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Create a Hero Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Kvarteto de Elemento (Esperanto for "Quartet of the elements")


What is obvious about this women, is that she can take on forms of the four classical elements (Fire, Watter, Stone, Wind). It is also know that she is a very sensual, carefree women both in private and in heroic ID. Few people would expect her to be an effective superheroin, yet alone being a dedicated one. But she fights for one, simple thing: Freedom of Choice.


Choice must be free. Unaffected by external means, Peer pressure, Expectations of others, what the traditions dictate or what a government says. She does accept anybody following one this this out of their own decision, but will oppose anybody trying to influence others. She is also very aware charms and how to use, but she takes care not to take advantage of others. She has shown interest in Mr. Mist, but is willing to wait until he is free and over the end of his current interest (whoever that is and however it ends).

Until then, there are a lot of nice guys out there and she is open from anything from one tiem adventures to a long term realtionship. Being a free spirit she is not likely to ever marry but that does not comes from any fear of commitment - she simply regards it as dangerous how many people think the relationship is "save" or "sealed" once thsi status is archieved.


Her powers vary depending on her form.

In human she has power over the mind, but her morals prevents her from using them in any way but to help people. She can totally ignore Mental attacks, when she in turn forfeits any action affecting the world in any way. (Desolid vs. Mental; unable to any action).

Each of her four elemental forms can also fuse with/walk in his element totally unhindered and undamaged. Each can also percieve through their elements with ease while being fused with it. The Air and Water forms can also become invisible while being fused with her element.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


You know the song the Night has a Thousand Eyes ? Well its true where the Shadowman is concerned. People can be talking and they never think to look in the shadows especially when there is nothing there. But the Shadowman could be. He has been seen to appear from a secluded corners and from the shadow thrown by an open cabinet. He seems to have some sort of vendetta going against the Mafia. He makes notes and pass pn what he hears to private detectives and the police. He does not seem to operate in daylight and the one time member of the mob thought they had him bullets from their guns passed through his form as he appeared to go transparent then transparant and then he faded away. But he came back. He does not appear to have time in his life for anything but the mission whatever that is.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Doctor Flux

Doctor Pearl Goode was a leading researcher in sub-atomic particle research. It was slow going, she didn't take short cuts, and she was VERY leery of who might be funding her. Despite these precautions, when the lab had a once in a life time occurrence of a 'phase shift' causing materials to slide through each other and then revert to solid states again; well, the wrong people found out about it.


An organized crime family was falling behind. What with supervillains all over the place, high tech terrorist organizations with snake motiffs muscling in, it was clear to them that it was time to evolve or die. Evolution of that sort would take superscience of their own, and the idea of smugling materials through solid walls, or having bullets that could just phase through bulletproof glass and hit their targets anyway? Well, that appealed like you wouldn't believe.


So they tried to “convince” Doctor Goode to sign up. When Pearl announced no amount of money would ever have her work for them, they tried bullying her, then threatening her siblings. Nodding, Pearl lead them to the machines where the incident had first occurred.


And then she set it to explode, killing them all and herself.


Well, not quite. While they did die, she herself reformed a week later forever changed. Now she can control her density, turning harder than diamond, or walking through walls with ease. She's joined on to be the science adviser to the team, and a pretty hard hitter in her own right. Deciding her family will be safer if people believe she is dead, she's let folks think Pearl Goode is truly gone and put that life behind her.


(That's five, let's see if I can come up with something new for a theme... probably not, but here goes)


* * * * *

Team Name: Mantle

Number of Members: 6

Theme/Concept: For generations, the evil mystic Magister Solis attacked and bedeviled the free world. His exact goals unknown, theft, kidnapping, murder, all these were his means to whatever his ends were. Heroes trying to find him often discovered he vanished again and again, escaping justice each time. Finally, a superhero group called Mantle, having lost one of their own to the arrogant wizard, managed to track him to his hidden base. Only, the hidden base turned out to be three cloaked islands full of archaic people who had only known rule by a man with powers and believed it the natural order of things. They fought fiercely to defend their ruler, and the heroes of Mantle held back as they struggled to get to Magister Solis himself. Finally, they succeeded. Rather than be taken alive, Magister Solis destroyed himself, and with it... the Cloak that shielded the three islands from the world.


