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Alien Race ideas??


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Some favorites from Terry the Crazy GM


A race of potato pancake people who spoke telepathically.


A race of big blue fish who kept their space ships full of water, and went blub-blub-blub whenever we spoke to them.


As a side note on of the players got so tired of Terry going blub blub blub that he had his character learn their language.


Sorry, you know I'm tired when I break out the weird stories.

On a slightly more serious side, how about a race of three legged gray skinned creatures who have three double jointed arms and three fingered hands. With the third finger being a thumb that comes out from the middle of their palms.

They communicate by manipulating gravity at each other, and they make the wackiest looking chairs you've ever seen.


Maybe not much better then blub blub blub, but you never know.

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Here's a species I've come up with for my in-the-works Mond'abi Federation game. See how it strikes you.




Even the K'dathkhoni themselves admit that they are one of the most unusual, if not bizarre, species in Mon'dabi space. Their extremely cold homeworld has an ecosystem based on carbon-ammonia compounds.


K'dathkhonev Biology


In appearance, the K'dathkhoni (singular is K'dathkhonas, adjectival form is K'dathkhonev) look like just about any other humanoid species — in fact, they appear Human in every way except coloration. Their skin falls in various hues of blue and purple, and their hair can be black, green, orange, or yellow.


Their internal physiology is also nearly identical to that of Humans, with one exception: like all other life on their world, they use ammonia in place of water. Because of this, their thermal comfort zone is around -55 degrees Celsius (or -67 degrees Fahrenheit; individuals' preferences may vary by as much as three degrees Celsius or five degrees Fahrenheit), and they breathe a methane-ammonia atmosphere.


Because the conditions under which they can survive are so rare, K'dathkhoni do not generally colonize other worlds. The few starships they operate in space are either scientific exploration vessels or mercenary ships (though most of the words they use to describe the latter would translate more closely as "privateer").






No Package Deal is provided for the K'dathkhoni because their abilities almost precisely match that of Humans. They have different requirements for diet, temperature, and breathable air, but Earth is as deadly to them as Mashanarzanthurek would be to us.


That said, the GM should not allow a K'dathkhonas to have a Psychological Limitation at the Moderate level. Any K'dathkhonas should also have at least 15 points in either Skill Levels (either three 5-point Skill Levels, five 3-point Skill Levels, or +8 with a single Skill) or a Skill Enhancer and several related and applicable Skills (such as Linguist and 12 points in various Languages) to reflect their culture's tendency toward energetic obsession.




Just as a Human would need an environment suit to survive on Mashanarzanthurek, so a K'dathkhonas needs one to survive among most other species. The suit shown here is a common basic model, featuring an air recycler and a cooling system.

K'dathkhonev Environment Suit: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Intense Heat) (12 Active Points); OIF (-½). Real cost: 8 points.



Mashanarzanthurek, The K'dathkhonev Homeworld


Mashanarzanthurek is the largest of fourteen moons orbiting the gas giant Umazaranthazan, which in turn is the seventh planet from the star they call D'tanrashtalknith (the Mon'dabi call it Zhem), located directly between Mon'da and Ackál. Though it's only three-quarters the size of Earth (by volume), it's also somewhat denser, giving it a gravity a tiny fraction higher than Earth's.


The temperature on Mashanarzanthurek is perfectly suited for the K'dathkhoni and other carbon-ammonia life forms. About 77% of its surface is covered by an ammonia-based ocean, and its land is divided up into six major continents with several islands of various sizes.


The moon's cold temperature makes it perfectly suited for the long-term storage of food for carbon-water species. Even its hottest deserts are cold enough to deeply freeze such goods, and this is exactly what they're often used for.


Mashanarzanthurek's other main export is ammonia. Though not potable to most other species, ammonia from the planet's high-mountain springs is highly prized on other worlds for its cooling, fertilizing, and cleaning properties, and ammonia from the oceans is easily mined offworld for various minerals.


