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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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It's snowing in Central London and laying. And it ain't done that in a while I can tell you.


Also got me a new PC at work. But it has taken me about three days to transfer all my files from the old PC to the new one. Nice 18" Flat screen. Not that size matters you understand.

And 512 Mb memory when most people have 256 Mb.

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sometimes mice are so darn cute. Had to go buy catfood, and while I was in the store, I stopped to watch the white mice.


Three of them were running on the wheel as fast as they could. Then when the thing was cranking along, one of them would stop running and hold on, getting twirled along until he fell off.


Then they'd do it again, with a different mouse each time.


It put me in a good mood.



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Guest Worldmaker

I've always considered it strange that Lou Bega, he of "Mambo #5", is usually included as part of the so-called "Latin Explosion" (in which white people suddenly became aware of how fantastic the hispanic music scene is) that occurred a couple of years back.


The reason I consider it strange is because Lou Bega is from Germany, and he doesn't have an hispanic bone in his body.

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Getting home last night was fun. Had to walk from the station (the Tube) home. And the walking was treacherous due to the melting snow icing up on the pavement. Almost home and two buses broken down making passing on the road almost impossible.

(difficult to imagine if you are used to American roads but ours are not as wide)

Immersed myself in mindless entertainment. Wrestlemania 19.


Before I left work yesterday I downloaded some more Digital Hero.

Except Issue 9 which did not want to come for some reason.

Come in No 9 your time is up !

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I really don't think my plots are that difficult:


Player: what’s in his pocket?

Dave: thirty-seven cents, a matchbook from a club called the blue parrot, some lint, and a pack of gum.

Player: what kind of gum?

Dave: um… Big Red?

Player: Big Red? Who chews Big Red? I know how you think Dave, it’s a clue.

Dave: Yeah, sure Mark, okay. What do you do with the matchbook?

Player: That? I don’t smoke. I throw it out.



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I think weather.com is broken. It lists the current temp as 8 degrees farenheit. As I am preparing to leave work for the weekend soon, that doesn't seem like it should be right. It should be closer to say, 60, and sunny. Of course part of the problem with leaving is trying to find my car, with all the salt on the roads all cars are the same color.

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Guest Worldmaker

Speaking of being sick, I think I'd rather catch ebola than have a sinus infection, and ear infection, strep throat, and conjunctivitis all at the same time.


Unfortunately, I was unlucky and didn't catch ebola...

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