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MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter

Steve Long

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


The $2000 pledge was actually #99, but it clearly seems to have inspired a few folx to chip in as well. :) We're now at a bit over $10,000 -- and thus past the coveted 30% mark! -- and 102 backers.


Thanx to all the backers for their support so far! There's a long way to go, but we're making excellent progress.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Let's talk mythology!


This Wednesday, February, 22, beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern (6:00 PM Pacific), I'm holding a Mythic Hero chat in the Chat Rooms at the Hero Games website. We'll talk about the contents of the book, which gods and subjects I'm covering, stuff about Kickstartering, whatever you're interested in as it pertains to the MH project.


Hope to see you there!

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


I just had an idea. Some Kickstarter projects give optional bonus incentives for increased pledges. This is different than stretch goals because only those who increase their pledges get them and only the initial goal needs to be met. My thought was what if you did something like that with a HD Character Pack for Mythic Hero? Anyone who pledged at the $25 or above could increase their pledge by $10 (or whatever amount you think is right) would get the HD Character Pack once it became available. I bet there are plenty of people at the "PDF only" level that have HD and could make use of it but might not pay full price for it later and those at the $75+ level can kick in a little more to help the project succeed and still feel like they're getting something of value for that little extra donation. Thoughts?

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


I just had an idea. Some Kickstarter projects give optional bonus incentives for increased pledges. This is different than stretch goals because only those who increase their pledges get them and only the initial goal needs to be met. My thought was what if you did something like that with a HD Character Pack for Mythic Hero? Anyone who pledged at the $25 or above could increase their pledge by $10 (or whatever amount you think is right) would get the HD Character Pack once it became available. I bet there are plenty of people at the "PDF only" level that have HD and could make use of it but might not pay full price for it later and those at the $75+ level can kick in a little more to help the project succeed and still feel like they're getting something of value for that little extra donation. Thoughts?


I might consider that if the project was close to its goal (though there are some logistical difficulties pertaining to the Character Pack for such a large book that make me reluctant). However, at this stage it's moot. Even assuming every single backer was wililng to add ten bucks to his pledge (which of course is not the case at all), that would only be another $1,720. If the pledges were at $30,000 or so I might be willing to try that, but at $15,746 the extra money wouldn't matter.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Another thought, this one for the buyer's side. Several people have mentioned wanting the book but not being sure if they can afford it right now. I wonder if any of them have thought of going "halvesies" with someone who just wants the PDF? If the PDF person kicks in $25 than the book is only costing the other person $50. Obviously not ideal as a $25 and $75 pledge would be better, but one $75 is better than one $25 pledge....

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Bit the bullet and kicked my pledge up to $150.00, which is my practical limit. I'm not taking a reward, though. I'm not interested in a PDF version of this book, and I'm content to wait until I can buy a hard copy myself.


Steve, consider this my repayment for including the Persians. ;)

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Thanx LL! In fact I just sent you a message making sure you'd chosen the right reward. The reward selection system confuses people sometimes and I wanted to ensure you got the reward you actually wanted. Thanx so much for the support!


And thanx to MrAgdesh and everyone else who's pledged in the past few days! Heck, thanx to everyone! :)

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


With 14 days to go, the pledge total for MYTHIC HERO has passed the 50% mark.


Anybody on the fence or waiting to pull the trigger, this would probably be a good time to ante up and kick in. (If only to get me to stop mixing metaphors.) ;)

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