K'dathkhonev Society And Culture


The history of the K'dathkhoni is marked by their tendency to throw themselves wholeheartedly into any endeavor they attempt. When a K'dathkhonas sets about learning something, he learns as much about it as he possibly can.


A prime example of this is the species' global language, Klamantorasklenta. When the Mon'dabi first encountered them four hundred years ago, they were as balkanized as Earth in the mid-twentieth century (other aspects of their society, particularly technology, were also remarkably similar; their technology level was just developing into ATRI 7). The arrival of the Mon'dabi sparked an interest in learning about new cultures and languages, and within a century nearly every K'dathkhonas on Mashanarzanthurek knew between twelve and thirty languages, if not more. Eventually every language native to Mashanarzanthurek melded into a single global tongue, with different words for the smallest shade of meaning for anything, as well as inflections and agglutinations for even the smallest nuance. Even many languages from other worlds have strongly influenced the global K'dathkhonev language. (Reports that the language has over two dozen different words for "the" turns out to be a modest estimate; indeed, the official count of words for "rain" numbers well over a thousand!)


K'dathkhoni soldiers are sometimes referred to (generally by Humans) as "the ‘Mad Vikings' of the Milky Way." Even a huge crowd of them fight as a single implacable unit. Because of their obsessively precise language, they're also known as "the Galactic Lawyers"; many treaties and other interplanetary documents are written in Klamantorasklenta, and are overseen by their linguists, diplomats, and attorneys.

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Originally posted by Hermit

A race that mixes viking raider and lawyer mentality? Cool!

When you really think about it, the two mindsets are remarkably similar.... ;)


Incidentally, this is one of the species I've been considering moving to the Mon'dabi side of the Vorsan Expanse -- this seems like the type of organics the Xenovores might find inedible or at least unappetizing.

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These are from my campaign "Newton's First Law" - where basically the players designed the universe. These races were designed by Andrew.


Alien Races



Humanity's first contact with intelligent alien life was with the mrashans. They allowed us to enter the galaxy by providing information about Jump Gates and HEH. Later, they also provided LEH and Warp technology, for which the crelos bombed them back to the stone age.

It took years for them to return to the galactic stage, and they had changed a lot. Originally they were friendly and gregarious, but after they returned they were quiet and secretive. Such a skill they had made of stealth and intelligence gathering that they were employed as spies during the Civil War and long afterward.

Physical Description:

Mrashans are short, averaging about 130cm in height. They are covered in soft fur which ranges in colour from a dark burnished gold through brown to almost black. Their eyes are small and wide-set, and their noses long and pointed, usually drooping to below their mouth. Their hands have four long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet are padded like those of a dog or a cat, and they never wear shoes or boots. Females are slightly larger and stockier than males.

When 'abroad' mrashans usually wear dark robes with hoods that cover their heads. They rarely carry weapons.


Little has been observed of mrashan social activity since the Change. It is known that there is a limited caste structure based on fur colour. The darkest fur results in a higher social status. Several mrashan ships have been observed to have dark-furred captains and first officers, while the gold-furred mrashans are relegated to menial roles.

It is observed that fur colour is not hereditary - not in a strict Mendelian sense. A pair of gold-furred mrashans may bear a child of brown or dark fur, or their offspring may be gold like them.

Mrashans are happy to work for human employers. They were friends to humanity since before the crelos attack, and they appear to have long memories.



Slorel were encountered soon after the mrashans opened the galaxy to humanity. It seems that they are everywhere, and they always have something to trade. It doesn't matter to the slorel whether it is a valuable item or not (although they have a good sense of value), the slorel will trade it.

They appear to understand concepts like market economy instinctively. It is not known whether they first developed spaceflight themselves, or whether they traded something for it. It is certain that their bizarre cyst-like ships can be found wherever there are other races to trade with.

