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Dizzyness power, how would you do it?


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Below is a Framework Slot example of how I have have done it with my rookie version of The Flash.


2 (END per shot)
14) Superspeed Spin: Drain DEX, OCV & DCV 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 points), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (4m Radius; +1/2), Expanded Effect (x3 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (DEX, OCV & DCV; +1), Autofire (5 shots; +1 1/2) (58 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Linked (Running at Super Speed part 1; -1/4) Real Cost: 29
Notes: Effectively -2 DEX per hit, -1 OCV per 2 hits & -1 DCV per 3 hits. DCV is considered a Defensive Power vs. Adjustments so the effect of Drain is halved (6e1 pg141). Costs 10 END if 5 spin attempts are made.
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My first thought is "What is the game effect you envision for being made dizzy through spinning?"  Reason back from that effect.  You are skipping a step in the following sequence:


(a)  What Does The Power Look Like?  - the target is spun around really fast and becomes dizzy?


(B)  What Impact Does It Have? - the target (to use Hype's vision) loses co-ordination from being so dizzy - you have not told us what you envision "being dizzy" meaning to the target


©  How Do We Measure That In Game?  Hype decided that it means losing DEC, OCV and DCV for a brief time


Hype reasons that the target would suffer a loss of co-ordination, becoming less easy to use abilities reliant on agility, and less combat-capable.  L. Marcus seems to envision the target falling down or being otherwise inconvenienced/incapacitated.  Christopher Taylor sees several possible effects.


What If your GM thinks the target would be nauseated and pass out, that's a different effect entirely from anything suggested above.  Maybe we're playing Toon Hero and the target is Stunned and loses a phase (change environment from Advanced Guide) while little birdies fly about his head (Images).

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I built the previous example based on the following scene from the Justice League Animated series.




Even with out the Drain based attack my Flash could still do a more traditional spin-throw attack from that scene by just combining his Running (up to 90m with the Combat Acceleration/Deceleration Advantage) with the Passing Throw Martial Art Maneuver.


Passing Throw      1/2     +0     +0      4d6 +v/10; Target Falls; FMove

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[trigger warning: comparison of different editions] :angst:


In past editions, Drain DEX worked fine because it would also reduce OCV & DCV. But in 6ed, the only combat effect is to reduce your initiative and your Acrobatics/Breakfall rolls. So to do it properly now, I think you'd need to Drain OCV & DCV, and if you have the points you can also add in DEX, CON, etc.

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6th did away with negative characteristics.


Not exactly.


from 6e1 page 47


Except for BODY and STUN (which have specific combat effects; see 6E2 106-07), Characteristics cannot be reduced below 0; there’s no such thing as “-5 CON” or “-12 STR.” However, a Characteristic that’s been affected by a negative Adjustment Power (such as a Drain) can be “reduced into the negatives” solely for the purpose of determining how long it takes to regain the lost points. For example, a character could be attacked with a Drain STR until he’s at “-25 STR.” He functions as if he had STR 0, but it will take him longer to regain all the Drained STR because he starts regaining it from “-25,” not from 0.


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And from 6e1 page 44

A character with DEX 0 loses control over his reactions, and must succeed with DEX Rolls to perform any Action requiring physical movement (including things like walking, aiming at a target, or making Gestures). If he fails the DEX Roll, he cannot perform the Action that Phase.


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Since dizzyness affects your sense of balance (which is controlled by your inner ear), might I suggest you try this power:


40      I Spin You Right 'Round Baby, Right 'Round: 12d6 Sight Group Flash vs. Flash Defense (Hearing), No Range (-½)


While dizzy, the target suffers the ususal penalties (½ DCV, ½OCV in hand to hand, 0OCV at range) as described on pg 133 of Champions Complete without suffering from a loss of vision.

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I don't know.  Forcing a character to have to make a slightly better than 1 in 3 roll (the odds of rolling a 9- = 37.50%) is still a difficult thing to deal with.


9< is a very good combat penalty, but too good a chance of success for out of combat applications.  


The negative characteristic rules were simple, effective and flavorful.

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I liked them too but they did present some problems, particularly the way strength was built.  At -10 strength you still could impact the world pretty significantly and get points for it.  Under 10 STR you're basically having no combat effect anyway, so its just free points.  Telekinesis in particular was problematic, since the cost is based on the strength total it has.

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Sure but check out this old TK strength char I did way back in the 90s on the Hero boards on the subject:


 -25       .8
 -23      1.0
 -20      1.6
 -18      2.0
 -15      3.2
 -13      4.0
 -10      6.4
  -8       8.0
  -5     12.5
  -3     16.0
   0     25.0
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