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"British Only": How much of a Limitation?


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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


If a Blast only affects British people I would suspect it would be worth at least a -2 if the game is set anywhere in the USA. If set in Great Britain probably a -0 or -1/4 at most. Does the character have a "Detect: British"? If not, he'll probably waste a lot of time and energy shooting people with absolutely no effect (again, unless this is in GB) and will be pretty useless unless he has some other offensive powers that are less discriminatory...

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Ah yes, details.


The game takes place on "Modern day" Earth, and it's one similar enough to our own (but with the addition of superheroes). The PCs do travel the globe on a semi-regular basis.


Edit: Yes, they have something effectively as good as Detect.

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Does "British" in the context you're using it mean anyone from Great Britain, and thus incudes Scotts, some Irish, Welsh (sp?), or just English? If they're "English" does it matter if they were born in Wales or only England propper? Or does it only affect "British" people with roots all the way back to the Britons of the Celts that were displace by the Romans and later various Germanic tribes?


More to the point, what the heck are you trying to model? What Power is this a Modifier for?

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Does "British" in the context you're using it mean anyone from Great Britain




More to the point' date=' what the heck are you trying to model? What Power is this a Modifier for?[/quote']


A series of Mental attack powers, and two kinds of RKA (though not the third...they aren't completely defenseless otherwise).

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Ah yes, details.


The game takes place on "Modern day" Earth, and it's one similar enough to our own (but with the addition of superheroes). The PCs do travel the glove on a semi-regular basis.


Edit: Yes, they have something effectively as good as Detect.


The PCs travel the glove, hm? I travel in shoes but I think I can add a glove to my walks, particularly in winter. :)

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


What do you think?


I think, even after reading your other posts, I still want more details than what you have provided ;)


However, a mental attack that only affects women or men get's, I believe, a -1/2. That's a power that affects roughly 50% of the normal targets of the Human Class of Mind.


An RKA does not have class of mind restrictions. Thus it could be argued that restricting it to only "British" targets is even more limiting and warrants a higher limitation value.


With that in mind...


Approximately what percentage of "British" targets are you expecting to have in the game?

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


So it would work on most Americans' date=' Australians and Canadians?[/quote']


Non-hispanic whites make up something like 66% of the population of the USA.


Lets call that 206,000,000 people.


Of that, around 23% identify as English, Irish or Scottish.


So that's, what 47,380,000 people?


So perhaps not "most", but definitely a significant number.


I stress "perhaps" because there are probably plenty of other people that have British ancestry, but don't choose to identify as such.


My sons, for example, all identify primarily as Mexican and Italian because they were raised by their (mixed) Mexican-American father and their (mixed) Italian-American grandmother.


They would not consider themselves British at all, despite the ancestry of their respective mothers. Well, ok, maybe my youngest one will, since he actually takes after his mothers side of the family, with blond hair and fair skin. But he's not really old enough to be familiar with this sort of concept...

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Non-hispanic whites make up something like 66% of the population of the USA.


Lets call that 206,000,000 people.


Of that, around 23% identify as English, Irish or Scottish.


So that's, what 47,380,000 people?


So perhaps not "most", but definitely a significant number.


I stress "perhaps" because there are probably plenty of other people that have British ancestry, but don't choose to identify as such.

Sounded low. Last I heard one in four Americans have some Irish ancestry, including Hispanics. My town of Tucson was founded by an Irishman who was in the army of Spain at the time. He left Ireland for Spain because of the Troubles, and he was far from the only one. Lots of Hispanic-surname Americans have some Irish ancestry as well.


And everyone's Irish on St Patric's Day!


[edit] Somehow I never noticed before how much Don Hugo looks like Professor Snape.

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


If the powers affect anyone with any trace of British ancestry I'd call its a -0, possibly as -1/4 at best. If the powers only effect people with born in Britain perhaps a -1, with ancestors from there say within one or two generations it might be worth a -1/2.

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Re: "British Only": How much of a Limitation?


Sounded low.


Could be, but only 11.9% of the above mentioned 23% actually identify as such (still the largest white American group after Germans though).


One of the things that makes this idea rather difficult to deal with really is it's not clear if it's based off self identity or if the power "knows" the targets history better then the target might...


Last I heard one in four Americans have some Irish ancestry, including Hispanics.


Don't know if I can dig up numbers on Hispanics of Irish decent, but must admit I've not looked.


For example, the Gracie family of Brasil originally hails from from Scotland. That was almost 200 years ago though. I don't know that anyone in the family really considered them themselves "Scottish". You'd also never guess it looking at them :) Then again, I've only met about a half-dozen of them (and their cousins) and we didn't spend much time talking about the family tree...


Really, one has to ask how far back one goes when tracing this sort of thing.


I can trace my father's lineage back about 200 years to Spain, but couldn't tell you anything more beyond that. On my mothers side of the family, bioth my grandpa and grandma were only one generation removed from Sicily, Naples and the Ukraine...


And everyone's Irish on St Patric's Day!


Oddly timed... I'm wearing a green, orange and white shirt that says precisely that ;)

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