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Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


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What are some ways to create a Peter Petrelli type Character from the Heroes Show using 6th edition.


I am only asking due to the fact that he doesn't want a variant but is willing to allow a version where peter can only handle one power at a time etc working up from there, as is from later seasons.

400 points and 75 points in

complications with 40points maximum in one complication.

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


That's best done with Multiform. Give him a VPP that can only be used to make Multiform, and is further limited that his only multiforms are "himself without the VPP, but with as much of someone else's superpowers as he can fit into those points." If someone has a bigger power than fits, he only gets part of it (reflecting that he's less good with the power than they are, since he just got it).

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


Expensive, yes. But not impossibly expensive. The suggestion to give him a VPP that permits him only to adopt other powers will work. I'm playing in a wild n' wooly, completely over-the-top game right now, wherein we're 925 point characters with few limits. My PC has a cosmic power pool of 200 points--and I can use multi-form to turn into a duplicate of any of the other 925-point PCs*. No reason why a GM couldn't permit the player to do something similar at lower point levels.


*This may not be strictly legal by the book, but the campaign rule is that everyone gets a vote on whether any suggested power or use of a power/framework/etc should be allowed, since we take turns acting as GM. Very few things have been vetoed (though we all admit that if any of us was running the game solo and more seriously, we'd outlaw a lot of what gets permitted in this particular campaign).

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


That's best done with Multiform. Give him a VPP that can only be used to make Multiform' date=' and is further limited that his only multiforms are "himself without the VPP, but with as much of someone else's superpowers as he can fit into those points." If someone has a bigger power than fits, he only gets part of it (reflecting that he's less good with the power than they are, since he just got it).[/quote']


Here is a similar example. You would just need to remove the Drain portion of the build to model Petrelli.


I'm changing course here a little bit and working on one of Superman's signature villains and arguably one of the hardest to translate into HERO - The Parasite.




Like all of the heroes, I want to build him on 350 points as well. I think this is possible because Superman and all of the other 'naturally powered' heroes (of this thread) abilities have been built using the 'Affected by Adjustments as an EC' Limitation. By building all the heroes with this I avoid having to build Parasite's Drain with the 'All Powers Simultaneously (+2)' level of Variable Effect.


With this in mind I would appreciate any feedback regarding the following power set for Parasite:


36 Do You Feel Yourself Getting Weaker?: Drain Any Biological SFX Ability 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), any [biological] power one at a time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1) (82 Active Points); Limited Special Effect Only vs. Biological Abilities (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Power Skin Contact Required (-1/4) 3


36 Hurts Doesn't It?: Energy Blast 6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Attack Versus Limited Defense (Power Defense; +1 1/2) (90 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Linked (Do You Feel Yourself Getting Weaker?; -1/4), Limited Power Skin Contact Required (-1/4)


128 Now I Have Your Powers!: Variable Power Pool, 100 base + 28 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1) (200 Active Points); Character Has No Choice Regarding How Powers Change (Also Gains Biological Disadvantages ; -1/2), VPP Powers Can Be Changed Only In Given Circumstance (Linked To Drain; -1/2), Conditional Power Powers Fade At Same Rate As Drain Recovers (-1/2), Limited Class Of Powers Available Limited (-1/2), Limited Power Abilities Gained Proportional ToThose Drained (-1/2)

0 1) Multiform (500 Character Points in the most expensive form) (100 Active Points) Real Cost: 100

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


Using VPP you could go either the Multiform VPP route or just dump the majority of the character's points into a mimic- like VPP that only allows the character to assimilate the inherent powers of another superhuman in close proximity (like within 5 ft or so) and then, because the character is new at this they could also have the Accidental Change Complication (I have 6th ed but have not read yet, is there still accidental change?) as the character may subconciously absorb the powers of someone in his area- this can later be bought off with experience and the character could also use experience to buy Power Skill: (Whatever term your going to use in your game to define the ability)- this would reflect Peter gaining experience and control over his ability and learning from Claude how to "pull up" powers that he's experienced in the past.

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


Well, I'm assuming this is the later-season Peter who has to touch people and copy a power, then loses it when he copies something else. Earlier than that, Peter just blatantly won the http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperpowerLottery and is way more powerful (and more expensive to build) than everyone else.

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Re: Have a player wanting a Peter Petrelli Like character


You can set up a multipower to cover common powers in game and add variable limitations and special effects. That would cover things like blast, flight, maybe physical characteristics.


Then you can set up a power pool for trick powers like time control.


I imagine that skills would include paramedic, biology, navigation.


Complications should include Hunted by Mother, Wants to be a hero, some kind of code of honor, hunted by Sylar.


On the other hand, this character's back story adapted to a game might be an irritation for other players.


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