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So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Doc Digg


Background/History:A private researcher by trade, you'd been contracted to run a few tests on synthesizing minerals and studying carbon decay. Not only did you gather major insights, you also discovered new techniques for mineral decay. THIS, you thought, was wonderful. If it could be used to help break down human made substances without wasteful byproducts, it would revolutionize the 'green industry' and aid the environment. Unfortunately, your employers seemed to get greedy, and more than a bit bossy. They made demands, ones that were not theirs to make, and you firmly declined. You never did like bullies.


It seemed to be over. Three weeks later though, you'd left your lab ready to go home, only to recall that you had forgotten your cellphone there, again. Sighing, you turned the car around, and came into find three costumed thugs robbing the place looking for your notes. There didn't seem to be any way to contact the police. Gulping, you knew you'd either have to let the monkeys tear your place up, or do something about it yourself.


Rolling up your sleeves, you went to your back up lab, and hastily cobbled together whatever might be useful in a fight, including some high tech mining gloves and goggles that were, at this stage, purely experimental. Hastily disguising yourself as best you could, you shut off the power to the building, and went into the first fight you'd had since a rather miserable middle school.


Even in the dark, when you could see, and they couldn't, it wasn't easy. One villain's blast lit up the place as he tried to drive you into a wall with it. Another one with brute strength punched THROUGH said wall. Ever second of the fight, you felt like your life was in danger.


And you LOVED it!


You'd never felt quite so alive as when that life was in danger. You'd never felt so free as when you'd thrown caution to the wind. It was a rush! One, you vowed over their unconscious bodies, that you'd soon feel again.


"Doctor Digger" was born. You'd meant to give yourself a better name than that, of course. But in your euphoria after a second battle you almost gave your real one starting with your title, and then just tacked on something alliterative instead. Then it inevitably got yanked down to 'Doc Digger' then finally to 'Doc Digg'... with two g's for some reason you've yet to grasp.


Personality/Motivation: The world is your field lab, and the criminal scum? Volunteers for an experimentation in the triumph of technology over troglodytes. Your scientific curiosity has always been strong, but you'd no idea you were a closet action junkie before now. You suppose some would find it a remarkably shallow reason to be a super scientist, but you console yourself with the thought that you are also keeping bullies of all stripes from picking on the 'little guys' out there.


QUOTE: (As Dr. Gulch) "The crystallization has begun to reverse itself with no discernible cause. Will try process on sample C..."

(As Doc Digg) "Yippie Ki Ya, Mother Hubbards! Mad Science in the hizzy! " "eh heh, sorry. I'm a bit excited."


Powers/Tactics:You've always been a hell of an engineer, and your work for making mining safer for everyone is well respected in certain circles. Your gauntlets, however, are so far ahead of standard drilling techniques as to be comparing a SMG to a crude bow and arrow. You've tried to explain the subtle nuances to other heroes, how the molecular break down of materials occurs almost instantly when applied, but most don't get it or just aren't interested. Easily adaptable, you can tunnel rapidly through stone, or even, with the loss of some speed, metals. You hope to improve it further still one day.


The gauntlets have offensive capabilities as well. The Danger level setting is to be used only when all else fails, for it can be lethal. The VIbro-punch is your standard, and to your delight, it can hinder even those who consider themselves 'untouchable'. The Destabilizer setting has it's uses against any non living tissue that annoys you, be they robots or rock golems. One day you might be able to bypass that limit, but you're not sure you want to. You're still a bit disappointed with your attempts to spread seismic energies in a wider areas around you. Fine for taking out punks, but it barely phases the big prey.


It would do you very little good to dig around if you didn't know where you were. While you've always had a knack for direction and never got lost, it is your D-ray eye wear that allows you to see through solid materials as if they were translucent, allow Infrared readings and tracking, and, of course, correct your vision problems.


The quantum feeder doesn't have much range, but if feeds most of the energy your gloves and any other devices might need. And speaking of such, you've been tinkering and discovered you have a real gift for that. Just a few minutes in a properly equipped lab, and if you know who you're facing, you can usually prepare a surprise for them. Lately, because in no small part to the lack of raw force you can muster in a fight, you've taken to exo-enhancing your strength, but it's hardly the end all be all of your solutions.


