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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You know that Star Trek: Voyager episode, "Counterpoint", I think it's called? The one where the Voyager crew are smuggling a bunch of telepaths to safety through this region of space occupied by this really powerful race of telepath-hating paranoids and they have to keep hiding them all, along with Tuvok, the telepathic Vulcan, who Janeway claims is dead when the telepath-haters ask about him, in a kind of transporter stasis, like the kind that Scotty used to survive in for eighty years (or whatever) in the Next Generation episode "Relics", because telepathy is illegal in their stellar regime and any telepaths found on board will be captured and killed and the Voyager will be confiscated and turned to scrap or something if they're caught hiding telepaths, and then the Captain of the ship that keeps boarding them shows up and he claims that he's on the run, now, from his own people because he's decided that, hey, telepaths aren't so bad after all, and he and Janeway start to work together on the plan to smuggle the telepaths to safety, and he's supposed to be developing this close relationship with Janeway even though the two of them have no chemistry together and he never, ever, not for one second seems like anything other than a duplicitous git, and in the background for, like, every scene there's this piece of music with a strong counterpoint -get it?-, and then, just when they finally get to where they're supposed to hand over the telepaths to a ship that will get them out of that part of space the alien Captain guy turns out to have been -gasp!- just pretending all along to be a good guy, and he really still just wants to catch the telepaths and his ship is on its way to arrest them all, and Tuvok, the telepath, who's been hiding in the transporter beam so the alien regime doesn't know Voyager has a telepath on board says, "I'll be on the bridge" just before the telepath-hating aliens show up, and then -ha,ha!- it turns out Janeway never really trusted the alien Captain and she's outwitted him and there are no more telepaths on board, except for Tuvok on the bridge, of course, but the telepath-haters don't notice him even though he's supposed to be dead because any telepath found on board will be arrested, and then Janeway looks all wistful, like she wishes she really could have trusted this guy, and then the alien captain lets Voyager go, ostensibly so the whole incident never appears on his record, but you're supposed to just know it's because he, too, wishes it could have worked out with Janeway even though they have, you know, no onscreen chemistry whatsoever, and Voyager and a misty-eyed Janeway go on their merry way. You know the episode I mean?



I really hate that episode.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Something is wrong with the Atlanta airport. It's not just that the hallway configuration is often too small for the crowds or that it's just such a big hub anyway. No, I've been in big airports like Frankfort and O'Hare. Niether of those have the lurking quality of evil that surrounds the Atlanta airport. Call it New Age mysticism or misguided sentiments based on a bad experience that I can't recall, call it what you will, but I truly believe something is wicked around that airport, something is terribly wrong there.


I think the Atlanta airport should have been listed among Dante's levels.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Here I am after another shopping trip. Upset.


I remembered today while reading the boards, I forgot to do something I was going to do today -- get some chocolates for mother's day. My parents are at the moment picking up the gusts (their friends from London) that are the reason I'm sleeping next door tonight and until Sunday next week (they are boarding in my room*). (I may do a day by day musing sort of like a dirary entry kinda thing.)


I quickly rush off to the supermarket, quickly get the chocolates (for me to eat also) and head to the checkout. Knowing that they are reasonably costly I use my credit card -- my first mistake. Unusualy for me, I swipe the card, select the account, yadda yadda yadda, I'm sure you know the drill. I then put my card away and put my wallet in my pocket. The checkout-chick says "I'll need to see your signature on the card". I gnore her and and sign the paper. She repeats her request, and I ignore her a second time. Just about to pcik the chocolates up and go, when a third time I get the card out flash it to her for a second (litterally, I don't know if the signature was upside down or not),put it away, grab the bag and get out of there as quickly as possible. I here the words as I'm leaving "do you want a receipt, but by then I've ignored her for a third time. Upset and very frustrated.


Why simple. I'm tired of proving myself time and time again that I am the same person who owns this card and you treat me like I'm not -- a virtual or potential criminal. I feel like a bit of my dignity is being lost each time I make a simple transaction. Credit card purchases equals a sacrifice of a small part of human dignity. (The proverbial 'pound of flesh' from Merchant of Venice.) At least I don't have to go through this procedure with my friendly Comics Book Guy, who does know me.


So my parents are unawares that I've been out and go my mum her mothers day present. All that would give it away are chocolates int he 'other' fridge.



* I put up a sign "£150.00 per night" on my bedroom door.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Anyone notice the slight irony with Ben's sticky thread about reputation and we gav him heaps for his birthday?


Surprisingly, Reputation on the Hero Boards means just about as much as your post count.



Does this mean the NGD's present to our BENevolent moderator is "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING"? :confused:
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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Kee went to visit her mother this weekend for Mother's day. So that meant that yesterday, Friday morning, we had to put her stuff in her truck so she could head out immediately after work.


So I've picked up a box containing a bunch of stuff she uses for making Pysanki (Ukranian Easter Eggs), and I'm going to take it out to the truck. Unfortunately, Kee has stacked other stuff she needs to take by the door, so I can't open the door.


So I'm trying to open the door with one hand, holding the box in the other, and shifting the stacked stuff backwards with my right foot and moving backwards as I shift things. So my weight is really on my left foot. And I shift backwards... and step off the landing.


I lose my balance and my grip on the doorknob. I'm trying to keep from dropping the box. I fall back into the wall behind me, and start to slide along the wall. I fetch up against an anitque radio cabinet that I inherited from my grandmother. And it starts moving, too.


