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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am really surprised the "The Bush Administration is Bigoted?" thread got closed when it did. Sure, it got a little nasty, but nothing that doesn't happen every so often and nothing that bothered me personally. I guess someone must have complained - I keep hearing about people going to "the admins". Other than a few of Galadorn's outbursts and a very very rare occurrence otherwise, I just don't see why people are running to admins and bothering them. Seems childish. Of course I say "seems", as it's just from the vantage point of my virtual armchair here.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I determined once that I do not seem to be vulnerable to addiction to EthOH. I was fairly depressed for a long stretch of time while I was going to OU, and had pretty much stopped going to classes. I was drinking between 1 and 2 litres of 100 proof Vodka a week. Some friends of mine the morning after a particularly bad binge (I was coherent becuase I have an amazing ability to not get hung over) let me know that they were worried that I was becomming an alcoholic. I decided they might be right, so I stopped drinking. At all. Didn't have anything with alcohol in it for 3 years. After 3 years I decided that I was probably pretty safe, and now drink occasionally.


It actually seems that I have a resistance to addiction in general, as I also do not experience any bad effects from stopping my intake of caffiene, even when I've been consuming massive quantities prior to stopping. The worst it ever got was (again) at OU, when I would regularly dissolve No-Doze in Mountain Dew to stay awake for several days. Never had any problems going entirely caffiene free for even months afterwords.


I guess I'm just a mutant. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The alcohol is scarey enough, but damn!!! I thought it was bad when I took cans of mountain dew into the shower with me!


I determined once that I do not seem to be vulnerable to addiction to EthOH. I was fairly depressed for a long stretch of time while I was going to OU, and had pretty much stopped going to classes. I was drinking between 1 and 2 litres of 100 proof Vodka a week. Some friends of mine the morning after a particularly bad binge (I was coherent becuase I have an amazing ability to not get hung over) let me know that they were worried that I was becomming an alcoholic. I decided they might be right, so I stopped drinking. At all. Didn't have anything with alcohol in it for 3 years. After 3 years I decided that I was probably pretty safe, and now drink occasionally.


It actually seems that I have a resistance to addiction in general, as I also do not experience any bad effects from stopping my intake of caffiene, even when I've been consuming massive quantities prior to stopping. The worst it ever got was (again) at OU, when I would regularly dissolve No-Doze in Mountain Dew to stay awake for several days. Never had any problems going entirely caffiene free for even months afterwords.


I guess I'm just a mutant. :D

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I am NOT an Idiot!


I am sick and tired of people treating me like an idiot!


I'm tired of being talked down to, looked down upon, insulted, and treated like a drooling stepchild. I have had ENOUGH!!


I don't think like any other person on the planet. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but to some it's a big shocker! And because my thought processes are different, I don't always get someones' bloody obscure references. That doesn't make me stupid, it makes me a human being.


And I am sick unto death with being bludgeoned with the wrong information repeatedly and in an increasingly condescending tone by someone who is being decidedly obscure. Don't give me the information you gave me before!! Give me new information so I can make sense of the garbage you dumped on me the first time. I'm relatively bright and quick on the uptake, but I can't process information that you won't give me!


I deserve some respect, dammit! At the very least for all the abuse I have to put up with when dealing with people who think that their way is the only way.


Just because I like simple things doesn't mean that I'm simple. I just don't see the attraction of needless complications. I'd rather spend my time on something worthwhile. I've little enough time on this planet as it is.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Gorizia 1947


I was but a small child. I remember the border, a sodier with his rifle, a pack of candies lying on the ground. And my father telling me: "Go, go and pick them up". I am exitant, but I think those candies must be so sweet. I muster some courage and I run. The soldier sees me, and turns the other way. I grab the pack and walk back. I see my grandma smiling. She had thrown me the candies, from the other side. But she had failed to throw them all the way to our side and I had to cross the border to pick them up."