The interesting thing about slorel trading practices is that they will never trade for credit. It is always goods for goods with them. They will assess the value of what you have and offer something of equal value.

Physical description:

Possibly the most bizarre of the races to share the galaxy with, the slorel are amorphous bags of protoplasm with many writhing tentacles and internal organs pulsing inside. They excrete gases such as nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and methane through their skins. All this adds up to make the slorel quite repulsive to many humans, a fact which the slorel respect.

The slorel can squeeze its body through an opening many times smaller than itself. Its tentacles are highly sensative and appear to be sensory organs as well as versatile manipulatory and locomotory appendages.

Slorel consume much like protoplasmic single-celled organisms, bu physically absorbing nutrients through the skin. They are carnivorous and cannibal (see Society below) but in fact are rather polite about it and will not readily consume their trading partners.


Little is known about slorel society or their homeworld. All of the slorel encountered by humans are ship-dwellers, inhabiting strange organic hives in space. They have a good grasp of technology, but many functions (such as life support) appear to be biological in origin. The ships themselves are bizarre, globular amalgams of metal and organic goo. Some carry defensive armaments.

As noted, slorel are traders by nature. They are basically peaceful, and no slorel has ever been documented to attack another race for any reason. Their own race is a different matter though - most slorel disagreements end up with one slorel 'eating' the other by absorbing its mass into its own.



Humanity's first contact with the tal were unfriendly at best. At the time they were the allies of the crelos and khalroth, and they participated in the attack on Bonanza and the beginning of the Pogrom.

At first they agreed with the khalroth's desire to keep LEH technology from humanity, but after the beginning of the Pogrom, they saw exactly what the khalroth had in mind and had a fundamental philosophical disagreement with it.

Tal are technologically very sophisticated. They are honorable and proud. They consider themselves to be warrior-philosophers, and they ruminate frequently on the fundamental nature of existence. They will take up arms for any cause they see as a good one.

Although they were very friendly with humanity throughout the Golden Ages, the Great Civil War forced them to look at our race with another eye. Since the War they have been extremely aloof.

Physical Description:

Tal are very tall and thin. A bluish exoskeleton extends from the back of their heads down their spine, ending just above their hips. Their faces are soft and their eyes are large. They often have a slight smile, which tends to make humans describe them as 'vague'. The opposite is the truth.

Females are much smaller than males, and do not share their philisophical or martial bent. In fact the females and children are rarely seen by other races, being kept safe either at their homeworld or in specialised protective chambers on ships.


Life on the tal home worlds is usually very peaceful, until two tal disagree on some fundamental philosophical matter and war breaks out. These skirmishes never last for very long though, and in general the tal society returns to normal within a few weeks or months.

Tal technology is usually prominent on any world or ship they own. There are some devices that the tal use regularly whose function is a complete mystery to human observers. For example, it has been observed that many tal have a metal implant in the back of one hand. Its function is unknown.



Big, vicious predators, the crelos cannot possibly have developed spaceflight on their own. The truth is that they have always been used by the khalroth to carry out their 'dirty work', and crelos ships are usually of khalroth manufacture.

It is thought in some circles that the crelos were 'uplifted' by the khalroth, who gave them the technology and the science they needed to enter space. Crelos science is still unsophisticated, although in matters of war they are masters.

Physical description:

The typical crelos stands about eight feet in height - more when rearing. Their vaguely insectoid body is an obvious product of a biological arms race millions of years long. Several body parts, such as the secondary arms, appear to have been evolved for the express purpose of killing.

The crelos has four locomotory limbs, which end in large claws. Their body is held horizontally, with the torso upright at the front. The torso bears two sets of arms. The lower pair are physically weaker, and bear fine manipulators like fingers. The upper pair are strong, and end in cruel blades. These can be shot forward over the crelos' shoulder in a fast muscular contraction. The lower arms can also carry weapons. The whole body is covered in a chitinous exoskeleton.

