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I guess that's 6


So next team the Aboriginal Avengers while many may consider them heroes or freedom fighters the aboriginal avengers are considered terrorists and supercriminals by the UN this group of seven draws it's members from oppressed native peoples who attack governments and businesses that don't respect native rights.

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Eskimo Knell


Eskimo Knell is an out and out crook providing support to any group willing to pay him or offer him a share of the proceeds. He is an Inuit and has a sonic rifle, thus the name. However various Law Enforcement bodies have been sorely abused that he just needs a gun. He also has other sonic devices and is tougher than you might think. He is in good standing with the Underworld which is useful to the group in the number and variety of contacts.

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He goes by the name that the Australian media gave him, The Abo short for Aborigine. He is thin and wiry and is used for hot climes so he tends to avoid anywhere that is going to be cold. Unlike Eskimo Knell who tends to avoid the hotter climes. He tends to be seen just wearing a loincloth unless the group are operating surreptitiously. He is a tracker and hunter and quite spiritual. He is not fond of anyone who is white due to the treatment of Aborigines in Australia and for that matter the Japanese after what happened in the 2nd World War. He avoids being hit although he is vulnerable to mind powers. 

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Yakshi claims to be a hitherto unknown tree deity attendant of Kubera (the Hindu god of wealth) and is intent on seeing that "those who have stolen the treasures of the earth" are punished.  She does exhibit the ability to control plants, but her claims of being a deity are bogus.  She is actually a mutant, an Adivasi (the indigenous people of India) and she'd like to see that her people benefit from some land reform (specifically, that they receive land ownership that they claim was taken from them during British colonial rule.

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He goes by the name of Malcolm Clark as he hates the Spanish for what they did to his country. A graduate of MIT, Malcolm created the suit based on Aztec legends and their mythology. He does outside jobs like Eskimo Knell in order to pay the bills as the suit is expensive. However he reserves his political fights for Mexico and robbing drugs barons who he considers beneath the dignity of the people. He will be the first one involved in attacking anything pro Spanish so South America, Central America and Spain are his main targets.  

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Over 70 years ago his people were forced off their home island “for the good of mankind” they starved because their temporary home was too small for them In 1970 his people were allowed to return only for them to be forced to leave a decade later when heightened radiation was found in their bodies.



The Bikini @$$hole was the last child born on the island before the second relocation. His body was affected by the radiation and his left side is covered in waxy skin like burn damage and his left eye glows blue with cherenkov radiation.



Just looking at his right side he is an unusual tall and muscular example of Bikinian heritage powerfully built with the rich brown skin tone indicative of Marshall islanders.


He wears tan cargo shorts or occasionally a traditional fringed skirt. He also wears a tee-shirt with the bikini Island flag which looks similar to the US flag but symbolizes the debt the US owes to his people. His right bicep is tattooed with a ring of 23 white stars and 5 black under which is inscribed MEN WŌTŌMJEJ REJ ILO PEIN ANIJ meaning "Everything is in the hands of God."drawing from the symbology of the flag



Power wise he's mostly your plain vanilla brick soaking up punishment hitting hard and leaping great distances. He has one other power that he keeps concealed he has the ability to absorb high energy EM waves especially gamma and X rays and can store that energy either to Supercharge his powers or generate a extremely devastating eye beam from his glowing left eye.



The reason he keeps it secret is that he wants people to think it's a good idea to blast him with energy attacks and thus get the bonus.


He's not much of a tactician he really just likes to get into it and do as much property damage as possible.


Details of the flag for the curious



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Doutor coração escuro aka Dr Darkheart


Miguel Haximu is a member of the yanomami tribal group a native tribe that lives in the Brazilian rain forest. The tribe have been suffering for decades by the encroachment of the outside world the population decimated by disease pollution from illegal mining and farming.



Violence between the natives and outsiders has been a fact of life for generations. when Miguel was just 3 years old his whole family was one of those killed in a genocidal massacre by illegal gold miners.



The orphaned Miguel was taken by Catholic missionaries and raised in a Catholic orphanage in boa Vista the nearest large city.