The heroes got ready for the fight of their lives, only to find the locals bowing down to them and proclaiming them their new rulers by right of combat. It soon became apparent that without Mantle staying behind, the various tribes (and they seemed quite varied) would turn on each other in a bloodbath for dominance. Beyond that, the islands had rich untapped resources and was in waters contested by at least two rather brutal and modern regimes. In a surprise move, the heroes decided to accept rulership "for now", hoping to guide the islanders towards more democratic or at least civilized thinking and at the same time keeping the resource hungry "civilized" dictatorships from seizing the place themselves.


The Superhero world was stunned. Many heroes accused them of not being any better than Magister Solis. Others suggested financial support. Even if Mantle ever leaves the islands they now rule, their reputations will never be the same, and some countries have declared them international criminals.


The six members of Mantle themselves have found the islanders quite eager to learn new technologies, new languages, and so on. But they are VERY resistant to seeing the heroes as anything but kings (and queens) who are almost god like. The heroes are offered wealth, service , anything they could want...ANYTHING. And even some members of the team are worried they might end up giving into temptation. Nor is every one of the six in agreement on HOW best to rule or advance the islands.

To their credit, each one is trying to use their powers, skills, and resources to help the locals in their own way. Unfortunately, this only makes the locals more and more certain that the heroes are “newer and better god kings”


(sorry for the wordiness there... but to sum up, six superheroes each one a ruler of the three island chain)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


How do they decide things? Voting like in a Council of Elders?

What have they agreed on already? Do they need to vote to repell an attack by one of the nations? What about decisions of foreign affairs? Do they have somehow seperated resorts between them (because of specialisation/background)? Or is ot "Two people per island"? How did they manage their real life with the Mantle-Islands being on the other side of the world?


Is the one lost part of the 6 or a 7th "member" to be detailed?

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


How do they decide things? Voting like in a Council of Elders?

What have they agreed on already? Do they need to vote to repell an attack by one of the nations? What about decisions of foreign affairs? Do they have somehow seperated resorts between them (because of specialisation/background)? Or is ot "Two people per island"? How did they manage their real life with the Mantle-Islands being on the other side of the world?


Is the one lost part of the 6 or a 7th "member" to be detailed?


Currently, the six members of Mantle (the seventh died and no need to detail him/her) on the island try to decide things by vote among themselves. This can sometimes lead to a tie which they try to settle with a revote on the subject later in the week. They've tried to get the various islanders to vote instead, but to little or no avail. The heroes live where they like on the Islands individually, but meet together at Solis' old palace when they need to vote, talk, or whatever. Some may prefer the palace to live in, others might prefer to set up their own home. Their secret IDs (Those that had them) may have been given up entirely for the greater good but one or two members might have technology or powers (vast teleportation perhaps?) to try to keep their dual lives going. That's up to each individual poster.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The elder statesman and former leader of Mantle, Solomon always took pride in his reputation as a wise, benevolent man who used his mental powers with careful forethought of all repercussions. Because of his pride, he was perhaps hardest hit by the loss of his team's (and his own) reputation. Sure, people have pointed out that he could just mind-control the islanders to put aside this whole silly "king/queen" thing, but God alone knows what unintended consequences that would have! So Solomon does what he can for the islanders, trying to use psychology and his oratory skills to encourage the islanders to work out their differences and think for themselves.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The six members of Mantle themselves have found the islanders quite eager to learn new technologies' date=' new languages, and so on. But they are VERY resistant to seeing the heroes as anything but kings (and queens) who are almost god like. The heroes are offered wealth, service , anything they could want...ANYTHING.[/quote']

When Diplomats are send to one member of the mantle for the first time, they are especiall briefed to "keep in mind that they are very different members in The Mantle, and that the transition phase between the veiled state and fully integrated soceity can cause problematic and embarassing situations with the local population". 95% think "of course I konw that all" and 100% are are not properly informed by their peers what they have to expect.