Tactics? Well, if you know what you will be needing and have lab time, you prepare for it, but admittedly, beyond that you mostly wing it. Your tunneling allows you to ambush any would be foes pretty easily the first time, but once in the fight? Go with the visceral.


Campaign Use : (May fill in later)



Appearance:You're a bit on the short side outside of mostly gray costume, but that's okay, the slightly elevated boots you wear as a hero add roughly two inches. The D-Ray goggles (More of a half helm, really) gleam red within the optics, and cover enough of your face to be a suitable mask. More red gleams adorn the otherwise black belt and gauntlets. The foot pieces are darker as well, but fearful of Dorothy's slippers comparisons, you made sure they didn't have any ruby glowing parts.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Like in many campaign cities, there are folks in San Angelo who want your tech, and they don't always take no for an answer. Doc Digg reflects that. Power wise, I almost went with the nigh obligatory speedster, but then , while trying to decide between running or flying, I went 'What the heck..tunnelers don't get enough love' and made that for the base. Before I knew it, he was sporting a gadget pool as well... and the end result is he's a little muddled. That's okay though, so is his personality

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Mind's Eye


Background/History: Your brother, bless his heart, wouldn't shut up.


"You need to get out more," he said, and not for the first time. He panned around the apartment, which had become less of a home and more of a nest. You probably did need to clean up the place. Lately, you just didn't have the drive for cleaning...or much of anything. "This isn't good for you. Jennifer and I are worried"


"I get out" you countered.


"I'm not talking when the food runs out," he stated. Well, that killed your late night grocery trip excursion as example. "Heck, I used to hate that you risked your life as a superhero, but you barely even do THAT anymore, and I'm missing it. It's got to be healthier than barely getting out at all."


"There are other heroes, and crime in this city is low. Besides, it hasn't been that long since Jake and I patrolled together."


"Two years," Your brother said, and not unkindly, "I know it hurts, but he's been dead for two years. And you? Jake would hate to see you give up on your life just because he lost his."


THAT was a low blow, you thought, and you shot your brother the 'steely older sister look of death', but to no avail. Finally you confessed.


"I can't. I... I've tried, now and then, but everything in this city reminds me of him," If your brother got you crying, you'd mind zap him but good, relative or not, but you definitely felt tears trying to well up, "Every street corner reminds me of a battle against VIPER, every bridge, a super battle. Remember the church that married us in costume because we wanted a wedding for each identity?"


Your brother listened, and nodded, "How could I forget. I wore a domino mask and ended up in another dimension before you guys saved us."


You wanted to smile at that, but it wouldn't come, "I can't go near the church, crazy as that sounds, that was one of the happiest days in my life, and now, to be near there, in sight of it without Jake... there's NO place in this city that doesn't stir some memory, bring up the loss. What am I supposed to do about that, huh?" You meant it to be rhetorical


Your brother didn't see it that way "So leave the city."


"What?" You blinked "Are you crazy?"


He shrugged, "You said yourself there were too many memories here. Maybe a fresh start in a new city is just what you need. You said there are other heroes here, and crime IS down, so find a place that needs you more. One that you've always wanted to see, that sort of thing. What do you say?"


"I'd say you were after my apartment," You countered, and couldn't even believe you were considering this nonsense.


"Well, " He grinned "It IS rent controlled." Then he sighed, "THINK about it, really think, don't just blow the idea off. Okay?" He kissed you on the cheek, and headed out.


You clicked on the news, trying to distract yourself from your brother and his idiot notions...

The talking heads began to do their thing 'The super crime wave continues in the badly outgunned city of...'

You're late husband used to say that there were no coincidences, only patterns we hadn't yet figured out. Leaning forward, you turned the volume up, and listened.



The airline flight was a nightmare. The airport was just as bad. You think you just got flipped off by total stranger and you're not even sure why. A taxi almost runs you over as you step too close to the curb.

One thing for sure, this new city was failing to impress.


"My purse!" A woman cried , her voice cracking with desperation, "My daughter's medicine is in it!"