- Nadja Veluscek

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Now that the return of Hal Jordan as Green Lantern has become official, I want to go on record: as someone who has been collecting and thrilling to the adventures of the Emerald Gladiator since the late 70's...




And I will be seriously ticked off it cast such a fantastic character into the trash because a handful of disgruntled fanboys whined about how "their" character was treated.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just wanted to let all of you know that my grandmother passed away last night. It is both a huge relief, because I know that she is not suffering now, nor is she being kept 'alive' in a vegetable state that she did not want, and also a great grief. She has been a constant part of my life since my earliest memories, because my parents and my grandparents jointly worked the farm where I grew up. Many of my happiest memories are associated with my grandparents, and they helped put me through college when I couldn't do it myself.


I am relieved, but I miss her terribly.


Many of you had asked to be kept informed, which is why I am letting you know. The next couple of weeks are likely to be a bit hectic and scattered for me, so if I'm not around much after this weekend, don't worry...I'll just be taking care of necessary business.


Take care all,




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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


How many times do I have to ask people to drop the whole bat fu thing before they actually drop it? :(


And when can I justifiably get angry when they don't? Because, frankly, I'm getting tired of having to ask and not being able to use an avatar I love for fear of it starting in earnest again.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sometimes the most satisfying villain to use in a high powered (500 point PCs) Champions game isn't the 1200 point Mechanon clone, or the 1400 point Doctor Destroyer clone, but the 250 point Doctor Sivana clone.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's been a week now since the week long celebration of Fiesta ended here in San Antonio.


Fiesta is supposed to be a celebration of Texas' independence from Mexico. However, it was Sam Houston who defeated Santa Anna's Army at the Battle of San Jacinto and got him to give Texas it's independence. Now, the city of Houston is named after Sam Houston, yet you don't hear much, if anytlhing, about a celebration of Texas' independence there. Even though, Sam Houston is the man most directly responsible for Texas' independence. :think:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


FINALLY, after a bit less than a couple months (and at that time I wouldn't say it was done with quality) I am back to being caught up (to the extent that I want to be, i certainly don't have time to read all the fora) with the HERO Boards!


Rewarding! Really need to spend more time in Champions and HERO Rules. Same for a few others, lesser degree I suppose though - those 2 are heavy-hitters for me.


Also, I should really start some writing for RPGs. I keep wanting to do it, even went so far as to e-mail Steve on an idea or two although I really just haven't figured out the right niche/approach/what I really want to do. The problem is there's so much out there that's good already - many of the things I want to do I feel like someone else has done better. Except maybe campaign settings? I feel like I could do those. But I tend to enjoy rules stuff more, campaign setting work can get aggravating after a while, it's hard, especially if you want to do it right, then communicating it properly...I dunno. The other thing is I'm not a very good writer (though not that bad a one, I know I COULD do it, I just don't know how "painful" it would be). But I really do enjoy RPG "stuff" and I really feel I want to get more involved. What I really need is someone to say "here, do this." Unfortunately I function well that way (assuming I have leeway in what "this" is and can be creative about it). All my talk of self-realization and the importance of personal lindependence and poo-poohing organized religion and...I function best when I'm told to get something done by a particular date.


Well this qualifies as a random enough musing! Time for BED, methinks!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Actually now I want to stay up for a bit more and just find an active thread but everyone else is asleep or busy I take it...


And it's only 5:13 AM here in South Carolina.



EDIT/PS - well on a whim, for the first time I can remember in fact, I decided to see who has been posting how much to this thread - I expected Worldmaker to be #1, but he's #2 behidn lemming; anyway, the thing is, I noticed I was/am (as of this writing) exactly at 100 posts. This was a waste of a 100th musing! Though in fact I did stay up more - but now really am going to bed (unless somebody just responded to something) - just did a minor, trivial bit of work on getting back into the Unified Framework idea, and then posted back to NGD a new thread (hope you guys like it) - okay g'night for real (and g'night gewing)

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