Then they meet The Blob.

He hab been summoned by Solis as ultimate weapon, but later was unable to controll him and he finally cut loose. It (so blob even adresses himself) joined the Mantle in order to find the mystic research to get him back to his home dimension of Iat-Neh, but his naturally good personality quickly made him convinced of the cause. He is extremly polite, never speaking from itself in the first person (and he is considered rather uncouth among his people).

One problem among human was always his apereance:



When you add the desire of the people to please their "masters" and certain videos japanese origins in internet, this leads to the following disclaimer he says to every diplomat, politician or other person who meets him at home for the first time:

"This being is called The Blob. It is currently considered leader of the humans, you might have noticed outside. It does not consents to be considered a leader, but is willing to take this place until their transition to a form of non-centralistic goverment is complete.

It has tried it's best to inform it's self proclaimed subjects that it has no interest in any voluntary, involuntary or seemingly involuntary intimacy with any being on this plane, especially humans. It gave a high priority to prevent the spreading of japanese themed clothing, as long as thsi desire was exclusively based to give it a "propper" environment. But like the it's tries to stop the 'Sexist Japanese Schoolgirl Outfit'-contest, it had little effect so far. It will continue these efforts regardless."

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Independence agreed to stay as much in order to keep an eye on his fellow heroes as he did from a sense of duty and responsibility to the natives. He was the powerhouse of the team, as well as the team's moral center. By nature, Independence is a merciful, humble, self-effacing, thoughtful, and most importantly conscientious hero who lives by a moral code so upright some have joked that, were it solid, it would be the stick he has rammed up his... well, you know. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't swear. He's fair in his opinions and his practices, and he values all life, everywhere. Realizing that the natives on the island needed guidance... not rulership, not discipline, not some outside force controlling their opinions and their actions, but guidance... came as a shock to him, and its the only reason he did not leave to let the natives live their own lives in peace.


The truth is, he'd have stayed to assist them even if the rest of his team had not. It is not in his makeup to turn his back on those in need. He realizes that his attitudes and his actions have made him "the idol of millions", and is embarassed by it, for it is his honest opinion that it is easy to be a "hero" when one is a physical god. Rushing into a burning building to save lives when one cannot be burned is not heroism to him. Doing it when your own life is on the line, however, is the epitome of heroics.


Power-wise, he is imbued with a mighty strength that made him one of the strongest beings on the planet, as well as nigh invulnerability, superhuman speed, and the ability to generate and wield light as a weapon.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Dr. Kent Paxon is the technical adviser of the team. His ability to render anything from local material has allowed him to set up security for the islands and to advise which resources could be used for the benefit of the new nation.


He is not happy about the time away from his research, but the Mantle needed Dr. Machine more than ever.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Katrina had "hurricane-like" powers. Probably the one who is has most adjusted to living on the islands. The truth is she never felt comfortable in modern society. And always felt she was someone who had nowhere to belong (though Mantle cushioned that feeling to some extent, and it gave her some purpose).


But, this has given her a new purpose of another sort. She has felt very comfortable in a teaching role thus far. Sort of anyway. Now and again, she feels compelled to retreat into the jungles (I dont remember what climate the islands are in, so it could change if needed, I suppose) for a week at a time. It appears likely she will stay afterwards as a citizen. (she doesnt appear concerned one bit how their rep has plummeted.


