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What would you do if you were a mutant?


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Ever since I was a kid X-men was my favorite comic book, later my favorite movie series.

Cyclope, Ice Man, Piro, Wolverine, Magneto, Rogue, Storm, Raven (my favorite) etc - I love them all.


I can't help thinking - what would I do if I was a mutant? would I take Magneto's point of view and try to eliminate the humans or would I take Prof. Xavier POV and try to co-exist?

What would you do?

I wrote an article on my blog about that. Take a look and share your thoughts:



"Trust a few, Fear the rest"

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Okay I have way too much time on my hands (im disabled so i dont have a job) and I have spent way too much time thinking about the same thing.


The FIRST thing i would do, is panic, because if I had powers, then powers exist, and if powers exist and the general public doesnt know about them then SOMEONE with a great deal of power is going to alot of trouble to make sure they are kept under wraps. I would begin to worry and sweat every time there was a knock on my door...........

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


I would do the same thing as I would if I gained superpowers from any other source: Figure out just what I could and couldn't do, and how best to use that to improve the world. You know, back during the whole tsunami/powerplant disaster in Japan, two of my coworkers and myself were discussing what we would do if we had Superman's powers. I said the first thing I would do is fly to Japan, find its top nuclear scientist, and ask him what I could do to help. We figured out that if we all had those powers, I would be Superman, one of them would be Ultrman (Superman's evil counterpart), and the other would be Dr. Manhatten (the man who can do anything he wants, but has no idea what he wants to do).

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Depends on the kind of mutant, if I'm one like most of the X-Men, that is basically turning into a supermodel with super powers, I would just become a super model, and ignore the powers as best I can.


If I'm like the Morlocks, I'll hide away getting a job I can do from my house.

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Governments would likely try to control that kind of manifestation. That's a fact.


So, I'd first hide my powers, and do my best to train and learn to use them. Then i'd try to find other powered people.

Our world is not a four color world, and I think the Heroes serie would likely be much more what to expect.

So much for the Code vs Killing and such concepts.

I dislike violence, but there are things that I hate more than violence in this world. Depending on the might of my faculties I'd try to make the wars, and civil wars stop prolly by decimating the tyrans. I know it's been kinda evil, but some of those war people doesn't deserve the name of human being anymore.


For instance, i'd be ready to kill to protect myself or my beloved ones, if a governements or organisation tried to catch me. It's a complex thing : to do the good is always balanced with against who you do this good.


Harmony with oneself is the key. We are all connected.


objective Opale

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Depends what world you live in. The real world? Well, there aren't Sentinels hunting you down, or supervillain teams trying to destroy humanity, or anything like that. You're starting fresh. I have a feeling that the actions of the first supers will determine how the world goes. So it kind of depends on what other people are doing and what powers I've got.


If I'm Professor X? Honestly I probably retire. I'd go get me some Jessica Alba or other hot actress. "Movie star marries guy she met at coffee shop." Living in comfort isn't so bad. And then I'd use my powers to stop injustice. Criminals confess to crimes on the stand (or if they're innocent, the DA decides to drop charges). African dictators start feeding their people, stop slaughtering them. That sort of thing.


If I get super strength and can fly? Playing Superman wouldn't be so bad. I think the world's reaction to a public superhero will depend on what happens the first few years. If Superman is saving people from burning buildings and not trashing half the city with superbattles, they'll probably be pretty positive towards him. We don't live in a four color world, but I think you can steer it into sort of that direction with your actions. Dress in a bright costume, save people, stop the occasional crime, don't trash the city or hurt anyone. People will love it. On the other hand, if you've got creepy weird tantric blood magic or some icky Wildcards style powers, maybe it's best if you don't go public with that.

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


In this world, anyone that different is going to be hunted down and either killed or studied... IF it is known they are that different. So it depends on how hard it is to conceal your mutation, and how hard it is to control your powers.

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


It all depends on what mutant powers I got...

Just a healing factor? Enjoy life and worry less about getting hurt.

Wings? That'd be hard to hide and remain employed... Enjoy night-time flying and telecommute? Or do interviews for the Weekly World News.

Weather control? Help in drought-stricken areas, and damage-control against hurricans and tornados.

Uncontrollable eye-blasts? Get some rose-tinted glasses and hope everyone leaves me the hell alone...

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Yeah, I think it would really matter what kind of powers you had. Whether it is something quiet and unassuming or if it is something that makes you a freak or an outcast.


If the power is not detectable then I would probably do something to improve my own life and then help others. If it is something that turns me into a freak then I would probably find others of my own kind or live in seclusion.

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Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


Being a mutant isn't as much the issue as how obvious the powers are. If the powers can't be hidden, I'd probably try to find a place to not be bothered by people. If they are hidden, it's a nonissue. If my powers are of a type I can use to make money, I'll do it as long as it is safe to do so.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: What would you do if you were a mutant?


I see a lot of anger in here, that's a start... :-)

Most poeple would turn to power and stability. I prefer to look at it from a different angle.

For me Raven is the ultimate weapon, far more than Wolverine or Rogue or even Magneto.

The ability to transform and become someone else is more powerfull than any other shape of strength.

She can hear, read and see the most confidential secrets in the world, and THAT's power!

Also she fights pretty well, and looks good...

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