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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Hmm, DoJ just got a little competition for my money come May. WB is apparently releaseing Samurai Jack season 1 on DVD in May. Amazon had some info on the release, though I didn't look too much due to being at work. Now if they would just start releasing Batman, Superman and JL in season DVD packs. On second though, maybe they shouldn't, at least not until I find a way to survive without eating.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It would appear that there are two things worse than working a 12 hour day to replace and test a file server:


1) Putting out all the fires from the glitches you missed the next morning


2) Getting laid-off immediately afterwards.


I only wish I were kidding.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why can't big computer companies make their software product lines intelligible? The list of enterprise software products form Sun and IBM are so long and confusingly named that it's nearly impossible to find anything. Everything at IBM is called Websphere or Tivoli. Everything at Sun used to be called iPlanet, now it's all being called Java. Don't even get me started on .NET. Does anyone understand what .NET is?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've noticed that, over all, the drivers I find to be the worst and rudest are women.


Why do they put their make up on in the car while driving or when they're at a red light? The lighting's terrible for it, anyway. Never mind that they always get upset when you give a small blast of the horn when they don't notice the light turned green. Just put it on at home and be done with it.


The endless jabbering on the cell phone while they're the slowest car on the highway, despite being in the fast lane, also grates. They also don't pay attention to the other lanes and just change lanes when they feel like it. Never mind that there might be another car there. I've seen a couple hang up and immediately start dialing up someone else. Forget the fact that they're in a moving vehicle and should be looking at the damned road! :mad:


Heaven forbid I hit my turn signal to announce an impending lane change. To most women I've seen, that's an automatic reflex to speed up so I can't get in front of them.


I hate to say it, but the stereotype of women drivers is a stereotype for a reason. :(

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's amazing how your memory plays tricks on you. I recently got the Starsky and Hutch season 1 DVD collection. Now I have previously stated that the theme music for Season 1 was infinitely superior to the following seasons.


However I was looking for particular episodes that were used to make up the title sequence particularly after Season 1.

One of these was Hutch looking at at girl in a dance bar and Starsky having to wake him up to the fact that they had work to do. Sure enough that episode was on the DVD, it was the last one. What surprised me is the girl was not a as good looking as I recalled. I had her as younger and cuter.

But the BBC never repeated it and it was shown in 1975 and 76. But I thought I had her look down with crystal clarity.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So here I was, looking rather forward to being able to sleep in - the one good thing about being out of work. Then I get rudely awakend at 5:30 or so by a very nasty leg cramp. It doesn;t hurt anymore, but the cramp remains, and I'm still limping from it. It'll make trying to do the house work a barell of laughs.


::sigh:: :(

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Wizkids, DC Unleashed


For those interested; Wizkids has the pictures up for the latest DC set, DC Unleashed. According to my FLGS they are supposed to be arriving today, but I am not going to bet on it. Some of the figs look pretty cool (Metallo looks neat). I don't play Heroclix, but like them for figs for Champs. The generic ones are great for mooks.



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Damn I'm good


I was just adding stuff to the Plot Seeds thread in the Champions forum, and admiring some of my handi work, old and new, and I thought to myself, "Self, you're good." and I had to agree. Now, I'm not one to brag (at least when people get a shot at rebuttle I'm not) but it's been awhile since I've had a real good smug vibe of arrogance going, and I'm not going to let this go to waste.


So...without further ado...


Damn, I'm good.

Seeds of genius even.

Too hot to handle, too cold to hold.

Who's Bad?

Hermit. Sho'Nuff.




We now return me to my regularly scheduled humility.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Mannnn, I hate living this far from HERO Games . . . Just ordered Sidekick from the F-not-so-LGS (something like five hundred miles away), but they haven't gotten it yet . . . And Turakian Age won't show up here until Christmas, I tell you!


Boohoo. :(

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Football team jokes forwarded to me today. Thought I'd share.


Q: Why did the University of Tennessee choose orange as their team color?


A: You can wear it to the game on Saturday, hunting on Sunday, and picking up trash the rest of the week.


Q: What does the average Alabama player get on his SATs?


A: Drool.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's not right that the NCAA basketball tournament is monopolizing the airwaves, but I can't find out if Michigan beat BC for the last spot in the Frozen Four. What, the NCAA will do live scoring for basketball but not hockey? It's just not right. :mad:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've started reading two comic titles again (Birds of Prey and Nightwing) -


Dick is being a little self righteous these days, but he's still cool. He needs to branch out and fight someone other than blockbuster every so often. I get the sense his rogues gallery hasn't grown as quickly as batmans did/has/is.


Birds of Prey has some very good storylines, and I like the fact that it pokes fun at itself (and comic book comic chick conventions) every so often.


The huntress has switched to a new (skimpier) costume. Its sans cross motive (good in my book), but also sans fabric. There were two scenes I really liked in the issue I just read:


Black Canary: what's with the new costume?

Huntress: 700 crunches a day.

Black Canary: say no more.


And then the scene where the valet at a parking garage decided to try to extort a date out of the huntress for information on two bad guys she was looking for. It was amusing - especially since she decided to go out on the date over shooting him in the leg.


It would actually be a funny storyline - the huntress takes him on a "date" (patrol) and he decides maybe he isn't so interested...

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