Miguel was a genius despite his previous lack of education or knowledge of Portuguese he quickly caught up with and then eclipsed his class mates.



His intelligence and natural charm resulted in him being adopted by a highly successful doctor and his wife. Over the next decade Miguel would have the best teachers attend the best schools in Brazil and the world and live a life of luxury.



By 18 he was already well on his way to following in his adoptive father's footsteps and becoming a doctor.



It was during his last year that he decided to volunteer in the village where he was born a chance to reconnect with his past.



The experience changed him maybe it was a hidden memory of the massacre or just the daily catalog of injustice but something inside Miguel snapped he dropped out of medical school and devoted himself to providing care to his people.



Disowned by his adoptive parents and with no money of his own he was faced with a distinct Lack of resources and he soon discovered that he had to learn folk remedies and herbal medicines to supplement his limited western supplies.



When more reports of some of the local girls being abducted by illegal miners came in he knew he had to do something masked and armed with an assortment of chemical and biological weapons created by foraging in the rain forest.



And thus Dr dark heart was born using a variety of darts powders and potions. Miguel brings swift vengeance to the enemies of the tribe.



Since joining the aboriginal avengers he has modified his look previous he mostly wore traditional yanomami clothing but when operating outside of Brazil he wears a nice suit complete with a white coat made more startling by his tribal body paint that covers his face and hands.



He carry a satchel full of a variety of substances created from rainforest plants his favorite is a powder that causes fear and violent hallucinations. He also has preparations that enhance his or his allies abilities and a variety of cures and antidotes.



He is well read and erudite in 6 languages and as many dialects.

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Mick Mike


Hickeidy dickery dock,

There once was a comedian who rocked,

But ine day he swore,

About VIPER and more,

And they came to give him a zap.


After a time layed up,

ARGENT decided to show up,

And with him they fixed,

Gave him a sonic voice to him,

And activated when he swore and got everyone pissed.


Mick Mike is the Andrew Dice Clay type stand-up comedian who offended VIPER one day and got targeted. Forcently, he had some fans in ARGENT, who gave him a sonic voice box which activated when he swore. And...Mick Mike swears a lot.

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The founder of the team is Guillaume Dumas. Half French and half Spanish grew up to despise almost everyone. The Germans for invading his country three times in 70 years and destroying it. The French and the English for cowtowing to America and others and giving up their colonies. The Spanish for the Civil War and its aftermath. The Americans for their attitude towards France amongst other things. The Russians for Communism. The English because he was French. He grew to despise the police and other groups as well.

Guillaume became a villain and became proficient in martial arts. He worked for a number of different groups and organisations before branching out on his own. He decided that what most people needed was leadership and a chance to belong. And it amused him to see and hear people complaining that such and such a person was on 'the wrong side'. And that is where the name comes from.

He uses the name Dauphin. Armed with a number of gadgets, Guillaume is not the heavy hitter of the group but he is the heart and soul of it. He came up with the idea that the team elects a boss and follows them. This keeps things going and allows everyone to have at least the chance of being in charge. But he also ensures the group draws the line at killing for the sake of it and wanton property destruction that endangers non combatants. This has kept the group on good terms with the police and hero groups. These organisations always go after the one with no regard for human life.

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I thought about doing a mime (hey, a mime isn't a clown), but I just couldn't find the right words.  :winkgrin:


Punchin' Judy is the brick of the team.  Judy Pulcinella was orphaned (and suffered some brain damage) when she was four years old after the family car ran off the road during a snowstorm.  She was raised by her grandfather, a professional puppeteer who entertained Judy with many puppet shows including her favorites, the old Punch and Judy routines.  Possibly because of this, Judy's grasp on the reality of violence is a little bit skewed.  Don't misunderstand - she's not a violent person at heart.  In fact, she's rather sweetly simple minded.  But being practically impervious to injury, she doesn't quite grasp the idea of violence hurting someone, and she doesn't really know her own strength.