Generally, she has always stuck with The Blob most of all in the team. And was happy he wanted to stay. Surprisingly her relationship with Solomon has remarkably improved, mostly out of a fear of the mentalist's powers and the thought of such powers being used to lose a victim's identity, she didnt get along with him at times. But, since Solomon has been teaching quite the opposite, their relationship has improved since they apparently share some like-minded philosophies.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




Take a human. Add 50% mass in muskles, a big hammer and a stoic mind. That is Fridolin. His personal outlooks seems to relate very well with that natives (some joke he is 'honorary native' as well as 'mental native') and since the first time, his solution to the problem has been to reactivate the Veil and appoint the strongest leader from the locals to let them continue to life their live as they always had.


His powers are mystical in nature and he does not seems to have any secret ID and Solomon was never able (or tried strong enough) to read his mind. He also never participated in Mind Links.



What nobody in the team knows: He IS a native.


Solis needed a spy against The Mantle, so he took the toughest, most dedicated Warrior, imbued him with mystical powers and set him up to join the team. Like with the blob, he lost controll. Since his tries to communicate and re-recruit Fridolin where done via a Telephaty not even Solomon can percieve, the team never learned of it. The natives also don't recognsie him - the transformation plus the time difference make it hard to connect him with the warrior that was once hand-selected selected by Solis to serve him.

While he did oppose Solis Rule, he never intended to change the way of his people afterwards - and he still would just re-instate the veil and return to the way they ever where, if he just had the powers to do it.


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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, next team is:

League of Non-Humanoid Heroes (short: LNHH)



Obviously, this team is for heroes that simply does not fit the the Requirement of 2 Arms, 2 Legs, one Torso, one Head.






You must state how the character diverts from the "norm" (how many of what bodypart he has), how he came to be on Champions earth (Stranded Alien, Summon, Illegal Genetic experiment, etc.) and what role he/she/it has in the team.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


The alien being known as Octopod (his actual name is unpronouncable by human mouths) was trapped on Earth when his one-man mineral survey ship was hit by a stray meteroid and he splashed down off the US west coast. He grabbed what equipment he could from his ship as it sank, and swam for shore to see if the natives of this world could help him repair his ship and get it home. (A brilliant geologist and metallurgist by training, he is very bright but has next to no idea how to fix his own ship.)


Octopod has four legs and four arms. His head is actually just a continuation of his torso, and it is ringed with six eyes (allowing him to see all around himself). His salvaged equipment includes tricorder-like sensory devices, a belt that projects a protective field (including life support including protection from vacuum), and a harness allowing Octopod to fly to a limited extent.


He joined the LNHH hoping they could help him salvage and repair his ship, but has found that he enjoys being seen as a hero (albeit one that many Earthlings are somewhat afraid of). If his ship is ever made space-worthy again, he may or may not leave -- at this point, he's just not sure.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




You know the Animator can be a real pain at times bringing into life characters from fiction like Dr Doom or Ursa from Superman. On one occassion trying as usual to outrun superheroes he brought forth Rover. This is the bubble for want of a better word from the TV series The Prisoner. It is basically a giant white sphere about 10 feet in diameter which was the watchdog and security for No 2 and often set on No 6. Quite capable of suffocating someone to death it can also disable them. Well this Rover as per usual was released from the Animator's control and just as per usual had nowhere to return to. But this one is sentient. It like the bubble in the show can understand language and follow instructions. It is a huge white bubble but it can cross any surface.

Ad here is a surprise. It can't be punctured. It was recommended to the group and follows orders particularly 'Stop that [person] !' 'Get 'im !' and 'Guard them'

It does not seem to have a mind you can reach with telepathy and is immune to mental illusions.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Glory remembers the Thousand Years of the Hell-Sun under the God-Tyrant. She remembers the Rebellion...how, for one brief moment the Tyrant's sister broke free from her prison and dared to shine the light of the stars upon their people. To show them the truth of other worlds.


And sadly, how it was all crushed under an iron hoof. The Six came, the most fanatically loyal soldiers of the God-Tyrant rose to Her infernal aid and threw down Her sister. And rather than give Her sister a noble death in battle, the God-Tyrant instead broke and brainwashed her into being another puppet of the herd. In shame, using lost dimensional magicks, Glory fled before that dark fate could affect her too.