The purse snatcher moved like an Olympic runner. It didn't help him, of course. A hint of concentration, and out he went like a light. Security was already on top of his unconscious form and reclaiming the purse despite their bafflement. He'd wake up with a whooping headache, hand cuffs on his wrists, and no clue what happened.


There are no coincidences, you thought to yourself as you looked out at the skyline of your new home. Maybe, just maybe, Jake was with you in a way after all.

For the first time in many months, you smiled.


Personality/Motivation: You're a young woman, but sometimes you feel so much older than your years. Your experience as a superheroine serves you well, chiefly in that you know and respect your limitations. Being a widow trying to enjoy life again after her true love was lost? That's taking a bit longer to achieve, but you may finally be getting there. Now if only you didn't feel guilty any time you noticed another hero's rear end.

While the reason for moving is different, your rationale for being a superhero remains much the same. Protect the innocent from the predators of the world. Of course, as a known mind reader/controller, some people may react to you with fear and distrust as if YOU were a predator, but you've won one city over. You can win another.


QUOTE: (As Mind's Eye) "You think you can hide anything from me? Please, try NOT to think about the shipment...there we go."

(As Angel) "Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."



Powers/Tactics: You are an all purpose telepath. You can read thoughts (subtlety optional), dominate their minds (ditto), make them see things that just aren't there (A personal favorite as it lets you get your creative side out), send a 'lance' of psi energy that is quite painful, and even shut down the part of the brain that lets them see. Even in casual use, you're pretty hard to hit if your attacker has a humanoid style mind.

Alas, not everything does. That's why an old friend from a former team made you the 'R.I.G.' short for 'Robot Insurance Gun'. It's adapted from an old blaster you took off an enemy, and while no expert marksman, you've worked with it enough to be adept. It may look a bit out of place on the hip of a mentalist, but given a choice between a fashion Faux Pas and being smashed by a fifty foot tall mutant seeking robot (Who keeps building those things anyway?) you'll take the fashion blunder.

Your will is near iron, but despite those shields, you still find yourself reluctant to link with others. There's still a hole where Jake died, and any network you ever establish pales to the rapport you once had.


Tactically, your experience really shows through. You're no military genius, but you don't make rookie mistakes. You know that 'take out the telepath is a mantra among villain teams and don't let your guard down. You've been set up by evil organizations too many times to take every gift 'secret' you uncover at face value, and you feel no shame ganging up on the weakest link of a villain team instead of just 'squaring off' against THEIR resident telepath where you'd just have an hour long staring match anyway.


Campaign Use : (May fill in later)



Appearance:Red , or even Auburn hair, go together with mental powers like peanut butter and jelly, or so Jake told you. Your costume is form fitting one piece (reinforced, of course, for your protection) that is chiefly a golden hue and silvery white. The real power of the material is how clean it stays. For the first year after your husband's death you wore black in your costume, but it disappeared one day. You suspect your brother got rid of it. Around your eyes, you wear what appears to be a blind fold like mask. it's a gauze like material, that you can see through fine, while it protects you against bright flashes. The fact that it gives a lady justice look and has some wondering if you are blind is just icing on the cake.


Out of costume, you've really given up trying. You're still an attractive woman, but jeans and a simple blouse are about your standard wardrobe. Maybe you still don't feel dressing up for other men would be right, maybe you're more mature, maybe your sister in law is right and you should go buy some new clothes.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Mind's eye's connection with San Angelo would be dubious at best. In fact, her whole concept is 'widowed too soon, looking to make a fresh start' BUT, with Mind Master (now Mastermind) having no doubt done wonders for the already dubious rep of mentalists everywhere, she will arrive not only with her own baggage, but something new besides. I AM tempted to change the name, mind you. I've used Mind's Eye enough as a supername that I think maybe I've overdone. I even considered Zero. It's public domain, and no reason she HAS to have a code name that automatically screams 'Hey villains, buy mental defense or else'.


These three characters could also have their gender flipped, even Tag Team (Not sure if anything like the old 'G.L.O.W' (gorgeous ladies of wrestling) is still strong but easily done in a fictional setting). So IF my players snatch this up, you could easily end up with a female Tag Team, a widower Mind's Eye, or whatever. I've left the campaign use empty for now because they might end up as PCs, so that would really be up to the players what that use is.