The crelos head can only be described as frightening. Four beady eyes ring the front edge, while underneath large mandibles flank a mouth full of grinding teeth. The crelos language consists of harsh clicks and grunts, but they can learn other languages with ease.


Few make the mistake of considering the crelos stupid. While perhaps not as intelligent as their masters the khalroth, they are very cunning and able to handle sophisticated technology with ease.

On their home worlds and on their ships, the strong rule by force. Assassination is the usual method of being promoted.

A crelos will eat almost anything, as long as it is meat. They keep herds of prey animals on board their ships, which they will always slaughter before comsuming. They seem to enjoy the very act of killing, whether it is a prey beast or an intelligent opponent.



The khalroth are puppetteers, manipulators of events. It is rare that any khalroth will be seen at any outset of interracial strife, but you can be certain that they are there.

It is thought that the khalroth effectively competed their way into space - a technological and political arms race that brought them in contact with other races.

Physical description:

The few accounts of khalroth that exist describe them as robed and hooded. A long fleshy nose and six tiny red eyes can sometimes be seen inside their hoods. They are bipedal, as far as anyone can tell, and have long arms and fingers. All of their fingers are opposable - there are five, equally spaced, which converge on a central point of the palm.

Khalroth rarely use their own ships. They will usually rida aboard crelos vessels, where they rule from the shadows. The crelos will never attack khalroth - there seems to be some bond between them, because the crelos will attack anyone else with relish.


Khalroth are at their best when manipulating events on a galactic scale. War and strife are their bread and butter. It is not unknown for there to be different factions of khalroth, but all will stand united in the common goal of wiping humanity from the face of the galaxy.

They hate and resent humans first for defying their decree of technological restriction, and second for successfully beating their crelos allies so convincingly. Khalroth also bear this grudge against the tal and the mrashans for similar reasons. The only race that the khalroth do not despise (apart from the crelos) are the slorel.

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I've also got some historical/literature based races bound to make an appearance at some stage-


The Amnioni - based on Stephen Donaldson's Gap series

The Sidhe - based on the Seelie and Unseelie courts.


I've got three tech branches - Biotech, Tech and Manatech. Each race tends to have advances in only one area (bioengineering, technology or magicial technology in that order).


There are exceptions though - such as biomechanicals. But in general magic and science hate each other, and biological drifts in between the two.

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Re: re: Blub blub blub


Originally posted by Seraphim

I used to have an old star wars campaign which ran for 4 years we were playing late one night and on the fly i made up a race of stick people which couldn’t be hurt and went sticky stick sticky stick when talking


I bet we could start a really long thread with all the silly things game masters come up with when they get tired, and/or get desperate.

I ran a Star War game myself. Just about every day for most of high school, which would be a perfect example. The Land of Lost Luggage. Mysterious assassin droids in cowboy hats and six shooters.

Come to think of it, my friend's Star Wars campaign using the Storyteller mechanics got pretty dang weird too. Like the hive mind alien queen who's mind got melded with the Jedi, and fell in love with him, and she and all her devouring alien horde pursued him all across the galaxy.


A race of hive mind aliens could be fun in a campaign.


And how about something kind of equivalent to intelligent space whales. Gigantic and peaceful? creatures who roam space in large and majestic pods. Utter ludicrous from a what-do-they-eat perspective, but still I kind of dig the image.

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Re: Re: re: Blub blub blub


Originally posted by Nevenall

And how about something kind of equivalent to intelligent space whales. Gigantic and peaceful? creatures who roam space in large and majestic pods. Utter ludicrous from a what-do-they-eat perspective, but still I kind of dig the image.


Sure they could hang out with Lobo's space dolphins:)

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Here's another species from my Mon'dabi Federation documents. Like the K'dathkhoni (which are my personal favorites), they will probably end up being located in the former Vorsan Expanse.




A protectorate species of the Federation, the Iztlanda fall into one of the most unusual ecological niches in the galaxy.


