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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Do you really believe that from 1973 to 1997 only the wealthy became better off because only their hourly wages increased? That's what you have to believe if you reason like the New York Times and the BBC.


"As you can see (speaking like a New York Times reporter for a moment), the American dream ended a very long time ago. We just decided to get really depressed about it now that Bush is in office."



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I always considered Steve Irwin a footnote figure, a sort of a willing joke of himself, a clown (by choice, knowledgeably), nobody of consequence, a basic low-end entertainer. The amazing ongoing discussion about him apparently proves I was wrong.


Regardless, I still found him incredibly annoying and although I regret his death as much as anyone's, I am certainly glad not to have to run across his TV personality again.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Okay, so I'm here listening to music in my head because the satellite stuff is crap at the moment.


I'm thinking of songs; songs that the writer wrote in a moment of tremendous emotional upheaval, good or bad.


Ian Hunter lost his guitar player and friend in Mick Ronson, when Mick died of cancer. He wrote a song, called Michael Picasso, that I am pretty sure is the memorial to his friend. THat song is popular enough that he plays it during most of his concerts. Does the song slowly loose it's impact or are you ragingly depressed every show?


Or what if the song is an ode to the love of your life and they abuse and abandon you?


Just thinking

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A dream I had yesterday morning is still with me. I was of someone I know, a friend, abandoning me, ditching me when I was following them, which I know they would never in a million years do. But the dream is still with me. I wish I knew what it meant and why it's still bugging me, when I know it would NEVER happen. :help:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I came across this song I did a while back, as I have to restore a bunch of stuff to online since mp3.com has finally stopped hosting songs from way back.




I'm gonna sit right here and do nothing

Wait outside and maybe see somethin'

Lay inside and watch some television

Let it wash over and rest my ambition

I've got nothing but time on my hands

I'm just watching the tide of the sand

Funky little vision of every single hour

Nothing I want but to watch it lose power

I don't want to do anything kind

Sit right here inside of my mind

I don't want to do anything mean

Go outside and cause a big scene

I know I should be lovin' somebody

But I got a little break in my body

So I can rest and think of myself

Stay right here on up on this shelf


She's a jewel and she's a gem

I don't think I wanna stay with him

Livin' like nothin' the way that it's been

I'm so idle it's just a sin




I keep hopin' that things will get better

I keep wantin' for God to send a letter

I keep wantin' for someone to move me

Up from the things that seem to just rule me

But until then I guess I'll wait here

It's so containing that there is no fear

I just sit here and watch this movie

Of her life and hope it might move me

I guess she just wants to inspire

But every time it makes me expire

Everything she does is so far beyond me

Makes me just wanna stay here, be lonely

I know she's not trying to hurt me

But her soul just threatens to burn me

I guess I got no choice but to hide

I don't wanna be used up inside


I'm just idle and that's not so bad

It's her values that make her feel sad

A place in my mind where it stays so white

It's so fine in this comfortable light

I know it's not much of a reward

But you know I'm so good at being bored

It's my skill and it's my desire

To stay here far away from your fire


She's a jewel and she's a gem

I don't think I wanna stay with him

Livin' like nothin' the way that it's been

I'm so idle it's just a sin




Hey I love you

and I want you

I don't wanna be this way forever

I wanna be someone who gives


(above also repeated and overlaid with earlier chorus)


I'll post the music later tonight and link it in this thread.

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