I've even considered writing up villain versions of them. Tweak the histories for the worse, invert the nicer psych complications, and they would do fine as punching bags for the superheroes.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap



Well, one has wings, the other wind powers... put em together and yeah. Of course, they are hardly occult experts. Raven in particular could use a bit more knowledge about the mystic world as she's now part of it, but I figured that was part of the fun. :) Any player taking her(him) would be able to use the extra left over points for some easy knowledge skills if they wanted.


Well, Gale isn't an occult expert either. Though both Hannah and (more importantly) Silas are working on that. And I imagine Gale gets along a lot better with Elly than Raven is with Coyote... ;)

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I haven't torn into the builds yet, (I'm out of town for work and the backup laptop is fine for light surfing and email but it's on the slow side), but the backgrounds you've built for these characters is impressive. I'd give you rep, but I don't break out the stick often enough so I've got to spread it around before it recharges...


That I keep seeing HC similarities probably explains why I came back to that game. (Mind's Eye reminds me of Terri in terms of b/g...) :)

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I haven't torn into the builds yet' date=' (I'm out of town for work and the backup laptop is fine for light surfing and email but it's on the slow side), but the backgrounds you've built for these characters is impressive. I'd give you rep, but I don't break out the stick often enough so I've got to spread it around before it recharges...[/quote']


They say it is the thought that counts, so no worries. Thanks for the kudos.

The praise you and others have put on them puffs up my ego nicely.


The builds themselves? Well, 6th in practice is still fairly new to me, so I expect there maybe some rough patches and balance concerns, but my table top players are good friends who rarely take advantage of me so I'm not too worried.



That I keep seeing HC similarities probably explains why I came back to that game. (Mind's Eye reminds me of Terri in terms of b/g...) :)


Well, while Mind's Eye's write up doesn't say it exactly, I keep thinking that the psychic rapport she had with her husband meant that AS he died, she could literally feel his thoughts slipping into oblivion, so an already heartbreaking loss was made even more traumatic.


Next, I need to work on some evil Organizations from the CU and put them into 'Homebrew' San Angelo. I'm going to have fun making my own VIPER Nest leader for this. Can't quite decide between arrogant show off, greedy grabber, or Mad scientist at this point.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I'm trying to decide WHERE the best place to put a VIPER nest would be in San Angelo. As they typically like underground , the old sewer system seems very likely, but I worry it's been overdone (That and warehouses). Any suggestions from those of you who know the city better?

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap




Wasn't there a crater for where underground combat took place? Perhaps VIPER can be the force behind that and have their base in and or around there.


it would be dangerous and they'd need to be undercover...and said crater would have to exist. I could be misremembering.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I suggest the Lightning Strike Mine (SA p. 31), the most extensive of the abandoned gold mines in the hills around Lake Oro. Closed in 1971 due to numerous hazards, the mine is described as "a maze-like warren of tunnels and shafts."


Another possibility would be the Riverfront district (SA pp. 39 and 42). Having declined in the 1960s, Riverfront was redeveloped in the early 1990s through municipal loans and tax breaks. VIPER could have taken advantage of that to establish facilities under the cover of new commercial ventures. In addition, not all of Riverfront was revitalized. Several blocks still contain empty warehouses.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I suggest the Lightning Strike Mine (SA p. 31), the most extensive of the abandoned gold mines in the hills around Lake Oro. Closed in 1971 due to numerous hazards, the mine is described as "a maze-like warren of tunnels and shafts."


Another possibility would be the Riverfront district (SA pp. 39 and 42). Having declined in the 1960s, Riverfront was redeveloped in the early 1990s through municipal loans and tax breaks. VIPER could have taken advantage of that to establish facilities under the cover of new commercial ventures. In addition, not all of Riverfront was revitalized. Several blocks still contain empty warehouses.