Iztlan Biology


To the casual observer, the Iztlanda (singular is Iztlan) appear to be either air-breathing humanoid jellyfish, or crystal-based silicon beings. They are, in fact, ambulatory plants whose evolutionary steps trace back to microscopic creatures present in nearly every carbon-based ecosystem — diatoms.


Like diatoms, the individual cells in Iztlan biology are essentially the same as in any other kind of plant, except that in addition to the usual two outer shells of cytoplasm there are two more made of an organic silicate material. This gives each cell an innate toughness well beyond what one would normally expect — Iztlan flesh is quite literally as tough as brick.


Iztlanda don't look like they're made of brick, however — on the contrary, they look more like they're made of organic glass. The innate toughness and resilience of their flesh eliminates the need for a skeleton, so their shape is something like mobile squids. Their general forms are humanoid, in that they have two legs, but they have a total of eight arms, each ending in six-fingered hands. These terms are very loosely given; with the lack of an articulated skeleton, everything looks more like a tentacle; each finger on a hand is capable of opposing each other finger in any configuration.


Their mouths have no teeth; instead, they gather their food with a collection of twenty-four tentacles, dissolve whatever they're eating with their virulent saliva, and then swallow. Their diet, happily for most sentient beings, is entirely herbivorous.


Reproduction among Iztlanda is reasonably close to what one would expect of a two-gender botanoid species, except that their rearing system is amphibious: they must give birth in water, where the young remain for their first year until they grow limbs.


Iztlanda coloration is highly varied — an individual can be nearly any hue, though particularly light or dark colors are extremely rare and pure white or black are signs of extreme congenital illness. There is no discernable relationship between parents' colors and those of their children.


While most Iztlanda grow to a height of only four feet tall, their cellular density gives them a weight of up to 200kg. Their size, strength, and agility make them formidable foes in a fistfight (not to mention the fact that they have eight fists to choose from).


Cholth, The Iztlan Homeworld


Cholth is a world with many unusual features. Slightly smaller than Earth with a gravity of 0.85, it has eleven small continents, all liberally woven with rivers and rich in silicate minerals.


Those silicates are a vital part of Cholth's plant-dominated ecosystem. Even the animal life (consisting primarily of analogues to fish, molluscs, amphibians, insects, and birds) depends on them for good health if not survival. Like the Iztlanda themselves, nearly every complex organism on the planet has cells with silicate exteriors.


This creates some of the most fascinating and beautiful landscapes in the quadrant, with a variety of both rooted and mobile plant life that looks as though it was made from stone, glass, or crystal. The Dzokarlth Savannah in particular, with its dozens of photoluminescent species, is so beautiful at night that even most visiting Malvans are deeply moved.


Though Iztlanda can eat foods from other worlds, most species from other planets find food from Cholth both inedible and toxic, in both cases because of the high silicate content. That same richness of silicates also gives Cholth a richness of mineral resources, particularly semiprecious stones.


Iztlan Society And Culture


Though the trappings seem very alien, the basics of Iztlan culture are quite familiar: they base their society on the Four Basic Principles of adaptation, variety, equity, and compassion.


The planetary government is based on a four-tiered democratic republic. The people directly elect the leaders of their district, which can range in size from just over 200 to nearly 40,000 square kilometers. Each district sends representatives to provincial governments covering 15-40 districts, and each provincial government sends representatives to a regional government covering 7-20 provinces. The planetary government is made up of representatives from each province. How representatives from each district, province, or region is decided by that smaller body, though everyone has equal representation — even the executive officers are determined by a complex electoral system.


Iztlanda journey off Cholth rather infrequently. Many such traveling Iztlanda have diplomatic or business purposes for traveling, with some preference for stations to the Conjoined Civilizations Republic or the Velarian Confederation. A few join the Federated Command, though usually as support personnel rather than combatants.