Judy is now in her early 20s, but with the mind of a very young child.  Dauphin heard about her plight (Judy was institutionalized after her grandfather died) and he took her under his wing.  He patiently taught her to react to simple commands ("Judy!  Punch!", "Judy!  Slap!", etc.).  Judy calls him "Uncle Doff" and follows him unquestioningly.

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Onion Bottom


Onion Bottom was a prop comic who turned to gadgetearing and crime to fund his props for his show. Now bared from stand-up thanks to being caught one time to many, he turned deeper into crime as a way to preform. He and Mick Mike don't get along at all, but he is friendly with the other members of the group.

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New Group: The Order Of Mordred


Numbers: Between 6 and 13 (the one who makes member number six gets to decide)


Tyoe: Golden Age English Villains.


Story: The Knights Of Excalibur were the protectors of law and order in the United Kingdome from the 20's through the war years. Like all superhero groups, they tend to inspire nemisesis. The members of the Knights Of Excalibur were: The Blue Knight, his sidekicks The Blue Maiden and The Blue Squire, Longbow and her partner Steel Saxion, Red Dragon (a gaelic hero with fire powers), Ben Nevis (the giant of the mountion), and the (London) Cowboy (an American cowboy who visited England and liked it enough to stay). So who are the Order of Mordred (named after King Arthur's illegitimate son)?

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Mordred is Arthur's son. Morgan Le Fey or Morgause (dependingon your source) is Arthur's sister.

Nymue or a variation of that was Merlin's nemesis and again a possible.


I'll rename Ben Nives as Ben Nevis as that is the mountain's name.

Thanks. I corrected the bad spelling I did on Mordred and Ben Nives. Thank god I forgot the Gaelic name for Red Dragon.

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This Cornish criminal uses a magic pick and hammer which grant him the ability to turn stone metal and concrete into a fluid like form he can walk through or cause others to be stuck in.


He was a safe cracker and General thief before getting into a competition with Ben Nives and becoming his nemesis when he joined the knights Knocker was an easy recruit for the order.


Knocker gets his name from two facets of his tools powers


the first is his echolocation ability by striking a hard surface with his hammer or pick gives him a perfect sense of everything in his surroundings he is fond of shutting down the power and then using the ability to give him an edge. He often uses a tactic of dropping an enemy into sewers or other tunnel systems then pursuing them with a slow rhythmic tapping to scare them into inaction before he strikes.


the second is the boosted strength his weapons give him that throw his targets back a considerable distance.


If he uses both together on the ground he can also generate a Shockwave that knocks everyone top over teakettle.

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The Black Cavalier


A former friend of Raymond Renalds before finding the Black Cavalier armour and being posessed by it. He is the dark mirror of his nemisis The Blue Knight. His armour is the equal to the one the Blue Knight wears, except that unlike the Blue Knight, his operates by magic (as oppose to the alien tech disguised as magic which is that of the Blue Knight), and is equipped with magical weapons. He is one of the founders of this group (along with criminal mastermind Red Snaper and the Dark Enchantess), and occasionally lead the group, barring periods in prison.


The Black Cavalier was created by Major Tom.

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Mordred is Arthur's son. Morgan Le Fey or Morgause (dependingon your source) is Arthur's sister.

Nymue or a variation of that was Merlin's nemesis and again a possible.


I'll rename Ben Nives as Ben Nevis as that is the mountain's name.


ANd remember Morgan was also Mordred's mother *cue banjo music*

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I missed csyphrett's entry so I am amending mine.


Red Snapper


The dapper and fancy dresser of the Underworld is The Red Snapper. Named inexplicably after a fish or the fact that he was first seen around Billingsgate Fish Market. He teamed up with The Black Cavalier and The Dark Enchantress to become a thorn in the sides of the heroes. As his colleagues could not mix with the Underworld per se and he could he is of great value to the pair.


From a picture that Major Tom 2009 did

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In case your wondering "why thirteen", it is because members drift in and out of the group all the time, because of imprisonment, sickness, fighting the axes in World War 2, early retierment, and even death. Of course, the list of members at thirteen is not a complete list at all.

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