To follow up on the riverfront, if you don't want to use a warehouse put them on a ship.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


I'm going to have fun making my own VIPER Nest leader for this. Can't quite decide between arrogant show off' date=' greedy grabber, or Mad scientist at this point.[/quote']


I suggest the Lightning Strike Mine (SA p. 31)' date=' the most extensive of the abandoned gold mines in the hills around Lake Oro. Closed in 1971 due to numerous hazards, the mine is described as "a maze-like warren of tunnels and shafts."[/quote']


Combining a Mad Scientist Nest Leader with the Lightning Strike Mine, VIPER could be trying to either control the irregular orbit of the singularity, recapture it, or perhaps recreate Revette's experiment that created the singularity in the first place. Imagine if VIPER possessed a singularity to make their own army of supers...


Edit: The Nest Leader could have even been part of Revette's research team. (I'm imagining the heroes going to him in his secret ID, seeing "expert advice" to aid them against VIPER's plans.)

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap




Wasn't there a crater for where underground combat took place? Perhaps VIPER can be the force behind that and have their base in and or around there.


it would be dangerous and they'd need to be undercover...and said crater would have to exist. I could be misremembering.


I think you're thinking of CNM, there was one of those there.

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Amazing work' date=' I may have to use some of these for DEMON or something either that or scatter the Nests a bit[/quote']


One of the really neat things about the San Angelo setting, as author Patrick Sweeney points out in his Introduction chapter, is that it deliberately leaves many places, things, and positions for people open for individual GMs to slot in their own ideas and creations. :thumbup:

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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


VIPER in San Angelo

VIPER has had a rocky history in San Angelo. There always seems to have been one superhero or even superhero team that stumbled upon them no matter how well they hid, and exposed them. The previous nest lasted nearly a decade but was little more than a 'stop point' between larger and 'more important' Nests in other California cities. Former Nest Leader 'Rupert Bath' was notoriously cautious to the point of timidity after a run in with a San Angelo superhero from which he barely escaped. His operation became better known for smuggling VIPER goods and agents, or storing excess in warehouses under VIPER control. While it did indeed keep the group under most superhero radars, the lack of action coupled with lack of profit (Bath often capitulated to leaders of more powerful nests when it came to 'shares') created bad morale and resentment among the standard file agents. Nest security faltered as a result, and when a group of 'out of towner' superheroes got a lead on following parts for a 'superweapon' on it's way to LA, they not only stopped the scheme of the LA Nest leader, they quickly unraveled Bath's entire operation. Bath was found dead from a Blaster wound to the back of the head, to this day it is unknown which, if any VIPER agent killed him. The whys are equally up to debate. It could have been raw contempt, or it might have been fear that the overly timid Bath would betray VIPER secrets. It doesn't seem to have been a take over attempt, for by that time, the VIPER Nest in city had very little to put together.


Years passed in San Angelo with no VIPER presence at all. This turned out to benefit the city a great deal in more ways than one, as the 'snake plague' released by King Cobra didn't ravage San Angelo as it did some other cities with operating Nests. However, San Angelo's relatively 'pristine' condition in the fall out also brought it back to the attention of the council. It was announced that a 'new nest' would be built there, one that could take up slack while other cali nests relocated or rebuilt. Many submissions for Nest Leadership came forward, and most were rejected.


That was when Rattler appeared. The snake motif attracted VIPER higher ups immediately. The brazen yet cunning supervillain was not the first man to take that name, but he was one of the first in a long while who had no association with VIPER or its Dragon Branch. His ability to produce 'vibro blasts' that could tear down walls seemed to explain his namesake. While there were concerns he was a 'COIL' plant, the villain soon gained more successes (including humbling one of the very heroes (now older) that had broken up Bath's Nest decades ago) and VIPER approached him with an offer to join Dragon Branch.


