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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guinness has longest hot dog (6.9 meters), and tallest celery plant (2.94 m), but nothing about pickles. They only will slander cucumbers with:

Least Nutritive Fruit

The fruit with the lowest calorific value is the cucumber (Cucumis sativus), with 16 kilocal per 100 g (73 kilocal per lb.).


Obviously, they have an agenda!

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Just checked out some of my old favorite comics today, and I just about tossed my cookies. What's up with all of this bad art lately? (JLA, Uncanny Xmen, ect...) and when did the nasty animae look infect the pages of Marvel? Is it too much to ask to have Jim Lee pencil all of the decent comics from now on?

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Guest Worldmaker

You know, I discovered what is a worse way to wake up than having your 2 year old screaming because he's vomited all over himself.


And that's you waking up because you're a second away from vomiting all over yourself. Repeatedly.

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Driving my cab today I picked up one guy on a run to his doctor's hospital. He told me- as well as he was able- that during his military service he'd taken something like 2.5 rads (where 4 is enough to kill) and over the past decade had something like 117 surgeries, with maybe 100 of those being Veterans Administration operations that screwed up at some point or other.


Of all the things I have to be grateful for in life, I guess I should add my tongue and my jaw to the list.



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Guest Worldmaker

After the eighth consecutive viewing, forced onto you because you're too sick to really fight with the 2 year old, A Bug's Life begins to lose its charm.

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So, there I was, having a rotten morning at work after being out since last Tuesday. No surprise, of course. Things had been going downhill since the moment I'd walked in the door. People were being very careful of me, since it was pretty obvious that I was in no mood for any crap.


Then I get this call right before lunch. It's Kara's boss. She's calling to apologize for Kara's recent overtime and the fact that she was sending Kara home tonight with a lot of new procedures that needed to be learned. She then proceeded to tell me how much having Kara in the office meant to her and everyone else. Both on a professional level for her ability, willingness to help out and her work ethic, and on a personal level for her always upbeat manner, the smile she always had on her face and the way she dealt with everyone. The admiration was obvious in her voice and I don't think she's that good an actress. :)


I'll be damned if I didn't have a smile on my face for the rest of the day. :cool:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Originally posted by Old Man

I feel the need to spew random thoughts onto a public board from time to time so I thought I'd start up a thread to do it. Of course everyone else is welcome to spew here also--the only rule is that you cannot reply to someone else's post. Each post should have as little to do with the others as possible.


I'm just musing - it all started with this. Possibly the greatest thread of NGD ever. Such a modest post. Did I break a rule by posting this? Consider we're several hundred posts away from it - not really. And I am musing on this, and now "this" is no longer truly a part of this thread - it is the idealization or the prototype or something, but as a historical artifact is unto itself. A thing, an object.


What am I saying?


Oh, just that this was a totally cool idea, Old Man!

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Originally posted by death tribble

Well we now have the first three tracks. The B vote is now in and the winner is The Bangles and Hazy Shade of Winter.

Off topic for the compilation tape thread, so here's a musing about it. I heard a cover of this song at the gym. What is it with modern covers? Someone hears an oldie by goodie, decides that it needs to be modernized, so they add a lame backbeat from a Casio keyboard, get a studio to take someone's voice and make it sound like its almost in the right key. Throw those together and promote it. Crap + crap = crap. Its just sad to hear these classic songs I grew up with (because my parent's prefered music from their generatiion) trashed by modern studios.

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I'm not sure if I'm sad, disappointed, relieved, or ... dunno... that lately, a lot of things that I'd have liked to respond to...make me just say "why bother", as I know that my words won't have any effect.


I'm sure that could be said about me as well, but... anyway.



Reminder: do not reply to this post in this thread! If you wish to reply to this post, do it in the "Musings about Random Musings!"


/channeling Old Man.

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Looking at Super Phemy's avatar has reminded me of something... as the proud owner of a dark-blue Superman t-shirt, I wore it underneath the heaviest white-collared shirt I have. Trust me, if C.K. did that in real life, his secret ID wouldn't have lasted 2 minutes.

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