She ended up on Earth and soon caught the attention of the LNHH. The lack of opposable thumbs is tricky to overcome especially since Earth's ley lines aren't as strong tap into for Glory to use her levitation in order to manipulate objects to use, but she's still capable of performing defensive magic as needed at least. Likewise, in terms of public relations, Glory is a hit with the humans, especially young girls. But uneasily, Glory worries for her new home. She sees the signs that perhaps the God-Tyrant isn't content with ruling just one world. Already, the dark whispers of the God-Tyrant's propaganda are slithering in...





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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Okay, next team is:

League of Non-Humanoid Heroes (short: LNHH)



Obviously, this team is for heroes that simply does not fit the the Requirement of 2 Arms, 2 Legs, one Torso, one Head.






You must state how the character diverts from the "norm" (how many of what bodypart he has), how he came to be on Champions earth (Stranded Alien, Summon, Illegal Genetic experiment, etc.) and what role he/she/it has in the team.


Since metamorphs are fairly common and don't have a set shape (by definition) should they be excluded? Or judged by their "natural" form?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says there he goes again, picking nits off a perfectly great idea for a team

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Since metamorphs are fairly common and don't have a set shape (by definition) should they be excluded? Or judged by their "natural" form?

It is all about being non-human while being in heroic ID. So shapeshifters only when the only forms suiteable for heroing are all non-humanoid.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


A disgruntled high school student in Japan attempted to summon a tentacle demon to gain revenge for him on all the girls who had rejected him. However Shokusho was a highly principled gentlebeing who would never dream of non-consensual congress (and was foggy on the distinction between male and female humans anyway, although he does find them cute). Still, the Japanese authorities reacted poorly to him. Fortunately he found a sympathetic girl who helped him escape on board an America-bound freighter where he lived in the shadows until he rallied to the call of the League of Nonhumanoid Heroes. They...avoid having him in there for photographs.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Two days of nothing. Time to recap and bump this up again:


Currently on:

League of Non-Humanoid Heroes (short: LNHH)



Obviously, this team is for heroes that simply does not fit the the Requirement of 2 Arms, 2 Legs, one Torso, one Head. Members can be a shape shifters, but only if all forms viable for superhero stuff are non-humaniod.






You must state how the character diverts from the "norm" (how many of what bodypart he has), how he came to be on Champions earth (Stranded Alien, Summon, Illegal Genetic experiment, etc.) and what role he/she/it has in the team.


Currently stated:

Octopod (8-armed alien)

Rover (big white sphere thing)

Glory (extradimensional Unicorn)

Shokusho (tentacle demon with principles)

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Laurence Cabell is somewhat set aside from most of the Non-Humanoids by being not just native to Earth but with a mostly human ancestry. However as a descendant of Boreas and Lykaios, he has inherited the power to transform into a nearly unkillable giant wolf with the power to blast targets with wind and freezing attacks and now he fights evil as Winterwolf.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!


Corey Malden had a rough early life, growing up in poverty with overbearing parents who verbally abused him for the slightest offense. When he discovered his mutant powers, Corey ran away from home and tried to become a supervillain. But some other jerkwad was robbing the bank in front of him! Corey donned the mask he'd intended to do his own robbery in and smacked Ogre around some. There was a round of applause as he defeated the infamous brick; and Corey found that he liked it. He liked it even better when the local superteam sponsored him for a superschool, where he learned to use his powers over wind and cold much more efficiently. Now he's Windchill, and don't you forget it!


Windchill has ego issues and does not react at all well to criticism.

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Re: Create a Hero Theme Team!




She has the words of the Sun itself and is the bane of vampires as her power can destroy them. Takofanes also hates her as when he tried to create perpetual night she appeared in the sky to push the darkness away and bring the light of the day into the world. She looks slightly unearthly and acts that way as well. This has led to problems with the Moral Majority after a cult proclaimed her a God. She considers it a duty to chase after criminals and punish them. But she does not consider herself above the law.

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