is a good one: you create an entangle barrier around you, and you are stuck.


The only powers that can move with you (as far as I know) are the ones you retain control over i.e. the constant ones (or ones made constant) which is why I suggested you might need an advantage to do that.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


In fact, if it's an Instant Power in the same sense as Entangle (Instant Power that creates a continuing effect), it would logically take a Limitation to work like the current Force Wall.


The weather up here is quite stormy, actually.


It is chalk and cheese, really: yes, having to maintain it is a limitation, but being able to reinforce it every phase without taking any time to do so/create a new barrier is an advantage. Yes, being able to create it and leave it forever is an advantage but being unable to move it about/manipulate it once created is a limitation.


I do so hope the elements of duration power modifiers have been fully broken down and work in a more logical structure.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


I am not a moderator, nor do I play one on television.


Perhaps, while Hero is personally important to our community, we should not make our discussion too personal.


Let us try to assume the best of one another.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


It is chalk and cheese, really: yes, having to maintain it is a limitation, but being able to reinforce it every phase without taking any time to do so/create a new barrier is an advantage. Yes, being able to create it and leave it forever is an advantage but being unable to move it about/manipulate it once created is a limitation.


Maybe, but since you can't do it now without an Advantage I'm a bit confused, then, about what you are referring to.

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


you should see what Steve renamed Persistant too...





assiduous, bound, bound and determined, bulldogged, constant, continual, dogged, endless, enduring, firm, fixed, immovable, in for long haul, incessant, indefatigable, insistent, interminable, like bad penny, never-ending, obdurate, obstinate, perpetual, perseverant, persevering, persisting, pertinacious, relentless, repeated, resolute, steadfast, steady, sticky*, stubborn, tenacious, tireless, unflagging, unrelenting, unremitting, unshakable ?

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Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers


Not to derail the thread at all, but I think my favorite rename in 6E is to change the Concealment Combat Modifier (which was confusing in general, and confusing in that it shares a name with a Skill) to Behind Cover, a unique and more accurate name. ;)

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