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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


David Letterman's Top Ten Signs There's Trouble At The New York Times


10. Extensive coverage of recent fighting between the Israelis and the lesbians


9. Pages 2 through 20 are corrections of previous edition


8. Every sentence begins "So, like"


7. TV listings only for Zorro


6. Weather forecast reads "Look outside dumb@ss"


5. Multiple references to "President Gore"


4. Obituary includes list of people they wish were dead


3. Headlines fold over to create surprise MAD magazine-type hidden message


2. Restaurant critic recently gave IHOP four stars


1. Reporting that Oprah isn't gay, but Letterman is

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Caveat, and the reader's 'Feel Free to Disregard this Writer's Jaundiced Opinion' card: In 1996, I was hired by the estate of the late Phil Dick to write a couple of sequel novels to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. In this endeavor I succeeded, in the manner that test pilots regard any landing that you can walk away from as a good one. [...] What non-mercenary intent I had in the project was to drag as much of Phil's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and duct-tape the bits onto the movie's endlessly disintegrating story and characters. Duct tape is what you use when things don't fit, can't fit, and never will fit, but you still want them to hold together long enough to rattle your way off the interstate. I know better than anyone else that Blade Runner is a lot of people's favorite movie; it has a cult following that will rival the declining Roman church's in a few years. And as with all cults, it's based on the irrational. Blade Runner the film is objectively, the poster child for Narrative Incompetence Syndrome. To watch the worthwhile M. Emmet Walsh in the role of Basil Exposition- sorry, Police Chief Bryant- telling a sulky Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard background details with which he would have been completely familiar whether he's a human or a replicant or top sirloin, is painful. For true believers, however, approaching the Ark of the Holies on other than bended knee is pretty much sacrilege. And to actually lay hands upon it? Now I know how Salman Rushdie must have felt, i.e. completely satisfied."

-K.W. Jeter, Las Vegas Weekly, July 20-26, 2006

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A while back, due to a rapidly-failing boot drive on my main system, I had a mad scramble to get all my data backed up, transferred, etc. to my backup system.


Well, today, I decided to finally take the time and update the Windows install on my backup system (which is now my main system, really).


55 "critical" updates.


Then Service Pack 2.


Then 22 more "critical" updates.



GAAAAHHH!!! That's about 4 hours out of my life I'd like to have back...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


After being addicted to *Sid Meier's Civilization IV, I figure I will take a break and play my son's *Sid Meier's Pirates! Live the Life* game as a relaxed blow off experience. I have been averaging the same amount of sleep and game time since then. (About five and a half hours a night)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It rained this afternoon, a good downpour and then a light rain for maybe a total of 45 minutes together. Enough to burn the heat off so I went into the backyard to start removing parts to rebuild/replace. Within 45 minutes of that the clouds moved on and the sun cranked right back up to unbearable levels.


But at least I got some stuff done.

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