The radio cabinet pitches over, dumping everything off the top and I fall to the floor. About the only thing that I accomplished is NOT dropping the box I was supposed to be carrying out to the truck.


So we're picking the cabinet back up to see what got broken falling onto the floor... and the cabinet won't stand. One of the front legs snapped off.


I don't know if I can find someone who can fix it. I may have just destroyed an antique.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Reasons I Love Being a Chef, #3 In a Series: Buying a whole bird, then taking two minutes to break it down into its boneless, skinless components is cheaper than buying it already broken down, bones and skins already missing.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Its been a long week.


My first week on the job was essentially a good one. The work of testing is repetitive, but interests me at the same time. Plus since I am testing internet access, I get to web-surf a little bit and keep up with me message boards and e-mail. The fact that I work so close to where my two best friends in the world live is also a big plus.


On the downside (there is always a downside), it takes an hour to get to work when traffic is normal – longer when it is not. And since this is DC traffic we’re discussing, there is plenty of not-normal traffic. One day it took 1.5 hours to get to work, it took 1.75 hours the next… even when I tried to leave early to make up lost time. Fortunately, it wasn’t held against me. Everyone who works there understands the traffic situation, and people trickle in from 7 – 10.


Another downside is that I need to get up early for the commute, which means I should be getting to bed early. Only late night is the one and only time during the day I have to connect with a dear frined of mine – a connection that matters a lot to me. End result, I’m tired.


But on Friday, I had to take one of our gaming friends home, and I nearly fell asleep on the drive back to my place. Then it was p and about at a reasonable hour to make the 3 hour drive to my mom’s house – spending Mother’s Day weekend with her has become a tradition. Only she’s got bronchitis, so we haven’t been able to do much. She’s trying to sleep, but every so often I hear her loud, painful coughing. I just hope I do not either catch this myself and/or give it to my Sweetie, White Heat – who is prone to sinus infections and the associated illnesses.


But overall, my life is in the best place its been in a very long time. I’m working, and thanks to the refinancing, I’ll be able to pay off my credit card debts, and finally be able to start saving money again. So even if I should lose this job in five weeks, it will not be so crippling as before. This has put White Heat into a happier mood as well, and her happiness makes me happy, and makes the home life far more tranquil.


Last, but not least, I have very good friends – one in particular – who have been such positive influences on my life, it is nothing short of a miracle. It is very rare in my life that when I go to pray, all I feel the need to say is...


“Thank you.â€

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You'd think Lowe's and Home Depot would be about the same, but for whatever reason Home Depot never, ever has what I'm looking for, while Lowe's always does. It's weird. I always wind up trying Home Depot first, because it's closer, but once again today's trip to Home Depot was a complete failure while the subsequent trip to Lowe's was a huge success. I think I should just stop trying Home Depot already.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Mission of Burma's new album is already sold out at one of our local stores! So I don't have it yet (and what bugs me is I iloaned their older CDs to someone and now I fear they are long gone), but GOOD FOR THEM!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Kee went down to Raleigh this weekend to visit with her mom for Mother's Day. I stayed home to take care of the cats.


Well, Kee's mom has been having problems with her computer so Kee took a hard drive with her to back up her mom's computer so she could re-load the system and upgrade her to Win2K form Win 98. She drove down on Friday after work. Saturday morning, they started working on the computer.


They're still working on it.


She's staying down there tonight, and will be getting up at 4 AM tomorrow to drive back and go directly to work. Then, after work, she has a class out past College Park. Her class usually runs late, and then it's another hour drive home.


Effectively, I won't be able to spend any time with my wife until Tuesday after work.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just got off the phone with my mom. Always an odd conversation. My mom can suck the life out of Richard Simmons. Found out my second cousin got committed. Which is pissing me off since when I met her five years ago she seemed like a bright enough kid, but her parents wouldn't let her be bright. I don't really know the whole story, I'm just annoyed.

The rest of the phone call was pretty much par for the course with my mom. Bunch of people died that I hadn't seen since I was 5, etc...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My heel hurts today.


It's about time I see a foot specialist for this year anyway, being diabetic and all that. Hopefully, it's only because I may need some new sneakers and not some sort of "problem." Also, the limping I've been doing is aggravating the knee with the torn ligaments and that degenerative "whatever."


I'm telling you. If they decide it's time to start amputating stuff...I'M CALLING IT QUITS!!!


It sucks getting old :(.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was "forced" yesterday to watch the movie How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days.


Firstly, I hate romantic comedies. Secondly, I'm sick and tired of seeing these romance movies that always have two people who are obviously perfect for each other. Then they meet under some sort of circumstances where one or both needs to use, cheat, lie, betray, or mislead the other. Then, when they find out they break up and then suddenly they realize they are in love and get back together in some sort of pumped up, baloney, tripe-riddled scene that makes the women and guys go "awwwww."


Oh yeah, I'll take you back after all the lying, cheating, betraying, whatever, and all you have to do is make an ass out of yourself while running back to me and then make some gooey, sappy, speech and everything is right as rain.


It'd be more like, "HIT THE ROAD YOU PSYCHO!!! :tonguewav:tonguewav:tonguewav:tonguewav

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Now that the doctor has seen the CT scan of my sinuses, I have a one month supply of a sulfa drug antibiotic. I sure hope I don't have an allergy to it.


My dad is apparently allergic to one member of the family, but no-one knows what it was, since it was 60 years ago.

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