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Mental Powers that require contact


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Skin Contact Required is what you are looking for.


30 Telepathic Touch: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (A Mental Power with this Limitation requires the character to establish skin-to-skin contact in order to make an ECV Attack Roll. Champions Complete p116; -1) - END=6

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Skin Contact Required is what you are looking for.




30 Telepathic Touch: Telepathy 12d6 (60 Active Points); Skin Contact Required (A Mental Power with this Limitation requires the character to establish skin-to-skin contact in order to make an ECV Attack Roll. Champions Complete p116; -1) - END=6

Now the question is did the OP want to require skin contact in addition to an ECV check or instead of an ECV check, in which case just making it No Range would be enough.

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Its no range unless it requires skin contact, in which case it would be a bit more of a limit, maybe -1/4 more.


My example wasn't an estimation. It was a rulebook reference.


Skin Contact Required (-1)

A Mental Power with this Limitation requires the character to establish skin-to-skin contact in order to make an ECV Attack Roll.

Champions Complete p116

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My example wasn't an estimation. It was a rulebook reference.


Skin Contact Required (-1)

A Mental Power with this Limitation requires the character to establish skin-to-skin contact in order to make an ECV Attack Roll.

Champions Complete p116

Also, it supersedes No Range, and does NOT stack with it (according to the 6e rulebook I just consulted,) does not work even through the thinnest covering and must be skin to skin touch, and unless you're running around in a touchy-feely nudist colony, requires a to-hit roll with a location modifier - assuming there's any bare skin to target; not only is Iron Man immune, Spider Man is immune. In many cases, you have only a fraction of a face to touch, and that's -8 OCV.


So while -1 looks generous at first, considering how restrictive it is, I'm not sure it shouldn't be -1 and ALSO allow No Range. In any case, those who suggested No Range and then another -1/4 or -1/2 Limitation on top of that are very close to the official rule


Now as for what the original poster was looking for:


I've done a psychic blade by just taking Mental Blast with Focus and No Range; still using EGO CV but I have to stand by you and in appearance the phantom like blade passes through your body. Or you could use Alternate Combat Value and use OCV vs DCV instead of EGO CV values.


Or you could start with Hand to Hand Killing, and use Alternate Defense to make it go against Mental Def instead of PD or ED.


But it's up to you and depends on what exactly you imagine a "psi-blade" to be and do.


Lucius Alexander


There are a lot of ways to skin a palindromedary.

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