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Anyone else hate Wolverine?


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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


When Wolvie first appeared he was an interesting character. The constant struggle to maintain control and not give in to his "berserker rage" made the character more real (to me anyway). Then his background got changed and he got morphed into "everything that is cool in the universe guy". Lets see, he was a samurai, a secret agent, an assassin, a ninja (I think, have to go back and double check that), a shield agent, and whatever else I'm forgetting. The character just became a joke. When Xmen movies, or more appropriately the Wolverine movies came out, they just continued the joke. Scott is the leader of the Xmen, but you would never know it from the movies. Glad Whedon did Astonishing Xmen. At least Wolvie wasn't as annoying in it and Scott was a leader.

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


I've always liked Timberwolf from DC's Legion of Superheroes a lot better. The character was created 10 years before Wolverine (1964 vs. 1974).


It's funny, I saw a great description of LSH years ago that went something like: "Hey, do you like Superman? How about Professor X and Jean Grey? What about Magneto and Wolverine? In the LSH they're all on the same team!" :D

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


I have always thought Sabretooth was the better of the two characters.


Sabretooth? A 2nd rater who got slapped around 2-3 times a year by Iron Fist or Power Man. Then they decided (based on his name, near as I could tell) that he was a match for Wolverine, then made him a mutant, then made him better than Wolverine, and...

Spider Man took him down easily. Daredevil publically embarrassed him. And now he's bigger, tougher, meaner than Wolvie? Where'd that come from?

(I know, it came from the same place that decided Wolvie was the baddest badass who never was.)

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


Wolverine is annoying.

Sabertooth sucks. As do most of the characters with that power set, but it is still a cool set.


Hermione is more Author's voice than Mary Sue.




Well to expand slightly,


I never liked All Wolverine All the Time.

I never liked "hits on married women and hangs around teen girls." (though the latter managed to be decidedly less creepy than my snark indicates until they tried to turn Sabertooth into Wolvertwin...and ran the same storyline with a different girl...)

Didn't like his placement on the Avengers.

Didn't like his origin much.


But there was a time I thought he was pretty cool.

Ditto Sabertooth. Briefly. Like I said, I like the powerset He was a punk at first and then got a power up around the massacre of mutants. he was a decent villain and gave Logan a dark mirror to reinforce how far he'd come. That didn't last long enough and the attempt to put Creed in the X-Men was so stupid I can't even descibe it.

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


Well, you could tone down the healing factor if you to kill him off in a game. That healing is at a completely ridiculous level anyway. I think he'd shrug off the Big Bang. Wasnt Galactus the one whe survived the destruction of the previous universe? Well, for the current one it'll be Shorty.

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


I said else where that it has gotten to the point where a Marvel show or comic that doesn't have Wolverine in it is a positive selling point. :) Burn out is a lot of it, but also regression. Everytime I've seen him make progress, someone drags him back to 'sniktbubrar!' mode, or so it seems. I'm not pleased with some of what was done to Scott, but I've never been thrilled by Wolverine chasing after married women (He even hit on MJ in the New Avengers IIRC). So now when I think of Wolverine I think 'overhyped sleaze ball given a pass because he's 'kewl' and he pets puppies or saves young teenage girls from time to time'.


It isn't entirely fair. In the hands of the right writers, he's a pretty awesome guy, but those moments never seem to stick. I suppose you could say much the same on on any superhero, but I'm not burnt out on them the way I am Logan.



And I have to agree that 'loners' are a pain in an RP setting.


Course, mentioning his sleazeballing married women chasing in the same paragraph as saving teenage girls kind of gave me a "yech" moment. (AKA Does Logan know about statutory rape laws?)

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


How is Hermione a Mary Sue? Her eyes are the same color' date=' her powers are about like everyone elses in the series, and her name is not half as goofy as some of the other people running arund. (WOW they have "ultra-British" names in that series!)[/quote']


Hermione is more Author's voice than Mary Sue.


Yeah, from what I can gather (never read the HP books or seen the movies), Hermione is more of an Author Insertion Character, which can be, but isn't necessarily, a Mary Sue. Wolverine qualifies as being a Mary Sue from his incredibly outre' background(s), and the fact that he never fails, and everybody likes him despite the fact that he's kind of a jerk, and 90 percent of the women he meets (and probably some of the men) want to hop in the sack with him despite the fact that he's ugly and smelly.

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Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?


Wouldn't Luna be the Harry Potter Mary Sue? Seems to be the character outlined to me by the tropes list of qualities.


Well I never finished the series, but I didnt' really think ANY of the characters were what I'd consider Mary Sues, they all worked within the framework the author had established; I can't think of someone who, for example, used magic without a wand. Or who was universally loved and respected, swept harry off his feet or whatever...other tropes yeah, but not so much Mary Sue.

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