Ability Cost

+5 STR 5

Easily Hidden: +2 to Concealment; Self Only (-½) 3

Hard To Hit: +2 DCV 10

Hard To Perceive: +2 to Stealth 4

Silicon Body: Armor (5 PD/5 ED), Inherent (+¼) 19

Heavy: Knockback Resistance (-1"), Inherent (+¼) 2

Photosynthesis: Life Support (Diminished Eating: only has to eat once per week) 1

Silicate-Based Life: Life Support (Immunity: silicon toxicity) 2

Oxygenated Skin: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing), Inherent (+¼); Only To Protect Against Choking, Suffocation, and Strangulation (-1) 6

Lithe Swimmer: +1" Swimming 1

Tentacles: Extra Limbs (6 additional arms), Inherent (+¼) 6

Undivided Central Nervous System: Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalties) 9

No Articulated Skeleton: Double Jointed 4


Disadvantages Value

-4 DEX -12

-1 CON -2

-2 BODY -4

-3" Running -6

Physical Limitation: Heavy (about twice human weight) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) -5

Physical Limitation: Small (about half human height) (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) -5

Total Cost Of Package: 38

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Hey Kids! It's the Skathi!



The Skathi are a felinoid predator race with their origins on Skorath, a warm, wet world far to spinward of the Exodite Expanse.

They follow the Skar’thai, an ossified moral code that demands competition, conquest, honor and aggrandizement from its adherents. Skathi always shun pacifists, they simply

hold too strongly that violence is, in fact, a solution. This has resulted in long, bloody wars of conquest with most other races in this area of the Galaxy.

Seeing the destruction caused by this philosophy, several hundred Skathi have joined the Expanse, or struck out on their own. These Exiles, as they are known, are hunted ruthlessly by their former culture.

Physically, Skathi are tall, often going over 9 feet. They are graceful and dangerous, but one cannot help but feel there is an undeniable beauty to them. The Skar’thai usually helps dispel this notion of beauty. They are not pleasant creatures by Exodite standards.


The Skathi observe several rituals. First among them is the Hunt. The Hunt may be nearly any goal that a Skathi undertakes, so long as it is a challenge. In times past, the Hunt consisted of chasing down prey, but in the Age of Stars, it can mean stealing starships or studying supernovae.


They prefer live prey, and often seriously distress those uninitiated to Skathi culture. Tearing into a still-kicking De Oonian ice weasel is a good time for a Skathi, but it’s questionable dinner entertainment for Remnants.


(Players and GMs are encouraged to play out Dinner Combat

between the food and the perspective gourmand!)



Cost Power END
Skathi RPD
2 1) +2 STR 1
15 2) +5 DEX
8 3) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 0 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) (10 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 1
5 4) Nightvision
2 5) Cat's Ears: Enhanced Perception (+2 to PER Rolls for Hearing)
4 6) +2" Running (8" total) 1
2 7) Leaping +2" (4" forward, 2" upward) 1
Powers Cost: 38



Cost Skill
Skathi CPD
0 1) Climbing 8-
0 2) Computer Programming 8-
0 3) Concealment 8-
0 4) Conversation 8-
0 5) Deduction 8-
0 6) AK: Homeworld (Personal Development) 11-
0 7) AK: The Empire 8-
0 8) Language: Y'sar (completely fluent; literate, native)
0 9) Oratory 8-
0 10) Paramedics 8-
0 11) Persuasion 8-
0 12) PS: Any one (Personal Development) 11-
0 13) Shadowing 8-
0 14) Stealth 8-
0 15) TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft, Personal Development
0 16) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Personal Development, Skathi Traditional Weapons
Skills Cost: 0





Total Character Cost: 38


Val Disadvantages
Skathi RPD
20 1) Psychological Limitation: Skar'thai Moral Code (Common; Total)

Disadvantage Points: 20


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Blub blub blub


Originally posted by Nevenall


And how about something kind of equivalent to intelligent space whales. Gigantic and peaceful? creatures who roam space in large and majestic pods. Utter ludicrous from a what-do-they-eat perspective, but still I kind of dig the image.