Rattler declined, or rather, upped the ante. He offered himself up as local Nest Leader, and swore that he'd be anything but 'timid'. VIPER took a gamble on the newcomer, gave him basic resources, and let him do the rest in the 'new franchise'. Rattler soon proved to be a good choice. His dynamic bravado coupled with an excellent ability to delegate authority to competent people earned him quick loyalty or at least enthusiasm. While he set up a warehouse as a 'fake nest', the actual Nest was uncharacteristically outside the city proper. The Lightning Strike Mine now serves as a high tech underground bunker for his surgical (yet often dramatic) strikes into the heart of the city. He favors multiple operations, such as allowing one prong of an attack to distract with something open, while another closes in on a totally different and less obvious target. As he follows VIPER's procedures of doing his best to liberate the agents that get captured, most of his Nest are happy with this mix of cunning and bravado. He also pours a great deal of their funds into new weapons and vehicles (stealth tech a must, given an understandable concern of some hero following them back), and robotics. His 'second' is his chief scientist, Dr. Elizabeth Oliver , a bookish genius and veteran VIPER robotics expert who seems utterly devoted to him.


The few times Rattler has nearly been captured, he has managed to escape, and some superheroes fear that he is one of the few VIPER members who HAS teleportation powers or tech. He has led from the front, and his troops love him for it.




The truth of the matter is that Rattler is NOT running the show, for that matter, he's not even a real person. When the new nest came up for grabs, Dr. Oliver jumped at the chance like many applicants. San Angelo was an untapped gold mine of technology and science waiting to be robbed blind for her own studies, as well as VIPER's enrichment. However, while her record as a scientist inventor was impeccable, most of her higher ups concluded that she was about 'as scary as a librarian'. Chauvinism may or may not have played a part, but it was clear Elizabeth didn't project the 'bold and aggressive' image they were looking for.


Dr. Oliver went back to her roots. Her mother had been a special affects and make up person for several B films, and her father? he was hardly the worst script writer in the world. She had dabbled as a younger woman before turning fully to science, and now some skills served her well. They wanted a man's man, she would give them one. She 'built' her masterpiece, a state of the art robot meant to look every inch like a human, complete with 'powers'. She wrote speeches into his programing, commands, and other automatic functions, and coupled with with a tight cyberlink allowing her to control what he said and did like the ultimate marionette. His 'style of command' is how she thinks a daring Nest Leader should act, and incorporates what she's learned of classic VIPER Nest Leaders and agents of the past. She even gave him the ability to appear injured. Her fail safe is a total break down command, one that reduces him to a multitude of dust like particles. This helps give lie to the 'teleportation' powers some think Rattler has, and insures he is never captured. He gets out of sight, and just breaks down. Then she activates the spare (Though she has to be careful, they're costly).


Increasingly she's having a harder time throwing the switch though. She has put so much into making her creation 'the perfect man' that she has begun to fall in love with it. Of course, it is just a machine, not even an Artificial intelligence. As her unhealthy fantasy grows, the not-so-good Doctor hopes to find some way to defy VIPER's orders against AI research, and make him 'real' for her. Many of the 'less obvious' targets are in that vein, of late. Together, she's sure there is so much they can do for VIPER. The possibility that some odd Galatea/Pygmallion tragedy with roles switched may be the fate she is crafting for herself has never occurred to her. She is also working on a 'perfect body' for herself, one she can implant her mind in so she and Rattler can be together 'in love' forever.


Suffice to say, if VIPER knew it had been tricked like this, let alone her plans, Rattler would be seized and opened up for study, and Dr. Oliver would be executed most painfully and a possible 'rogue AI' of her creation would be the least of her worries.



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Re: So I snagged San Angelo on the very cheap


Nice clean builds with evocative backstories and distinctive personalities. Who could ask for anything more?


San Angelo is a very California city, and California attracts and breeds a certain type. Hal Jordan is a California superhero. Classic Booster Gold is a California superhero. Any of the Blue Beetles are California types. Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, Human Torch would all fit right in. Malibu's old line up of Hardcase and Prime and Mantra were very California. Fast, hot, sexy, dramatic, attention-seeking, glamorous. Ginormous, all-eyes-on-me egos. This is the rule and then there are the exceptions, distinctive in that they aren't trying to get their own reality tv show.


The Spanish/Mexican influence is so pervasive that it almost becomes assumed. Street names and signage and cultural events and neighborhoods.


People will be more likely to fabricate their supername as something they can trademark and market, so made up and mashed-up words like Frozone will be common.


Your car is like your business card, and even supers who don't need a car might have one. Think Wonder Woman's invisible jet, Blue Beetle's bug and Flash's van from JL:TAS.

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