Unfortunately, the only concept with "Space Whales" I could come up with (that I liked) ended up being too close to the Az'Arc'a.

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It's not often in gaming that the illustration comes first, and then the description. However, this drawing by Andrew Creamens, one of his most popular in Star Hero, inspired the following.


I rather hope Andrew reads this, to get his reaction to my write-up. :D






Of all species in the Mon'dabi Federation, the Pelkons are the most Human-like in appearance and biology, though not quite in culture.


Pelkon Biology


Biologically, Pelkons are almost identical to Humans. They are the same size (though with a slightly smaller average height), have the exact same distribution of coloration, and in most other ways function like them. They are distinguishable only by the presence of four to nine vertical ridges on the bridge of the nose and the lower part of the forehead; stark white eyes with black or dark grey sclera; and a series of irregular dark spots averaging about two square inches in size. These spots run from the temples down the neck, branching at the shoulders; one branch runs down the arms and to the backs of the hands, while the other runs down the back and along the outside of the legs to the tops of the feet.


As masters of medical nanotechnology (see below), they have designed a handful of nanobot systems with the ability to pass from mother to child. These systems extend their lifespan, fight viral infections, and prevent the body from suffering the ill effects of alcohol. (They have many other nanotech systems as well, though these must be injected into the individual at some expense.)


Relanda, The Pelkon Homeworld


Though typically described as a "garden paradise," Relanda is actually not unlike Earth in most respects. Its size and atmosphere are nearly identical to Earth's, and its distribution of land and water, climatology, biochemistry, and variety of flora and fauna are all very close though the specifics vary somewhat.


Arguably, what makes Relanda a "garden paradise" is the Pelkons' careful attention to preservation of the native vegetation, particularly in the popular resort areas. Even the planet's most crowded cities have trees, flowers, bushes, and other plants lining the streets.


If there's a climate good for a fun, relaxing vacation, Relanda has it. There are snowy mountains for skiers of all levels, beaches for swimmers and surfers, climatically moderate forests for hikers and campers, jungles and savannahs for safari buffs, and even deserts for those who enjoy that sort of thing. The wildlife is mostly tame, or at any rate rarely sees Pelkons (and other sentient beings) as food, so visitors tend to be relatively safe no matter where they wander.


Pelkon Society And Culture


First contact with the Pelkons was not made by the Mon'dabi; it was the Malvans, shortly after the peak of their empire. Influence by the Malvans, who were quite hedonistic at the time, turned Relanda into a "pleasure resort" destination.


This contrasted severely with the developments on Relanda before Malvan contact. A series of virulent plagues swept over the population over the course of the preceding three centuries, making medical research a top priority. Over that time they learned more about medicine than nearly any other species in the galaxy — though at ATRI 6 in most respects, they had developed genetic medicine (generally considered an ATRI 8 technology) when the Malvans arrived, and soon afterward became the first species in the known galaxy to invent nanotech medicine. To this day they remain the galactic leaders in the field.


After the Malvan Empire collapsed, the Pelkons struggled for several millennia on their own, but eventually joined the Mon'dabi Federation to strengthen its economic position. Today Relanda, the world furthest antispinward within the Federation, is a prime destination for both pleasure vacations (from family-oriented to hedonistic) and medical treatment, and Pelkons are in high demand as medical personnel on medical and military ships in the Federation.


This is not to say that all Pelkons are hedonistic; several of the "old religions" have survived into modern times, and many of these religions (making up roughly 15% of the Pelkon population) promote chastity.




Ability Cost

Nanobot-Enhanced Immune System: Life Support (Longevity: Ages At Half Normal Rate, Immunity: Alcohol, Immunity: Viral Infections) 8


Disadvantages Value



Total Cost Of Package: 8

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